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Individual Self Evaluation Report based on the presentation on 23rd of June 2011






London, 14th July 2011


1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 4. The Harvard reference format 5. The PowerPoint Slides 6. Conclusion 7. Recommendations 8. Self Evaluation 9. Bibliography

HUMN 500

Vocational Skills Development Rashid


Introduction As mentioned in our collective report, Immigration has been a great concern for the country Government and the issues and problems it brings with it self. Well, as for as my part is concerned in the collective effort is related with the cost and the benefits of immigration. I tried my level best to find out the costs and benefits of immigration and have given some suggestions for the solution. IN the presentation we tried to highlight all sides of the immigration, the problems that may be come but also the benefit that in our opinion has the immigration for the European Union. However, at the end of the presentation, we felt that we have explained a lot of stuff on immigration. However, I underwent my researches, I use news papers such as the Guardian, internet was very useful of my research, I have also made use of broad casting news channels, such as the BBC, CNN news. Te amount of research finding were a quite a lot, and I find it hard to process at some point, but some of the source made it quite easy, as it was user-friendly. This research gave me different concepts involved around this extremist far-Right rise, mostly associated with cost of immigration; furthermore I have come to make some benefits.

Literature Review As It was discussed that the framework of the presentation would be like

General benefits on immigration

Effect of benefits of immigration in Europe

Costs of the Immigration

Effect of cost of immigration

Problems related with the Immigration

Conclusion and Recommendation

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Thats why we all tried our level best to clear the main ideas and issues regarding the immigration in European countries. For this, I have researched my topic from the internet, journals and general survey from the masses. Methodology

Presentation plan: we sat down and planned the presentation amongst the group. We planned the time schedule for the presentation. We planned that everyone will bring in there ideas. Material Preparation: The presentation was power point based. We collaborated all the material on different slides and finalised the slides with discussion in the group Presentation practice: We practiced before the presentation, and tried to improve with the ideas pitched in by the group members. Among the team, we rehearsed before the final presentation day. We prepared the answers for different questions. We tried to question each other. So that we will be fully prepared to answer different questions asked after the presentation.

1. The Harvard reference format The Harvard system is an easy format to acknowledge the use of other peoples' work. The rule depends of the kind of source that we are referring, whether it is a book, newspaper article, magazine or website.

The PowerPoint Slides The purpose of PowerPoint slides is always to explain the bullets on slides by the presenter. So there wasnt any bombardment of the bullets and full story but four to five bullets/slide with the fine readable colour combination.

6. Conclusion While summing up, my presentation has discussed some issues and problems of the immigration, followed by its benefits giving impetus to countys economy. This was great group work we have get skill how to work each other, and this experience definitely will help us in our future life. And I have got a lot of confidence in myself by this way.

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Vocational Skills Development Rashid


I learnt many things in the vocational skills class, so I am able to apply this knowledge in my future academic and professional life.

7. Recommendations

1. Immigrants in a certain help to achieve economic growth, they do sometimes pose some problems but we should check out the overall benefit. 2. The developed countries need to make certain arrangements to help the poor countries to rectify the economic, social and other uprising political problems. 3. A presentation has to be preparing with a responsibility, the job as a group is important to achieve the goal.


Self evaluation

This presentation gave me the chance to explore more knowledge on immigration conflict in the European Union. I feel that my presentation and my material were both pretty well. My material restated the main ideas about our topic; however, I could have probably explained my topic with a more interesting and lasting statement. As far as organization, I felt that I followed the model for the most part of cost and benefits on immigration. For the preparation we all members of the group were contact to each other via phone calls, and Email. Finally I just want to add, that we tried to do our best during the presentation.

9. Bibliography

1. Hadley, R.D. and Wilson, H.I.M. (2003), the network model of internationalisation and experiential knowledge, International Business Review, Vol. 12 No. 6, p. 697. 2. Guo, R. (2004), How culture influences foreign trade: evidence from the U.S. and China, Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 785-812.
3. Gould, D.M. (1994), Immigrant links to the home country: empirical implications for US bilateral trade flows, Review, Vol. 76, pp. 302-16. 4. Girma, S. and Yu, Z. (2002), the link between immigration and trade: evidence from the UK, Weltwirschaftliches Archive, Vol. 138. HUMN 500 Vocational Skills Development Rashid Haroon 5

5. Citrin, J., Sears, D.O., Muste, C. and Wong, C. (2001), Multiculturalism in American public opinion, British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 247-75. 6. Chung, H.F.L. and Enderwick, P. (2001), An investigation of market entry strategy selection: exporting vs foreign direct investment, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol. 18 No. 4, p. 443 7. Casanova, L. (2004), East Asian, European, and North American multinational firm strategies in Latin America, Business & Politics, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 1-38.

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Vocational Skills Development Rashid


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