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Online surveys

Cultural Competence in Teaching

Showing 7 of 7 responses
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Response rate: 7%

Self-Assessment and Practices

1 How frequently do you incorporate culturally diverse examples and perspectives in your teaching

a. Never 0

b. Rarely 2 (33.3%)

c. Occasionally 2 (33.3%)

d. Frequently 1 (16.7%)

e. Always 1 (16.7%)

1.a To what extent do you believe that cultural competence is a crucial aspect of effective teaching?

a. Not essential at all 0

b. Somewhat essential 0

c. Moderately essential 2 (33.3%)

d. Very essential 1 (16.7%)

e. Extremely essential 3 (50%)

1.b How often do you participate in professional development activities specifically focused on
enhancing cultural competence in teaching?

a. Never 4 (66.7%)

b. Rarely 1 (16.7%)

c. Occasionally 0

d. Frequently 1 (16.7%)

e. Always 0

1.c In your opinion, how well does your current curriculum address the cultural diversity present in
your classroom?

a. Very poorly 0

b. Poorly 2 (33.3%)

c. Adequately 2 (33.3%)

d. Well 1 (16.7%)

e. Very well 1 (16.7%)

Multi answer: Percentage of respondents who selected each answer option (e.g. 100% would
represent that all this question's respondents chose that option)

1.d How comfortable are you with facilitating discussions on cultural differences within the classroom

a. Very uncomfortable 0

b. Uncomfortable 0

c. Neutral 3 (50%)

d. Comfortable 2 (33.3%)

e. Very comfortable 1 (16.7%)

Multi answer: Percentage of respondents who selected each answer option (e.g. 100% would
represent that all this question's respondents chose that option)

1.d.i To what degree do you believe cultural competence positively influences students' academic

a. Not at all 1 (16.7%)

b. Slightly 0

c. Moderately 2 (33.3%)

d. Significantly 1 (16.7%)

e. Extremely 2 (33.3%)

2 Can you provide an example of a specific challenge you've encountered in promoting cultural
competence in your teaching, and how you addressed it?

Showing first 5 of 6 responses

Equating the Greek philosophers theory of 'Atomos', indivisible units of 1123649-1123631-119702998

matter with the later Western scientific evidence-based developments.
Understanding the significance of free-thinking and structured

I'm an African descent and I had a racist students, who was bold in 1123649-1123631-119893692
expressing his disapproval for migration. We had a conversation and I
explained how some people NEED to leave their country.

Absolutely! One challenge I encountered in promoting cultural 1123649-1123631-119910800

competence was ensuring that the course materials reflected a diverse
range of perspectives. To address this, I incorporated a variety of
culturally relevant examples and case studies into my lessons. It not
only made the content more inclusive but also sparked engaging
discussions among students.

I work in a communist country. We are prohibited from promoting 1123649-1123631-119947722

multicultural competencies.

Recent class reading book “boy at the back of the class” - lot of 1123649-1123631-120030895
discussion and investigation into Syrian war, refugees etc

2.a How do you ensure that your teaching materials and examples are inclusive of diverse cultural

Showing first 5 of 6 responses

I always point out that in science, everything is theory and could be 1123649-1123631-119702998
disproven, so be open to alternative ideas.

The website I normally take my material from, ensures material are 1123649-1123631-119893692
diverse especially in their stories.

I'm committed to making sure my teaching materials are inclusive of 1123649-1123631-119910800

diverse cultural perspectives. One way I achieve this is by regularly
reviewing and updating my content to ensure representation from
various cultures. I also encourage student participation, inviting them
to share their own cultural insights.

includes pictures from diverse backgrounds. 1123649-1123631-119947722

Not sure that we do really 1123649-1123631-120030895

2.b What steps do you think educational institutions should take to foster a more culturally competent
teaching environment?

Showing first 5 of 6 responses

Consideration of culturally diverse contexts for learning and the 1123649-1123631-119702998


They could encourage and organise some courses that informs people 1123649-1123631-119893692

I believe creating a culturally competent teaching environment 1123649-1123631-119910800

requires a collective effort. First, educational institutions should
prioritize diversity and inclusion in their policies. Offering regular
professional development on cultural competence for educators is
crucial. Also, promoting an inclusive curriculum that reflects a variety
of cultural perspectives can significantly contribute. Lastly, fostering
open communication and creating spaces for discussions on cultural
competency can help build a supportive community.

Ensure all perspectives are considered not just all people. take into 1123649-1123631-119947722
consideration diversity amongst studnets when creating etc.

Ethos of acceptance of all, anti bulllying, no discrimination 1123649-1123631-120030895

2.c What steps do you think educational institutions should take to foster a more culturally competent
teaching environment?

Showing first 5 of 6 responses

High quality CPD regarding cultural competence. 1123649-1123631-119702998

THE QUESTION IS REPEATED 1123649-1123631-119893692

I already answered this question!! 1123649-1123631-119910800

same as above 1123649-1123631-119947722

This question is a repeat of above? 1123649-1123631-120030895


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