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MM 3-2
I Got you!
Category: Extension Project

Goal and Objective:

- To check and have an update from every class.

Mechanics of Implementation:

- We will conduct a meeting where we will ask them on how's their month going or how
are they. For us to take note and have heads up and update from them from time to

Effect of this Event in Marketing Management:

- This will help us to build connection and be more effective with student for us to come
up with more efficient projects and a better environment.
Stay Safe
Category: Extension Project

Goal and Objective:

- To ensure safety
Mechanics of Implementation:

- We will give 2 face mask on the first day of face to face to every marketing student.

Effect of this Event in Marketing Management:

- To make sure that all of them will be safe and has protection whenever we conducted a
face to face. For them to know that we care for their health.
Thank you
Category: Extension Project

Goal and Objective:

- Appreciate the effort of professors

Mechanics of Implementation:

- Proceeding a meeting or a little surprise to their professors. This can be a letter, video or
what that the student will be presenting right after the meeting with their prof. Will
conduct this for a week long just for them to cover ever professor that they have.

Effect of this Event in Marketing Management:

- To build connection and to give thanks for the hardwork and sacrifices of our professor
despite of the current set-up.
Be my Santa
Category: Outreach Program

Goal and Objective:

- It aims to help and provide something for an MM student. Specially on Christmas day. This time
of pandemic and even not of pandemic not all family could afford a feast or food on their table
during Christmas time or even on daily day because of lack of finance. I think this event could
help some, not even a help but also to put smile on their face. Wherein we celebrate the main
point of Christmas, not about receiving gifts but the one who sends love and present for them.

Mechanics of Implementation:

- We will post the ad that we are looking for a family to help on our page. Then we will
open our gmail account for their recipient suggestion and they have to tell us why they
are worthy receiving . It could be them, their friend, family or someone they know who
needs it and worth receiving.


Effect of this Event in Marketing Management:

- We, as a Marketer and also a college students aims to help the community even on little
things. A help that doesn't mean necessarily a thing but also intangible things just like
moment and precious time that we can share. Christmas is about making the family
united, and we, JMS, would be glad if we will be a part of it.
Holloween Event
Category: Extension Project

Goal and Objective:

- To showcase every students talent and to highlight their skill by simply providing an
activity where the could participate.
Mechanics of Implementation:

- They will post their entry on social media then the winners will be chosen via voting and
judging. We will make 30% only on voting to be fair with some other participants that
doesn’t have enough connection in terms of social media. This event can be divided into
categories. Such as Costume Making, Tiktok Video, Short Story and Make-up

Effect of this Event in Marketing Management:

- This event will help students of marketing to be more confident and let them explore
their talent. As part of our field which is marketing, where we make ourselves
presentably, this event can help some of the other student to be more confident and
brave for who athey are and what skill that they have.
Category: Marketing Competition

Goal and Objective:

- It aims to build connection and acquaintances

Mechanics of Implementation:

- Gather a team of five/sex per section just to be their representative for

tournament. CODM // MLBB // Other game that their preferred..

Effect of this Event in Marketing Management:

- For them to have an interaction with some other year and to build a bond
and uncover their skills in terms of survival games.

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