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1. Median (adj): average
2. Lament (v): regret, feel sorry for/about
3. Critique (v): to analyze/weigh pros & cons
4. Underscore (v): highlight/emphasize
5. Bellicose (adj): bad-tempered, angry, belligerent, acrimonious
6. Repulse (v): push away, repel, (opposite:attract)
7. Plummet (v): fall/decrease/decline (very fast)
8. Annihilate (v): wipe out, destroy
9. Satisfy (v): sate, satiated, fulfill
10. Craft (n): any artistic talent
(Crafty (adj) (-): cunning, manipulative, foxy,wily
11. Inhale (v): Breath in, draw in
12. Provoke (v) (-): instigate, ignite
13. Carcass (n): dead body
14. Profane (adj): vulgar, indecent, cheap
(Profanity (n): vulgarity)
15. Melancholic (adj): sad,gloomy,dark
16. Spontaneous (adj): natural, unreheared
17. Felicity (n): (1) happiness (2) comfort,ease
18. Posterity (n): following generations, progeny,descendants
19.Subvert (v): weaken from the base/foundation
(Subversive (adj): damaging, destructive)
(Subversion (n): act of destroying
20. Deletrious (adj): damaging, destructive, fatal
21. Braggadocio (n): bragging, showing-off
22. Jarring (adj): not musical, harsh to the ear
23. Melodic (adj): musical, lilting, melodious
24. Prestige (n): reputation, good name, honor
25. Transcend (v): rise above an ordinary level
26. Break ground (phrase): go against tradition to do something new
27. Punctilious (adj): attentive to detail, meticulous

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