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Oftentimes, program planning is only done to satisfy or comply with requirements and

therefore the quality of the plan is sacrificed. Sometimes an outsider who is conscious only of
the format does it. As duty bearers, the nutrition workers must observe that these principles
are being integrated in NPM.

Benefits of Local Nutrition Program Management

The benefits of local NPM are as follows:
1. guide LCEs, local legislators, and other key actors on priority issues to be addressed;
2. contribute in the setting up of the local legislative agenda (what nutrition policy issues
need to be given priority for legislative action);
3. provide direction to nutrition service providers in determining actions to be done to
address priority issues;
4. provide a framework for making decisions concerning nutrition;
5. set the direction to provide continuity during changes in political administration; and
6. contribute to sustainable effort to achieve local food and nutrition security.

Ensuring Good Nutrition Programs using Rights-Based

You know that you are employing the rights-based approach if:
• the most vulnerable people are reached through appropriate targeting mechanism;
• interventions identified are based on the needs and problems (relevant/responsive) of the
target group and available resources (appropriate design);
• the interventions reach (equity) and can improve and secure the nutritional situation of
the malnourished target group (effective) at the lowest cost (efficient); and
• the outcomes are sustained.

Module 3: Integrating NPM in the Local Governance and Development System 13

Activity 3.1. Implementation of Nutrition Policies
relevant to LGUs
Refer to the list of nutrition policies relevant to LGUs and answer the following questions.
1. Which of the laws/policies are adopted and implemented in your LGU?

2. What can be done to make sure that these laws/policies are implemented effectively?

3. Do you follow the synchronized local planning activities and their corresponding time
frame? If no, what is the schedule of the planning activities in your LGU?

Module 3: Integrating NPM in the Local Governance and Development System 30

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