PowerBI Ques

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AdventureWorks Project

1. Create a new PowerBI project, in the same folder as the datafiles.

2. Name the PowerBI project with your Full Name.pbix
3. Load all the dataset files provided for AdventureWorks case study
4. Rename the tables to prefix AW_<data_table>
a. For eg., AW_Calendar, AW_Customers, AW_Product_Category etc
5. Ensure the cardinality of all the table relationship in Model View

Task 1 Create the following Columns in • Day Name

Calendar table • Day of Week
• Month Name
• Start of Week
• Start of Month
• Weekend (Y,N)
• Short Month Name (JAN, FEB)
Task 2 Create the following MEASURE in • Average Income
Customers table • Total Customers
• Single Orders (Total Orders placed by
customers who are single)

Task 3 Create the following Columns in • EmailID

Customers table. (firstname.lastname@awcustomer.com)
• Age
For EmailID, Right click on the table
name to create ‘a new column’ and
write the function using & symbol for
concatenation. Similar to Excel
Task 4 Append the Sales data of 2015, 2016,
2017 into a single table (query) as
Task 5 Create the following Columns in • FullProductName (Use Comma as delimiter
Products table on the given ProductName column to extract
the name)

Task 6 Create the following MEASURE in • Total Orders
Sales Master table • Total Cost
• Total Revenue
• Total Profit
• Target Revenue
• Total Qty Sold
• Weekend Orders
• YTD Revenue
• Average Sales per Order
Task 7 Create the following MEASURE in • Bulk Orders
Products table: • Product Models

Bulk Orders = CALCULATE([Total Orders],Sales_Master[OrderQuantity] > 1)

Product Models = DISTINCTCOUNT(Product[ModelName])
YTD Revenue = CALCULATE([Total Revenue], DATESYTD(Calendar[Date]))
AdventureWorks Project

Create the following Visual on the Report view, as per the details below.

Note: You may have to use the Visual element properties or create additional
columns/measure if necessary

Task 8 On the top left corner of the Report, add an appropriate company logo for AW
Task 9 Include a Card titled as ‘CEO’ with your Full Name below in the card
Task 10 Display Top 3 Country names by Profit in a single visual element
Task 11 Display the product name titled as ‘Top Product by Orders’
Task 12 Display the product name titled as ‘Top Product by Revenue’
Task 13 Display the Top 10 in a table format with Product Name and Total Orders as
Task 14 Display the Tree Map by Category and enable drill down feature for interaction
Task 15 Display the Gauge visual to show the Total Orders and Order Target

Order Target = [Prev Month Orders] * 1.1

Prev Month Orders = CALCULATE ([Total Orders], DATEADD(Calendar[Date],-


Task 16 Display a slicer to enable filtering by Continent

Task 17 Display a slicer to enable filtering by Year
Task 18 Create a new Report Page (in the same project file) exclusively for North
America and complete the following tasks
Task 19 Display the Gauge visual to show the Total Revenue and Target Revenue

Revenue Target = [Prev Month Revenue] * 1.1

Prev Month Revenue = CALCULATE([Total Revenue],DATEADD(Calendar[Date],-


Task 20 Load the Returns dataset and create a Line graph to show the Total returns by
Year, Quarter, Month and Day
(will be discussed further in the next session)

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