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Grade 11 ICT

Teaching Assessment 4
AY 2023-2024

Student Name Raw Score

Class Cambridge Grade

Teacher MOET Score

Grade 11 ICT CEP March 2024

Time: 45 minutes
Teaching Assessment 4


Ensure your application shows the measurements in Unit Inches

Download all the files required for the Teaching Assessment

Complete all the questions in this file.

Ensure you Save your file after completing each question.

Attach and submit all the required documents securely to the MS Team at the end of the examination.

The number of marks is given in brackets ( ) at the end of each question or part
question. The total number of points for this paper is 100.

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Teaching Assessment Tasks

Open the TA4_working file.accdb database and do the following tasks.

1. Export the Customers table to Excel (accept all the default settings). (5 pts)
2. Export the Products table to Word (use the Rich Text format option and accept all other default
settings). (5 pts)
3. Open the Customers table and do the following:
a. Create a short text field named City after the Address field. (5 pts)
b. Unhide all the fields on the table. (5 pts)
c. Freeze the Customer ID and the Company Name fields. (5 pts)
d. Add the description “Our loyal customers” to the Customers table. (5 pts)
e. Sort the table records in ascending order by the Country field. (5 pts)
f. Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a detailed query that contains all the fields in the
table. Name the query Customer_Query. (5 pts)
4. Open the Product table and do the following:
a. Create an advanced filter by using criteria that filter for Product Unit prices greater than $50
(>50). Apply the filter, and then save the filter as a query with the name Expensive Product.
(5 pts)
b. Create a validation rule for the UnitPrice field so that amounts entered must be greater
than $0. Enter the validation text “The price cannot be less than or equal $0”. (5 pts)
c. Set the Default Value for the UnitsInStock field to 0 (number zero). (5 pts)
d. Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a detailed query that contains ProductID,
ProductName, SupplierID, and CategoryID fields in the table. (5 pts)
5. Open the CampaignExpenses table and create an input mask for the DatePurchased field that uses
the Sh ort Date format. (5 pts)
6. Open the ManyToMany query and do the following:
a. From the Orders table, add the CustomerID and EmployeeID fields to the query. (5 pts)
b. Apply the Standard Brown color as the alternating row color. (5 pts)
c. Add criteria that return only the Product named "Alice Mutton" and “Chang”. (5 pts)
7. Open the OneToMany query and do the following:
a. Hide the RequiredDate and ShippedDate fields. (10 pts)
b. Add the ProductID fields from the Order Details table to the query. (10 pts)

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Save the database file under this format: TA4_your full name. For example, student name: Nguyen Thanh
Nam, file name: TA4_nguyenthanhnam.accdb
Submit the correct version of the following file to your teacher.
TA4_your full name.accdb
The Excel file in question 1
The Word File in question 2

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