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Nowadays, the world is facing many changes.

Despite many investments in biotechnology,

some diseases still require costly treatment. Contrary to this, some think that it would be better to
use this money on prevention measures. In order to analyse this topic further, important factors,
such as social awareness, potential costs, and technological advancements must be discussed.

First and foremost, investing in treatment can result in brand new methods of therapy.
When it comes to treating diseases, funding biochemical research benefits efficiency and helps in
advancements. Thus, investing in research may bring new ways of curing illnesses. Contrary to
prevention, methods of therapy can be passed on to other generations, proving funding research
more efficient.

On the other hand, investing in preventative measures helps spread awareness. Creating
campaigns, not only in real life but also in social media, helps in informing the society. Such
campaigns can warn people from certain actions that could risk in getting an illness. This mean of
prevention helps in educating people around the world about potential diseases, thus humans are
less prone to sicknesses that currently lack treatment.

Additionally, investing in preventative measures is less expensive than researching

treatment. Contrary to costly equipment needed for experimentation, many means of preventions
prove cheaper. Preventing sicknesses results in not needing special treatment, thus the number of
patients requiring expensive therapy methods decreases. This view not only helps in decreasing the
amount of sick, but also in saving potential funds.

In conclusion, the best way is to find a balance between investing money in treatment and
funding preventative measures. Depending on the number of ill people and the severity of the
disease, governments should act accordingly to the situation.

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