App Requirements

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High Level Functional Requirements

In the initial launch the application will be PWA based only. However, the architecture should allow
building Android and iOS Apps if required in the future. The solution of API interface is acceptable. The
enhancement in cost due to this modification may be more clearly outlined.

There are following users involved in the system

1. Admin
2. Work Order Manager
3. Sales Supervisor
4. Sales Representative
5. Work Order Receptionist
6. Production (Various Stages)

Hierarchy of Sales Structure

Tier 1: Sales Supervisor (Multi)
Tier 2: Sales Representative (Multi)
Tier 3: Delivery Person (Multi)

Hierarchy of Production Stages

Tier 1: Supervisor
Tier2: Artisan

Main features for each user

1. Registration of all users
2. Approving registration of doctors (as raised by sales team)
3. Removal of users
4. Assignment/Reassignment of sales team with respective doctors
5. MIS generation (To be defined in detail)

1. Registration:
• Login id:
• Number verification: Through OTP at the time of registration of the user
• Password to be set at the time of registration
• Password management: through e-mail
• No other details to be provided for registration by the doctor for ease of registration.
• Other user details in the database to be added at the backend by the admin/sales
• Password need not be required every time the user uses the App. Auto login
subsequently after first registration in a phone.
2. Placing an order
• Single swipe order placement option. Requirement to be notified to the
corresponding salesperson who would contact the doctor for collecting the order. No
details would be required to be given by the doctor at this stage
• Detailed order Form (Format would be provided)
• ‘Make a call’ tab to be given (Call to be placed to the assigned sales representative)
3. Managing order
• Menu to be provided to view
i. Past Orders
ii. Current orders under production
iii. Suitable interface to be provided with suitable filters to help him navigate to
the desired order (By Order Type, By Patient Name, By Date, By Month etc)
• For current orders
i. Doctor should be able to view the ‘Work Order Form’
ii. User should be able to view the status (Separate button (quick link) to be
provided prominently on home page for this purpose)
iii. User should be able to give special instruction (Same is to be notified to the
salesperson as well as specified nodal point in Lab)
iv. Cancel Order (Only before the order has entered the production line)
v. Halt the production
• For Past Orders
i. User should be able to see complete chronology of the order from order
placement to delivery
ii. Should be able to see the communication history if any
iii. Invoice details for every order
• Post Delivery
i. Raising a request for rework/correction (This should be available only within
two working day of delivery)
4. Accounts
i. Invoice raised (Suitable interface to be provided with suitable filters to help
him navigate to the desired order (By Order Type, By Patient Name, By Date,
By Month etc))
ii. History of past payments
iii. Credit notes if raised any
iv. Amount due as on date
v. Link for online payment
5. Contact us details would contain
• Assigned salesperson and his contact number
• Direct contact number of Lab

Work Order Manager

1. Registering the order
• For online orders, generating the barcode
• For orders received through manual form submission, completing the order
specification in the work order form and generating the barcode
• For incomplete online orders, completing the order specification in the work order
form and generating the barcode
• Generating Specification sheet for the order
2. Preparing for Dispatch
• Entering the name of supervisors and artisans for every stage of production before
marking the order ready for delivery
• Generating invoice
3. Capturing Payment details

• Every Stage should be able to see the list of pending work items along with the duration
of pendency
• Every stage should be able to mark the completion by scanning the barcode and pushing
the order to the next stage

Sales Representative
1. Raising a doctor registration request
2. Managing Incoming Orders
• Notification for online orders
• For orders received manually/telephonically, he should be able to generate new work
• Enter Doctor name
• Enter Patient name
• Assign delivery person
• Modify order
• Give special instruction for each order
• Assign required delivery date
3. Monitoring
• List of current pending orders along with status. (He should be able to view details of
individual selected orders)
4. Marketing Management
• Date of Visit to a Doctor
• MOM, Special Observations
• Next proposed date of visit
• Assigning stage to a doctor form the point of view of prospecting
• Generate Doctors Visit Plan for week, month to be submitted to Admin
5. MIS
• List of past completed orders (MIS formats to be decided) (Suitable interface to be
provided with suitable filters (By Order Type, By Doctor Name, By Date, By Month
• Doctor-wise report of orders
• Marketing Reports
i. Doctors visited in a week, month, past x days, overdue etc.
ii. Generate reports by doctors in various stages of prospecting
• Accounts Report
iii. Invoice by Month, by date
iv. Payments received by month, by date
v. Unpaid invoice by month, by date, total
6. Actions
• Sales Representative should be able to modify delivery person name from a default
value (as per the default assignment)
• Raising a request for a credit note for a doctor
7. Directory of all doctors in the city in which the sales representative is operating should be
available in the system

Sales Supervisor
Sales supervisor will have all the same functionalities as sales representative except that for all the
reports an additional attribute of ‘Sales Representative’ would be available as filter criteria. He should
be able to see all the reports by the ‘Sales Representative’ also. Also he should be able to modify the
sales representative assigned to a doctor

Delivery Person
1. List of incoming orders for pickup
2. List of orders ready for delivery
3. Notification management system for the above

Salient Features of System

1. Every doctor will have a default value of sales supervisor, sales representative and delivery
person assigned at the time of registration of the doctor itself.
2. The name of doctor, sales supervisor/representative/delivery person, productions person will
not be free text anywhere. It will have to be selected from the existing values. (Recommender
system to be applied to these fields in the form for dropdown menu)
3. No downloads to be allowed to Sales Supervisor and Sales Representative

To be finalised
1. Final Workflow
2. Notification Management System for all users (Should be customisable at the end of client)
3. MIS Formats
4. Definition of Production stages (Dependent on order type)
5. Registration Form for Doctors
6. Format of Work Order Forms
7. Format of Specification Sheet for production

Points to be deliberated
1. Payment gateway
2. Integration with WhatsApp
3. Barcode System Integration
4. Customizability of the features of the App
5. Data archiving policy
Sample Work Order Form

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