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In Conformal Field Theory (CFT), operators are characterized not only by their transformation properties under conformal transformations but also by their scaling dimensions. These dimensions are denoted as h (holomorphic dimension) and hs (anti-holomorphic dimension) for operators in a d-dimensional space. Here's why these two dimensions h and i are necessary to fully describe the transformation of an Cece ae nate Dee Ue cacy + Complex Coordinates: In CFT, the spacetime coordinates are often represented by complex coordinates vand &, where zis the Cee CE Eu gees + Transformation: Conformal transformations in d-dimensional space can be separated into holomorphic (affecting 2) and anti- Dea ciacu ees Pv OmEE SiC Pm ea cal DE ee ea ee an Le a Den on Coe eee SEES eG eed Peas (OE Eee c) Bee eee Lee Con cee cons POSUmEnSCaES Se er ee eerie’ SRO ee ee ee Ee co ete enn eer ee ne ea eee era + Physical Interpretation: h and hare related to physical observables such as the correlation functions and the behavior of the operator Under scaling and translation. They are crucial for characterizing the ertical behavior near the phase transition in CFT. nore) A ee aca eo ae ey Cee ee ER ee ee ee cn cea te cy ‘and the different parts ofits transformation under holomorphic and anti-holomorphic transformations. They are fundamental in defining ese ee eee ee ac ed In Conformal Field Theory (CFT), the concepts of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic dimensions refer to the scaling properties of ‘operators with respect to transformations involving complex coordinates = and =, respectively. Here's a detailed explanation: Por ICU a a Oy eo Recon eet + In CFT, spacetime coordinates are often represented using complex coordinates (2) and (\bar{z}), where (2) is the complex CeCe cena Pe Ue Ct Saeed see sce SoC RCC ess) Ce ae ec Dea IC ue iat eou kea en oc? Be ou CaN La Anan KCC GUL ke eu ou Ua od ee PO Lue ay Deca AUC) eee ean ee Cnr ne) + Itcan be decomposed into holomorphic and ant aoa ee eee) + Here, (0(2)) is the holomorphic part depending only on (2), and (\bar{O}\bar{z}) is the anti-holomorphic part depending only on crue) Pa an + The holomorphic dimension (h) of an operator (O(z, \bar{z))) determines how (O(z)) scales under holomorphic transformations of @ + (h) is related to how (O(2)) transforms under dilations and translations involving (2). Reet oN su) + The anti-holomorphic dimension (\bar{h}) similarly determines how (\ber{O}{\bar{z})) scales under anti-holomorphic transformations Caco n ot + (\barth}) describes how (\bar{O}\bar(2}) transforms under dilations and translations involving (\bart2). ree) Holomorphic and anti-holomorphic dimensions (h) and (\bar{h}) describe how operators in Conformal Field Theory transform under holomorphic and anti-holomorphic transformations of their respective complex coordinates and 2, These dimensions are Ree ie tos eine ee pean ecu an eae Lecae Enea ‘A Floquet Hamiltonian Is a concept used to describe the effective Hamiltonian of a periodically driven quantum system, When @ quantum system is subjected to a time-periodic driving force, its Hamiltonian H(t) becomes a periadic function of time with period 7, such that (t+) = HO) Floquet theory provides a framework to analyze such systems by defining an effective Hamitonian that describes the Bees ec ke uc oD Ome DR ee eee ae Or ee ee Pee) Pee eee uke eres + The solutions to the Schrédinger equation for a periodically driven system can be expressed in terms of Floquet states |'a(t)) and Cee ie PRO een O)) + Here, [4e(¢)) are periodic functions with the same period 7’as the driving Hamiltonian, ("a(t +7)) = |“a(é) ERS inate Se a ue nei ee a a Cue) Ce eR eee un DORON cea ee where 7 denotes time-ordering. Pee can ct Se une CCR Cu Cun a ae SSC DOCS CR Lie aie ec a Co Ua Cue Ce Sone nee Ch BE Se Cee ka es) ena uaa There are various methods to compute the Floquet Hamiltonian, depending on the complexity of the system and the nature of the driving De eae ods uray + When the driving frequency is much higher than any other characteristic frequency of the system, one can use a high-frequency expansion (also known as the Magnus expansion) to approximate #7» Don nar nnn en ene en en ne mn en oy Cog RUT aaa Ce eee ae ee eer ens Temi) SO eT at ae Pee eet Rete i er Eee eeu tee ea eeu ate me ae See te ee ey 3, Dimensionality and Transformation: + The dimensions # and h characterize how O(=.2) scales under dilations and rotations in d-dimensional space. These dimensions are crucial in understanding how the operator behaves under scale transformations and rotations in CFT. Oa eee Eee ia COR eee a a aoe eR Co aa the scaling factors determined by the conformal weights h and h associated with the operator. Oe en eu uo The equation and concepts | described regarding the transformation of operators in Conformal Field Theory (CFT) are fundamental Ce ee ee ee ee re csi) CFT. Here are some commonly used textbooks and references where you can find detailed discussions and derivations related to CFT and Coe 1. “Conformal Fiold Theory" by Philippe Di Francesco, Pierre Mathieu, and David Sénéchal: + This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to Conformal Field Theory, including discussions on primary fields, operator product expansions, and the transformation properties of operators under conformal transformations. eC RL a neo Roe og + Peter Ginsparg's lecture notes are widely referenced for their clear explanations of CFT concepts, including operator scaling dimensions and their transformation properties. SR ee A Rm Mn ca ie + This book covers both the foundational aspects and advanced topics in CFT, including the transformation properties of operators Ene aus Ce Roe eae ecu + While primarily focused on quantum field theory and critical phenomena, this book also includes discussions on CFT and the Secu ea en oe aces & ee

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