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evsjv‡`‡ki mvwn‡Z¨i BwZnvm

knx` BKevj

Avng` cvewjwks nvDR

eZ©gvb ms¯‹iY cÖm‡½
Ôevsjv‡`‡ki mvwn‡Z¨i BwZnv‡mÕi Kvjmxgv evoj 2015 ch©šÍ| 1947 †_‡K 2015 GKwU wbQKB
ZvwiL‡iLv bq| Avgv‡`i mvwn‡Z¨i wPšÍv I cwiwa evovi mv‡_ mv‡_ mgvRcv‡V hy³ nIqv bvbv
Z‡Ë¡Ñ G `xN© mgq‡iLvq GKxf~Z n‡q‡Q A‡bK ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Áv‡bi wfwË I Zvi g~jxf~Z mnRvZ
mdj I MÖnY‡hvM¨ cvV-cwiPh©v| d‡j eÿ¨gvb G weiPb †gv‡UB mnR bq| Z‡e ¯^xKvi Kiv
AmgxPxb g‡b nq bv †h, Ggb c~Y©v½ BwZnvm iPbvi AwfgyLgvÎ GB MÖš’wU| Avi †m j‡ÿ¨B,
AvMvgx‡Z wba©vwiZ mgq‡iLv †cwi‡q AviI µgk AwaK †jLK G‡Z hy³ n‡eb, GgbUv wek¦vm
MÖš’wUi cÖKvkK‡K AvšÍwiK ï‡f”Qv I ab¨ev` RvbvB|

†deªæqvwi 2018
knx` BKevj
Aa¨vcK \ evsjv wefvM
ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq
Av‡Mi ms¯‹i‡Yi f~wgKv
evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i AbyivMx‡`i
cÖ_g Aa¨vq
wØZxq Aa¨vq
Z…Zxq Aa¨vq
PZz_© Aa¨vq
cÂg Aa¨vq
lô Aa¨vq
mßg Aa¨vq
Aóg Aa¨vq
¯§„wZK_v, AvZ¥Rxebx I ågY mvwnZ¨

KweZv (...c„. ...c„.)
Dcb¨vm (...c„. ...c„.)
†QvUMí (...c„. ...c„.)
bvUK (...c„. ...c„.)
cÖeÜ (...c„. ...c„.)
Abyev` (...c„. ...c„.)
wkïmvwnZ¨ (...c„. ...c„.)
¯§„wZK_v, AvZ¥Rxebx I ågY mvwnZ¨ (...c„. ...c„.)
cÖ_g Aa¨vq

1. evsjv KweZvi Drm I weeZ©b

mvwn‡Z¨i cÖvPxb kvLv KweZv| nvRvi eQ‡ii evOvwji RxebvPiY I ms¯‹…wZi m‡½ Av‡óc„‡ô Rwo‡q Av‡Q KweZv|
Ph©vc` †_‡K A`¨vewa Hk¦h©gq G KweZvavivq AmsL¨ Kwe Zv‡`i wbwg©Z fvlvq n‡q‡Qb AvZ¥wb‡ew`Z| †mLv‡b †KD
†KD A‡bK †ewk Av‡jvKgq, `xwßcÖeY| ga¨hy‡Mi PÐx`vm, Ávb`vm, we`¨vcwZ, †Mvwe›``vm, K…wËevm, gyKz›`ivg,
fviZP›`ª cÖfvgq Kwe| Zuv‡`i Kve¨fve wbtm„Z Kwefvl¨ ga¨hyM-AvwkªZ n‡jI Zv A‡bKvs‡k AvaywbK I cÖPÐ
Rxebvkªqx| †mLv‡b ïay Kve¨b›`bB bq, mgv‡Ri †fZ‡ii Ø›Ø-¯ú›`‡bi DcjwäI weivRgvb| Avgv‡`i
ms¯‹…wZm¤¢v‡ii w`‡Kvb¥P‡bI G Kwefvlv n‡q‡Q wecyj cÖvPz‡h© wPwýZ| cÖm½Z, ga¨hy‡Mi Kve¨mvwn‡Z¨i Aej¤^b
ag©| Ges ¯§Z©e¨ †h, a‡g©i G‡`kxq iƒcwU wKš‘ fyuB‡duvo bq| ag©wbf©iZvi cwi‡ek Avm‡j Avgv‡`i cÖK…wZi g‡a¨B
weivRgvb| wewPÎ ag©-eY©¯úk©x mvwnZ¨ cÖK…wZi Avkª‡q wefvgq n‡q D‡V‡Q| loFZzi evsjvq Avengvb ev wPivqZ
iƒ‡ci cwigЇj G A‡ji gywb-Fwl-evDj-`i‡ek cÖf~Z cÖfve we¯Ívi K‡i‡Q| G‡`kxq f~wg-gvwU wbR¯^Zvq ev
¯^Kxq kw³‡Z MÖnY K‡i wfb‡`kx ag©-ms¯‹…wZ‡K| RxebvPi‡Yi m‡½, Kg©vbyl‡½i †fZi w`‡q ag©vPv‡ii wewfbœ gZ-
c_ FRy I m„`„p KvVv‡gv‡Z cwie¨vß n‡q‡Q| Gm‡ei Avï cwi‡cÖwÿZ Kwe I KweZv‡K A¯^xKvi K‡i bq| e¯‘Z
KweI †m Awbevh©Zvi AvÁvevnx| d‡j KweZvi b›`bf~wg‡Z mvg~wnK wb‡`©k nq †cÖvw_Z| Avi KweZvi g‡Zv m‡e©v”P
Av‡e‡Mi wkí G‡ÿ‡Î †h gvqvcÖc‡Âi Elv‡jv‡Ki w`kv †`q Zv mgKvjxbZvq bq Abv`x-Ab‡šÍi cÖZ¨q‡KB e¨³
K‡i| †h f~wg‡Z e¨m-evj¥xKxi Avkªq Zv KvjvšÍ‡ii Kwe‡KB D`qvP‡ji c‡_ cÖvw_©Z K‡i †Zv‡j| BwZnvm G
c‡_iB AbyeZ©x| KweZvi g‡Zv ÔA‡jŠwKK Avb›`Õgq wkí‡K evOvwj Kweiv GKUv ch©v‡q †cuŠ‡Q w`‡q‡Qb
wek¦gv‡b| we‡klZ ga¨hy‡Mi wecyj Hk¦h©gq abfvÐv‡i evsjv KweZvq A‡bK mgv‡jvPK †c‡q‡Qb AvaywbK ˆewk‡ó¨i
w`kv| †`ewbf©i Kve¨¸‡jv cvVvšÍ‡i wKQy‡ZB g‡b nq bv †h Zv ga¨hyMxq cÖ_vwbe×| †mLv‡b wPivqZ †PZbv n‡q
D‡V‡Q Aciƒc, evOgq| PwKZ we”QyiY N‡U‡Q Amv¤cÖ`vwqK I mgš^qx fveavivi| †jvKvqZ Rxe‡bi gg©wiZ myiI
Gme Kv‡e¨ Abycg ˆewk‡ó¨ †cÖvw_Z| evsjv KweZvi †mŠ›`h© GK A‡_©, `xwÿZ n‡q‡Q cÖK…wZ I gigxa¨v‡bi mgxK…Z
Aby‡cÖiYvq| ga¨hy‡Mi †cÖÿvc‡U †hUv c„w_exi Ab¨vb¨ fvlvi Kve¨mvwn‡Z¨ `yj©fB e‡U| Z‡e KweZvi G A½‡b
cÖv_wgK AwfNvZwU N‡U gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `‡Ëi (1824-1873) nv‡Z| hw`I Zvi Av‡M Ômsev` cÖfvKiÕL¨vZ Kwe
Ck¦iP›`ª ¸‡ßi (1812-1859) bvg D‡jøLbxq| G Kweiv †KD AvaywbKZvi cÖv_wgK wfwËwU wbg©v‡Y ¸iæZ¡ w`‡q‡Qb
†KDev ¯^vaxbZvi Rb¨ cÖvwYZ cÖ‡Póvi K_v evYxe× K‡i‡Qb| BwZnv‡m G Kwe‡`i ¸iæZ¡ Ab¯^xKvh©| Z‡e gvB‡Kj
gaym~`b `ËB KweZvi cÖKi‡Y fv‡e I fvlvq we‡`ªvn G‡b‡Qb, Kzjcøvex K‡i Zz‡j‡Qb| we‡klZ Zuvi gnvKve¨Zzj¨
iPbv †gNbv`ea Kve¨ (1861) A‡bK ˆewk‡ó¨ mgy¾¡j, cÖvwYZ| GLv‡b ivgvq‡Yi NUbv _vK‡jI bvqK wn‡m‡e
†`k‡PZbvi cÖwZf~‡Z cwiYZ n‡q‡Qb ÔiveYÕ| wecix‡Z ÔivgÕ, whwb ciivR¨MÖvmx e‡j we‡ewPZ| Ebwesk kZvãx‡Z
KweZvq AvaywbKZv G‡m‡Q cÖavbZ Ggb †PZbvi †fZi w`‡qB| Z‡e G fvebvi mgvR I BwZnvmMZ cUf~wg
weivRgvb| f½yi mvgšÍev` Ges Avav-cyuwRev‡`i m~ÎcvZ, hvi ev¯ÍeZvq ˆZwi nq †`kvZ¥ag©x Z_v mvgwóK
Dc‡hvwMZvi AbyeZ©x a¨vbaviYv| ¯§Z©e¨, 1857†ZB ÔRvZxq we‡`ªv‡nÕi K_v wKsev Ab¨vb¨ mfv-mwgwZ-ms‡Ni
Av‡qvRb m¤úbœ n‡q P‡j‡Q| †mRb¨ KweZvi cwieZ©b ev †`ewbf©iZv AwZµgbv‡šÍi ch©vq Pj‡Q| fw³i e`‡j
hyw³i ¯’vb n‡q‡Q| g~‡j i‡q‡Q cyuwRev‡`i †fZ‡i Ôe¨w³Õi mvg‡b G¸‡bvi Bn‡jŠwKK wek¦vm I ev¯ÍeZv Avi wb‡Ri
AwaKvi‡K cÖwZôv †`Iqv wKsev mgwóMZ †PZbvi bvbvgywL we¯Ívi I cÖmvi NUv‡bvi †Póv| G AwfNv‡Zi cÖZ¨q¸‡jv
evsjv KweZv‡K †fZ‡i I evB‡i cwiewZ©Z K‡i †Zv‡j| KweZvi cÖ”Q`cU hvq cv‡ë| µg-cwieZ©‡bi G c‡_
gnvKv‡e¨i c_‡iLvwU wejyß NU‡Z _v‡K| ¯^M©-gZ©¨ AvKvk-cvZv‡ji KviæKvh© ˆPZ‡b¨ ¯’vb cvqbv| Z‡e AvL¨vbag©x
iƒcwU eRvq _v‡K| Zvi ¯^iƒc hvq e`‡j| PgKcÖ` D™¢vmbwU hyMa‡g©i wbwi‡L wkwíZ I mvwaZ| Z‡e G‡ÿ‡Î
MxwZKweZvi ev MxwZa‡g©i †cÖÿvcUwU c~‡e©v³ _v‡K bv| AvaywbK evwiel©‡Y Qwo‡q c‡o A‡bKvšÍ| bvMwiK cÖeZ©bvq
Zvi D™¢vmb †hgb wewPÎgywL †Zgwb ej`c©x| evsjv KweZv †Mvov †_‡KB †h AvL¨vbag©x I MxwZag©x avivwU
cÖengvb Zv Avm‡j AvaywbK hyMa‡g©i cÖfv‡e Avg~j cwiewZ©Z n‡q hvq| †evaKwi GgbUv nIqvI ¯^vfvweK| MxZj
avivwU gb¥q cÖZ¨‡q wba©vwiZ, we‡klZ AvaywbK mgq mswÿßZvq wKsev iƒp mgvR-¯úw›`Z ev¯ÍeZvi wbwi‡L| d‡j
Zvi cÖaveb I ˆewPΨ Abjel©x| iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi (1861-1941) KweZvi Giƒc hveZxq `yivPvi ev `ye©nZv (G K_v
K`‡_© bq, KviY Dwbk kZ‡Ki bvbvwea msKU I ¯^we‡ivaxZvq i½jvj (1827-1887) ev †ngP›`ª (1838-1903)-
bexbP›`ª (1847-1909) †m‡bi cyivY wKsev †`kvZ¥‡PZbv ga¨hyMxq cÖeYZv‡K we`~wiZ Ki‡jI cÖK…Z AvaywbKZvi
cÖviw¤¢KZvq Zuv‡`i cixÿv-wbixÿv KL‡bv AvwZkh¨ wKsev GKUv bZzbgvÎvi mÜvb w`‡jI ms¯‹vi-Av”QbœZv, iƒpZv-
DMÖZv †Kv‡bvUvB Abycw¯’Z wQj bv|) †_‡K gyw³ w`‡jb ÔAv‡jvq Av‡jvqÕ| evsjv KweZv‡K hy³ Ki‡jb ˆewk¦K
†PZbvi m‡½| ewn‡`©kxq A‡bK Dcv`vb hy³ K‡i, cwiea©b K‡i wel‡q Avb‡jb bZzbZ¡| Avi GKBm‡½ cÖKi‡YI
Av‡m wfbœZv| Kwe-mve©‡fŠg iex›`ªbv_ fvlv‡K wb‡q †M‡Qb ï×Zv I mvabvi D”Pgv‡M©| fw½i G bZzb iƒc eywׇZ
kvwbZ; AwfÁZv I gb‡b ¯ú„ó| Giƒ‡c evsjv KweZvq bZzb Rqi‡_i m~PbvB ejv hvq| e¯‘Z iex›`ªbv_ Av‡eM‡K
wemR©b †`bwb, Z‡e Zv wQj cwiwgZ, eyw×AvwkªZ| Ges wZwb µwgKfv‡e wb‡RB wb‡R‡K Qvwo‡q †M‡Qb Ô†kl †jLvÕ
ch©šÍ| µvwšÍ`k©x iex›`ªbv_ D”Pvi‡Yi Bw½‡Z mw¤§jb NUvb HwZ‡n¨i m‡½ AvaywbKZvi| G †hv‡M evsjv KweZv
†c‡q hvq bZzb f~-ms¯’vb, bZzb ¯ú›`b| †hUv iex›`ª-cÖfvweZ A‡bK‡KB K‡i Zz‡j‡Q wbQK AbyKi‡Yi ch©ve„Ë|
G‡Z K‡i evsjv KweZv †c‡q hvq A‡bK wKQy| m‡Z¨›`ªbv_ `Ë (1882-1922), hZx›`ªbv_ †mb¸ß (1887-1954),
†gvwnZjvj gRyg`vi (1888-1952), hZx›`ª‡gvnb evM&Px (1878-1948) cÖgyL Kwe iex›`ª ej‡qB bZzb cÖ‡Yv`bvq
KweZvi fvee„ˇK we‡kl w`‡K GwM‡q †bb| Aciw`‡K iex›`ªbv_ wb‡RI ZLb Lye KvQvKvwQ †`‡Lb wek¦hy× -AvwkªZ
µy× mgq‡K| ZLb ZuviI Kve¨fvlv e`‡j hvq| Z‡e iex›`ª cÖfve I cÖwZkÖæwZ GKw`‡K Ab¨w`‡K cÖ_g wek¦hy‡×vËi
mg‡qi Uvb †hb D‡cwÿZ Rxe‡bi w`‡KB Bw½Z Ki‡Z _v‡K mewKQy‡K| M‡o I‡V ÔK‡jøvjÕ (1330 evs, 1923
wLª.)| Kv‡ji K‡jøvj, bZzb evZ¨vevnx K‡jøvj|
A‡bK mgv‡jvPK ÔK‡jøvjÕ‡K evsjv KweZvi wØZxq ch©v‡qi AvaywbKZv e‡j‡Qb †KDev ÔG‡°ev‡i
AvaywbKÕGgb ¯^ivNv‡Z wPwýZ K‡i‡Qb| ZvB ÔK‡jøvjÕ ïayB cwÎKv bq| GKwU beZi Bw½Z; AvaywbKZvi c‡_
hv bZzbZi, beRxe‡bi evZ©vevnx| G‡Z K‡i Avgv‡`i mvg‡b D‡b¥vwPZ nq †ev`‡jqvi (1821-1867), g¨v_y Avb©ì
(1822-1888), gvjv‡g© (1842-1898), wU. Gm. GwjqU (1865-1939), WweøD. we. B‡qUm (1865-1939), wij&‡K
(1875-1926) cÖgyL Kwe| G‡`i Av‡jvq cÖRw¡ jZ nq cÖ`xc| Rxebvb›` `vk (1899-1954), myax›`ªbv_ `Ë (1901-
1960), eyׇ`e emy (1908-1974), weòz †` (1909-1982), Awgq PµeZ©x (1901-1986) Ges AviI A‡b‡KB|
cÖavbZ ÔK‡jøv‡jÕi K‡jøvj Kv‡ji†m Kvj `yB wek¦hy‡×i gvSvgvwS mg‡qi Avi iex›`ª-we‡ivaxZvi| cÖm½Z
ej‡ZB nq Guiv mevB iex›`ª-m¤§v‡bB †e‡o D‡V‡Qb Ges Zuviv Zv‡Z c~Y©vqZ cybe©nvjI| wKš‘ ÔK‡jøvjÕevZ©vq
Rxe‡bi hveZxq †K¬`v³Zv‡K, weK…Z‡K we‡kliƒ‡c (cvðvZ¨ Kwe‡`i b¨vq) Zz‡j ai‡Z PvB‡jI cÖv_wgKfv‡e †KDB
Zuviv iex›`ªejq AwZµg Ki‡Z cv‡ibwb|
g¤§©evYx (1924) ev Sivcvj‡Ki (1927) †jLKiv A‡ePZbfv‡eB AvU‡K hvb iex›`ªbv‡_i g‡a¨| wKš‘ GgbUv
mZ¨, w·kvËi KvjB KweKzj‡K c„w_ex AwfgywL K‡i †Zv‡j| evsjvi Kwe‡PZbv‡K wek¦Rbxb cwie„‡Ë Ave× K‡i|
µgk, kixi Bw›`ªqMÖvn¨ I mgq-BwZnvm AbyeZ©x n‡q Ôweg~pÕ, ÔweåvšÍÕ Kwe‡`i D`&MxiY N‡U| ÔwnR‡ji Rvbvjvq
Av‡jv Avi eyjeywj Kwiqv‡Q †LjvÕ wKsev ÔGKwU K_vi wØav _i_i P~‡o/ fi K‡iwQj mvZwU AgiveZxÕ, ÔPzj¸wj cvb
K‡i †gvi Zß, mZ…ò wbk¦vmÕ BZ¨vw` evK¨e‡Ü KweZvi B‡gR c„w_exi mswkøóZvq †c‡q hvq| GQvov hy³ nq iæk
wecø‡evËi gvK©mev`x †PZbv, Dcwb‡ek-we‡ivax‡PZbv, RvZxqZvev`, gš^šiÍ , bvMwiK hš¿Yv, K…wÎgZv, weK…wZ
BZ¨vKvi cÖf~Z welq| jÿYxq, G cwigÐjwU wesk kZvãxi cÖ_g cv‡`i ev¯ÍeZv‡K mvg~wnK m‡Z¨ ch©ewmZ K‡i|
nvRvi eQ‡ii evsjv KweZv‡K †`q AvaywbK I Awbevh© e¨w³-ev¯ÍeZvi mÜvb| wefvM-c~e© Kv‡jB wÎk I Pwjøk `kK
Giƒ‡cB evsjv KweZv‡K K‡i †Zv‡j wewPÎgywL Ges my¯úó f~wg-gvwU Abym~¨Z| cÂcvÐe (Rxebvb›`-myax›`ªbv_-
eyׇ`e-weòz-Awgq) QvovI †cÖ‡g›`ª wgÎ (1904-1988), AiæY wgÎ (1909-2000), mÄq fÆvPvh© (1909-1969), mgi
†mb (1916-1987), myfvm gy‡Lvcva¨vq (1919-2005) cÖgyL Kwe n‡q I‡Vb cÖMwZ I gvbeZvev`x gZv`‡k© †cÖiYv`vÎx
I `vqe× KweKzj| Guiv Kwefvlv‡K wbwg©wZ †`b m~²Zi I ïwPwmœ» Rxebev‡`i AeMvnb Avb›` †_‡K| gb‡b,
eywׇZ Zuv‡`i iƒcv‡jvK n‡q I‡V hveZxq mgvRm‡Z¨i `„pZi Awfe¨w³| wKš‘ KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg (1899-1976)
G‡ÿ‡Î iex›`ªej‡qB †_‡K cÖKiY wfbœZvq I cÖej mvgvwRK `vqe×Zvq wb‡R‡K †jvKwcÖq K‡i †Zv‡jb| bRiæ‡ji
RbwcÖqZv wQj AZz¨½¯úkx©| cÖej †gavi `xwß I Av‡e‡Mi AmshZ SsKv‡i B‡gR m„wói e`‡j KweZv‡K Av‡bb
mvaviY gvby‡li KvZv‡i| †køvMvb¯úa©x ¯^i wKsev mgvR-iv‡óªi †kvlY I Amv‡g¨i cÖwZ D”Pbv`x Av‡ÿc Zuvi
KweZvi ï×Zvi gvÎv‡K j•Nb K‡i‡Q| ZeyI bRiæ‡ji Kve¨‡gav evsjv mvwn‡Z¨ AZzj m¤ú` e‡jB we‡eP¨| GQvov
cjøxKweL¨vZ Rmxg D`&`xb (1903-1976) I †jvKvqZ aviv‡K ¯^`xwÿZ fve‰ewP‡Î¨ wecyjZvq †cÖvw_Z K‡i‡Qb|
evsjv KweZvq KvwnwbKve¨ ev AvL¨vbKve¨ aviv‡K e¨wZµgx K‡i cwi‡ekb K‡i‡Qb Rmxg D`&`xb| AvaywbKZvi
iƒcwU †jvKvqZ avivq g~jZ wZwbB myPviæiƒ‡c cÖweó I RbwcÖq K‡i‡Qb|

2. evsjv‡`‡ki Kwe I KweZvi MÖwš’gyL

2.1 w·ki m¤cÖmvwiZ avivq evOvwj gymjgvb

evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvi avivwU exRZjv †c‡q‡Q Pwjø‡ki `k‡K| w·kvËi AvaywbKZv evsjv KweZvq †h wecyjZv AR©b
K‡i, †c‡q hvq wekvj e¨w³‡Z¡i gvR©bv Zv KweZv‡K K‡i‡Q ˆewk¦K, A‡bKvs‡k AvaywbK Ges KvjvwZµgx| ej‡ZB
nq, wek kZ‡Ki ïiæ‡Z weÁvb-cÖhyw³mn, Av_©-ivR‰bwZK †PZbv I g~j¨‡ev‡ai iƒcvšÍi KweZvi †fZ‡i-evB‡i
mvevjKZ¡ G‡b †`q| we‡kl K‡i iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii nv‡Z GwU AR©b K‡i wekvj e¨vwß| Gici wek¦hyׇK wN‡i
Rxe‡bi AÜKvi c‡e©i AwaKvi fvlvq Avbevi †PóvwU ˆZwi nq| Gi †fZ‡i gymwjg AwaKvi‡PZbv, RvZxqZvev`x
aviYv m¤cÖmvwiZ n‡Z _v‡K| Avgiv †`L‡Z _vwK ÔK‡jøvjÕ †h †PZbv ev cÖeYZvi Rb¥ w`j †mLvb †_‡KB AviI
A‡b‡KB ÔBKviæ‡ki AvKvkÕ‡K †c‡q †M‡jb| µgk c~e©-evsjvi gymjgvbiv wbR¯^ f~wgi `¯‘i ey‡S Kve¨PP©vq
AvZ¥wb‡qvM Ki‡Z jvM‡jb| †mwU w·ki `k‡KiB m¤cÖmvwiZ iƒc| hw`I Zuv‡`i AvaywbKZv wb‡q cÖkœ Av‡Q| Z‡e
G mg‡qB cÖZ¨qwU R‡g I‡V| hw`I gymwjg †PZbv wb‡q ˆmq` Gg`v` Avjx (1880-1957), †Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv (1895-
1964) cÖgyL Kwe GKUv e„‡ËB †Nviv‡div K‡ib| †`vfvlx cyuw_ hvi Av`k©| mgqUv fvlv I ms¯‹…wZi AwefvR¨Zv
wb‡q wØav ev †`vjvPjZvq, wKš‘ ag©wek¦vm-ms¯‹viv”QbœZv GK ch©v‡q †h cÖej n‡q DV‡Z _v‡KZv‡Z Avi m‡›`n
wK? †hgb †Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv wKsev Zvwjg †nv‡mbGgZ Kwee„›` GKUv ch©v‡q G †_‡K Avi m‡i Avm‡Z cv‡ibwb|
A‡bK AwfÁZv I Z_¨ cÖgvY _vK‡jI g~javivwU Avi Zuv‡`i Abyave‡b Av‡mwb| †m Kvi‡Y Kve¨j²xI A‡bKUv
nvZQvov n‡q hvq Zuv‡`i wbKU| G ch©v‡q ejv hvq, KvRx bRiæj BmjvgB cÖ_g AvaywbK| Ab¨iv AvaywbKZvi
bK&kv AuvKvi †Póv K‡i‡Qb gvÎ| Z‡e Pwjø‡ki g‡a¨I cÖK…wZ‡PZbv I †cÖ‡gi gg©i iƒcwU ˆZwi nq| †`Lv hvq be-
emšÍ (1940)i Kwe Aveyj †nv‡mb‡K iex›`ªbv_ ÔevOvwj gymjgvb AvaywbKÕ e‡j‡Qb, KweZvq †cÖg I cÖK…wZi is‡K
wbi¼zk eY©gvÎv `v‡bi Rb¨| wb‡gœv³ KweKzj Kwef~‡g †Póv iv‡Lb Ae¨vnZ :

gnxDÏxb (1906-1975)
Ôe„wUk Avgj †_‡KB kÖwgK Av‡›`vjb, kÖwgK msMVb Ges †UªW BDwbqb-Gi m‡½ hy³ wQ‡jb|Õ cÖwZev`x †PZbv,
wbcxwoZ I wbh©vwZZ kÖgRxex gvby‡li ¯^c‡ÿ KweZv wj‡L‡Qb| D`vniY :
†n gvbyl Rv‡MvRv‡Mv!... Rxe‡bi Rq-Mvb †M‡q,
P‡jv wPi eÜbnxb,c„w_exi gy³ c_ †e‡q!
... ... ...
†n gvbyl Rv‡MvRv‡Mv!... Rxeb ewÂZ RbMY,
ÿzwaZ jvwÃZ e›`x, AvZ¥‡fvjv myß A‡PZb!
ivwk ivwk ab iZœ Hk¦h© m¤ú`
c~Y© Kwiqv‡Q BD‡ivc
ag©nxb ˆckvwPK mf¨Zvi bv‡g
m‡Z¨‡i K‡i‡Q Acgvb
b¨v‡q‡i a‡i‡Q Mjv wU‡c
ÿgZvi g~p An¼vi `ye©‡j‡i †g‡i‡Q wcwlqv|
ÔivR‰bwZK I mvgvwRK Ae¯’vi D‡jøL Zuvi wewfbœ KweZvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q| wKš‘ g~jZ Zuvi we‡`ªvn nj cÖPwjZ e¨e¯’vi
weiæ‡× A_©vr wZwb cÖPwjZ e¨e¯’v‡K P‚Y©-weP‚Y© Ki‡Z Pvb| wZwb `„pg~j †Kv‡bv wPiPwiZ cÖ_v †g‡b wb‡Z Pvb bvB|Õ
(gnxDÏxb iPbvejx wbe©vwPZ : f‚wgKv) gnxDÏxb M`¨I wj‡L‡Qb, Zuvi M‡`¨ Ò`ywf©ÿÓ, Òbe-fviZÓ m¤ú‡K© Zvi
†PZbvaŸwbi cÖwZdjb N‡U‡Q| cÖavbZ, bRiæj-†PZbvi Abymvix G Kwei AšÍcÖ©ev‡n i‡q‡Q gvbeZvi Abya¨vb| `xN©
KwehvÎvq Zuvi Q‡›` D‡V Av‡m HKvwšÍK c‡_i Mvb (1336), ¯^cœ msNvZ hy× wecøe (1349), AÜKv‡i lohš¿
(1349), G‡mv wecøe (1349), Mix‡ei cuvPvjx (1962), w`M‡šÍi c‡_ GKv (1960), wkKv‡i P‡j‡Q cÖfy evk¨v Kj›`i
(1966), gwjøKv (1978), MvwÜRx wbnZ n‡q‡Qb (1356) Kve¨Mªš’| Kwei g„Zz¨i ci †ei nq Mixe `ytLx Mjvq Mjvq
wek¦mv‡_ Mvb †M‡q hvq (1982), †mvbvi †Mvjvc (1983) Kve¨|
gvngy`v LvZzb wmwÏKv (1910-1979)
wefvM-c~e© Kwe n‡jI evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq AšÍgwy© L AvZ¥gMœZvq KweZvi PP©v K‡i‡Qb| ÔRxe‡bi AwbZ¨Zv,
e¨w³MZ ¯§„wZ, myL-`yt‡Li Abyf~wZ, RvZxq RvMiY I K`vwPr †ivgvw›UKZvi cÖkqª Av‡Q Kv‡e¨|Õ AvaywbK I
cÖMwZgb¯‹ †jLK| c`©vcÖ_v I Awkÿvi weiæ‡× †mv”Pvi wQ‡jb| Qwe AuvKv Ges m½x‡Z cÖej †SuvK wQj| wZwbB
cÖ_g gymwjg evOvwj gwnjv whwb M`¨Q‡›` KweZv wj‡L‡Qb Ges m‡bU iPbv K‡i‡Qb| ckvwiYx (1338), gb I
g„wËKv (1367), Ai‡Y¨i myi (1963) Kv‡e¨ bvixi ¯^i wPwýZ|
e‡›` Avjx wgqv (1906-1979)
wjwiK Kwe, Jcb¨vwmK I wkïmvwnwZ¨K wn‡m‡e L¨vZ| gqbvgZxi Pi (1932) Zuvi weL¨vZ Kve¨ :
†Rvmbv Pv`i Qov‡q c‡o‡Q gqbvgZxi P‡i
evwj¸‡jv Zvi fvOv KuvP ¸u‡ov wSwK wgwK wSwK K‡i|
Av‡av Nyg Avi Av‡aK ¯^cbÑ bq‡b gDR gvLv
eUMvQ †hb ey‡ov mbœ¨vmx Auvav‡ii Kuv_v XvKv|
G Kv‡e¨ cjøx cÖK…wZi Abycg A¼‡b Kwe †ek K…wZ‡Z¡i cwiPq w`‡q‡Qb| KvwnwbKv‡e¨, MÖvgxY AgZ©¨ Avb›` `yg©i
n‡q D‡V‡Q| Rmxg D`&`x‡bi (1903-1974) cjøxKve¨-ˆewkó¨ ÔgqbvgZxi P‡iÕ wfbœ gvÎv Av‡b| gvÎve„‡Ëi A‡gvN
cwiPh©vq Kvwnwb-weeiY wewkó n‡q D‡V‡Q| cÖK…wZi wbcyY iƒc, wbZ¨w`‡bi cÖvwšÍK RxebvMÖn, K_KZvi cÖev‡n
SsKvi G‡b‡Q| e‡›` Avjx wgqvi Kwe‡Z¡i wewkóZv, †jvKR B‡gR m„wó K‡i Zvi evYx‡K AvaywbK gvÎv †`q|
†mLv‡b Rmxg D`&`x‡bi Abymvix bb wZwb eis wb‡Ri †fZ‡i ¯^Zš¿ gbb-cwiPh©vi (cieZ©x KweZvq) †fZi w`‡q
GwM‡q‡Qbhw`I Zv‡Z †Zgb D‡jøLbxq mvdj¨ Av‡mwb wKš‘ `xN© mg‡q wbR¯^ c‡_B wZwb P‡j‡Qb†Kv‡bv
we‡kl Av`‡k©i cÖwZdj‡b cÖqvmx nbwb| †jvKvqZ cjøxi PviY n‡qI GK mgq †cÖg-cÖK…wZ cqv‡ii Avav‡i hyuZmB
cwi‡ekbv cvq| †hwU mgmvgwqK Ab¨vb¨ Kwe‡`i †P‡q Kg bq| AbyivM (1932), cÙvb`xi Pi (1953)mn †ek
K‡qKwU Kve¨ iPbv K‡i‡Qb wZwb| wkïmvwnwZ¨K wn‡m‡e Zuvi L¨vwZ mgwaK| Zuvi m¤úv`bvq Kve¨exw_Kv KweZv
msKjb †ei nq 1961 mv‡j|
Ave`yj Kvw`i (1906-1984)
w`jiæev (1933), DËi emšÍ (1957) `y‡Uv Kve¨MÖ‡š’ Ave`yj Kvw`‡ii KwecÖwZfvi cwiPq cvIqv hvq| †cÖ‡gi iw³g
Av‡eM Avi cÖK…wZi wenŸjZv Zuvi Kv‡e¨i Abycg ˆewkó¨| bRiæjxq Av‡eM Øviv cÖfvweZ n‡jI Kwe †gvwnZjv‡ji
msMVb-kw³i Avfvm †g‡j Zuvi iPbvq| Kve¨gvj Kwe Ave`yj Kvw`‡ii Kve¨m¼jb| G c‡e©i me‡P‡q †gavex,
cÖPÐ Kwg‡UW Ave`yj Kvw`i wQ‡jb KvRx bRiæj Bmjv‡gi cÖ_g AbyivMxbRiæj iPbvejx m¤úv`bv I msiÿ‡Yi
cwiPh©vqB †m cÖgvY †g‡j|
mywdqv Kvgvj (1911-1999)
Zuvi muv‡Si gvqv 1938-G cÖKvwkZ| Gici †j‡Lb gvqv KvRj (1951), gb I Rxeb (1957)| Pwjø‡ki Kve¨-
cwigЇj wZwb Kwe n‡q D‡V‡Qb| Gi cÖgvY Zuvi KweZvq wea„Z :
Awk¦bx bÿ‡Î P›`ª hvwc‡Z‡Q c~wY©gvi ivwZ
wei‡ni AkÖæRj we›`y we›`y SivB‡Z‡Q ¯^vwZ|
Amxg ggZvf‡i myw³ †m R‡ji jwf ¯^v`,
eÿ cÖmvwiqv w`jjwfj †m gyKzZv cÖmv`|
cig †Mvcb ab eÿ gv‡S ivwL Avewiqv
mvMi AZ‡j myw³ e¨_vb‡›` iwnj Wzweqv|
AbšÍ m~h©v¯Í A‡šÍ AvwRKvi m~h©v‡¯Íi Kv‡j
my›`i `wÿY n‡¯Í cwð‡gi w`K&cÖvšÍ fv‡j
`wÿYv `vwbqv †Mj, wewPÎ i‡Oi Zzwj Zvi
eywS AvwR w`b‡k‡l wbt‡k‡l †m Kwiqv DRvo
`v‡bi Avb›` †Mj †kl Kwi gnvmgv‡iv‡n|
mygayi †gv‡n
ax‡i ax‡i ax‡i
cÖ`xß fv¯‹i G‡m †ejv‡k‡l w`e‡mi Zx‡i
Wzwej †h kvšÍ gwngvq;
Zvnvwi †m A¯Íiv‡M em‡šÍi mܨvKvk Qvq|
Kwei Q‡›`-Avb‡›` cÖvK-cvwK¯Ív‡bi Av`k© AcÖKvwkZ bq| Z‡e mywdqv Kvgvj c~e©-evsjvq w¯œ» ms‡e`bkxj g‡b
†jLv‡jwL K‡ib, cÖK…wZcy‡U †cÖg-b÷vjwRqv-wein‡K ¯^”Q‡›` aviY K‡ib| G mg‡qi Ab¨ Kwei g‡Zv we‡kl
†Kv‡bv Av`k© ev RvZxqZvev`x `k©‡b Kwe Z‡ZvUv cÖLi bb| wbQK k¨vgj-mRj cÖK…wZB Zuvi Kv‡e¨i cUf‚wg|
gbbkxjZvq wZwb cwiï×| cÖK…wZgy»Zv (loFZzi ˆewP‡Î¨) Abyf‚wZi i‡O DrmvwiZ| cÖK…wZi gy» eY©bv-weei‡Y
GKai‡bi Pj”Qwegq wZwb| Zvi †fZ‡iB gb¥q fv‡ei cÖKvk weKwkZ| †cÖg-eyw× Av‡e‡Mi Zvi‡j¨ Q‡›`vgq|
†mLv‡b AvaywbK Dcv`vbmg~n mdj cwiPh©vi AeKvk cvq bv| cÖ_‡g cqvi e¨envi Ki‡jI c‡i gvÎve„‡Ë
AvmxbZuvi KweZv| mywdqv Kvgvj wefvM-cieZ©x mg‡q wewfbœ mvsMVwbK Kg©Kv‡Ð e¨w³Z¡‡K weKwkZ Ki‡jI
DׄZ wba©vwiZ Kv‡e¨ †cÖg-cÖK…wZ-Rxe‡bi g‡a¨B mij †iLvw¼ZcÖ_ve× evYxfvl¨ iPbv K‡ib| Kj¨vYKvwgZv,
Rxebvbyf~wZ Zuvi Kv‡e¨ AUj I Awbevh© Avk¦v‡m iwÄZ :
ARmª bÿÎcy‡Ä Awbe©vY Drme-†`Iqvjx
†Zvgvi AvKvk †kv‡f; †n_v †gvi wPiw`b Lvwj
wPË K‡i wbZ¨ Awfmvi
†Zvgv‡Z wgkv‡q †h‡Z, wcÖqZg wbkxZ Avgvi|
iex›`ª-AbyeZ©b cwijwÿZ n‡jI Zuvi Avcb kw³ `yj©ÿ¨ bq| e¨w³K-cÖwZÁv `ye©j, cÖK…wZ-gËZv I †cÖg Zv‡K
K‡i‡Q weKwkZ†hgbwU †hŠMc‡`¨ Kv‡iv _vK‡jI wb‡RB cÖwZwbwaZ¡kxj n‡q DV‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jb, bvbvwea Kvi‡Y|
mywdqv Kvgv‡ji G Nivbv wek¦¯Í n‡jI Kv‡ji Ave‡Z© Zv n‡q c‡o‡Q aywjgwjb-we‡ÿc| m`¨wbwg©ZcÖvq MªvgQvov
ga¨we‡Ëi †ÿvf-A‡š¦lvi †fZ‡i e¨w³i weKwkZ iƒcwU KweZvq ÿxY cwim‡i cÖwZdwjZ| mgvR-g~j¨‡ev‡ai
cÖwZdwjZ iƒcwUI we`¨gvb Ggb KweZvq| ZvQvov evrmj¨ ev gvZ…Z¡ Zuvi Kv‡e¨ †c‡q‡Q wewkóZv| D`vË c„w_ex
(1964), `xIqvb (1966), cÖkw¯Í I cÖv_©bv (1968), AwfhvwÎK (1969), g„wËKvi NªvY (1970), †gvi hv`y‡`i mgvwa
c‡i (1972) Kve¨MÖš’ Kwei mnRvZ Kve¨wPšÍvi dmj| mywdqv Kvgv‡ji ¯^wbe©vwPZ KweZv msKjb †ei nq 1976
Aveyj †nv‡mb (1922-2014)
Pwjø‡ki †gavex Kwe Aveyj †nv‡mb| `xN© KweZv cwiµgvq wZwb wbR¯^ fvlvixwZ‡Z mgKvj‡K bevqb K‡i‡Qb,
AZ¨šÍ `ÿZvi m‡½| wKš‘ wKQy‡ZB KweZvi †h Kve¨-Avwj½b †mwU wemR©b †`b bv wZwb| KweZvq PjwZkã w`‡q
cÖ_g ÔwecøeÕ NUvb| Q‡›`I Av‡bb ˆewPΨ; csw³‡Z ga¨wgj ev Avw`wg‡ji cixÿv Pvjvb| KweZv‡K †b‡g G‡b‡Qb
ˆ`bw›`b e¨env‡h©i gy‡L| c~e©-cvwK¯Ívwb KweZvi cÖ¯‘wZ-wf‡Z, bZzb m„wó‡Z; Zviæ‡Y¨i †cÖiYv wb‡q
exRecbZvici AMÖmi I DËiY| Abyf~wZi ¯Í‡i GKv‡ji ivRbxwZ, ev¯ÍeZv ¯^xKv‡i Av‡mB Ôhvq hvq, me hvq/
ag©, mZ¨, bxwZi K¼vj AvR ay‡jvq jy‡Uvq|/ gvby‡li †e‡k Ny‡i †eovq nv‡qbv mviv‡`‡kÕcÖvZ¨wnK Ggb
Kwefv‡l¨ wZwb †hgb mvejxj †Zgwb gvwR©Z| evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvavivq wZwb GKwU c‡_i cÖ`k©K, KviY iex›`ª
cÖksmvab¨ be-emšÍ (1940) †_‡K A`¨vewa †h c_ wZwb wbg©vY K‡i‡Qb †mUv MZvbyMwZK bq, cixÿvi †fZi w`‡q
†hgb DËxY© †Zgwb ¯^Kvj Aej¤^x `„pZvq hy³| Aveyj †nv‡m‡bi cÖKiYwUB G cÖwZôv w`‡q‡Q, †c‡q‡Q c‡_i w`kv|
Giƒ‡c evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq A`¨vewa wZwb mPj| Kwe Quy‡q‡Qb AvaywbK Kve¨ Avw½‡Ki e¨wZµgx wKQy| ej‡Z
†M‡j, evOvwj gymjgv‡bi evsjv Kve¨PP©vi AvaywbKZvi ElvjMœwU `y`©všÍiƒ‡c ¯úk© K‡i‡Qb wZwb| cÖK…wZ we”QywiZ
†ivg¨vw›UK is Kwei wek¦vm I wk‡ívrK‡l©i m‡½ †hb GK i‡_ wg‡j‡Q| Zuvi kã I PiY FRy‡iL, fvevjyZviwÄZ|
weim msjvc (1969), nvIqv †Zvgvi wK `ytmvnm (1982), `yt¯^cœ †_‡K `yt¯^‡cœ (1985), Selected Poems of Abul
Hussain (1986), GLbI mgq Av‡Q (1986), wbe©vwPZ KweZv (1997), ivR ivRov (1997), Avi wK‡mi A‡cÿv
(2000), ivRKvwnbx (2004) Aveyj †nv‡m‡bi Kve¨MÖš’| Zuvi Abyev` KweZv : BKev‡ji KweZv (1952), Avgvi
Rb¥f~wg (1978), Ab¨ †ÿ‡Zi dmj (1990)|
Av. b. g. eRjyi ikx` (1911-1986)
c~e©-evsjvq cÖK…wZ-wbf©i KweZvPP©vq cÖwmw× cvb| wZwb A‡bK Mvb iPbv K‡ib| bvU‡KI cÖwmw× cvb| cvš’exYv
(1947), giæm~h© (1960), kx‡Z em‡šÍ (1963), †g‡ni-wbMvi (1962), iO I †iLv (1968), GK SuvK cvwL (1969)
cÖf„wZ Zuvi Kve¨MÖš’|
g`xbv Av”Qbœ †k‡K ï‡q Av‡Q g„Zz¨i kh¨vq
wZb gyRvwn` exi AvNv‡Z eû wPý Mvq,
wef³ Mfxi ÿZ| hvwqw`i ey‡K GBLv‡b
†P‡q †`‡Lv, Rvd‡ii evg nvZ we× Zxÿè ev‡Y
wbtmvo wkwLj gywô|
ÔcÖavbZ evjy I iæ² bMœ ce©Z-gvjvi Rb¨ Avie DcØxc giæi †`k e‡j L¨vZ| GLv‡b m~‡h©i K_v ejwQ| GK
ïfivw·Z bexRx I gv Avwqkv‡K GK‡Î ¯^cœ †`wL| gZ©¨evmx Avwg, m~‡h©i Dr‡cÖÿv Qvov Ab¨ †Kvb Dcgv I iƒcKí
e¨envi Avgvi c‡ÿ m¤¢e n‡jv bv|Õ Dch©y³ AskwU †Kv‡bv AvaywbK wPšÍv enb bv Ki‡jI KwecÖeYZvwU Ab_© bq|
cvš’exYv †_‡K :
Z…Y nÕ‡Z bÿ‡Îi †ivgvwÂZ hvÎvc_‡jv‡K
wewPÎ G aiYxi `„k¨MÜ wew¯§Z Av‡jv‡K
KZ hyM el© awi †h Kwe‡i K‡iwQ‡j mv_x
†n gnvcw_K, kZ el©vMxwZ gyLwiZ ivwZ
GKv‡šÍ †K‡U‡Q Zvi c‡_ c‡_ kvjexw_Kvq,
ÔGB myi cvš’R‡bi, ZvB Gi bvg cvš’exYv|Õ Zuvi Aa¨vZ¥-Abyfe Ges cÖK…wZ‡cÖgwgwkÖZ KweZv Avgv‡`i wPšÍvavivq
Ae‡nwjZ bq| cvwK¯Ívb miKvi Zuv‡K 1376 mv‡j ÔZgNv‡q BgwZqvRÕ †LZv‡e f‚wlZ K‡i|
Avnmvb nvexe (1917-1985)
Zxÿè mgvRgb¯‹ Ges Mfxi ms‡e`bkxjZv Avnmvb nvex‡ei Kwefvlv wbg©vY K‡i‡Q| wefvM-c~e©Kv‡j †ewi‡qwQj
cÖ_g Kve¨ ivwÎ †kl (1947)| Amv¤cÖ`vwqK gb‡b, Av`k©ev‡`i E‡aŸ© wbišÍi Kve¨PP©v; K‡qK `kKe¨vcx| Pwjø‡ki
mgvRgb¯‹Zv, AvZ¥iwZ †_‡K Aegyw³ Zuvi Kwegb¯‹Zvi cÖavb I Awbevh© ˆewkó¨| Ôg„wËKvÕ, Ôe„ÿÕ, Ôb`xÕ m„Rbkxj
wPšÍvkw³i †fZi w`‡q ˆkwíK ˆbe©w³KZv I wb¯ú„nZvq DrmvwiZ nq| cÖev`, Qov, †Uv‡Ug Zuvi mËvq Ae‡PZb
AwfÁvb iPbv K‡i| GK iK‡gi †jvKvqZ HwZ‡n¨i mvwbœ‡a¨ `„pZi nb Kwe| Avengvb evsjv, kvk¦Z HwZn¨
Kv‡e¨ wecyjZv cvq wKš‘ GKB m‡½ we¯Í…Z mgvRRxe‡bi m¼U; ga¨we‡Ëi ÿwqòz gb, Aeÿq, Db¥~jZv, DÃe„wË,
Aw¯ÍZ-¡ msKU, Awb‡KZ cÖe„wËi Aegyw³i e¨vcviwUI Kve¨e„‡Ë evav c‡o| †mLv‡b MÖvg I bMi cUwPÎ AuvKv _v‡K|
G ch©v‡q Avnmvb nvexe Kwefvlvq Awµq (inactive) wKš‘ †PZbvq Zxÿè I kwvYZ| Aw¯’g¾vq Avcv`g¯ÍK wbi¼zk
gvbeZvï× Kwe µgk DËiY NwU‡q‡Qb wb‡R‡K †`wk-we‡`kx cyiv‡Y, Dcgv-wPÎK‡í, we`ªƒcvZ¥K e¨½ M`¨Pv‡j,
MíK_‡bi Xs‡q ev KL‡bv ivóª-ivRbxwZi w`‡K gyLe¨v`vb fw½‡Z| Qvqv nwiY (1962), mviv `ycyi (1964), Avkvq
emwZ (1381), †gN e‡j ˆP‡Î hv‡ev (1976), `yÕnv‡Z `yB Avw`g cv_i (1980), we`xY© `c©‡Y gyL (1985) Zuvi
Kve¨MÖš’| Zuvi †cÖ‡gi KweZv †e‡ivq 1981†Z| Avnmvb nvex‡ei KweZv KLbI cÖZ¨ÿ bq, AšÍ‡ii AvwZ©i cÖPvi
bqe¨w³i c~Y©vqZ fvev‡eM †hb G‡Kev‡i Acvcwe× g‡bi| Kwe KweZv‡K Ges Zvi g‡bv‡jv‡Ki evwm›`v‡K
†mBw`‡KB PwjZ K‡ib| mg¯Í ev¯ÍeZv‡K Avkªq K‡i Ges Kwefve‡K †m cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cÖLi mshg‡K
wZwb Kv‡R jvMvb| GUvB Avnmvb nvex‡ei KwemËvi me‡P‡q eo wmw×| †hLv‡b KweZv ev Kwe¯^‡ii AšÍ`©vnB Zvi
†PŠayix Imgvb (1920-1986)
m¤cÖwZ †PŠayix Imgvb iPbvmgMÖ (2007) †ewi‡q‡Q| ÔbZzb KweZvÕ msKj‡bi G Kwe m¤ú‡K© Av‡iK Kwe
†evinvbDwÏb Lvb Rvnv½xi e‡j‡Qb, Ô†PŠayix Imgvb MÖv‡g †_‡K‡Qb, gd¯^‡ji evB‡i c`PviYv K‡ibwb| Zuvi
KweZvq me©Rbxb welq †_‡K‡Q, †hgb AvRvw`i w`b wKsev †kvlY Ges Amv‡g¨i weiæ‡× cÖwZev` wKsev †`k‡cÖg|Õ
Avi ÔbZzb KweZvÕi cwiwPwZ‡Z Av‡Q, ÔmvwnZ¨ I ivRbxwZ‡K huviv A½v½x I gy‡LvgywL e‡j VvIwo‡q‡Qb †PŠayix
Imgvb Zuv‡`i GKRb|Õ Zuvi Kve¨ †cÖg I c„w_ex| giæc_ iwPZ n‡q‡Q 1939-1946 ch©šÍ †jLv KweZv wb‡q Avi
¯^cœ‡kl-G Av‡Q 1947 †_‡K 1953 ch©šÍ KweZv| Kwei wkï‡Zvl Kve¨ : W‡bi †Nvov| Zuvi KweZvi †gŠj welq
evOvwj gymjgv‡bi cvwK¯Ívb wb‡q ¯^cœ‡k‡li nZvkv-welv`| wKš‘ mvg¨-¯^vaxbZv, gvbeZvev`x †PZbvB †PŠayix
Imgv‡bi Kv‡e¨ ùwUKvwqZ n‡q‡Q| Zuvi Kwefvlv GKw`‡K KjKvZvi wecix‡Z Ab¨w`‡K
cvwK¯Ív‡bi weiæ‡×, cÖMwZi c‡ÿc~e©-evsjvi ¯^Zš¿ mvwnZ¨avivi G‡Kev‡i †Mvovq RjwmÂb K‡i‡Qb †PŠayix

2.2 gymwjg †PZbv`‡k©i AbyMvgx Kwe I KweZvce©

cvwK¯Ívb Av‡›`vj‡bi m‡½ c~‡e©vwjøwLZ †Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv Abym„Z avivq GKwU Kwe‡Mvôx ˆZwi nq| cÖ_gZ : Pwjø‡ki
gymjgvb wn‡m‡e G AvbyMZ¨ ev Av`‡k©i †hŠw³KZv wQj| mvZPwjø‡ki Av‡M fviZe‡l©i gymjgvb wKsev evOvwj
gymjgvbI me©v‡_© ÔcvwK¯ÍvbÕB †P‡qwQj| KviY, Gi m‡½ gymjgv‡bi AvZ¥cwiPq Ges Av_©bxwZK my‡hvM-myweavi
welqwU wQj| GQvov Ôwn›`y-Avwac‡Z¨Õi Aemvb wKsev cvi¯úwiK Awek¦v‡mi †ÿÎwUI †h Ag~jK wQj Zv bq|
myZivs Ggb Av`‡k©i mg_©‡b Kwee¨w³Z¡ wbwg©Z nIqv A¯^vfvweK wKQy bq| wKš‘ fvev`‡k©i Zzgyj AvwacZ¨ MÖvm
K‡i G Kwe‡Mvôx‡K| †`kfv‡Mi ci evOvwj gymjgvb hLb ÔåvšÍÕ ivóª wn‡m‡e cvwK¯Ívb‡K AvL¨v w`‡”Q wKsev mg¯Í
AwaKv‡ii Acnvix ev AvMÖvmx wn‡m‡e wPwýZ Ki‡Q ZLbI GKwU Kwe‡Mvôx Kv‡q‡` Avhg ev cvwK¯Ív‡bi Rb¨ wKsev
c~e©-evsjvi mewKQy †_‡K gyL wdwi‡q Avie-Biv‡b ¯’vb wb‡q‡Q| cÖm½Z fvlv Av‡›`vj‡bi ci hLb AevOvwj ev
cvÄvex Abv¯’vi RvqMvwU cwi¯‹vi nq, ZLbI Kweiv cvwK¯Ív‡bi e„Ë I wek¦vm‡K †K›`ªxf~Z K‡i KweZv wj‡L‡Qb|
Aek¨ G avivwU µgk AewmZ nq| Z‡e gyw³hy‡×vËi evsjv‡`‡k ivóª GKUv ch©v‡q mvgwiK kvm‡bi gy‡L, †gŠjev`x
†ZvlY wKsev ag©iv‡óªi iƒc †c‡j Zv Avevi c~‡e©v³iƒ‡c cybiæwÌZ n‡Z cv‡iZv‡Z Avi wewPÎ wK? Z‡e GUv
ejvB hvq, wefvM-c~‡e©i G avivwU GKUv †PZbvMZ wek¦v‡m wKsev weåvwšÍMZ ev Ab¨ †h Kvi‡Y †nvK Zuv‡`i KweK‡g©
ag©wek¦vmUvB cÖej Ges †mRb¨ Zuviv Bivb-ZzKx© wKsev G¨vivweqvb HwZ‡n¨i A‡bK wKQy‡K wb‡q‡Qb| wKš‘ G ch©v‡q
Zuv‡`i †gŠjev`x cÖeYZvwU †Zgb cÖej wQj bv e‡jB Abygvb nq| A_P GKv‡j Amv¤cÖ`vwqK ivóªKvVv‡gvi
evsjv‡`‡k iv‡óªi †kªwYPwiÎ Ges Zvi c„ô‡cvlKZvq, bvbvgywL loh‡š¿i gy‡L †e‡o DV‡Q mv¤cÖ`vwqK Z_vKw_Z
ÔKweÕ‡Mvôx| G‡ÿ‡Î †`Lv †M‡Q A‡bK eo I L¨vwZgvb KweI Kg hvb bv| †fvMev‡`i Dw”Qó Avni‡Yi †Póvq
A‡bK wKQy G mgv‡R GLb Pj‡Q| †mLv‡b KweivI wbe„Ë bb| cÖwZwµqvkxj cuywRev` Avi mvgªvR¨ev‡`i bZzb
AvnŸvb mgvR‡K †h AÜZ¡ Avi `vm‡Z¡i i¾y‡Z †e‡a‡Q †mLv‡b mevi g‡Zv Kwe‡`iI †invB †bB| hv †nvK,
evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq Pwjø‡ki †Mvovi G avivi KwecÖwZK…wZi cwiPq wbgœiƒc :
†Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv (1895-1964)
Bmjvgx †PZbvi m‡½ cvwK¯Ívbx Av`k©ev` me©vZ¥K hy³ n‡qwQj †Mvjvg †gv¯Ídvi †jLbx‡Z| cvwK¯Ívb iv‡óªi R‡b¥i
ci BKev‡ji KweZv‡K cÖPvi I cÖwZôv Ges KvRx bRiæ‡ji KweZvi ms¯‹vi K‡i ÔgymjgvbxÕ Kivi D‡`¨vM †bb|
c~e©-evsjvi KweZvq kw³kvjxiƒ‡c gvbeZvev`x I Amv¤cÖ`vwqK fveavivcyó KweZvi PP©v c~Y©-D`¨‡g Pj‡Z _vK‡jI
†Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv ag©xq †PZbv`‡k©i E‡aŸ© I‡Vbwb| ejv P‡j, Avg„Zz¨ cvwK¯Ív‡bi Av`‡k©B Zuvi KweZv‡K wemR©b
w`‡q‡Qb| Kwei ewb-Av`g (1958) ˆkwíK gvb`‡Ð cÖksmbxq| kqZv‡bi cÖ‡ivPbv I Av`g-nvIqvi g‡Z¨© AvMgb
Kvwnwb wb‡q GwU iwPZ| GLv‡b ag©xq fv‡e Av`k©ev‡`i PP©v n‡jI KweKíbv jÿYxq| Zuvi c~e© -cvwK¯Ívb-c~e© hy‡M
iwPZ KweZvMÖš’ i³ivM (1924), †Lvk‡iR (1929), Kve¨Kvwnbx (1932), mvnviv (1936), nvmœv‡nbv (1938)|
Zvivbv-B-cvwK¯Ívb 1948-G iwPZ Kve¨MÖš’| Zuvi RxeÏkvq 1949 mv‡j eyjeywj¯Ívb bv‡g GKwU msKjb-MÖš’
cÖKvwkZ nq| cieZ©x‡Z GwU `y®cÖvc¨ nIqvq Kwei g„Zz¨i ci Kve¨-msKjb †ei nq 1967 mv‡j| MxwZ-mÂqb
1968-†Z cÖKvwkZ|
kvnv`vr †nv‡mb (1893-1953)
mvZPwjø‡ki Av‡M KweZv iPbv ïiæ K‡ib kvnv`vr †nv‡mb| wZwb iex›`ªgy», †mŠ›`h©cÖeY I ¯^vwcœK n‡q
cÖK…wZgy»Zvq KweZv iPbv K‡ib| gymjgvb wn‡m‡e ms¯‹vi I mxgve×Zv _vK‡jI e¨w³-wbi‡cÿ †_‡KB KweZvi
PP©v Ae¨vnZ iv‡Lb| G Kwe Av‡`¨vcvšÍ †ivgvw›UK, †ivgvw›UKmyjf gb‡b DrKl©I G‡m‡QZvi KweZvq| Z‡e
KweZvq GK ai‡bi cwikxj‡bi Afve Av‡Q| mwµqwe‡kl bq Kwefvlv| be-Avwe®‹v‡ii cÖ‡Yv`bvI Kg| mvwn‡Z¨i
wewPÎ wefv‡M Zvi cwiPvjbv wQj| Z‡e w·ki KweK‡Éi DËivwaKvi n‡q IVv Zvi c‡ÿ m¤¢e nqwb, d‡j wefvM-
cieZ©x g~javivi ˆewkó¨I wP‡b DV‡Z cv‡ibwb e‡j g‡b nq| KweZvi mg¯Í m¤ú‡` Avmxb n‡qI wZwb b~¨b i‡q
†M‡Qb| ÔZvi g‡a¨ weeZ©b †bB, Dw™¢`¨gvbZv †bB, iƒcvšÍi †bBAv‡Q GK GKvšÍ D™¢‡ei g‡a¨ AbšÍ D‡`ªK,
AkvšÍ D‡ØM|Õ (AvaywbK Kwe I KweZv : nvmvb nvwdRyi ingvb) ZeyI †mŠ›`h©cÖeY g‡bi cwiPvqKiƒ‡c AvZ¥Mwigvq
KweZvi cwiPh©v K‡i‡Qb| D`vniY :
be kvnbvgv †di`ymx i‡Pgmbex i‡P iægx,
LvBqvg Rv‡M be iæevAv‡Z mvKxi †cqvjv Pzwg
mv`xi mvabv, nv‡d‡Ri a¨vb behyM iƒcvqY
BKevj-nvjx-Mv‡j‡ei gv‡S †jv‡f‡Q wPišÍb|
wPÎvfvm Z_v GK ai‡bi †ivgvw›UK we‡ÿc Dc‡ii ¯Íe‡K Kvh©Ki| wb®úvc-cwi”Qbœ AviwZ cÖwÿß| g›`ªgw_Z
D”Pvi‡Y g~Z©gvb ev Rxebev‡`i Avfv Acwimi e„‡Ë Ave×| c‡ii ¯Íe‡KI GK ai‡bi RvZxqZvi D‡b¥l K‡iv¾¡j|
¯^xq g‡bvevmbv KweZvq KiZjMZ| cÖwZ‡ek I mgqMZ g~j¨vq‡b Kwe Av”Qbœ, m¤§yL my`~i w¯’i| Zuvi Kve¨MÖš’ :
iƒc”Q›`v (1950), g„`½ (1335), Kí‡iLv (1336)| Kvgiæj nvmvb (1921-1988)-Gi Kiv cÖ”Q‡` iƒc”Q›`vi f‚wgKvq
15B KvwZ©K 1357 kvnv`vr †nv‡mb e‡jb, ÔiƒcewntcÖKvk Q›`tMwZ| GB ewntcÖKvk Ges MwZi g‡a¨B m„wói
wPišÍb inm¨ wbwnZ| iƒc”Q›`vi iƒc Ges Q›`‡K whwb g‡bi Mn‡b eiY †Kv‡i wb‡Z cvi‡eb, Gi AšÍe©vwnbx im-
avivi mÜvb †c‡Z ZuvÕ‡K Av‡`Š Ô†eMÕ †c‡Z n‡e bv|Õ G eB‡qi †ek cÖjw¤^Z GKwU g~j¨vqb-wbf©i f‚wgKv
wj‡LwQ‡jb ˆmq` Avjx Avnmvb| wZwb Gi cÖKiY-wbY©q Ki‡Z wM‡q †j‡Lb : Ômshy³ eY© I e¨Äbe‡Y©i AvZ¨wšÍK
web¨v‡m myi-SsKv‡ii m„wó; wØZxqZ : AÿiMZ I SsKviMZ AbycÖv‡mi Rb¨ c`jvwjZ¨ e„w×, Z…ZxqZ, c`-gy³
cqv‡ii wejw¤^Z j‡qi Rb¨ fveMv¤¢x‡h©i m„wóÕiƒc”Q›`vi ˆewkó¨| ÒwR›`v cvwK¯ÍvbÓ, ÒRuvnvMx‡ii AvZ¥mgc©YÓ,
Òwmiv‡Ri ¯^cœÓZuvi KweZv| K_vmvwnZ¨ I bvUK iPbv Ki‡jI g~jZ KweB wZwb:
DovBqv iOxb DËix
eb-Kz‡Ä RvMvBqv wngkxY©v gvaexi NygšÍ gÄix
AwZw_ G‡m‡Q Øv‡i|
e³‡e¨i m¤úªmviY I bvUKxqZvq †h k㸔Q wZwb Pqb K‡ibZv AmvwnZ¨ bq| KweZvi cvkvcvwk bvUK wj‡LI
wZwb cÖwmw× cvb| Z‡e bvU‡KI cvwK¯Ívb-Av`k© †K›`ªxf‚Z| KweZv Ges bvUK Zvi GKB †PZbv †_‡K DrmvwiZ|
AvwRRyj nvwKg (1908-1962)
kªgRxex gvby‡li cÖwZwbwa, w¯’i mgvRj‡ÿ D`&‡hvMx Kwe AvwRRyj nvwKg| A‡bKUv bRiæj cÖfvweZ wZwb|
KweZv‡K e¨envi K‡i‡Qb gvbegyw³i cÖ‡Yv`bvq| Zuvi KweZv †ewk ivRbxwZK, AwZK_b I e³e¨ag©x| ZeyI
†fv‡ii mvbvB (1339), giæ‡mbv (1340), c_nviv (1343), Ninviv (1344), we`» w`‡bi cÖvšÍi (1954) Zuvi
Kve¨MÖš’| AvRvwRj-bvgv (1956) e¨½ KweZv msKjb| GwUi HwZnvwmK g~j¨ Kg bq|
Q`iæÏxb (R. 1910)
cvwK¯Ívb ¯^‡cœ KvZi Kwe| Bmjvgx †PZbvavivq KweZv wjL‡jI GK mgq cÖK…wZ‡cÖg Zuvi KweZvq mg_©b AR©b
K‡i| gvbyl (1346), GK dvwj Puv` (1357), cqMvg (1358), msMÖvg (1951), bqv Avmgvvb (1954), 14B AvM÷
(1956), Ajm fvebv (1968) cÖf„wZ Kve¨ wj‡L‡Qb|
diiæL Avng` (1918-1974)
1947 mv‡j †`kfv‡Mi m‡½ m‡½ mvwnZ¨-ms¯‹…wZ I fvlvi †ÿ‡ÎI GKUv fvM-wefvRb ïiæ n‡qwQj| c~e©-cvwK¯Ívb
mvwnZ¨aviv m„wó; Ges Zvi iƒcvq‡YiI ù‚wZ© ZLb bvbvfv‡e Pj‡Z _v‡K| diiæL Avng` wefvM-c~e©Kv‡jB mvZ-
mvM‡ii gvwS (1944) wj‡L wb‡Ri cwiPq †NvlYv K‡ib| Zvici c~e©-evsjvq wd‡i Avmv; Avg„Zz¨ Kve¨PP©v| KweZvi
welqe¯‘, Avw½K, fvlv mPwKZ| gb-gb¯^xZvq, Kíbvq Av`k©ev‡`i E‡aŸ© wZwb eo †ivg¨vw›UK Kwe wn‡m‡e wb‡R‡K
cÖwZcbœ K‡i‡Qb| mvZ-mvM‡ii gvwS‡Z i‡q‡Q cÖZxKx AwfhvÎv; Avi †m AwfhvÎvq wea„Z gvbexq m¤¢ve¨Zvi
hveZxq Abyl½| d‡j cyivY-BwZnvm wbtm„Z A‡bKiKg k‡ã _v‡K nZvkv-AvKv•ÿv-ˆbivk¨-cybiæÌvb cwiPh©vi
welqwU‡Z| †mLv‡b gymwjg evZ©v Kvjmv‡cÿ wbiƒwcZ n‡jI cÖavbZ KweKíbvi cwi‡cÖwÿZwU Zzgyj evZ©ven| ¯^cœ
I Kíbvi gvÎvI eûMvwg| AvRv` K‡iv cvwK¯Ívb (1946)-Gi Kwe diiæL Avng`| Zuv‡K gymwjg cybiæÌv‡bi Kwe
ejv hvq| wKš‘ ÔHwZn¨‡ev‡a diiæL Avng` Avgv‡`i g¾vMZ| HwZn¨‡ev‡a D¾xweZ n‡Z bv cvi‡j diiæL
Avng` wjL‡Z cv‡ib bv| HwZ‡n¨i RMZB Zvi ¯^vfvweK ¯^w¯Íi RMr| Avie¨ Dcb¨vm, Bivb I Avi‡ei ms¯‹…wZ I
cyivK_v Ges †Kviv‡b DwjøwLZ Kvwnwbi HwZn¨ GKw`‡K Ges Ab¨w`‡K gymwjg Afy¨Ìvb hy‡Mi e¨w³Z¡ I fveavivi
HwZn¨ Zvi Kve¨‡K wbqš¿Y K‡i‡Q|Õ (nvmvb nvwdRyi ingvb) evsjv‡`‡ki KweZv-†mŠ›`‡h©i GKwU †ivgvÂKi I
cÖvY¯úa©x iƒc cvIqv hvq Zuvi mvZ-mvM‡ii gvwS (1944) Kv‡e¨| diiæL Avng‡`i G KwefvlvwU wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q
GKw`‡K w·kvËi DËivwaKviiƒ‡c†cÖ‡g›`ª wg‡Îi (1904-1988) fvev`‡k© Ab¨w`‡K bRiæjxq †ivgvw›UKZvqhv
Awbevh©iƒ‡c mgvRe`j I hy×R‡qi ¯^cœ‡K aviY K‡i| mvZ-mvM‡ii gvwSi Òwm›`ev`Ó-G cÖwZaŸwbZ
Avi‡e¨vcb¨v‡mi cUf~‡gGi cÖev‡n ÒevÕi `wiqvqÓ, Ò`wiqvq †kl ivwÎÓ, Òkvn&wiqviÓ, Òe›`‡i mܨvÓ, Ò†n wbkvb-
evnxÓ, ÒwbkvbÓ, Òwbkvb-ei`viÓ,ÒmvZ-mvM‡ii gvwSÓ KweZv¸‡jv cÖvq GKB AwfhvÎvi| Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(1772-1834) Gi The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798)-Gi bvweKB †hb GLv‡b hveZxq Awfe¨w³ wb‡q
© |
fviZe‡l© Jcwb‡ewkK kvm‡bi AšÍ¨j‡Mœ, be-Av_©bxwZK cwigЇj, M‡o IVv bZzb cyuwRi g~j¨gv‡b gymjgvb‡`i
AZxZgywL nIqv wKsev Zvi †fZi w`‡q ga¨weË †kªwYi ¯^cœ-AwaKvi ev¯Íevq‡bi cÖ‡Póvq Avkvev`x n‡q
IVvme©vZ¥K MYgvb‡mi ù~wZ© bv e‡j Avi Kx! Kwe †m †mªvZ‡K aviY K‡ib, GKwÎZ K‡ib| Kwe Ôwek kZ‡Ki
†kÖô ZvgÏywbK iƒcKvi `vk©wbK Kwe Avjøvgv BKevj (1877-1938)-Gi Agi ¯§„wZi D‡Ï‡kÕ DrmM© K‡ib mvZ-
mvM‡ii gvwS| wefvM-c~e© gymwjg-aŸwbwU cÖ‡Yvw`Z K‡i, ga¨weË Avkv-AvKv•ÿvi cwigЇj| Zuvi kãvbyivM Aviwe-
dviwm fvlv MÖnY K‡i| †mfv‡eB mvZ-mvM‡ii gvwSi aviYv ˆZwi| Kwe-cÖwZôvI Zv-B| Kvi‡Y, IB m¤¢vweZ
D‡`¨v‡Mi Aby‡cÖiYv| Òwm›`ev`Ó KweZvwU Avi‡e¨vcb¨v‡mi cUf~‡g, c‡i ÒevÕi `wiqvqÓ, Ò`wiqvq †kl ivwÎÓ,
Òkvn&wiqviÓ, Òe›`‡i mܨvÓ, Ò†n wbkvb-evnxÓ, ÒwbkvbÓ, Òwbkvb-ei`viÓ, ÒmvZ-mvM‡ii gvwSÓ KweZv¸‡jvcÖvq GKB
m¤^Üm~‡Î Mv_v| Ôe¨w³Õ Z_v RvwZi DÌvbwPšÍvq AwfhvwÎK c_wUi ewY©j eY©bv cwiPvwjZ| G AwfhvÎvi hviv
AwfhvwÎK Zv‡`i RxebvMÖ‡ni myjyKmÜvb cÖwZwew¤^Z| Z‡e ¯§Z©e¨, ïay hvÎv-cwiµgvB bq, mKvj-mܨv-ivwÎi
cwi‡e‡k DwÏó jÿ¨we›`yI Zvi evnK| GRb¨ Kve¨wPšÍ‡b †h mgqvšÍ‡ii Mwigv M‡o I‡V Zv AvKl©Yxq,
eû¯Íie¨vcx| cybiæ¾xeb, BwZnvm-HwZn¨-cyivY wbg©vY; AvZ¥¯’ I weewa©Z, AvnŸv‡b AšÍjx©b : ÔbZzb cvwb‡Z mdi
Gevi, †n gvwS wm›`ev`!Õ Gici msMÖvg I cÖwZôvcÖ¯‘wZ, cÖ¯‘ZK…Z wPšÍv KY©Kzn‡i Av‡m, AvnŸvb †bvbv `wiqvi|
is I iƒ‡ci †Ljv wewPÎgyLx| ms¯‹vi-Kzms¯‹vi wb‡q wek¦v‡mi g‡š¿ nvj| †mRb¨ AvnŸvbUv wgw_K¨vjÔiwOb gLgj
w`bÕ, Ô`wiqv †W‡K‡Q bxjÕ, ÔLv‡Ki ggZv AvKv‡k D‡V‡Q Puv`Õ, Ô†W‡K‡Q Avgv‡K bxj AvKv‡ki Zx‡iÕ Gm‡e GK
ai‡bi cybive„wË (repetition), contrast Avi AvšÍtm¤ú‡K©i †fZi w`‡q cÖfve (effect) m„wó| cÖK…Z Kwe Rv‡bb bv H
we‡kl Av`‡k©i wek¦vmLv‡Ki ggZv, bxj AvKvk, `wiqvi Puv`| GK ai‡bi MxZj iƒc, wew¤^Z n‡q I‡V
hvÎvKv•ÿvi ؇›Ø; Avevi Ø›Øvemv‡bi AvkvI Avkvnxb bq :
†Kki †dvjv‡bv cv‡j jv‡M nvIqv, gv¯‘‡j †`v‡j Puv`,
Zvivi Av¸‡b c_ †e‡Q †bq ¯^‡cœiv mvivivZ|
H †`L Av‡m gD‡Ri ci gD‡Ri Kv‡jv mvwi;
H †`L mv‡_ bxj Avmgv‡b Pg&Kvq ZjIqvi,
ÔZvivi Av¸bÕ, Ôgv¯‘‡j †`v‡j Puv`Õ cÖwZgvLwPZ| m‡¤§vnbx ¯^cœhvÎvwU Zvivi Av¸‡b DÏxwcZ, wknwiZ| AwfhvÎvwU
ZworPwKZc_wbg©v‡Y AwR©Z, AvKl©YxqI| Bjv‡÷ªkvbwU cÖvwYZ cÖ`xwß cvq ÔH †`L Av‡mÕ GgbUvi ci Ôbxj
Avmgv‡b Pg&KvqÕ Ges ÔZjIqviÕGLv‡b Z‡jvqvi cÖÁvF× Ges weï× KíiwZi Pcj D”Q¡vm| _v‡K
UªvÝwgD‡UkvbiƒcvšÍwiZ ˆkjx A½xKvi| ¯^Ztù‚Z© ¯^‡i Kwe AvZ¥`xwÿZ| mvZ-mvM‡ii gvwSi Òwm›`ev‡`Ói c‡ii
KweZvq weï× evZ©v cÖKvwkZ| KweZvi Ôstructural deviceÕ-Gi g‡a¨ cybive„wËi cÖm½wU Av‡Q; Ges Gi Rb¨
mZK©`„wó cÖ‡qvRbZ‡e eo Kwe wbwðZiƒ‡cB †mwU Dr‡i hvb| ÒevÕi `wiqvqÓ KweZvi D‡jø‡L K_K we`¨gvb
avivwU‡K GwM‡q wb‡q PjwZ ¯^‡cœi Nbwcb× e¨vL¨v †`b| gb‡hvMx n‡q c‡ob| cwi‡ekwU Gevi c~e©eZ©x
Òwm›`ev‡`Ói †P‡q AviI cÖZxKcÖwZg| cÖK…wZi ¯^iwU †mv”Pvi, WvMi| Gi wecixZiƒcI Av‡QAeiæ×Zvi AvwZ©,
ÿwYK wb¯ú›` I AagY© Aven| Av‡Q Clr welYœZvi Abygvb-Aven| diiæL ÔmoodÕ GK ch©v‡q wRÁvmv`vqx|
cÖ‡kœi †fZ‡i cwigvR©bv, Avwe®‹viwU wb‡Ri, cÖ‡Z¨K‡KimvgwóK| Rvbv _vKv PvB, Pwjø‡ki `k‡Ki evOvwj
gymjgvb cÖ‡Yv`bvi ms‡KZmg~n| ga¨weË gymjgvb †Kvb& ms¯‹…wZ, †`k, AvZ¥wRÁvmv, gh©v`vi Rb¨ wQj cÖZxÿviZ!
c~e©-evsjvi HwZ‡n¨ mgš^‡qi ¯^iƒ‡c †h KweZv‡K Avgiv Rvwb Zv ZLb G A‡j †Kvb& cÖKiY Avkv K‡iwQj?
ga¨hy‡Mi ag©Kve¨, ˆeòe mvwnZ¨wn›`y-gymjgvb mgwš^Z Rxeb‡PZbvi ¯^iƒ‡c Kxiƒ‡c kvk¦Z cÖvY‡PZbv eRvq wQj?
gymwjg ivRvm‡b †_‡K G A‡ji AšÍtkxj iƒcwU K‡ZvUv e¨w³-wbwe©‡k‡l AvZ¥wek¦v‡mi kw³‡K g~Z© K‡i Zz‡jwQj?
wØavnxb wP‡Ë Gm‡ei DËi mvZ-mvM‡ii gvwS‡Z engvb| ÒevÕi `wiqvqÓ KweZvwUi cÖ‡qvM :
`~i e›`‡i `xß m~h©, Avgv‡`i MwZgvb
Rvnv‡Ri cvj †mªv‡Zi †bkvq fiv,
†h_v w`M‡šÍ me&Rv †n‡i‡g fv‡m cix‡`i Mvb,
†bKve †`vjv‡q Avw`g ebvbx RvM&‡Q b„Z¨civ;
AcÖwZ‡iva¨ B‡gR, †hLv‡b Ôcix‡`i MvbÕ Avi Ôebvbx RvM&‡Q b„Z¨civÕK‡ZvUv AvZ¥gy»Zv Aay¨wlZ, †hb †ivgvÝ
ev †cÖgcÖeY AvZ¥vi wKbœiKÉx D”PviY; AevwiZ aiv c‡o ¯^cœ-b÷vjwRqv-Z…òvKvZi cÖYq| Z‡e eY©bvgq G
iƒckh¨v w`e¨vbyf~wZ †_‡K RvMwiZ| nvmvb nvwdRyi ingvb †hgbUv e‡jb :
welq I Av`k© †h fvlvi Kve¨ nq, †h Qwe‡Z wPÎKí nq, †h g~Q©bvq wjwiK nq, †h-a¨v‡b AvZ¥MZ nq, †h
Kíbvq ev¯ÍeZv I NUgvbZv crudeness Qvwo‡q I‡V Ges hvi Øviv we‡kl e³‡e¨i cÖkœ mv‡cÿZvi E‡aŸ©
ˆkwíK i‡m ¯^”Q›` n‡q DV‡Z cv‡i Zv diiæ‡Li AbvqË wQj bv (mvZ-mvM‡ii gvwS Kve¨MÖš’ Gi cÖgvY)
Ges Kx K‡i GB Kve¨c×wZ Rxe‡bi m‡½ wg‡k Zvi cwiPqI Zvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q|
e¯‘aviYvq Kwei †h AwfÁZv Zv KweZvi †fZ‡i Av‡m hveZxq ù‚wZ© wb‡q| †mLv‡b hv _v‡K ZvB Av‡aq Avi
†hfv‡e ejv nq Zv Avavi| diiæL Avng` KweZv wj‡LKx Zvi Dc‡hvwMZv, †mUvi evB‡i Avgiv LuyR‡Z †Póv Kwi
†mLv‡b Kx Av‡Q wKsev Zvi ejvi DcvqB ev wK? †h avivevwnKZvq mvZ-mvM‡ii AwfhvÎv ïiæ †mLv‡b Z„Zxq
KweZv Ò`wiqvq †kl ivwÎÓ| GLv‡b Dw³i cv_©K¨ Av‡QXswU Kve¨bv‡U¨i; e¨w³cÖqvmwU RwUjZi n‡q D‡V‡Q,
†Kbbv bvU¨ixwZ‡Z cÖZ¨ÿ n‡q D‡V‡Q ewngy©Lx iƒcwU Avi AšÍgy©Lx Av‡e‡M Dcw¯’Z Zvi †fZ‡ii RMZwU| GQvov
diiæL ÒAvKvk-bvweKÓ, Òe›`‡i mܨvÓ, Òcv‡ÄixÓ, ÒmvZ-mvM‡ii gvwSÓi csw³gvjvi ÔorchestratingÕhv Db¥y³
K‡i †`q Rxe‡bi ï× I we¯§qKi Avb›``vqx Abyl½mg~‡n| Kwe mgvRmsMV‡bi aviv‡Z †PZb-Ae‡PZb †ev‡a
ai‡Z cv‡ib fwel¨gyLx Kve¨ixwZwU| AwfhvÎvi avivwU‡Z Ò†n wbkvb-evnx!Ó, ÒwbkvbÓ, Òwbkvb-ei`viÓ †_‡K
DׄZ Ki‡j G msÁv_©wU AviI cwi®‹vi n‡Z cv‡i :
i) †Zvgvi wbkvb Do‡Q †Kv_vq wbR©b cÖvšÍ‡i,
Rbvi‡Y¨i GLv‡b k~b¨ kvLv,
bxo †Q‡o Zvi ¯^‡cœi cvwL eûw`b cjvZKv
Riv¯’wei ¸gwi g‡i
ii) mey‡Ri eb, †KZKxi eb
†m wK ïay n‡e gbmv-†Svc!
iii) cv‡qi Zjvq cÖej Ak¦Ly‡i
giæevjyKvi ùzwj½ D‡V wb‡g‡l wgjvq `~‡i,
gb¥q Kwei MnbØv‡ii mshZ I c~Y©v½ ù‚wZ© ÒWvûKÓ| GKvZ¥v Kwe, ivZRvMv WvûK iƒcKiƒ‡c Awfwl³| cÖ_g
csw³‡Z mg_©b Ges GKxK…Z| PiY Qvwc‡q gy³K Q‡›`i †eMcwi‡ekwU wPÎvwqZ| msnZ I kvwYZ cwiPh©v,
¯^vwcœK cÖeYZv `~ie¨ÄbvmÂvix (connotation)| †Uv‡Ug n‡q Av‡m cvwL, wmœ» WvK ïay GKvKx bq, MxZj (lyrical)
¯^‡i, wecyj cÖYq-cÖvw_©Z K‡i, A‡bK‡K Rvwb‡q| ÒWvûKÓ †klvewa AÜKvi †cwi‡q Av‡jvi hvÎvcw_K| wKš‘ Gi
KweKg© Ômakes the words, their sound, rhythm, and imagery, do all the workÕ†hLv‡b ¯^vfvweK Rxeb
DcKiY cwikxwjZ gvÎv cvq Ges cÖmv`¸‡Yi evOgq iƒcwU ¯^cœgyLi e¨w³‡K ¯^vZš¿¨ †`q|
c~e©-evsjvi cÖv_wgK Kve¨f~wg‡Z Gfv‡eB wZwb M‡o w`‡q‡Qb exRv¼zi| Zuvi AvRv` K‡iv cvwK¯Ívb (1946), wmivRvg
gybxiv (1952) A‡cÿvK…Z `ye©j gv‡ci Kve¨MÖš’| †bŠ‡dj I nv‡Zg (1961) Kve¨bvUK, gyn~‡Z©i KweZv (1963) m‡bU
msKj‡bI Zuvi Abb¨ KwemËvi gvÎvevnx| nv‡Zg ZvÕqx (1966) KvwnbxKve¨; cvwLi evmv (1965), bZzb †jLv
(1969) wkï‡Zvl MÖš’| GQvov wj‡L‡Qb ni‡di Qov (1970), Qovi Avmi (1970), †n eb¨ ¯^‡cœiv (1976), nv‡e`v
giæi Kvwnbx (1981)|
iIkb BR`vbx (1917-1967)
Kwe I cÖvewÜK| m`¨-cvwK¯Ív‡b Ryjy‡gi weiæ‡× cÖwZev`, cvwK¯Ívb I gymwjg cybiæÌvb, Bmjvg‡K wfwË K‡i
mvwnZ¨ I HwZn¨ wbg©vY Ggb avivq iIkb BR`vbx c~e©-evsjvi Kwe-cÖwZwbwa ej‡j fyj nq bv| Zuvi Ggb
†PZbv¸Y Kwefvlv wbg©v‡Y evav n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q Avi Kve¨ DËi‡Yi cwi‡cÖwÿZwUI Zv‡Z `~ivnZ| eRªevYx (1947),
ivnMxi (1949), wPbywewe (1951), iw½jv eÜz (1951) LvZvgyb bexCb (1960), cvwK¯Ív‡bi R½bvgv (1965), giæi
Kv‡djv KweZvMÖ‡š’i iPwqZv wZwb|
gydvL&Lviæj Bmjvg (R. 1921)
evsjv‡`‡k KweZvq Bmjvgx †PZbv jvwjZ avivwU‡Z, Ôeyjeywj¯ÍvbÕ, ÔRvjvjx KeyZiÕ Kve¨fvlv cvq| Bmjvgx cyivY,
Dcgv fw½‡Z cÖengvb| cvK‡mbv‡`i AkªvšÍMwZ cÖZ¨vkv K‡ib wZwb| GKgvÎ Kve¨ †n cvK dDR (1354) Gi g‡a¨
Bmjv‡gi RvMiY GKUv Kvwnwbg~jK cwimi cvq| †mLv‡b Dcgv-iƒcK wKsev kã-evK¨e¨envi DwÏó Ave‡n wPwÎZ
gwZDj Bmjvg (1914-1984)
Bmjvgx fvev`‡k© KweZv wj‡L‡Qb| a‡g©i †fZ‡iB gvbeZv‡K ¯úk© Ki‡Z †P‡q‡Qb| Kv‡q‡` AvRg †Zvgvi Rb¨
(1950) Kve¨ †_‡KB Abygvb mZ¨ n‡q I‡V, Kxfv‡e cvwK¯Ívbx †PZbv‡K wZwb MÖnY K‡ib| Z‡e G mg‡q A‡bK
Kwe‡`i gvbeZvi kZ©wU wKš‘ Ggb †PZbvi g‡a¨B c~wRZ wQj| gwZDj Bmjvg †m c‡_iB AbyMvgx| Z‡e mgvR
wecø‡ei †fZi w`‡q gvby‡li cwieZ©b wKsev Pxbcwš’ †PZbvI `~icivnZ g‡b nq bv Zuvi †jLvq| wcÖqv I c„w_ex
(1955), mßKb¨v (1957) Zuvi Ab¨vb¨ Kve¨| Gme Kv‡e¨ Bw›`ªqm‡PZb GK KweiI cwiPq †g‡j| gwZDj Bmjvg
cÂv‡ki cÖksmbxq Kwe; GKwU we‡kl avivq wjL‡jI Zuvi PgwKZ wPÎK‡í c‡i A‡b‡KB cÖfvweZ n‡q‡Qb|
Ave`yi ikx` Iqv‡mKcyix (R. 1926)
†h‡nZz (1954) cvwK¯Ívb‡K †K›`ª K‡i †kølvZ¥K e¨½ KweZv| cvwK¯Ív‡bi wewfbœ mgm¨v, ivRbxwZ wKsev mgmvgwqK
welq wb‡q e¨½ KweZv †jLv n‡q‡Q| G KweZv¸‡jv A‡bKvs‡k DbœZ wkíiæwPi cwiPvqK e‡jB g‡b nq| Zuvi
Avwgi mI`vMi (1366) cvK-evsjvq mgv`„Z Kve¨| Gi cUf~wgKvq G‡`‡ki gvwU-cÖK…wZi ˆewkó¨ eqvb n‡q‡Q|
Zvwjg †nv‡mb (1918-1999)
Zvwjg †nv‡m‡bi KweZv Bmjvgx fveaviv jvwjZ| Bmjv‡gi mvg¨, †ZŠwn`, b¨vqwePvi, †Kviv‡bi w`kv Gme †PZbv
m`¨Mov cvwK¯Ív‡b Ggb †jLK‡`i AviI Aby‡cÖiYvi e¯‘‡Z cwiYZ nq| Zvwjg †nv‡mb †divD‡bi aŸsm Kvgbv
Avi Zvi e`‡j Lv‡j`, g~mv, Dgi, AveyeK‡ii b¨vq-mv‡g¨i ¯^cœ †`‡Lb| †mLv‡b nhiZ gyn¤§` w`kvix Ges
cv‡_q| cÖvYešÍ Kwewek¦v‡m w`kvix (1956) iwPZ| c~Y© Av‡eM I wek¦v‡mi wkíiƒc G Kve¨wU| Z‡e wØZxq Kve¨
kvnxb (1962) wbgœMvgx| GLv‡b ¯^cœwbg©vY wkw_j Z‡e cÖKiY msnZ| Zvwjg †nv‡mb µgk cvwK¯Ívb-iv‡óª nZvk
n‡q c‡ob; GK ch©v‡q KweZv iPbvq †`b B¯Ídv| AšÍ‡P©Zbvi DrmgyL Avi wek¦vm GKxK…Z bv n‡j wkí wegyL n‡Z
eva¨| cvwK¯Ívb ev DwÏó Av`k© Acm„Z n‡j Kíbvi-e„ËI Acm„Z; GK ch©v‡q Zvwjg †nv‡m‡bi †m †ev‡av`q
N‡UwQj| Bmjvgx KweZv (1981), b~‡ni RvnvR (1983) Zuvi Kve¨MÖš’|
mydx RyjwdKvi nvq`vi (1899-1987)
gymwjg †PZbvi avivq cvwK¯Ív‡bi Av`k©B KweZvi gyL¨ welq| †m iƒ‡cB Kwefvlv wbg©vY| †di evbvI gymjgvb
(1959) Zuvi Kve¨| Zuvi KweZv msKjb ¯^cœ hvi Avb‡jv †h Mo‡jv hviv (1959) †Z BKevj †_‡K wRbœvn&-AvBqy‡ei
cÖkw¯Í Av‡Q| cvwK¯Ívb †PZbvq cwic~Y©iƒ‡c DØy× G Kwe| KweKíbv A‡bK D”Pgv‡ci, wKš‘ Av`k©evnx nIqvq
cÖkwœ e×|
†e-bRxi Avn&g` (1903-1983) cvwK¯Ív‡bi ¯^‡cœ D¾xweZ †_‡K Dcwb‡ek gyw³i AvKv•ÿvq KweZv wj‡L‡Qb| wZwb
wQ‡jb A‡bKUv diiæL-evÜe| e›`xi euvkx, ˆekvLx (1351) Zuvi Kve¨| ˆekvLxi wØZxq gy`ª‡Y (1369) wKQz KweZv
mshy³ K‡i †ei nq| ˆekvLx Kv‡e¨i Òg„Zz¨ †Kv_v ej&Ó †_‡K ÒˆekvLxÓ ch©šÍ KweZv cÖ_g gy`ª‡YiI eûc~‡e©, Òg„Zz¨
†Kv_v ej&Ó †_‡K D×…wZ:
Avwg AvwQ, wek¦ Av‡Q, i‡³ i‡³ gyw³ bv‡P
g„Zz¨ †Kv_v ej&?
†hŠeb, †Zvi †gŠ-e‡b †`L& g„Zz¨-Rqx wPË-myav
Si‡Q Aweij|
†Kv_vq AÜKvi? 
jÿ cÖv‡Yi `xwß wkLvq `xcvwš^Zvi `xwß S‡j
AÜKvivi fvO&‡Q eÜ Øvi
†Kv_vq AÜKvi?
gvwmK ÔbI‡ivRÕ cwÎKvi cÖKvkK G Kwe 1921 mv‡j wLjvdZ I Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vj‡b †hvM`vb K‡i KviveiY
K‡ib| gymwjg RvMi‡Yi Kwe †e-bRxi Avn&g`| fvecÖ‡Yv`bvq evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvi †Mvovq cÖwmw× Zuvi| bRiæj
Abymvix G Kwei Kve¨fvlv †gavex I AvKl©Yxq n‡jI cÖwZcvwk¦©K Uvbvc‡o‡b †ewk`~i AMÖmi n‡Z mÿg nqwb|
3. g~javiv-AbyeZ©x Kwe I KweZvi aviv (1947-1970)
welq : gvbeZvev`, Amv¤cÖ`vwqKZv, Rxebev`, ˆelg¨nxb mgvR-¯^cœ, Aw¯Í‡Z¡i cybwb©gv© Y, ga¨weË bvMwiK‡PZbv
cÖKiY : Rxebv›`bxq ixwZ, bvMwiK fvl¨, cvðvZ¨ wewfbœ BRg ev cÖZxKev‡`i Avkªq, Aÿie„‡Ëi fv½Pzi, M`¨Q›`,
ivR‰bwZK †PZbvag©x iƒcK-cÖZxK-DcgvbwPÎ
wbixÿvq, evP‡b I cÖwZÁvq ïay KweZv bq, mvwn‡Z¨i Ab¨vb¨ kvLv‡ZI G cwieZ©b wZ‡ivwnZ _v‡K bv| wKš‘
cybe©vi wek¦hy× ZvÐe, jv‡nvi Awa‡ekb, †`kfv‡Mi D‡ËRbvq ivRbxwZ mswkøóZv cÖMvp nq| KweZvI ZLb AvK…wZ
cvq bvbvfv‡e, bvbvR‡bi Kv‡Q| wefvM-cieZ©x c~e©-evsjvq µgk G Bw½ZwU ¯úó n‡Z _v‡K; ¯^Zš¿ †fŠ‡MvwjK
cwigЇj| †mLv‡b Avnmvb nvexe (1917-1985), diiæL Avng` (1918-1974), Aveyj †nv‡mb (1922-2014) Zuv‡`i
AvKv•ÿvi ¯^iƒ‡c Kwefvlv wbg©vY Ki‡Z _v‡Kb| †mRb¨ evsjv‡`‡ki Kwe Ges Kwe‡`i wfwË mvZPwjø ‡kvËi Kv‡j|
†hUv evsjv‡`‡ki mvwn‡Z¨ wba©vwiZ| wKš‘ G ev¯ÍeZvwU wbwY©Z eªvZ¨ evOvwji AvšÍi †PZbvq| GK ch©v‡q msL¨vMwiô
evOvwj gymjgv‡bi Kg©ÿgZv I fvM¨wbqšÍv n‡q e‡m AevOvwj D`y©fvlx gymjgvbiv| evOvwj‡`i cyuwR K‡i ivóªxq
kvmbh‡š¿i hveZxq my‡hvM I ¯^v_©myweav Zviv †fvM K‡i| †`kfvM-cieZ©x kvmb-Îvmb I cvÄvexkw³i AvwacZ¨
GK ch©v‡q c~e©-evsjv †hb bZzb ÔDcwb‡ek Z‡Ë¡Õi Rv‡j Ave× n‡q c‡o| evqvbœ‡Z fvlvi Rb¨ P~ovšÍ Av‡›`vjb
Ges mvd‡j¨i †fZi w`‡q ïiæ nq evOvwji weiæ‡× AevOvwj kvmb-ÿgZv Ac‡bv`‡bi cÖv_wgK wfwË| Gici
bvbvfv‡e Av_©-mvgvwRK-ivR‰bwZK eÂbvi Av‡›`vjb `„pZi nq| GK ch©v‡q Zv mvs¯‹…wZKfv‡eI wfwË AR©b K‡i|
we‡klZ iex›`ª-we‡ivaxZv, bRiæj-ms¯‹vi cÖ‡Póv; Gm‡ei wecixZ cÖwZwµqv ˆZwi nq| µgk cvÄvex kvmK‡`i
a‡g©i ivRbxwZ, a‡g©i bv‡g †kvlY cÖwµqvi ¯^iƒcI `ªæZ wP‡b †d‡j c~e©-e‡½i e½fvlx RbZv| G †cÖÿvc‡U
evsjv‡`‡ki mvwnZ¨ k³ wfwË AR©b K‡i| KviY, wecbœ Aw¯Í‡Z¡i hveZxq ¯^cœmy‡Li Aej¤^b mvwnZ¨| Gi m‡½
cyuwRev`x A_©bxwZi Dci I †fZi KvVv‡gvi cÖfve I cÖwZwµqvq MwVZ e¨w³-gb¯ÍË¡ evsjv‡`‡ki mvwnZ¨‡K K‡i
†Zv‡j wewPÎgywL| KLbI Zv Aw¯Í‡Z¡i K_v e‡j, KLbI ¯^vaxb-¯^vqËkvm‡bi †fZ‡i wb‡Ri gyw³igš¿wU cvV K‡i|
h‡ZvB gyw³hy‡×i w`‡K G¸‡Z _v‡K Z‡ZvB c~e©-evsjv evOvwj ga¨we‡Ëi †fZ‡i bvMwiK †PZbv Ges GZ`&msµvšÍ
mvwnZ¨ wewPÎ A‡š¦lvq cÖvÄj n‡q I‡V| djZ, wefv‡MvËi mvwnZ¨m~ÎwU wbwY©Z nq Aw¯ÍZ¡msKU I AvZ¥cwiP‡qi
wbixÿv-cwie„‡Ë| evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvi wfwËwU G ev¯ÍeZvi †fZi w`‡qB G¸‡Z _v‡K|
ÔbZzb KweZvÕ (1356) msKjb cieZ©x‡Z nvmvb nvwdRyi ingv‡bi D‡`¨v‡M ÔGKz‡k †deªæqvixÕ (1953)
msKjb †ei nq| ZiæYZi Kweiv Gme msKj‡b wb‡R‡`i cÖK…Z ¯’vbwU wP‡b wb‡Z cv‡ib| evsjv KweZvi HwZwn¨K
cUwU Kx K‡i Zuv‡`i wbKU ¯úó n‡q †MjZv fve‡ZB †hb AevK jv‡M| wRjøyi ingvb wmwÏKx (1928-2014),
kvgmyi ivngvb (1929-2006), †evinvbDwÏb Lvb Rvnv½xi (R. 1936)mn Ab¨iv Gme msKj‡b Zuv‡`i cÖK…Z ¯’vbwU
wP‡b †dj‡jb| hw`I †m Wvgv‡Wv‡j A‡b‡KB Awbwð‡Zi g‡a¨ c‡ob| Kv‡qg K‡ib wØRvwZZ¡ ev gymwjg Nivbvi
mvwnZ¨ wKsev †cÖiYvq `uvwo‡q hvb ÔKv‡q‡` AvhgÕ| †Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv (1895-1964), Zvwjg †nv‡mb, gydvL&Lviæj
Bmjvg, diiæL Avng` A‡bKUv SuywKnxb †_‡K hvb| ga¨hy‡Mi gymjgvb‡`i †`vfvlx cuyw_i Ave‡Z©B Zuv‡`i wek¦vm
¯’vwcZ nq| Bmjvgx ivóª cvwK¯Ív‡bi ch©ve„Ë Zuv‡`i Aemv` †hgb †`q †Zgwb †cÖiYvi DrmwU `Lj K‡i| †KDev
msk‡q n‡q hvb bvMwiK Kwe, MYgvby‡li Kwe| lv‡Ui cÖvi‡¤¢ evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq GK iK‡gi Zvij¨,
mvsevw`Kmyjf cwiPh©v wea„Z n‡Z _v‡K| ZviI KviY, Aw¯’iZv wKsev Kweeyw×i RMZwU Kv‡qg bv-nIqv| GLv‡bB
H ÔbZzb KweZvÕi ¸iæZ¡| hw`I †mLv‡bI Bmjvgx †PZbv Ges Amv¤cÖ`vwqK gb¯‹ `yiK‡gi KweivB wQ‡jb; wKš‘
ÔGKz‡k †deªæqvixÕ msKj‡bi c‡i Avi wØav _v‡Kwb| hvi DËz½ RvMiY lv‡Ui wewPÎgywL A‡bK Kwi g‡a¨| †KD
becÖwZwôZ XvKvi bvMwiKZv †KDev †e‡Q †bb MÖvgRxe‡bi kvk¦Z Rxebc_| Z‡e Bmjvgx ev ÔcvKÕfvev`‡k©i
†jLKiv kxNÖB AewmZ nb| cÖPwjZ Av‡›`vjb-msMÖv‡gi avivq wKsev RvwZZ¡ †PZbvq Zuviv Avi GKvZ¥ †hgb nbwb
†Zgwb A‰b‡K¨ Acm„Z n‡q c‡ob| wecix‡Zi cÖej De©i †gŠj avivq cvIqv hvq; wmKvb&`vi Avey Rvdi (1919-
1975), mvbvDj nK (1924-1993), Ave`yj Mwb nvRvix (1925-1976), AvZvDi ingvb (1925-1999), Ave`yi
ikx` Lvb (R. 1927), gvneye Dj Avjg †PŠayix (1927-2007), wRjøyi ingvb wmwÏKx, kvgmyi ivngvb, Avn‡g`
iwdK (R. 1929), AvwRRyj nK (1930-2001), nvmvb nvwdRyi ingvb (1932-1983), AvjvDwÏb Avj AvRv` (R.
1932), Avey Rvdi Ievq`yjøvn (1934-2001), AveyeKi wmwÏK (R. 1934), ˆmq` kvgmyj nK (1935-2016), Avj
gvngy` (R. 1936), †gvnv¤§` gwbiæ¾vgvb (1936-2008), †gvnv¤§` gvn&dzRDjøvn& (1936-), Avey †nbv †gv¯Ídv Kvgvj
(1936-1989), †ejvj †PŠayix (R. 1938), Igi Avjx (1939-2015), knx` Kv`ix (1942-2016), †gvnv¤§` iwdK
(R.1943), iwdK AvRv` (1943-2016), Ave`yj gvbœvb ˆmq` (1943-2010), Avmv` †PŠayix (R. 1943), gnv‡`e
mvnv (R. 1944), wbg©‡j›`y ¸Y (R. 1945), RyjwdKvi gwZb (R. 1946), Aveyj nvmvb (1947-1975), gyn¤§` b~iæj
û`v (R. 1949) cÖgyL| evqvbœ †_‡K GKvËi Z_v cÂvk I lv‡Ui `k‡Ki mvwnZ¨ Kvh©µg Avgv‡`i Avkvwš^Z K‡i|
KweZvq AwR©Z nq A‡bK eo wfwË| hy³ nq evOvwji AvšÍR©vwZK m¤úK©m~Î| G‡ÿ‡Î wefv‡MvËi Kvjc‡e©
evsjv‡`‡ki †h KweZvPP©v †mUv cÂvk-lv‡U ivóª I kvmb e¨e¯’vi DRvb‡mªv‡Zi hvÎv| Kweiv wb‡R‡`i wfwËf~wg‡Z
cÖwZwôZ n‡”Qb, c_ Luy‡R cv‡”Qb, wPwb‡q wb‡”Qb Zvi RvwZmËv, iv‡óª AwaKvi I AvPi‡Yi †ÿÎ BZ¨vw` me welq|
KweZvq kvgmyi ivngvb cÖ_g Mvb, wØZxq g„Zz¨i Av‡M (1960) wKsev weaŸ¯Í bxwjgv (1967); Avj gvngy` ev ˆmq`
kvgmyj nK ïiæ K‡ib GKB †gŠj HwZn¨avivq| evOvwj gymjgvb †PZbvi cÖmviZvi †ÿÎwU ˆZwi n‡q hvq, Gici
lv‡Ui †klw`‡K A‡bK Kwe Avgv‡`i KweZvi A½‡b evwiel©Y K‡ib| Zuv‡`i ch©‡eÿY Zxÿè, cÖMvp I AbyMZ;
iwPZ wPÎKí evKweb¨v‡m SsK…Z, Q‡›`i cÖengvbZv Kvw•ÿZ, cvV I cybc©vV `„p|

3.1 g~javivq evsjv‡`‡ki Kwe I KweZv : cwi‡cÖwÿZ

GgbUv †Zv wbwðZ, ivRbxwZ Qvov Avgv‡`i G AvaywbK Rxe‡b Avi wKQyB P‡j bv| hLb mvZPwjø‡ki †`kfv‡Mi
†fZi w`‡q c~e©-evsjv gymwjg ivóª cvwK¯Ív‡bi AšÍf©y³ nj ZLb ivR‰bwZK HK¨wU GKcÖKvi wQj| †hgbUv Av‡MB
GLv‡b ejv n‡q‡Q, ga¨weË evOvwj gymjgvb ZLb ¯úóZB ¯^w¯Í †c‡Z ïiæ K‡i‡Q†h cÖZ¨‡q Avnmvb nvex‡ei
g‡Zv KweI wj‡L †d‡jb ivwÎ †kl (1947) bvgvw¼Z Kve¨| evOvwj gymjgv‡bi RvZxqZvi †PZbv weKv‡ki BwZnvm
wKsev Zv‡`i wkÿv-ms¯‹…wZwPšÍv wb‡q G ch©v‡q Avgv‡`i g~j¨vqbZv‡`i fvlvMZ weåvwšÍi wkKv‡i cwiYZ nIqv,
AvaywbKZvi m‡½ ag©MZ wek¦v‡mi we‡ivahv Zv‡`i ms¯‹vi I hyw³eyw×nxbZvi g‡a¨ †V‡j w`‡q‡Q Avi †bZ…Z¡ bv
_vKvq AevOvwj gymjgvb‡`i m‡½ MuvUQov †e‡a Zv‡`i Acwm×v‡šÍi ˆeaZv I †Zvl‡Yi wkKv‡i cwiYZ nIqv| wKš‘
ivRbxwZi cx‡V AcivRbxwZ †Zv _v‡KB| cvwK¯Ív‡bi Rb¨ ÔDb¥v`Õ GK KweKzj, envj _v‡Kb Ges Z`ªƒc HwZ‡n¨
KweZv wjL‡Z _v‡Kb| Aciw`‡K µgk wb‡R‡`i AvZ¥cwiPq Avi evOvwji ¯^Zš¿ †PZbvi c_wU Aegy³ n‡Z
jvMj| cÖ_gZ : gvbeZvev`x I Amv¤cÖ`vwqK †PZbvi `¯‘i c~e©-evsjvi gvwUi mgš^qx `„wó ùwUK iƒc †c‡Z _v‡K,
wØZxqZ : GgZ mg_©bwU Av‡m evqvbœi fvlv Av‡›`vj‡bi †fZi w`‡q, Z…ZxqZ : µgk A_©‰bwZK I ivR‰bwZK
ˆelg¨ †hLv‡b bZzb Dcwb‡ekev` †hb Kv‡qg n‡Z _v‡K| BZ¨vKvi Gi †fZ‡i g~j Kve¨avivwU AviI A½xK…Z n‡q
c‡o Ges wb‡R‡`iI mgš^qx †PZbvi ¯^vZš¿¨iƒ‡c bZzb dzj-cvwL-b`x-bvix Avi bÿ‡Îi Mv‡b cwie¨vß n‡Z ïiæ
K‡i| GLv‡b Pwjøk †ciæ‡bv dzj-cÖK…wZi Kwe‡`i cÂv‡k AviI †ewk wek¦gvÎvq Avmi Rgv‡Z PvB‡jb| †mLv‡b
wQj Aí eq‡mi Av‡eM, hyw³nxbZv, wbi¼zk `vqe×Zv| ÔbZzb KweZvÕi Kwe‡`i csw³ Avi cwiwPwZi w`‡K
ZvKv‡jB Zv †evSv hvq| Z‡e cvwK¯Ívb-Av‡eM ev wbR a‡g©i wek¦vm Gme AewmZ n‡Z mgq †j‡MwQj| A‡b‡KB
†Zv SuywKI †bbwb| Z‡e Kwe‡`i cÖviw¤¢K G ce©wUi D‡ËRbv †`Lvi g‡ZvB e¨vcvi wQj| ZeyI w_Zz nIqvi c_wU
ˆZwi nq DRv‡bi weiæ‡× D”Pvi‡Yi †fZi w`‡q| G‡ÿ‡Î cÖK…Z KweZvi c_ AR©‡b GKw`‡K Kv‡qg n‡qwQj
w·kvËi cÂKwe Ges mgmvgwqK Ab¨vb¨ mvg¨ev`x Kwe‡`i Aby‡cÖiYvi Ave‡Z©| Avey †nbv †gv¯Ídv Kvgvj †hgbUv
e‡jb, Ôµg-cÖmvigvb ga¨we‡Ëi Kg©Rxe‡bi AšÍiv‡j †h Av‡eM-AvKv•ÿv wbwnZ wQ‡jv ZviB cÖKvk N‡UwQ‡jv
Hme Kwe‡`i iPbvq| Avj gvngy`, knx` Kv`ix, wRqv nvq`vi, †gvnv¤§` gwbiæ¾vgvb, dRj kvnveyÏxbGuiv
mK‡jB GB mg‡q Kve¨ mvabv ïiæ K‡ib| Gu‡`i ˆkwíK mvdj¨ Aek¨B Zzj¨g~j¨ bq; wKš‘ †mB KweKz‡ji e‡ov
ˆewkó¨ n‡jvGuiv mevB bZzb ga¨we‡Ëi cÖwZwbwa| Ges †mB m~‡Î Gu‡`i KweZvi fvlv, diiæL Avng‡`i
Abymi‡Y, wgkª bq, weï× evsjviƒcK, Dcgv, cÖZx‡Ki e¨env‡i Guiv evsjv Kv‡e¨i AwefvR¨ HwZ‡n¨i
DËivwaKvix| cÖvqk wZwi‡ki KweZvi m‡½ Mfxifv‡e jMœ| †m Kvi‡Y GBme Kwe‡`i cÖv_wgK iPbvq Rxebvb›`,
eyׇ`e A_ev myax›`ªbv_ `‡Ëi cÖfve G‡Kev‡i AvKw¯§K bq|...Õ G‡ÿ‡Î cÂv‡ki Kwe‡`i GKwU Djø çb hyM iwPZ
nq| evsjv‡`‡ki KweZv G¸‡Z _v‡K cÖavbZ ga¨weË ev¯ÍeZv‡K A½xf~Z K‡i| Ges cÖm½Z KweivI wb‡R‡`i
†fZ‡i e`jv‡Z _v‡Kb| n‡q I‡Vb bvMwiK|
cvwK¯Ív‡bi Rb¥ n‡j evOvwj gymjgvb XvKv‡K Avkªq K‡i bZzb ¯^‡cœ eo n‡Z _v‡K| mvgªvR¨ev‡`i
Aemv‡bi d‡j, evOvwj ga¨weË emwZ †bq ag©-H‡K¨i †fZ‡i| c‡i XvKv‡K †K›`ª K‡i ïiæ nq Kg©PÂj
RxebcÖevn| `xN©ewÂZ Rxe‡b Dcwb‡ekev` ev wn›`y Avwac‡Z¨i †fZ‡i c_nviv cw_K †hb c_ Luy‡R †c‡qwQj|
evOvwji bMi RxebI ˆZwi n‡Z _v‡K ZLb †_‡KB| cuywRi weKvk I m¤úªmvi‡Yi e¨vcviwUI ZLb NU‡Z _v‡K
bvbv‡KŠwYK| MÖvg †Q‡o ïiæ nq kn‡i Avmv| wKš‘ iƒcmx evsjvi Av‡eM _v‡K wP‡Ë| G wb‡q bvMwiK emwZ ïiæ
K‡ib fvM¨mÜvbx gvbyl| cyuwRi cÖ‡Kv‡c Zuviv Qov‡Z _v‡Kb wb‡R‡`i g‡Zv K‡i wb‡R‡K| AwfevmbI Pj‡Z
_v‡K| AwaKš‘ c~e©-evsjvi Pwjø‡ki Kweiv P‡j G‡jb XvKvq| Avnmvb nvexe, diiæL Avng`, Aveyj †nv‡mb ÔÎqxÕ
G mg‡qi Av‡MB Kwe cwiwPwZ †c‡q wM‡qwQ‡jb| wKš‘ fvlvi `vwe h‡Zv `„pZi nw”Qj Z‡ZvB XvKvi ¸iæZ¡
evowQj| KweivI †hb cvw”Q‡jb gvwUi jvwjZ¨| cÖm½Z Gme wµqvKv‡Ði †K›`ªwe›`y H ga¨weË| Zv‡`i ˆewkó¨
wKsev ¯^v_©ciZv cvwK¯Ív‡bi cvÄvex kvmKiv c~e©-evsjvq Zv‡`i g‡bvbxZ G‡R›U ˆZwi Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡ib| ZiæY-
Kg©cøvex-mvnmx-civ_©‡mex ZiæY‡`i mvgwóK Av‡›`vjb †VKv‡bvi Rb¨ ivóªkw³i G AcZrciZvq m`¨ ¯^vaxb
gymjgvb‡`i A‡b‡KB ¯^v_©‡fvMx n‡q I‡Vb| bZzb Av‡e‡Mi †fZ‡i wKQy †kªwY ev ¯^v_©ci †Mvôx ˆZwi n‡eG Avi
bZzb wK? kvgmyi ivngvb, Avj gvngy`, nvmvb nvwdRyi ingvb, †evinvbDwÏb Lvb Rvnv½xi, AvjvDwÏb Avj AvRv`
G mg‡q KweZv wjL‡Z ïiæ K‡ib| Zuv‡`i KweZvq _v‡K c~e©m~wi‡`i gvqv I KíRM‡Zi Aefvm| G Kwe‡`i nv‡Z
Db¥v`bv m„wó nq| KviY, fvlv Av‡›`vj‡b ivóªkw³i weiæ‡× weRq, gvZ…fvlv evsjvi ¯^xK…wZ, hy³d«‡›Ui
RqjvfGme KweZvi c‡ÿ Dw³ I Dcjwä‡K ˆZwi K‡i| GKwU KwefvlvI Zuv‡`i µgk Avq‡Ë AvmwQj| Avi
ga¨weËI GKUv mvsMVwbK kw³ AR©b KiwQj| Z‡e Gi wecix‡Z Bmjvgcš’x AskwUI †h n‡q I‡V bv, Zv bq|
Zuv‡`i wØavwš^Z ¯^iwU m¤ú‡K© Avgiv Av‡MB e‡jwQ| Z‡e ZdvZUv Dch©y³ As‡ki Av‡jvwPZ Kwe‡`i KweZvi w`‡K
`„wó w`‡jB †evSv m¤¢e| Z‡e m`¨ mPj GKwU mgv‡R †h mewKQyB c~Y©v½iƒ‡c we`¨gvb _vK‡e, Zv mwVK bq| KviY,
mvgªvR¨ev‡`i †Kvcvb‡j †h ga¨weË ïay Awbevh© euvPvi Ask I AwaKviUzKz †P‡qwQj, †m hLb ¯^vaxb nj ZLb
k¼vgy³ n‡q dz‡j-d‡j my‡kvwfZ n‡q DVj| NUj hveZxq mxgve×Zvi Aemvb| Av‡e‡Mi †hb gnxiæn cÖZ¨veZ©b|
ÔbZzb KweZvÕ wKsev ÔGKz‡k †deªæqvixÕ msKj‡bi †jLKiv ïay welqeyw× bq, welqvZxZ welq‡KI Zviv KweZvq
Dcv`vbiƒ‡c Avb‡Z PvB‡jb| KweZvi g~javivwU eRvq †i‡L mvgwóK cÖeYZvq, mgš^qev`x fvebvq wkí‡K eûgywL
K‡i Zzj‡Z PvB‡jb| Ges †evaKwi c‡ii `k‡K Zvi c~Y©v½ K~‡j †divi cvjv| Aek¨ †m AwfÁZv Ges GwM‡q
hvIqv †Zv ÔKve¨‡K e„nr Kvj-ˆPZ‡b¨i mgvšÍivj GKwU mij †iLvq e‡q wb‡qÕ Avmvi cÖZ¨q|
cÂv‡ki Kweiv GKUv `k‡K mxgve× bb| KweZ¡ wbY©‡qI Zuv‡`i cÖvi¤¢ I cÖwZkÖæwZwU GLv‡b eRvq _v‡K|
G `kK evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvi cÖviw¤¢K Kvj| evOvwj gymjgvb civaxbZvi Møvwb gy‡Q †d‡j Kve¨f~wgi †gŠj m~ÎwU
mÜvb Ki‡Q G `k‡K| huviv cÂv‡k †cuŠ‡QwQ‡jb †m KweZvq D‡V Av‡m †jvKR Rxeb, Acwi‡gq m¤¢vebvi
¯úk©MÜgq AvKzwZ, dzj-cÖK…wZi cÖYq Avi cwiï× g~j¨‡ev‡ai PP©vi gËZv| †PZb-Ae‡PZbfv‡e gb¯ÍvwË¡K Bw½‡Z
wba©vwiZ m„wómËv iƒcvšÍwiZ nq b`x-cÖK…wZi wb¯ú„n ˆbe©¨w³K mËvq| b`x I gvby‡li KweZv †j‡Lb mvbvDj nK|
†jvKvqZ b›`‡b mvZ-bix nvi †j‡Lb Avey Rvdi Ievq`yjøvn| A‡b‡KB †d‡ib wmœ» gwngvwš^Z D¾¡j Rxe‡b|
†mLv‡b GK iK‡gi ms¯‹vi †h _v‡K bv Zv bq| wKsev gvbeZvi Rb¨ `vq ev wbi¼zk AvKzwZ, bvixi kixix cÖYq,
Avm½ wjáv, ˆRweK cÖ‡Yv`bv Ggbme welq¸‡jv Avoó; KviY, †ivg¨vw›UKZvi c~Y©vqZ iƒcwU ZLbI †Zgb KivqË
nqwb Zuv‡`i wbKU| G cÂv‡k Avnmvb nvexe, kvgmyi ivngvb, ˆmq` kvgmyj nK µgk AwaKvi Ki‡Qb Rxe‡bi
hveZxq I m~²Zi welqmg~n| KweZvi Dcv`vb¸‡jv‡Z Zz‡j G‡b‡Qb gvbeZvi m‡e©v”P †ÿ`| bvMwiKZvI †c‡q
hv‡”Q KweZv| `xNw`‡bi KweZvPP©vq lvU-mËi `k‡Ki eÜzi c_ †cwi‡q wbR¯^Zvq †_‡K‡Qb KweZvi m‡½|
evqvbœ †_‡K AvUvbœ evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq ù‚wZ© Av‡m| Gici evlwÆ ch©šÍ wech©¯Í| evlwÆi ci c~Y© cÖevn|
kvgmyi ivngvb cÂv‡ki †Mvovq ïiæ Ki‡jI cÖ_g Mvb, wØZxq g„Zz¨i Av‡M †e‡ivq lv‡U| cÖvq GKB NUbv ˆmq`
kvgmyj nK, nvmvb nvwdRyi ingvb Ges G c‡e©i Ab¨vb¨‡`i †ÿ‡ÎI| Z‡e Kwe‡gavi c~Y©Zv Av‡m GKUv mg‡q|
†m mgq‡K wPwýZ Kiv GKUz gykwKj| KviY, G wePvi A‡bKUv mve‡Rw±f Ges Av‡cwÿK| Avnmvb nvexe ev
kvgmyi ivngv‡bi g‡Zv A‡b‡KB K‡qK `kK a‡i Kve¨mvabv K‡i‡Qb| Kweiƒ‡c A‡bK cixÿvi AveZ© †hgb Zuviv
AwZµg K‡i‡Qb †Zgwb Zuv‡`i cÖwZgvq mvwaZ n‡q‡Q ÔwbKwlZ †ngÕ mg„w×| G‡ÿ‡Î we‡ePbvi RvqMvwUI wewPÎ|
cÖ_g Kv‡e¨ kvgmyi ivngvb †hfv‡e Dcw¯’Z†iŠ`ª K‡ivwU‡Z (1963) Zv cwiewZ©Z| KviYwU wbwnZ †`k-Kvj-
mgvR-cÖwZcvk¦© †PZbvq| †h `„k¨gvb RMZ †_‡K Kwe‡PZbv w`e¨g~wZ© jvf K‡i| Ae‡PZ‡bi P~ovšÍ ch©v‡q Rb¥ †bq
†h mËvwU†mLv‡b AwfÁZv-A‡š^wlZ ¯§viKwU cÖ¯‘Z K‡ib Kwe| ¯§Z©e¨, G mgqUvq m¤úvw`Z KweZv msKjb,
hy³d«›U wbe©vPbGm‡e †h bZzb ga¨weË D‡V Av‡m Zuviv A‡bKUv cwi‡kvwaZ| Amv¤cÖ`vwqKZv ev gvbweK
Kj¨v‡Yi welqmg~n ZuvivB mvg‡b G‡b‡Q| ag©xq ms¯‹vi I RvZcvZ-†kªwY‡f` Zuvi A¯^xKvi K‡i| kvk¦Z
wkí‡PZbv‡K †`q cÖvavb¨| G wek¦vm Av‡m hy³d«›U wbe©vP‡b Rqjv‡fi †fZi w`‡q| Z‡e AevOvwj †kªwYkw³ ev
mvgšÍ‡Mvôx Ges Zv‡`i G‡`kxq ÔAbyMZ PiÕiv bvbvfv‡e wb‡R‡`i ¯^v_©iÿvi †Póv Pvjvq| G‡Z K‡i Ø›ØvZ¥K Aven
†h iwPZ nq bv Zv bq| Gme wµqv-cÖwZwµqvi †fZ‡iB c~e©-evsjvi be-DwÌZ ga¨weˇkªwYwU mgvRm¤¢~Z
wkíRMZwU wbg©vY Ki‡Z _v‡K| cÖm½Z ewn‡`©kxq mvgªvR¨ev‡`i f~Z †h H mvgšÍ kvmK ev Avgjv‡`i kw³
†RvMvqwb Zv bq| eis wecyj †Rvqv‡ii ¯^cœKvZi Av‡e‡Mi †fZ‡i iv‡óªi G‡`kxq G‡R›Uiv wb‡R‡`i Av‡L‡ii jvf
Ges †jvf wP‡b wb‡Z fyj K‡i bv| wKš‘ Gme AšÍivq Av`k© m‡PZb bZzb ga¨weˇK wKQy‡ZB civ¯Í Ki‡Z
cv‡iwb| eis jÿ Kiv hvq, wecixZgywL ag©xq †PZbv avivi Kweiv ¤øvb nIqvB ïay bqµg-Acm„Z n‡Z _v‡K| G
cUf~wg‡Z wmKvb&`vi Avey Rvd‡ii (1919-1975) ÔmgKvjÕ (1957) cwÎKv‡K wN‡i Amv¤cÖ`vwqK I cÖMwZPP©v AviI
†eMevb nq| Zuv‡`i hvÎv cÂv‡ki ga¨fv‡M| wKš‘ cÖKiYMZ J¾¡j¨ cixÿv Ki‡j lv‡Ui cÖ_gv‡a©B A‡bKUv PwKZ
Zuviv| n‡q D‡V‡Qb w¯’i, evošÍ|
1958†Z wdì gvk©vj AvBqye Lvb cvÄvwe mvgwiK mg_©‡b ÿgZvq Av‡mb| G‡Z G A‡ji gymjgvbiv
weg~p n‡q c‡o| weåvwšÍ Avi w¯’iZv Rb¥ †bq mgvR¯Í‡i| DwjøwLZ ga¨weË Ø‡›Øi my‡hvM, A‡bK‡ÿ‡ÎB
¯^vfvweKfv‡e, AvBqye AbyMZ †kªwY ˆZwi n‡e, Zv‡Z Avi m‡›`n Kx! wPiKvjB ÿgZv‡jvfxi `j, PvUzKv‡ii `j,
nvjyqv-iæwUi mÜvbx, Dw”Qó‡fvRxiv Ggb my‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z _v‡K| Dcwb‡ekev` Aemv‡b bZzb iv‡óª Ggb
†kªwYKvVv‡gv Abycw¯’Z _v‡K bv| Avi cvwK¯Ív‡bi g‡Zv cÖvmv` lohš¿cyó iv‡óª G my‡hvM AviI †ewk| cÖwZwµqvkxj
cuywRcwZi AbyMZ `jevR, dwoqv †kªwY cÖZ¨šÍ GjvKvq †cuŠ‡Q hvq| Avmbœ Ô†gŠwjK MYZ‡š¿Õ (1962)i bv‡g
wØavwefw³ Avi AvZ¥ÿ‡qi Aa¨vq iwPZ n‡Z _v‡K| AvIqvgxjxM †mvnivIqv`x© I fvmvbx As‡k fvM n‡q hvq|
GKRb cwðgv mg_©K Ab¨Rb mvgªvR¨ev`-we‡ivax| Giƒc bvbvgywL weåvwšÍ‡Z MYmgv‡R wW‡±Ui AvBqye LvbB
wn‡iv(?) †Z cwiYZ nb| G cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z mv¤cÖwZK DVwZ ga¨weË AvZ¥gMœ I AšÍj©xb n‡q c‡o| GKUv wew”QbœZv,
e„Ëvqb Avi weo¤^bv MÖvm K‡i| Kweiv †Zgb G¸‡jb bv| KweZv ÔMÖnY-aiv Qvqvi g‡ZvÕ; Abv‡jvwKZ| ZeyI PÐ
AvBqy‡ei weiæ‡× iex›`ª Rb¥kZevwl©K D`&hvcb m¤úbœ nq| †evaKwi Kweiv Gici Avi Awµq _v‡Kbwb| G c‡e©
GKw`‡K †jvKvqZ Ges bvMwiK †PZbv `y‡UvB G¸‡Z _v‡KAvi ej‡ZB nq Kwefvlvi Aej¤^b-wefv‡e RvMwiZ
H w·ki DËivwaKvi|
lv‡Ui cÖvi¤¢ †_‡KB c~e©-evsjvi Rb‡Mvôx wb‡R‡`i ¯^iƒc Dcjwä I cÖwZwµqvi †evawUi m½Z cÖKvk
NUv‡Z _v‡K| G `k‡Ki cÖ_gv‡a©i Kweiv gy‡LvgywL nb †gŠwjK MYZš¿ ev wkÿv Kwgkb wi‡cv‡U©i| bZzb ga¨weË
†kªwY nZvk, ewÂZh‡ZvUv ¯úw›`Z wQ‡jb wVK Z‡ZvUvB n‡jb gwjb| KweZvq ZLb evûj¨ n‡q I‡V †hŠbZv,
we‡”Q`, DMÖZv; wKsev civev¯Íe (surrealist) wPÎ| kvgmyi ivngvb cwiewZ©Z; Avj gvngy` AvaywbKZvi mg¯Í kZ©
eRvq †i‡L MÖvgxY †jŠwKK Rxe‡b wdi‡jb| Z‡e Gm‡ei †fZ‡i KweZvq cÖ”Qbœfv‡e Kv‡qg n‡Z jvMj ¯^vRvZ¨,
¯^‡`k‡cÖg| †mUv LwÐZ, wew”Qbœfv‡e †Kv‡bv csw³‡Z, KLbI DcgvcÖZx‡K| G¸‡jv lv‡Ui cÖ_gv‡a© ïiæ n‡jI
¯úóZi wØZxqv‡a©| GLv‡b AwaKv‡ii Rvbvjv Ly‡j w`j ÔQq`dvÕi ¯^vqËkvm‡b, †hLv‡b ag©wbi‡cÿZv,
Amv¤cÖ`vwqKZv, mvg¨wPšÍv †eMevb n‡Z _v‡K| GKUz cwiwPwZ Kweiv G¸‡jb, †cuŠQv‡jb wbR evmf~‡g, wjL‡jb
cqv‡i ˆekv‡L iwPZ csw³gvjv| A`¨vewa evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvi me‡P‡q cÖRb‡bv”Qj myw`b G mgqwU| cÖm½Z,
wKQyKvj Av‡M g„Zz¨ n‡q‡Q Rxebvb›` `v‡ki (1954), myax›`ªbv_ `‡Ëi (1960); eyׇ`e emy RxweZwZwb K‡i
†d‡j‡Qb divwm Kwe kvj© †ev`‡jqv‡ii KweZvi Abyev`| weòz †` (wU. Gm. Gwjq‡Ui Abyev`K) wKsev Awgq
PµeZ©x `y`©vg wj‡L P‡j‡Qb| lv‡Ui cÖvwšÍK G Kweiv Gme †_‡K cÖej ˆewk¦K n‡q co‡jb| Ave`yj gvbœvb ˆmq`,
wmK`vi Avwgbyj nK myiwiqvwj÷, cvðvZ¨ AbyMZ; wbg©‡j›`y ¸Y cÖZ¨ÿ, wbiveiY, MYgvby‡li c‡ÿi c`vwZK| Avi
gnv‡`e mvnv iæMœ †ivg¨vw›UK| iwdK AvRv` P~ovšÍ Aeÿ‡qi gg©`vn‡b wbY©xZ| Guiv GwM‡q‡Qb GKvˇii †fZi
w`‡q, G ch©šÍ|
Avkivd wmwÏKx (R. 1926)
ÔQ›`, Zvj, jq I wg‡ji wfZi w`‡q †h A™¢yZ weKvk ïay gymjgvb †K‡bv, mgeqmx †Kvb wn›`y Kwei Rxe‡bI mvov
†c‡q‡Q wKbv m‡›`n| hLbKvi ev ZLb Ges wVK †Zg&wb Avgv‡`i fve‡K cvB Kwei wewfbœ KweZvq| Avðh©¨
†ivgvw›UK Zuvi gb|ÕGfv‡e ÔbZzb KweZvÕq Zuvi cwiPqwU we`¨gvb| Avengvb HwZ‡n¨ wek¦vm, †kªwY‡PZbv,
†ivg¨vw›UK m›`k©b Z_v gvbeZvev`x Rxebv`‡k© iwPZ Kve¨ Zv‡je gv÷vi I Ab¨vb¨ KweZv (1950), welKb¨v
(1955), mvZ fvB P¤úv (1955), DËi AvKv‡k Zviv (1958)| Kwei 1945 †_‡K 1975 †cÖ‡gi KweZvi msKjb
KuyPei‡Yi Kb¨v (1976)| Avkivd wmwÏKxi wK‡kvi KweZv KvM‡Ri †bŠKv (1962)| nvWmb I †g‡gi eªvB‡Wj
µxcv‡ii exR µgk `Lj K‡i meyR-k¨vgj †`I`viæ‡K| ewY©Z cÖK…wZ, wn‡gj Ave‡n cybe©vi em‡šÍi AvMg‡bi
Avkvev` e¨³ K‡i welKb¨v Kv‡e¨| wZwik em‡šÍi dzj (1975), e„ÿ `vI : Qvqv `vI (1984), So Zzdv‡b (cÖ_g
LÐ 1981 I wØZxq L‡Ð 1990), `uvovI cw_Kei (1990) Zuvi Ab¨vb¨ Kve¨|
Ave`yi ikx` Lvb (R. 1927)
cÂv‡ki Kwe, wefv‡MvËi cÖ_g Kve¨m¼jb ÔbZzb KweZvÕi Ab¨Zg m¤úv`K| evsjv KweZvi g~javivq Kve¨PP©v
K‡i‡Qb; iex‡›`ªvËi Kve¨fw½i Qvc _vK‡jI c~e©-cvwK¯Ív‡bi cÖv_wgK KweZvPP©vi c‡e© fvlvwfwËK RvwZmËvi
gg©g~‡j RjwmÂb K‡i‡Qb Ave`yi ikx` Lvb| ÔZuvi iPbv cÖvY‡K †Q‡q Qvqv †d‡j c„w_exi ey‡K †m c„w_ex
wbðzc, Mfxi| A‡Üi g‡Zv Luy‡R cvIqv bq, fvimvg¨ †`v`yj¨gvb Zuvi MwZ GKw`b Luy‡R †c‡q‡Q Rxeb‡KRxe‡bi
e¨vwß-mvabvq Zuvi Agi mËv‡K hv Zuvi `k©b|Õ KweZvPP©vq wb‡Ri ms¯‹…wZ I †kKo‡K wPb‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jb| Zuvi
KweZvq †cÖg-cÖK…wZ-AvZ¥‡PZbv ¯^Ztù~Z© evOgq n‡q D‡V‡Q| bÿÎ : gvbyl : gb (1358), e›`x gyn~Z© (1959) gûqv
(1966), wew¤^Z cÖni (1968), wbišÍi ¯^i (1376) Awš^ó ¯^‡`k (1970) Zuvi Kve¨MÖš’|
gvneye Dj Avjg †PŠayix (1927-2007)
GKz‡ki cÖ_g KweZv ÔKuv`‡Z Avwmwb duvwmi `vwe wb‡q G‡mwQÕi †jLK gvneye Dj Avjg †PŠayix| c~e©-cvwK¯Ív‡b
cÖ_g gvwmK mvwnZ¨cwÎKv ÒmxgvšÍÓi m¤úv`KI wQ‡jb wZwb| Kuv`‡Z Avwmwb duvwmi `vwe wb‡q G‡mwQ (myeY© ms.
XvKv 1988) Pvi `k‡Ki Kvjc‡e©i PwjøkwU KweZvi msKjb| ¯^‡`k DËv‡c RR©wiZ ¯^Kvjwe× G Kwe wbR¯^
BwZnvm I HwZ‡n¨i cÖwZ Zzgyj iK‡gi m‡PZb| Zuvi KweZvi eB Av‡eMaviv, B¯úvZ, A½xKvi, wecøe, Miv`
fv½vi msMÖvgxiv Rv‡Mv I m~‡h©i †fvi, m~h©v‡¯Íi i³ivM|
w`jIqvi (1937-2013)
wfbœ cÖKi‡Yi Kwe| A‡b‡Ki Kv‡QB wZwb MYgvby‡li Kwe| Zuvi welqevZ©v Ab¨vb¨ Kwe‡`i †_‡K †Zgb ¯^vZš¿¨ bq|
Z‡e †cÖgAšÍ‡j©v‡Ki evmbv, Rxe‡bi DÌvb-cZ‡bi aviYv cÖKi‡Y wbwe©Kvi `k©b Av‡ivc K‡i| †mLv‡b we”QywiZ
mgqmsK‡Ui Zvrch© iwÿZ n‡jI Kve¨¸‡Yi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ kZ© _v‡K Agwjb| w`jIqv‡ii Kve¨PP©vq GKvav‡i
mg‡qi cwiewZ©Z iƒc Ges A‡jŠwKK Avb›`cÖm~Z Kve¨e„‡Ëi b›`gvÎvI AÿzYœ| wRÁvmv (1953), c~evj nvIqv
(1953), HKZvb (1964), Dw™¢bœ Djøvm (1969), ¯^wbô m‡bU (1977), i‡³ Avgvi Abvw` Aw¯’ (1981), wbe©vwPZ
KweZv (1987), w`jIqv‡ii GKz‡ki KweZv (1993), w`jIqv‡ii ¯^vaxbZvi KweZv (1993), w`jIqv‡ii iPbvmgMÖ
cÖ_g LÐ (1999) I wØZxq LÐ (2000)| Zuvi Qovi eB w`jIqv‡ii kZ Qov (1989) Ges Qovq A Av K L (1994)|
w`jIqv‡ii Bs‡iRx Kve¨MÖš’ †dwms `¨v wgDwRK (1975)| wZwb MxwZKweI e‡U| Zuvi Mv‡bi eB cyevj nvIqv
(1965) Ges evsjv †Zvgvi Avgvi (1972)|
†ejvj †gvnv¤§` (1936-2013)
Zuvi Kve¨ KweZv bq (1954), ch©vqµg †bB (1969), AKvj AcvÎ (1977), ïay wgÎvÿi (1981), mvg‡b Av‡Q gyw³hy×
(1983)| cÖavbZ, gyw³hy×-c~e© evsjvq my`„p cÖMwZ‡PZbvq, ¯^vaxbZvi cÖwZ GK ai‡bi `vq‡eva †_‡K, jÿ¨-AR©‡bi
†PóvqBwZnv‡mi `k©b I hyw³‡Z †ejvj †gvnv¤§` KweZvi PP©v K‡ib| †mLv‡b KweZvi †P‡q †ewk D”PvwiZ
¯^‡`k| we‡eK‡ev‡ai Zvobv I wek¦vm †_‡K mgq-e¨eav‡b †h csw³gvjv wZwb iPbv K‡ib Zv D‡Ïk¨-wbf©i, Ges
mZZvi gvÎvq cwi‡ewkZ| Zuvi KweZvi Avw½K wefv‡MvËi KweZv avivq †ewk cÖmvwiZ bq|
gh&nviæj Bmjvg (1928-2003)
Ô... Q›`e× cÖv‡Yi MwZ‡Z †`vj-LvIqv Avi †Uvj LvIqv GB Rxeb e‡q wb‡Z Pvq `~iA‡bK `~i, †hLv‡b Zvi
g‡bi cÖZxwZ| wcÖqv‡K wZwb †`L‡Z †P‡q‡Qb mvi‡j¨i mnR myi w`‡qeySv‡Z †P‡q‡Qb GLv‡b, ILv‡b I †mLv‡b
GUv wK IUv, bq †mUv...ÕÔbZzb KweZvÕi G Kwe gvwU gvby‡li fvl¨, gvbeZvev` I Amv¤cÖÖ`vwqK †PZbvq KweZv
wj‡L‡Qb| gvwUi dmj (1955), wew”Qbœ cÖwZwjwc (1970), AvZ©bv‡` weeY© (1970), †hLv‡b ev‡Ni _vev (1979),
Aciv‡ý wee¯¿ cÖvZivk (1979), `ytmg‡qi Qov (1988), DRv‡b †divi cÖwZaŸwb (1998), ivR eviv›`vi Zzwg
(1998) Zuvi Kve¨MÖš’| gyw³hy‡×vËi KweZvMÖ‡š’ ivRbxwZ wKsev Av_©bxwZK gyw³ Zuvi KweZvi welq n‡q‡Q|
Avey Rvdi Ievq`yjøvn (1934-2001)
Avey Rvdi Ievq`yjøvn kw³gvb Kwe| Zuvi KweZv BwZnv‡mi gvÎvq hy³ cÂv‡ki Kwe-e¨Äbvq, evK&-ˆe`‡»¨ I
e¨w³‡Z¡| wZwb eiveiB mnR I ¯^vfvweK| Mv¤¢xh© I cÖ”Qbœ M‡e©i ¯^xKv‡ivw³ Avwg wKse`šÍxi K_v ejwQ (1981)
wj‡L wb‡Ri Aw¯Í‡Z¡i-HwZ‡n¨i †NvlYv †`b| Abe`¨, cÖv‡Yv”Qj GK evZ©v aŸwbZi‡½ `ªæZ gi‡g †cuŠQvq; Qovq
me©¯Í‡igy‡L gy‡L| Zvici mvZbix nvi (1955), KL‡bv is KL‡bv myi (1970), Kg‡ji †PvL (1974), mwnòz
cÖZxÿv (1982), e„wó I mvnmx cyiæ‡li Rb¨ cÖv_©bv (1983), Avgvi mKj K_v (1993), gm„Y K…ò †Mvjvc (2002),
LuvPvi wfZi AwPb cvwL| Qovi Q‡›` Zuvi †ewk AvMÖn; MÖvgxY cÖK…wZ †f‡m †eovq†d‡j Avmv KvZiZvq|
Av‡e‡Mi wbtk¦v‡m kû‡i wP‡Ë fi K‡i MÖvg| cÖKi‡Y cvIqv hvq `ªæZ j‡qi, n«¯^ csw³gvjv| Dcwb‡ek-DËi
K…wlwbf©i A_©‰bwZK ev¯ÍeZvi cwigЇj Aw¯Í‡Z¡i ms¯‹…wZ‡K Zz‡j Av‡bb KweZvq| ÔgvÕ-†K wecyj K‡i †Zv‡jb
Av_©-mvgvwRK-ivR‰bwZK †cÖÿvc‡U| mšÍv‡bi Rb¨ gv‡qi A‡cÿv wKsev gv‡qi kvk¦Z †MŠie KweZvq cÖwZdwjZ
K‡i †ZvjvB ïay bq Ggb Abylw½ avivwU m„Rb K‡i †cuŠ‡Q †`b wZwb evsjv‡`‡ki Kwe‡`i K…ZvÄwjcy‡U| GK ch©v‡q
Zuvi KweZvPP©vq GKUv euvK e`j nq ÒAvwg wKse`šÍxi K_v ejwQÓ †_‡K| G‡ÿ‡Î evsjv KweZvi MxZj avivwUi
e`‡j Kvwnwb‡Kw›`ªKZv ˆZwi nq| Qovi Q‡›`i m‡½ Kvwnwb KweZvi dg©wU hy³ K‡ib| Avi µgk n‡q I‡Vb
Dcwb‡ek gyw³i c‡i RvZxq †PZbvi m„R‡bi ¯^cœ`ªóv| Òe„wó I mvnmx cyiæ‡li Rb¨ cÖv_©bvÓ KweZvwU Zvi cÖgvY|
G‡Z f~wg-gvZ…Kvi Aw¯ÍZ-¡ ms‡e`bv GK wbR¯^Zvq ch©ewmZ| Kwe †mLv‡b BD‡ivcxq bb wKsev ewn‡`©kxq wKQy
Av‡ivc K‡i bqc~Y©v½ ¯^‡`kx HwZn¨ I BwZnvm‡K wbR¯^Zvq ewY©j K‡i‡Qb| GUvB Avey Rvdi Ievq`yjøvni
|wfbœZv| ÔKzg‡ov dz‡j dz‡j by‡q c‡o‡Q jZvUvÕq †h Mvn©¯’¨ ggZv, †mœn-Avk¦vm †g‡j Zv Kwei `xN© Aem‡i
Avwk‡Z G‡m cvq cÖMj&fZv I cÖv_©bvi cÖwZiƒc| G mg‡q hy³ n‡q‡Q cybiæw³wbf©i cÖvZ¨wnKZv Avi Kve¨K_vi
`xN©vqZ Aeqe| ¯^‡`k ¯^Kvj evZ©v‡KB gyw³hy‡×vËi KweZvq Ggb cÖKi‡Y hy³ K‡ib| we‡kl K‡i Òe„wó I mvnmx
cyiæ‡li Rb¨ cÖv_©bvÓ KweZvwU‡Z Ôe„wóÕ I Ômvnmx cyiælÕ †hb cÖ‡dwUK fv‡l¨ D`&hvwcZ| GKUv Av‡jvKewZ©Kv Avi
cÖZ¨veZ©bKvgx cyiæl †m †hb wd‡i G‡m‡Q Acvcwe× †PZbvq mvg~wnK kvwšÍ cybiæ×v‡ii Rb¨| Ôw¯’Zax e„‡ÿi
g‡Zv/ EaŸ©gy‡L cÖv_©bv K‡iwQ/ Avwg mvnmx cyiæ‡li Rb¨ cÖv_©bv K‡iwQÕ †Uv‡Ug e¨Äbvq Ôe„ÿÕ †R¨wZg©qiƒ‡c
cwiMwYZ| gvwUf~wgi ms¯‹vi m‡Z¨ GKcÖKvi †¯ÍvÎMxZ gi‡g †cuŠQq| †mLv‡b me åvwšÍi Aemvb †hgb nq †Zgwb
Avkvev`I e¨³ nq| cÖavbZ †jvKvqZ b›`b Zuvi KweZvi A‡bKUv Ask Ry‡o cwi‡ewkZ| G‡Z K‡i kvwãK B‡gR
I Awbevh© cÖZœ-KvVv‡gvwU KwemËvi †PZb-Ae‡PZb ¯Í‡i cwiPh©v cvq| G‡ÿ‡Î Avey Rvdi Ievq`yjøvni Q›` †ek
aŸwbgq Ges †mv”Pvi-myjwjZ| wKQy e¨½vZ¥K fw½gvi KweZvI Av‡Q| hv Zuv‡K Avjv`v gvwÎKZv †`q|
mvbvDj nK (1924-1993)
cÖevmwein`ytLiwÄZ Kwe mvbvDj nK| ˆewk¦K m~Î Zuvi c‡U hy³ n‡jI Av‡Q ˆ`wkK m~Î| Ô¯Íbv b`xÕ ÔcvUAuv‡k
Rov‡bv hvqÕ, ÔD‡cvmx RbZvÕ B‡gR-MÖw_Z kãeÜ| Kwei m‡b‡U Av‡Q Avcb ˆefe| cÖavbZ ga¨weË msivM
ivR‰bwZK I mvgvwRK c‡U iwPZ b`x I gvby‡li KweZv (1956)| gvbyl I cªK…wZwfwËK †PZbvi cÖvavb¨ n‡jI
mgvR `yM©wZ, eÂbv iƒcvwqZ nq KweZvq| mvbvDj n‡Ki ˆK‡kv‡ii b`x wZZvm, k¨vgj cÖK…wZ wbwe©‡ivax msnZ iƒc
jvf K‡i Kv‡e¨| cÖevm Rxe‡b iwPZ m¤¢ev Abb¨v (1962), cÖK…wZ-†cÖg-c„w_exi †mŠ›`h©-msev` m~h© Ab¨Zi (1963)
Kve¨| weP~Y© Avwk©‡Z (1968)i g‡a¨ Kwe a¨vbgMœ, †gŠb; ga¨weË K‚UKPv‡j Ave×| evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvi cÖMwZev`x
aviv‡ZB wZwb KweZvPP©v K‡i‡Qb| Qov N‡i N‡i (1972) ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡k Zuvi cÖ_g MÖš’| GKwU B”Qv mnmª cv‡j
(1973), cÖev‡m hLb (1981) Kv‡e¨ gyw³hy×, gvbevwaKvi, †`kvZ¥ fvebvi cwiPq wea„Z| GQvov ¯^vaxb †`‡k Kwe
wj‡L‡Qb Kvj mgKvj (1975), cwÙbx kw•Lbx (1976), cÖev‡m hLb (1981), KZ iO KZ †gN (1981), weivwki
KweZv (1982), DËxY© cÂv‡k (1984), weiwZnxb (1987) cÖf„wZ Kve¨|
AvZvDi ingvb (1925-1999)
ÔGKz‡k †deªæqvixÕ (1953) msKj‡bi Ab¨Zg Kwe| AvZvDi ingvb wefv‡MvËi mg‡qi Ab¨Zg Kwe n‡jI Pwjø‡ki
`k‡K Zuvi Kve¨v½‡b Awf‡lK| †PZbvq mvg¨`k©b, wecøex †cÖiYvRvZ mZ¨ cÖavbZ Zuvi Kve¨‡K AwaKvi K‡i iv‡L|
GQvov e¨w³nZvkv, Møvwb, Ø›ØvZ¥K mËv Kwei cÖZxKcÖwZgv‡K wbišÍi GKvZ¥ K‡i| AvZvDi ingvb mr wek¦vm‡K
aviY K‡i‡Qb KweZvq; Avi KweZvi g‡Zv wkí m¤ú‡K© wb‡RI Av`wk©K Uv‡b †_‡K‡Qb Awbevh©iƒ‡c wbgMœ|
Rxe‡bi mZ¨ Dcjwä‡Z KLbI åvwšÍ bq; cy‡ivfv‡M †_‡K wPivqZ mvs¯‹…wZK HwZ‡n¨ g‡bvwbe× †_‡K‡Qb| Kwei
`vk©wbKZv cwiYwZ‡Z `vbv euv‡aFRyZvq, †`ªv‡n, wbtkãZvq| Ggb Kwei ˆewkó¨wU DwjøwLZ auv‡P wbiƒwcZZ‡e
cÖÁv, cwiï× Av‡eM, hveZxq ˆewiwebvkx i³v¤^i D”Pvi‡Yi †K‡›`ª _v‡K A‡jŠwKK Avb‡›`i fvi| Kwei
Kve¨MÖš’¸‡jv n‡jv : `yB FZz (1956), GKw`b cÖwZw`b (1965), wblv`bM‡i AvwQ (1977), fv‡jvevmv wPikÎæ
(1981), B`vbxs i½g (1992), fv‡jvevmv Ges Zvici (1993), mvivUv Rxeb aÕ‡i (1994)| `yB FZz Kv‡e¨
†kªwY‡PZbvi welqwU _vK‡jI GK ai‡bi AvZ¥‡PZbv, gMœZv I AvZ¥we‡klY Av‡Q| cuv‡Pi `k‡Ki G KweZvq
KwgDwbó †PZvbvB cÖavbZ cÖMvp| wKš‘ we`ªƒc-e¨½I Kg †bB| mgmvgwqK mgv‡R nxbZv, weK…wZ Gme welq‡K
AMÖvn¨ K‡i‡Qb Kwe| cÖKiY A‡bKUv cÖZ¨ÿ, bRiæj ev myKvšÍ fve‡PZbv we`¨gvb Z‡e cÖKv‡k wbwe©‡ivax I
A‰bivR¨ Kvh©Ki| AvZvDi ingvb gb‡b I eywׇZ cwiï×, ivR‰bwZK fvebvUv G‡m‡Q ZviB evZ©vevnx n‡q,
†mRb¨ c~Y©v½iƒ‡c wZwb gvbeZvev`x| cÖ_g Kv‡e¨B Zuvi ¯^Zš¿ KwefvlvwU cÖksmvi †hvM¨| c‡ii Kv‡e¨I wZwb Giƒc
†PZbv‡KB m¤§yLMvgx K‡i‡Qb|
Lvb gynv¤§` gCbyÏxb (1901-1981) Ôgymwjg RMrÕ I Ômvg¨ev`xÕ cwÎKvi m¤úv`K wQ‡jb| bRiæj RxebxMÖš’ hyM-
¯ªóv bRiæj wj‡LI L¨vwZgvb| gCbyÏxb bRiæj Abymvixiƒ‡c gvbeZvi cy®úKi‡_ Av‡ivnx Kwe| cÂv‡ki cÖev‡n
mPj, †hvM¨ Zuvi mw¤^rcv‡ji bvI (1956), AvZ©bv` (1958), †n gvbyl (1958) Kwei Kve¨MÖš’| ÒcZvKv-DrmeÓ
KweZv †_‡K :
Aa©P›`ª-jvwÃZ †gvi cZvKv D‡”P _vK&,
gnv †MŠi‡e Mixqvb be †iŠkbx‡Z wg‡k hvK&||
AvRv`x Avgiv j‡fwQ AvR
bvB wk‡i †Kv‡bv we‡`kx-ivR,
Avgiv ¯^vaxb wnu`y-gymwjg †eŠ× I L„óvb,
we‡k¦i be-we¯§q RvwZj‡fwQ cvwK¯Ívb|
cÖ_vbyM Q‡›` gCbyÏx‡bi †jLvq cvwK¯Ívb Ges mvg¨-gvbeZv Awfbœiƒ‡c M„nxZ|
ˆmq` Avjx Avnmvb (1922-2002)
ˆmq` Avjx Avnmvb †ivg¨vw›UK, Av‡eM I eyw×i mgš^q cwijwÿZ Zuvi Kv‡e¨| wPÎK‡íi g‡a¨ Av‡jv-AÜKvi,
mgy`ª-AvKvk, MvQ-cvwL †hgb AvengvbZ¡ cvq †Zgwb wRÁvmvi gvÎvew›` nq| mvaviYZ cÖK…wZB me©Á n‡q Av‡m
Zuvi KweZvq| ˆmq` Avjx Avnmv‡bi c~e©-evsjvi KweZvq iƒc-ixwZi Av‡jL¨ wbwg©wZ cvq wmœ» I cÖkvwšÍgq
Bw›`ªq‡PZbvi e¨vw߇Z| Z‡e GK iK‡gi ag©xq wek¦vm I g~j¨‡eva Zuvi †ivg¨vw›UK fveKíbvi DrmviY-we›`y‡Z wµqv
K‡i| ZeyI Kwekw³‡Z w`e¨Z¡ cvq MÖvgxY Abyl½| A‡bK AvKvk (1366), GKK mܨvq emšÍ (1369), mnmv
mPwKZ (1373), D”PviY (1968), Avgv‡`i cÖwZw`‡bi kã (1974), Kve¨ mgMÖ (1974), Pvnvi `i‡ek I Ab¨vb¨
KweZv (1985), mgy‡`ªB hve (1987), iRbxMÜv (1988), wbe©vwPZ KweZv (1996) ˆmq` Avjx Avnmv‡bi Kve¨MÖš’|
†gvnv¤§` gvn&dzRDjøvn& (1936-2013)
cÂv‡ki bexb Kwe| GKvav‡i †`vfvlx cuyw_i m¤ú`‡K Kv‡R jvwM‡q KweZv †jLvq D‡`¨vMx Ab¨w`‡K evsjv
Kve¨avivqI eyw×-we‡eKx wek¦¯ÍZv AR©b| †gvnv¤§` gvn&dzRDjøvn& Kve¨Avw½‡K `ÿZvi Qvc †i‡L‡Qb| wbtm‡›`‡n
wZwb Rxebvb›`xq| m‡bU, Aÿie„Ë, M`¨ Q‡›` wj‡L‡Qb| †cÖg‡K cwiï× K‡i GK ai‡bi aªæec‡`i Rb¥ w`‡q‡Qb
wZwb| cÖ_g Kve¨ Ry‡jLvi gb (1959) †_‡K Kwe‡PZbv DËwiZ| AÜKv‡i GKv (1960), iw³g ü`q (1966), Avcb
fyeb (1974), †gvnv¤§` gvn&dzRDjøvn&i Kve¨m¤¢vi (1980), ˆewiZvi nv‡Z e›`x (1996) cÖf„wZ|
nvexeyi ingvb (1921-1976)
ÔbZzb KweZvÕi msKjb †_‡K Zuvi cwiwPwZ, Ôc„w_ex, gvbyl, cÖK…wZ wb‡q huv‡`i †jLv nvexeyi ingvb Zuv‡`iB wewkó
GKRb| Pg&‡K PvIqv, Avi _g&‡K hvIqvi g‡Zv Pjb, ejb I `y¨wZ Zuvi KweZvq cwic~Y©| G‡`i wKQy D‡cÿv Kivi
g‡Zv bq, eis jÿYxq|Õ wefvM-cieZx© Kve¨v‡›`vj‡bi m~‡Î nvexeyi ingvb weL¨vZ| g~jZ wkï mvwnwZ¨K| DcvË
(1962)i iPbv‰kjx cwi”Qbœ| †kªwY‡PZbv cÖKUiƒ‡c weivRgvb Zuvi KweZvq| wKš‘ cy‡iv †PZbvB fi K‡i c~e©-
evsjvi Abycg cÖK…wZ‡K wN‡i|
†gvnv¤§` gvgyb (R. 1927)
bZzb KweZvi Kwe| Ôgb wb‡qB Zuvi †Ljv Ges gb‡K Rq K‡iB m„wói m¤¢vebv : GB Zuvi wek¦vm|Õ Zuvi Kve¨ †cª‡g
c‡owQ K…òP~ov (1963) Kwe †e-bRxi Avng`‡K DrmM©xK…Z| Lye †ivgvw›UK †cÖggq KweZv †gvnv¤§` gvgy‡bi :
Ae‡k‡l GKw`b †mvbvi KevU Ly‡j hvq
Avgvi †Pv‡Li †Kv‡Ygg© Bkvivq,
Kx Avðh©, c„w_exi †mB †eovRv‡j
wZ‡j wZ‡j gvqvRv‡j Avgv‡K Rov‡j!
Ò†`n e„‡Ë †cÖgÓ, Ò†m gwnjv MixqmxÓ, ÒAvgvi we‡qi w`bÓ G Kv‡e¨i Ggb A™¢zZ me ga¨weËvkÖqx Avb›`Nb
Abyf‚wZMÖvn¨ KweZv| wefv‡MvËi c‡e©i †Mvovq Bmjvg ev cvwK¯Ív‡bi Av‡e‡Mi †fZ‡i G GK bZzb Ams‡KvP,
kvjxb Abyf‚wZ| Kwei Òwewkó bvq‡Ki f‚wgKvqÓ †_‡K D`vniY :
cuwPkwU el©vi ci cuwPkwU emšÍ
†K‡U wM‡q
cÖ_g cÖv‡Yi ¯úk© †j‡MwQj hvi
ZLb †Kgb fv‡jv †j‡MwQj!
†mevi Rxeb-c‡_ cÖ_g D‡b¥l|
GBfv‡e kir †ngšÍ kxZ
K‡i †kl
wesk kZvãxi GB cÖgyL bvqK
†nu‡U †nu‡U hvq,
ivRc‡_ †jvKvj‡q w`‡bi †gjvq,
A_ev †m †i‡¯Íviuvq e‡m
AvÇv Rgvq Kfz Pv‡qi †cqvjvq|
GwjqU A½xK…Z K‡i Dch©y³ KweZv-csw³ iwPZ| †gvnv¤§` gvgy‡bi G cÖZ¨q cÖf‚Z †ivgvw›UK I wek¦fv‡e Rov‡bv|
ˆewk¦K I wek kZ‡Ki bvMwiK Pwi·K Zz‡j Av‡bb Zvi Q‡›`| gvgy‡bi KwewewkóZv GLv‡b †h, Ab¨‡`i g‡Zv
cÖK…wZPvwiZv ev cvwK¯Ívb fRbv bq eis U¨v‡j›U-mswkøó AvaywbK gvÎvwU GK cÖKvi cÖgvYwm× wbðqZv †c‡q hvq|
hv cieZ©x‡Z AviI `yg©i n‡q I‡V| Ô... Q›`e× cÖv‡Yi MwZ‡Z †`vj-LvIqv Avi †Uvj LvIqv GB Rxeb e‡q wb‡Z
Pvq `~iA‡bK `~i, †hLv‡b Zvi g‡bi cÖZxwZ| wcÖqv‡K wZwb †`L‡Z †P‡q‡Qb mvi‡j¨i mnR myi w`‡qeySv‡Z
†P‡q‡Qb GLv‡b, ILv‡b I †mLv‡b GUv wK IUv, bq †mUv...Õ †eva Kwi †m Kvi‡YB Ave`yi ikx` Lv‡bi m‡½ †ei
K‡iwQ‡jb †cÖ‡gi KweZv msKjb (1959) hv Ôc~e© cvwK¯Ív‡b G-B cÖ_gÕ:
K…òP‚ov! K…òP‚ov!
Avgvi g‡bi iwOb ¸uov Qwo‡q w`jvg
†Zvgvi dz‡ji cuvcwo `‡j|
K…òP‚ov! K…òP‚ov!
†ivR mKv‡j meyR cvZv Wv‡j Wv‡j
Rxeb †`‡L|
Ave`yj Mwb nvRvix (1925-1976)
wefv‡MvËiKv‡j XvKv‡Kw›`ªK evsjv KweZvi ¯^Zš¿aviv ˆZwi‡Z Ave`yj Mwb nvRvix Ab¨Zg| mgKvjxbZv, bvMwiK
ˆe`»¨Zv wb‡qB DwjøwLZ avivwUi m„wó| bMi ga¨weË cÖeYZv, wew”QbœZv, Aeÿq Zuvi KweZvi welq| cvwK¯Ívb
cÖwZôv wKQy Kwei g‡a¨ †hgb †bwZevPK `„wófw½ ˆZwi K‡iwQj †Zgwb beiv‡óªi Rb¨ RqMv‡bi welqwUI wQj
evjwLj¨Zvi g‡Zv| Ave`yj Mwb nvRvixi †mLvb †_‡K †ei n‡q, †`vjvPjZv gy³ nIqvGKUv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© e¨vcvi|
†m cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z G Kwei Kwefvlv wbwg©wZ †c‡q‡Q ga¨we‡Ëi Avkv-Avkvf½, Aeÿq, ¯^cœ-¯^cœf½ BZ¨vKvi
ms‡e`bkxj me cÖ‡Yv`bvq| bvMwiK RxebvwkªZ K¨vRyqvj kã, ˆbivk¨MÖ¯Í ga¨weË gb¯ÍË¡ Abym„Z kã Mwb nvRvix
csw³gvjvq G‡b n‡q‡Qb kvnwiK KweZvi fvl¨Kvi| m~‡h©i wmuwo (1965)i g‡a¨ c~e©-evsjvi DVwZ ga¨weË, Zv‡`i
fuyB‡duvo mvs¯‹…wZK †PZbv, cÖKUZi mvgªvR¨ev`x †kvlY, AvgjvZš¿ Gme wel‡qi mgmvgwqK mvÿ¨ wn‡m‡e D‡V
G‡m‡Q| mvgvb¨ ab (1959), RvMÖZ cÖ`x‡c (1970) Ave`yj Mwb nvRvixi Ab¨vb¨ Kve¨|
ˆmq` kvgmyj nK (1935-2016)
Kwe I K_vmvwnwZ¨K ˆmq` kvgmyj nK wefvM-cieZ©xKv‡j g~jZ evOvwj HwZn¨ I ms¯‹…wZi g~‡j wek¦¯Í †_‡K
Kve¨PP©v K‡i‡Qb| ¯§„wZ-b÷¨vjwRqv, †cÖg-ˆbtk㨠†PZb-Ae‡PZb wµqvq c~Y©vqZ g‡bvfw½‡Z Kv‡e¨ D‡V Av‡m|
lv‡Ui Acnvix Dw`© kvm‡bi DËvc AšÍR©M‡Z AcweKwkZ †PZbvi Qvqv ˆZwi K‡i| ga¨weË Rxeb A‰ea cuywRi
J×Z¨‡K AuvP Ki‡Z cv‡i| AšÍh©š¿Yv ZLb K…k Rxeb‡K iß K‡i †d‡j| ˆekv‡L iwPZ csw³gvjv (1969) ˆmq`
n‡Ki AmvaviY me aŸwbeÜ| `xN©KweZvq ewY©Z bvq‡Ki ¯^M‡Zvw³| hyM‡PZbv, Aeÿq, hš¿Yv, D‡ØM aiv c‡o
iwPZ Pwi‡Îi KvVv‡gv‡Z| c~e©-evsjvq cuywRi cÖ‡Kv‡c weK…Z µgea©gvb ga¨weË mgmvgwqK †g‡mR n‡q Av‡m ˆmq`
kvgmyj n‡Ki KweZvq| G‡ÿ‡Î g‡bvRM‡Zi Ae‡PZb mËvi m‡½ †PZb mËvi ms‡køl-msivM AvaywbK-gb¯‹Zvq
Zz‡j Av‡bbwe‡klZ eyׇ`e emyi Kj¨v‡Y †ev`‡jqvi, †jvKbv_ fÆvPv‡h©i iu¨v‡ev weKvi-ZvwoZ ev D`&åvwšÍi
RxebZix‡Z fvmgvb wK¬bœ w`‡Ki cÖwZ Bw½Z m„wó K‡i _vK‡e| ˆmq` n‡Ki †gavq µgk Gme welq †hgb AwaKvi
Ki‡e †Zgwb AvaywbK cÖKiY cÖ‡Póvq Awfbe-wk‡íi ¸‡Y lv‡UB ¯^Zš¿ I AvaywbK w`KwPýevnx wn‡m‡e cwiMwYZ|
Zuvi Kve¨hvÎv DËwiZ c_ †c‡q‡Q, K‡qK `k‡K| Zuvi ey‡bve„wói Mvb (1959), GK`v GK iv‡R¨ (1961), weiwZnxb
Drme (1969), cÖwZaŸwbMY (1973), Aci cyiæl (1978), wbR¯^ welq (1982), civ‡bi Mnxb wfZi (1980),
i¾yc‡_ P‡jwQ (1987), GK Avðh© m½‡gi ¯§„wZ (1989), †eRvb kn‡ii Rb¨ †Kvivm (1989), AwMœ I R‡ji
KweZv (1989), Kvb‡b Kvb‡b †ZvgviB mÜv‡b (1990), Avwg Rb¥MÖnY Kwiwb (1990) †Zviv‡ci fvB (1990), †kªô
KweZv (1990), ivR‰bwZK KweZv (1991), Avgvi kni (1995), bvwfg~‡j f¯§vavi (1996), †cÖ‡gi KweZv (1996),
Aw¯ÍZ¡ w`‡bi cw_K (1998), A‡avMvgx w`‡bi cwÄKv (1998), KweZv msMÖn (1998) KweZvMÖš’|
kvgmyi ivngvb (1929-2006)
evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavb Kwe kvgmyi ivngvb| cÖvq Aa© kZvãxKvj KweZvi PP©v K‡i‡Qb| cÖ_g Kve¨MÖš’ cÖ_g Mvb, wØZxq
g„Zz¨i Av‡M (1960)| KweZvq AvaywbKZvi PP©vi e¨vcv‡i kvgmyi ivngvb c‡RwUf n‡q GwM‡q‡Qb; d‡j RvwZMZ
wbcxob, fvlv Av‡›`vjb, MYZvwš¿K msMÖvg, Ebmˇii Afy¨Ìvb, gyw³hy×, mv¤cÖ`vwqKZv, †gŠjev‡`i AvMÖvmb
cÖf„wZ welq wkímy›`i Awfe¨w³ (mode of expression) †c‡q‡Q| Ôwb‡RiB mËv w`‡q eyS‡Z n‡j Zuvi KweZv
w`‡qB... wZwb kvgmyi ivngvb| Zuvi KweZv co‡j g‡b c‡o poetry of earth is never dead―Zey c„w_ex‡K Av‡iv
fvjevm‡Z nq―AveviIÕ| AZj¯úk©x GK Mfxi wek¦vm, Mvp AK…wÎg fv‡jvevmvq evOgq n‡q I‡V Zuvi iPbv|
G‡ÿ‡Î gvbe-m¤ú‡K©i m~²Zi Abyf~wZi mÁvb cwiPh©vq Kwe wPÎKí, cyivY, Dcgv, Dr‡cÖÿvq eY©bvgq Kve¨fvlvi
cÖ‡qvM NUvb| kvgmyi ivngvb wbwg©Z fvlv M`¨KweZvi, KLbI Aÿie„‡Ëi Awgj cÖengvb Q‡›`| G‡ÿ‡Î Zuvi
wjwcKzkjZvi ¯^vZš¿¨I cwijwÿZ| evsjv‡`‡ki bvMwiK KweZvi avivq wZwb †gŠwjK ˆewkó¨wU w`e¨‡PZbvq aviY
K‡ib| G‡ÿ‡Î Zuvi cÖfveI wecyj| cÖvP¨-cvðvZ¨ †PZbv¯ú„ó G Kwei Kve¨ : †iŠ`ª K‡ivwU‡Z (1963), weaŸ¯Í
bxwjgv (1967), wbiv‡jv‡K w`e¨i_ (1968), wbR evmf~‡g (1970), e›`x wkwei †_‡K (1972), `ytmg‡qi gy‡LvgywL
(1973), wdwi‡q bvI NvZK KuvUv (1974), Avw`MšÍ bMœ c`aŸwb (1974), GK ai‡bi AnsKvi (1975), Avwg
Abvnvix (1970), k~b¨Zvq Zzwg †kvKmfv (1977), evsjv‡`k ¯^cœ `¨v‡L (1977), cÖwZw`b Ninxb N‡i (1978),
BKviæ‡ki AvKvk (1982), D™¢U D‡Ui wc‡V P‡j‡Q ¯^‡`k (1982), gvZvj FwZ¡K (1982), KweZvi m‡½ †Miv¯’wj
(1983), bvq‡Ki Qvqv (1983), Avgvi †Kv‡bv Zvov †bB (1984), †h AÜ my›`ix Kuv‡` (1984), A‡¯¿ Avgvi wek¦vm
†bB (1985), †nvgv‡ii ¯^cœgq nvZ (1985), B‡”Q nq GKUz `uvovB (1985), a~jvq Movq wki¯¿vY (1985), GK †duvUv
†Kgb Abj (1986), †Uwe‡j Av‡cj¸‡jv †n‡m I‡V (1986), †`k‡`ªvnx n‡Z B‡”Q K‡i (1986), Aweij Rjåwg
(1986), Avgvi KÕRb m½x (1986), SY©v Avgvi Av½y‡j (1987), Lye †ewk fvj _vK‡Z †bB (1987), ¯^‡cœiv WyK‡i
I‡V evievi (1987), g‡Âi gvSLv‡b (1988), eyK Zvi evsjv‡`‡ki ü`q (1988), ü`‡q Avgvi c„w_exi Av‡jv
(1989), †m GK ciev‡m (1990), M„nhy‡×i Av‡M (1990), LwÐZ †MŠie (1992), aŸs‡mi wKbv‡i eÕ‡m (1992),
nwi‡Yi nvo (1993), AvKvk Avm‡e †b‡g (1994), DRvo evMvb (1995), G‡mv †KvwKj G‡mv ¯^Y©Puvcv (1995),
gvbe ü`‡q ˆb‡e`¨ mvRvB (1996), ZzwgB wbtk¦vm ZzwgB ü`¯ú›`b (1996), †Zvgv‡KB †W‡K †W‡K i³Pÿz †KvwKj
n‡qwQ (1997), †ngšÍ, mܨvq wKQyKvj (1997), QvqvM‡Yi m‡½ wKQyÿY (1997), †gN‡jv‡K g‡bvÁ wbevm (1998),
†mŠ›`h© Avgvi N‡i (1998), iƒcK cÖev‡j `» mܨvivZ (1999), UzK‡iv wKQy msjv‡ci muv‡Kv (1999), ¯^‡cœ I
`yt¯^‡cœ †eu‡P AvwQ (2000), bÿÎ evRv‡Z evRv‡Z (2000), ïwb ü`‡qi aŸwb (2001), ü`c‡Ù †R¨vrmœv †`v‡j
(2001), f¯§¯Í~‡c †Mvjv‡ci nvwm (2002), fvOv‡Pviv Puv`gyL Kv‡jv K‡i ayK‡Q (2003), MšÍe¨ bvBev _vKzK
(2004), K…òc‡ÿ c~wY©gvi w`‡K (2004), †Mvi¯’v‡b †KvwK‡ji KiæY AvnŸvb (2005), wbe©vwPZ 100 KweZv (2005),
bv ev¯Íe bv `yt¯^cœ (2006), †cÖg I fv‡jvevmvi KweZv (2006), AÜKvi †_‡K Av‡jvq (2006)| Kwei iPbv msKjb
wb‡q iPbvejx 1 (2004), iPbvejx 2 (2006) cÖKvwkZ n‡q‡Q|
AvjvDwÏb Avj AvRv` (1932-2009)
ÔDMÖ AvaywbK bv e‡j AZ¨vaywbK cÖMwZi msÁvq huviv wb‡R‡K AvL¨vwqZ K‡i‡Z Pvb AvjvDwÏb Avj AvRv` †mB
†kªYxfy³ wØav †bBÕGgbwU Kwe m¤ú‡K© ÔbZyb KweZvÕi fvl¨| wP‡b †bIqv hvq Kwei cÖKiYwek¦vmwU| AvjvDwÏb
Avj AvRv` evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq A‡bK PovB-DrivB‡qi ü`qms‡e`x Kwe-cÖwZK…wZ| aªæc`x D”Pvi‡Y Awbe©vY _v‡K
Zuvi gvbeZv I gvbe‡Kw›`ªK wek¦vm| †fv‡ii b`xi †gvnbvq RvMiY (1962) Kve¨MÖ‡š’i GKwU KweZv ÔBDmyd-
RyjvqLvÕi cÖYq Kve¨bvU¨ cÖqv‡m ewY©Z| Ab¨vb¨ KweZv¸‡jvI bv›`wbK| we‡klZ Zuvi m‡b‡Ui bZzb cwi‡ekbv;
†hLv‡b wZwb cyivZb ixwZ‡K wbixÿvq G‡b `vb K‡i‡Qb mgKvjxbZvi ¯^vÿi| G‡Z K‡i ˆewPΨI G‡m‡Q| ZvQvov
AvaywbK fve‡PZbv †hgb bM‡ii nZvkv, Aeÿq, kixix †cÖg, †ivg¨vw›UK ¯^cœKíbv, cÖK…wZi weewZ©Z iƒcGgb
wewea welq Zuvi cÖKi‡Y wbišÍi wbixÿvq hy³ n‡q‡Q| `xN© Kve¨PP©vq evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq fv‡ei ¯^”QZvq cÖKi‡Yi
Awbevh©Zvq wZwb `vb K‡i‡Qb bZzb msnwZ I msmw³| gvbwPÎ (1961), m~h©Rv¡ jvi †mvcvb (1965), †jwjnvb
cvÐywjwc (1975), wb‡LuvR m‡bU¸”Q (1983), Avwg hLb Avm‡ev (1984), mvRNi (1990), †PvL (1996), Av¨v‡mm
GÐ ¯úvK©vm (1984), †kªô KweZv (1987) cÖf„wZ Zuvi Kve¨MÖš’|
†gvnv¤§` gwbiæ¾vgvb (1936-2008)
evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq Abe`¨ bvg †gvnv¤§` gwbiæ¾vgvb| `yj©f w`b (1961), kw¼Z Av‡jvK (1968), wecbœ welv`
(1968), cÖZby cÖZ¨vkv (1973), fvjevmvi nv‡Z (1976), f~wgnxb K…wlRxex B‡”Q Zvi (1984), †Kvjvn‡ji ci
(1990), axi cÖev‡n (1993), fvlvgq cÖRvcwZ (1997)| Awbe©vY (1968), B‡”QgZx (1976), Z…Zxq Zi‡½ (1984),
BZ¨vw`| †cÖg, †`kvZ¥‡eva, hyMhš¿Yv, ey‡R©vqv AvMÖvmb Gme welq KwewPšÍ‡b m½wZ-Am½wZi cÖkœ †Zv‡j| cÖwZwôZ
g~j¨‡ev‡ai wejywß mœvqy‡Z AvNvZ K‡i, AÜKv‡ii Aemv‡b gyw³i Av‡jL¨ iPbv K‡ib| †gvnv¤§` gwbiæ¾vgvb cÖvP¨-
cvðvZ¨ ms¯‹…wZi MÖnY-eR©b wRÁvmvq ZiæY mgvRZvi Db¥vM©iƒc, Db¥~jZv, ˆecixZ¨ wewea welq bv›`wbK-
exÿvq e¨½vZ¥K Ges MvpZi cwim‡i eqv‡bi cÖqvm cvb| wmœ» cÖK…wZ I †`kvZ¥`k©b Zuvi KweZvi cwiPh©vi c_|
kãe¨env‡i Kwe wbwe©‡ivax Z‡e wZwb Zxÿèax ms‡e`bkxj; Mfxi, †Kvgj I MxwZgq| †gvnv¤§` gwbiæ¾vgv‡bi
KweZvmsMÖn (1976-1998) †ewi‡q‡Q 1998 mv‡j|
Rvnvbviv AviRy (R. 1932)
wefv‡MvËi mg‡q Rvnvbviv AviRyi Kve¨PP©v| Zuvi KweZv AvZ¥-Abyf~wZ, wbwe©‡ivax; cÖK…wZ-wbf©i| myL¯^cœ Avi
my›`‡ii Avkvev` †ivg¨vw›UK k‡Z© gg©cøvex| ÔKL‡bv R¡jšÍ m~h©Uv‡K wb‡q Avwm/ nv‡Zi gy‡Vvq/ KL‡bv Rxe‡bi
†Pvivevwj‡Z cv †i‡LI/ wbqZ Kuv‡Pi ¯^M© MwoÕGgb csw³gvjvq Zuvi KweZvMÖš’ : bxj¯^cœ (1962), †iŠ`ªSiv Mvb
(1964), †kvwYZv³ AvLi (1971), Avgvi k‡ã AvRb¥ Avwg (1983), µ›`mx AvZ¥Rv (1984), ¯^wbe©vwPZ kZ KweZv
(1996), wbe©vwPZ †cÖ‡gi KweZv (1988), wegy³ csw³gvjv (1988), Z…òvZ© gvwUi Pz¤^b (1990), AvKv‡ki gvVUvq
gvqvex Qvqv (1996), cv‡qi Zjvq Kw¤úZ K`©gv³ gvwU (1997)|
nvmvb nvwdRyi ingvb (1932-1983)
Kwe I KweZvi msMVK, KweZvq AvaywbK ixwZi wbixÿK, ˆewk¦K Kve¨v‡›`vj‡bi hvÎvi AMÖcw_K nvmvb nvwdRyi
ingvb| KweZvq AvZ¥wb‡ew`Z, mv_©K KwecÖvY| G Kg©‡hvMxi Kve¨ Avivabv wefv‡MvËi c~e©-evsjvq| wegyL cÖvšÍi
(1963) Zuvi Abe`¨ Kve¨MÖš’| GLv‡b ¯^‡`k-¯^vRvZ¨‡eva gvZ…g~wZ©i †PZbvq we”QywiZ| ZvQvov e¨w³ I mgvRgyw³i
cÖm½, DËwiZ Rxeb‡PZbv, Ôe„‡Ëi msmviÕ †_‡K gvby‡li gyw³ Kve¨wU‡Z Abycg wkígvÎv †c‡q‡Q| GQvov Kwei
AvZ© kãvejx (1968), AwšÍg k‡ii g‡Zv (1968), hLb D`¨Z m½xb (1379), e‡Rª †Piv Auvavi Avgvi (1976),
†kvKvZ© Zievix (1982), Avgvi †fZ‡ii evN (1983), fweZ‡e¨i evwYR¨ Zix (1983) Kve¨MÖš’| kvgmyi ivngv‡bi
`xN©vqZ f~wgKv m¤^wjZ nvmvb nvwdRyi ingv‡bi AcÖKvwkZ KweZv †ei nq 1986 †Z| nvmvb nvwdRyi ingv‡bi
KweZvq AvZ¥`‡»i ev hš¿Yvi welqwU we‡kl cÖKi‡Y evav c‡o| g~j¨‡ev‡ai cwiPh©vq nvmvb g~jZ ga¨weË gbb‡K
wbg©vY K‡i‡Qb Zuvi KweZvq| Ges †m exÿ‡YB kãfv‡l¨ wKsev wPÎKí-Dcgvq hy³ n‡q‡Q AvaywbK gvÎv| G‡ÿ‡Î
cvðvZ¨ Kwe wU. Gm. GwjqU Awbevh©fv‡eB Zuvi Kweeyw×i RvqMvwU `Lj K‡i|
Avj gvngy` (R. 1936 )
mvsevw`K wn‡m‡e Avj gvngy‡`i Rxeb ïiæ K‡ib| eyׇ`e emyi ÔKweZvÕ (1935) cwÎKvq KweZv wj‡L‡Qb| G Kwe
GK AšÍj©xbZvq ïiæ K‡ib †jvK †jvKvšÍi (1370), Kv‡ji Kjm (1373), †mvbvwj Kvweb (1973) †jLv| †jvKvqZ
cÖvY¯ú›`‡bi cÖZxKxiƒc Avj gvngy‡`i KweZv| MÖvgxY I †jvKR-FZzR Dcv`vb‡K AvaywbK gvÎvq Awfwl³ K‡ib
wZwb :
Si Si S‡i ev`‡ji aviv
Aweivg e„wó‡Z Kuvc‡Q m„wó
kixi Avgvi Nb Nb wknixZ
KL‡bvev R‡ji AvOzj
†K †hb †Quvqv‡jv wc‡V|
Avwg e‡j DwV
†K Zzwg A‡`Lv, Kzqvkvq †jLv
evovI GKwU nvZ|
Pviw`‡K Kv‡jv, mܨv Nbv‡jv
g‡b nq eywS ivZ|
GLv‡b e¨wZµgwU Kx? cÖ_g †_‡KB G ixwZwU Kwei iß| cjøxgb-gg©‡i †cÖvw_Z| wKš‘ me©KvwjK Abyiv‡M, me©vaywbK
A_© cvq| ÔGB GKLÐ mv`v KvM‡Ri Ici †gN G‡m hLb `uvovq/ ZLb cÖwZwU Aÿi n‡q I‡V G‡KKwU e„wói
†duvUvÕgg©‡cÖvw_Z Av‡jvo‡b †jLv nq Gme A‰bwZnvwmK †jvKvqZ Mwigvi Kvj †ciæ‡bv Mí| Dcgvb I
Dc‡g‡qi mvhyR¨ Kíbvi mxgv‡K Qvovq| kvk¦Z e›`bv Aw¯’g¾vq cÖKw¤úZ| Avj gvngy` cÖK…ZA‡_© Rxebvb›` I
Rmxg D`&`x‡bi KweZvixwZ‡K wgwkªZ K‡i †d‡jb| †fZ‡ii gg©cøvex D”Pvi‡Y n‡q I‡Vb e¨w³Z¡evb| wbR¯^
kãiƒ‡c wZwb g„wËKv‡cÖw_Z| ÔKvKUv Zvwo‡q `vI, I eo fxlY K‡É Wv‡K| RvbvjvUv nvU K‡i Kv‡Q G‡m em‡j Kx
nq? ej‡jv †m ¤øvb k‡ã my›`i D`i †_‡K mwi‡q figÕGme Avj gvngy‡`i †gŠwjK wPÎcÖwZgv gd¯^jx Av‡gR
gvLv‡bv; MÖvgxY evMaviv, †jvKR kãm¤¢vi Awbevh© AvaywbK gvÎvq ch©ewmZ| Avw`g †hŠbZv, mgvR mvivrmvi,
MÖvgxY f~-ms¯‹…wZ †PŠ¤^K AvKl©YxqZzj¨| Z‡e mg‡qi AšÍ¨c‡e© Avj gvngy` cvk †divb Ava¨vwZ¥KZvi w`‡K|
wefv‡MvËi mgqc‡e© c~e©-evsjvi ivRavbx XvKv‡K †K›`ª K‡i cyuwRi bvbvgvwdK mÂvjb N‡U| Avj gvngy`
lv‡Ui cÖ_gv‡aŸ©i Kwe| †jvKvqZ mËvwUi cybg©~j¨vqb I cixÿYxq K‡i †Zvjvi cÖqvm N‡U KweZvq| †m Kvi‡Y
fvlv_©wU cÖvP¨cÖZœwg‡_ `wÐZ| f~wgcÖK…wZi Ôpastoral dreamÕÑGi †h bv›`wbK iƒcwU cybwP©wýZZv‡Z d‡g© m‡bU I
Aÿie„‡Ëi Av‡jL¨ c~Y©aŸwbe‡Ü Aegy³| cyivY AbM©j †Mu‡_ P‡j b`x-bvix-f~wgi GKv_©iƒ‡c; Awfbœ _v‡K Rxeb-
†hŠbZv, ivLvjx cÖK…wZ I myMwÜ MÖvg| kãm¤¢v‡i eyb‡Z _v‡Kb m‡b‡Ui MvÎ, A‡gvN n‡q Av‡m ˆeòehy‡Mi
avivevwnK mgy¾¡j cybwbwg©Z evZ©v| Gfv‡eB Zuvi mvdj¨| †jvK †jvKvšÍi Kv‡e¨i msKí Kx? G Kv‡e¨ Kwei cÖ_g
Awf‡lK| †mLv‡b cwijwÿZ mshg I cÖYqmyavim wKš‘ we‡iva †Zv `yj©ÿ¨ bq, cwiZ…wßi c_ ZLb Aegy³| Gi
c‡ii Ab¨ KweZvq, cÖZœcÖwZgvi ¸iæZ¡, BÜb BwZnv‡mi, cÖLi Dcw¯’wZ wb‡Ri†hb w`e¨Z¡wcqvmx| wZwgiZx‡_©I
cÖYqimRvwiZ KweZvi AskMÖnY; ÒcÖwZK…wZÓ, ÒivZÓ, ÒZ…òvi FZz‡ZÓ KweZv‡ZI A‡bKUv GKiƒ‡cB evZ©ven,
ZLb Dc¯’vcbvwU G‡Kev‡i AweKj-K…wZ-DËxY©-Bw›`ªqMg¨ kª×vi| KvjcÖevn weivRgvb wKš‘ AvZ¥vi AvnŸvbwU `viæY
I imwb®úw˯^iƒc, AwfbqwU AvKl©Yxq :
K¬vwšÍ Zvi ay‡q †d‡j Ny‡gi †j¸‡b
Avevi `yÕ‡PvL †g‡j iv‡Zi wejvmx
ej‡jv, `yÕ‡Pv‡L `vI ¯^cœRvj ey‡b
Avgvi Aa‡i `vI cv_‡ii nvwm|
ÔivZÕ, ÔkixiÕ, ÔNygÕ, ÔweQvbvÕ Ggb Bw›`ªqMÖvn¨ iƒcwU KvgvZ©, cwiZ…ß cwi‡ek Qov‡jI †cÖgcÖYq iƒ‡ci kvk¦wZK-
iƒc wbôvi ¯^xK…wZ‡Z cÖwZwôZ| KvgKjvq eªxoviZ KvgPvix ev Kvwgbxmyjf Kvg¨iƒcwU †hb GK AšÍ¨R `i`‡K cÖkqª
†`q| Zv‡Z wb®úwË N‡U Kvgbvwm× wbiæwØMœ c~e©iv‡Mi| Avj gvngy` AwZkxNÖ fvlvwU Avq‡Ë †bb| Ôg‡bvgw›`iÕ
wPwýZ nq, B‡gRwU DcgvcÖwZg n‡q Zv‡K †`q eû‡KŠwYK exÿY :
A_ev i‡³i bv‡P ïiæ n‡e wmçwbi myi
e„wói k‡ãi g‡Zv g‡b n‡e †Zvgvi b~cyi|
w`e¨‡PZbv wb‡q Ôb`xÕ, Ô†gNÕ, ÔbvixÕ ˆZwi nq e›`bvi RM‡Z| GKBiƒ‡c ÔSoÕ, ÔAiY¨Õ, Ôe„wóÕ, ÔivwÎÕ, Ô†bŠ‡KvÕ,
Ôi³Õ‡Z Av‡ivc K‡ib †hŠbZvZLb A‡Rq iƒcwU wPwýZ| ÔKweZv †jLv n‡Z cv‡i GKwU †Kej,/ †hb ig‡Y
Kw¤úZv †Kv‡bv Kzgvixi wbgœbvwfg~jÕ| ÔwZZvm-eªþcyÎcv‡ii RbRxeb‡K Dcjÿ K‡i m‡¤§vnbx †jvKfvlvÕ w¯’wZ
cvq Kv‡e¨| AvZ¥gMœZv ev AvZ¥jxb Abyfe †cŠivwYK-ÔwZZvmÕZuvi wb‡Ri b`x| wKš‘ ¯^gZcÖPv‡i bq, imm„wói
AwØZxq Dcv‡q cÖKvwkZ :
G Avgvi ˆkk‡ei b`x GB R‡ji cÖnvi
mvivw`b Zxi fv‡O, cvKZ Lvq, †Nvjv †mªvZ Uv‡b
†hŠe‡bi cÖZx‡Ki g‡Zv AmsL¨ †bŠKvi cv‡j
MwZi cÖevn nv‡b|
cybe©vi ejv hvq †h, b`x Avi bvixi e¨vL¨vb Awfbœ| Ôkeix wZZvmÕ, Ô†hŠe‡bi †`kÕ Kx Zvrc‡h© gwngvwš^Z! ïay
Ôb`xÕ bq Ôe„ÿÕ, ÔcvwLÕ AR©b K‡i gigx iƒc| G‡Z Kwei Ae‡PZb ¯ÍiwU µgk Zuv‡K cqvie„‡Ë †e‡a †d‡j|
†Uv‡Ugiƒ‡c GiƒcwU ˆZwi n‡jI, cÖvPxb‡Z¡i cUf~wgwUi ¯úk© I Avkªq, †jŠwKK gixwPKv‡gvn, cvV¨iƒ‡c we¯Íi web¨vm
Aw¼Z Zv‡Z :
ZLb †f‡ewQ †mvbvi MvQ
GKw`b †`‡e nx‡ii dzj,
GKw`b gigx nvIqvi AuvP
Kwe-m„R‡b Òb~‡ni cÖv_©bvÓ Kve¨bv‡U¨i cwimi cvq| Ôb~‡ni cøvebÕ‡K cybiæ¾xweZ Ki‡j, cyY¨evb mšÍv‡bi Avkvq
_v‡K exh©evb cyiæl Avi Zvi DòZvi Mwe©Z bvix| GLv‡b Rb¥wU‡K †cuŠQv‡bv nq †cÖ‡g-kvixwiK msm‡M©-ˆRweKZvq-
†hŠbZvq| †hUv G Kv‡e¨i Kwe-¯^vZš¿¨, †gŠj‡cÖiYvRvZ| AšÍM©Z †cÖiYvq hv AšÍ`„©wó †c‡q‡Q De©i, km¨-k¨vgj
f~wg‡Z| ÔKvKÕ ¯§i‡Y G‡m‡Q Kwei| Ôcig PZzi cvwLÕ, ÔZzwg bM‡ii DËg bvMwiKÕ; Kv‡Ki AvwU©÷ eY©b vq, cÖZxKx
hyMa‡g©i AvL¨v‡b| mrKwe †cŠivwYK I HwZwn¨K Ôiw³g cÖ¯ÍveÕ-G, Giƒc wePvicwš’ ˆewk‡ó¨ Kwe, gg©¯úk©x|
Kv‡ji Kjm Kv‡e¨ ÔKjmÕ cÖZœcÖwZgviwÄZ| GLv‡b Kwe-Bw½ZwU Mfxi I b„-mswkøó| Dcgv, cÖZxK,
iƒcK, ‘Vortex’ cÖ‡Z¨KwU m¤£‡gi wbLuyZ wbtk¦vm‡K aviY K‡i :
GB `jKj‡mi †Sv‡c Avgvi Kvdb c‡i Avwg KZKvj
KvZ n‡q ï‡q †_‡K †`‡L hv‡ev †mvbvi Kjm Avi e„‡li weev`?
ÔmeyR m¤£gUzKz †U‡b ai‡jv ey‡Ki IciÕ Ggb Rb¥vbyivM KL‡bv †PZb ev A‡PZbiƒ‡c cÖKvwkZ| GRb¨ Kv‡e¨i
Mv‡Î D‡V e‡m Acvcwe× Ôluv‡oi kixiÕ wKsev ÔfqvZ© hyeZxÕ| Z‡e Gi †cQ‡b GKUv wbi‡cÿ †`k-Kvj-mgvR
cwi‡cÖwÿZ weivRgvb| Ôe¨w³Õ, ÔAwbe©vY R‡b¥ AvNvZÕ wKsev Ôe„‡li welv`Õ; ejv nq, ÔAvgvi mg¯Í MšÍ‡e¨ GKwU
GKwU Zvjv Szj‡QÕ| Avw½KwU‡Z wfbœiKg cÖwZ”Qwe-ÁvcK, wPÎKíiƒ‡c `„pZi n‡q I‡V wbi¼zk AZ¨vek¨K
A½xKv‡i| Kv‡ji g‡a¨ ÔKv‡KÕi emZ, ÔgnvKvj wegyLÕ †Kb? cqvi cwie„Ë ANUbmsNU‡bi msev` Qov‡Z _v‡K,
Rb¥Rivqy ZLb kª×vi c_wU Pvq, Kl©‡Y ai‡Z Pvq cwiZ…wß, Avi GmewKQyi †fZ‡ii eZ©gvb PvjwPÎ MÖvm K‡i
Kwe‡K| wfbœZi †miƒ‡c Zvi wZZvm, ˆkke-ˆK‡kvi-†hŠeb mewKQy| wccvmv, cvk‡div, Aegyw³ cybe©vi HLv‡b :
gv‡qi AuvPj a‡i †U‡b
†`Lvq `~‡ii b`x, IB‡Zv nv‡Ui bvI gv‡Mv
`wLbv evZv‡m `¨vL †f‡m †Mj mg¯Í †mvqvwi;
Giƒ‡c mgwc©ZB ïay bq, Kvbœvi euvkx ev Kvgbvi †KŠkj gš’iZv Av‡b, wKš‘ Kwei Kv‡e¨ wk‡ívËi mvgÄm¨wU eRvq
_v‡K| †Kbbv mewKQyB MxZj n‡q I‡V, †RvbvK †cvKvi Av‡jv‡Z KL‡bvev Agvwbkvi Ave‡Z©| GUvB Avj gvngy‡`i
Kve¨ n‡q I‡V, Awbevh© I K‡Vviiƒ‡c| ÒcÖZ¨veZ©bÓ KweZvwU G Kv‡e¨i Ab¨Zg KweZv| G‡Z wbweo †jvKvbyl½,
AvaywbK exÿ‡Y cÖRw¡ jZ :
Rqby‡ji Qwei g‡Zv Nievwo, bvix
D‡Vv‡b Svo‡Q avb, av‡bi ay‡jvq ¤øvb kvwo;
ÔAv¸bÕ, ÔKjmÕ, Ôe„ÿÕ, ÔbvixÕ Kwei wbKU H lv‡Ui ¯ú›`‡b GKUz wfbœ bv e‡j cviv hvq bv| Ggb FRy‡iL Pj”Qwe,
wbLuyZ hyw³wm× iwZ, f~wg-gvZ…Kv‡K †jŠwKK wm×Zv `vb, Kvjve‡Z© weij e‡U; hw`I wbtk¦vmevqy‡Z G †PZbv
Awbevh©| DcKiY-wbe©vP‡b Kwei AvZ¥wek¦vmwU eo D`vniY| m`¨ ¯^vaxb †`‡k Zuvi Kve¨welq H AvenvIqv-Rjevqy
cwiµg‡Y| †mLv‡bI m‡b‡U wd‡i Av‡m †kŠh©-exh©Mv_v, cyi‡bv BwZnvm, Avengvb Av‡eMmsL¨vi wn‡me| g„wËKv-
bvix-åƒYv¼zi, Avi Kzqvkv-Av‡jv-AÜKvi, †mœn-gvqv-†cÖg-fv‡jvevmv G Kv‡e¨ ZxÿèZi| Ô†mvbvwjÕ †hŠeb KvgvZ© ev
ˆRweKZvi Avavi kixix-msmM©x Awfbœ †`¨vZbvi mviw_ :
nvZ †e‡q D‡VG‡mv †n cv‡bvLx, cvwU‡Z Avgvi
Gevi †MvUvI dYv Kv‡jv †jLv wj‡Lv bv ü`‡q;
Ôcv‡bvLxÕ A‡gvN kãcÖwZgv| Amv¤cÖ`vwqK †jŠwKK iƒcwU Awfwl³| ÔbxjÕ, Ô`skbÕ, ÔmvcÕ Giƒ‡c ˆRweK †cÖiYvi
cvkvcvwk Avgv‡`i †jŠwKK Aw¯ÍZ¡I Zz‡j a‡i| ÔKvc©v‡ki djÕ, Ô¸Ävi gvjvÕ, Av‰kk‡ei ¯§„wZ, cwiPh©v wek¦gqZv
cvq| m‡b‡U cÖZ¨qmg~n AgvwqK| ÔAb¨vb¨ KweZv †jLvi cÖ¯‘wZ Avwg †hfv‡e wb‡q _vwK, †mvbvwj Kvweb m‡bU¸”Q
†jLv Zv †_‡K e¨wZµg bq| me ai‡bi KweZvB †jLvi †Póv K‡iwQ| Ggb fvebv †_‡KB GB m‡bU¸”Q †jLv|
gvby‡li Af¨vm, AvPiY, †cÖg-cÖK…wZ Avgvi GB KweZvi g~j Abyl½| Avgvi KweZvq †cÖg-cÖK…wZ G‡m‡Q bvbvfv‡e|
Z‡e †mvbvwj Kvweb-G g‡b nq, bi-bvixi m¤ú‡K©i Zxeª AvKl©‡Yi Bw½Z Av‡Q|...KweZv †jLvi KiY-†KŠkj
wn‡m‡e m‡bU ˆkjxwU Avgvi Lye cQ‡›`i| G gva¨‡g KweZv c~Y©Zv cvq| ... †mvbvwj Kvweb Avgvi KweZv wj‡L
hvIqvi GKwU mv_©K ce©|Õ (†hfv‡e †jLv n‡jv †mvbvwj Kvweb) Z‡e Avj gvngy‡`i KweZvq Ggb ixwZwU †ewkw`b
envj _v‡Kwb| ÔwLjRx‡`i kv`v †Nvovi †mvqvwiÕi ¯^cœwU‡K Avgiv †hb A¯^xKvi Ki‡Z PvB| Zuvi Ab¨vb¨ Kve¨
gvqvex c`©v `y‡j I‡V (1976), A`„óev`x‡`i ivbœvevbœv (1980), eLwZqv‡ii †Nvov (1985), Avie¨ iRbxi ivRnuvm
(1987), cÖniv‡šÍi cvk‡div (1988), GK Pÿz nwiY (1989), wg_¨vev`x ivLvj (1993), Avwg, `~iMvgx (1994), ü`qcyi
(1995), †`v‡qj I `wqZv (1997), wØZxq fvOb (2000), b`xi wfZ‡i b`x (2001), †cÖg I fv‡jvevmvi KweZv
(2006) cÖf„wZ| Gm‡ei †fZi w`‡q wZwb we`¨gvb KweZv-mvq‡i, KweZvi Rûix wZwbwg_K_vq-iƒcK_vq-
eªZRxe‡b; †mLv‡b Zuvi g‡ZvB nq‡Zv BwZnvm M‡o P‡j‡Qb|
wRqv nvq`vi (1936-2008)
wRqv nvq`vi KweZvq AvaywbK iƒcixwZi B‡gR Av‡bb| civev¯ÍeZvq AmsjMœ AvZ¥vi Qwe, wem`„k¨-Aw¯’i-AkvšÍ
mgq iwPZ nq| RwUj g‡bvexÿ‡Y, PÂj-weg~Z© k¦vm‡K Kv‡e¨ Zz‡j Av‡bb| cÖavbZ kû‡i ga¨we‡Ëi RwUj AveZ©,
weiƒc mgq AeMvn‡b `„k¨Z-A`„k¨Z-m¤¢e-Am¤¢e evZ©vmg~n evOgq Kivi cÖ‡Póv _v‡K Q‡›`| e¨w³i †fZ‡ii †K¬`-
Avi³ †ÿ`-`ywe©mn AvZ©bv`mg~n bvbv Bw½‡Z iwPZ n‡Z _v‡K| wRqv nvq`vi Kve¨ cÖ‡Póvq µgk DËwiZ; weewa©Z|
wek¦v‡mi evZ©v `~ivqZ| Zuvi KweZv msKjb fv‡jvevmv fv‡jvevmv (1990)| Kwei Kve¨ : GKZviv‡Z Kvbœv (1963),
†KŠ‡Uvi B‡”Q¸‡jv (1967), `~i †_‡K †`Lv (1977), From far away (1979), Avgvi cjvZK Qvqv (1982), †kªô
KweZv (1986), †jvKwU I Zvi †cQ‡bi gvby‡liv (1988), AMÖwš’Z KweZv|
†ejvj †PŠayix (R. 1938)
cÖ_g KweZvi eB wblv` cÖ‡`‡k (1964)| bMiRwUjZvi GK K¬všÍcÖvY Kwe| AvZ¥gMœZvq wbcwZZ| cÖZxKx Zvrc‡h©
e¨wÄZ Kwei Kve¨fvlv| †ejvj †PŠayixi Av‡e‡Mi gvÎvq hy³ _v‡K ivRbxwZ| mgv‡Ri Db¥~j gvbyl, MÖvgMÄ-c_NvU
kvk¦Z evsjvi cÖK…wZ Mfxi ¯úk©Zvq Q‡›` hy³ nq| Kwei ¯^Ztù‚Z© AšÍM©Z Abyf~wZ‡Z _v‡K ¯^w¯Í I †MŠi‡ei mwbó
D”PviY| Kwei w`e¨‡PZbvq mshyw³, cÖavbZ c‡ivÿ cÖwZwµqvev`x ivRbxwZ| d‡j kiYv_©x, †kvwlZ gvbyl, g„Zz¨
we‡kl cÖZ¨q cvq KweZvq| ¯^”Q‡Zvqv ¯^Ztù‚Z© Avw½‡K D`&MZ hveZxq RxešÍ me wPÎcÖZxK| KweZvi ivRwmK
RqhvÎvq wZwb GLbI mRxe cÖvYcyiæl| Zuvi cÖKvwkZ MÖš’ †ejvj †PŠayixi KweZv (1973), AvZ¥cÖwZK…wZ, w¯’i Rxeb
I wbmM© (1975), ¯^cœe›`x (1979), Rj wely‡ei c~wY©gv (1985), cÖwZbvq‡Ki ¯^M‡Zvw³ (1986), †mjvB Kiv Qvqv
(1980), KweZvi Kgje‡b, hve¾xeb mkªg Djv‡m (1997), ewÎk b¤^i (1997), ùywj½ †_‡K `vevbj (2001)
wmKvb&`vi Avey Rvdi (1919-1975)
wefv‡MvËi c~e©-evsjvq wmKvb&`vi Avey Rvdi weiƒc ¯^‡`‡ki cÖmbœ wPÎiƒc A¼b K‡i‡Qb Zuvi KweZvq| Av_©-
mvgvwRK ivR‰bwZK cwiKvVv‡gv‡Z me©Mvgx I AKz‡Zvfq, A`g¨ ˆmwbK wn‡m‡e Zuvi wkí‡PZbv D™¢vwmZ| eY©vX¨
Rxe‡bi AwaKvix; weL¨vZ n‡q‡Qb ÔmgKvjÕ (1364) mvwnZ¨cwÎKvi m¤úv`K I msMVK wn‡m‡e| ˆeix e„wó‡Z
(1965), wZwgivwšÍK (1965), cÖmbœ cÖni (1965), KweZv 1372 (1968), e„wðK jMœ (1971), evsjv Qv‡ov (1971),
KweZv 1374 (1972) wmKvb&`vi Avey Rvd‡ii Kve¨MÖš’| gvje‡KŠwkK (1966) Zuvi Mv‡bi msKjb| ¯^fv‡e ewngy©wL,
†`kvZ¥fvebvq `vqe×, gyn~‡Z©i ¯^vÿi wjL‡bi ZrciZv Zuvi KweZv‡K mgKvjxb KvZv‡i †b‡g G‡b‡Q| wmKvb&`vi
Avey Rvd‡ii Kve¨¸Y cÖkswmZ, KvwjK ev¯ÍeZvq†hLv‡b Rbgvby‡li mvdj¨ I †MŠieB cÖavb n‡q I‡V|
ˆ¯^ivPv‡ii Ackvmb †_‡K gyw³, ˆel‡g¨i Agvwbkvi Aemvb wmKvb&`vi Avey Rvd‡ii wkífvl¨‡K cj Gjyqvi ev
KvRx bRiæj Bmjv‡gi mg‡MvÎxq K‡i †Zv‡j|
dRj kvnveyÏxb (1937-2014)
ÿwqòz mgvR I Aeÿq wPÎ wbg©vY G Kwei cÖavb Awš^ó| AÜKvi AwZµgx Avkvev` Av‡Q Zuvi KweZvq| wesk
kZvãxi lv‡Ui DËvj bvMwiK mgq, myZxeª †e`bvq Aw¼Z nq dRj kvnveyÏx‡bi KweZvq| ÔwfÿviZ Kzô‡ivMxÕ,
Ô†ek¨v cjøxÕ, ÔbMœZvi ˆe‡`nx wPrKviÕ weK…Z Ggb cÖm½ ÔAÜKv‡iÕi kãe‡Ü B‡g‡R iƒcvšÍwiZ nq| GK ch©v‡q G
Kwe n‡q c‡ob AšÍgyw© Lb (introvert), †PZbvjyß, webqx I cjvZK| welv`vµvšÍ n‡q c‡ob| dRj kvnveyÏxb
Ôcyiv‡bv w`‡bi mܨvÕ, Ôevsjv Avgvi ¯^cœ AvgviÕ-Gi g‡Zv A‡bK KvjRqx KweZv wj‡L evsjv‡`‡ki KweZvq
¸iæZ¡c~Y© Kwe n‡q D‡V‡Qb| Z…òvi AwMœ‡Z GKv (1965), AvKvw•ÿZ Amy›`i (1969), AvZZvqx m~h©v¯Í (1975),
AšÍix‡ÿ AiY¨ (1980), mvwbœ‡a¨i AvZ©bv` (1983), Av‡jvnxb AÜKvinxb (1984), m‡bU¸”Q, Awebk¦i `‡ivRvq,
wQbœwfbœ K‡qKRb, Avgvi wbe©vwPZ KweZv, †n bxj mgy`ª †n e„ÿ meyR, js‡d‡jvi wbe©vwPZ KweZv (1967) BZ¨vw`|
AveyeKi wmwÏK (R. 1934)
AveyeKi wmwχKi cÖ_g KweZvMÖš’ cÖKvwkZ nq 1969 mv‡j; aej `y‡ai ¯^iMÖvg| ALÐ, Awef³, AwefvR¨ evsjv
KweZvi aviv‡K enb K‡ib AveyeKi wmwÏK| ˆkk‡ei ea©gvb-ûMjx-PyPu~ovi ¯§„wZ; c~e©-cvwK¯Ívb, gyw³hy× I
evsjv‡`k cÖZ¨ÿ mvwbœa¨ cvq; Rxeb I KweZv‡K Zwš^ô cv‡V GK K‡i †d‡jb| AveyeKi wmwχKi Ô†`kR fvlvMZ
Av‡eM ev e¨w³MZ Av‡jvQvqv meB mg‡qi †PZbvq Av‡›`vwjZ|Õ Zuvi KweZv gvbweKZvi, †cª‡gi, fv‡jvevmvi|
KweZvPP©vi cÖjw¤^Z c‡_ Zuvi µgk N‡U‡Q DËiY| cÖ_gw`‡Ki KweZvq †g‡j GKai‡bi KznKx-gwiPxKvgq
Av”QbœZv| AvZ¥g‡Mœ jxb Zuvi evZ©v| `ye©vi ev AkvšÍ †e‡M G †gvn AwePj Ges c~Y©vqZ gvbyl †Zvgvi weÿZ w`‡b
Kve¨ ch©šÍ| Gici jÿ¨wbf©i †PZbRM‡Zi E‡aŸ© Kwe‡Z hy³ nq `vk©wbK e¨vwß I e¨Äbv| `„pwfwˇZ †cÖvw_Z
mvg~wnK Av‡eM| gbbI †hb cybR©xebcÖvß| Kwe c~Y©Zvq cwiï×| Zv `„k¨gvb, †ng‡šÍi †mvbvjZv †_‡K gvbenv‡oi
wng I we`y¨‡Z ch©šÍ| Gi g‡a¨ KweZvq AvL¨vb G‡m‡Q, hy³ n‡q‡Q bvUKxqZv I `ywe©ln-hš¿YvKvZi Awfe¨w³|
gbce‡b mvg¨ev` mshyw³ wecyjfv‡e; Gici EbmËi-GKvËiKwei †cÖqmxmËv cwic~Y© Awfbœ, wØZxqmËvq gvÕi
Awf‡lK Ges ZvI µgk iƒcvšÍwiZ cÖ_gmËvq| Ggb Db¥v`bvi AuvPo †n †jvKmf¨Zv (1984), Kv‡jv Kv‡jv
†gnbZx cvwL (1995) wKsev k¨vgj hvhve‡i (1998)| N„Yvi, cÖwZev‡`i-cÖZ¨vNv‡Zi-cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Kwefvlv wbwg©Z
mgqhš¿Yv, ˆbtk㨠AÜKvi I ¯^cœf½RwbZ Awbt‡kl Kó †_‡K| gb¥q fv‡e †gŠb Avk¼vi aŸwbmg~n `yišÍ gvÎvq
DrKxY©| wPÎK‡í mvR‡Z _v‡K duvcv gvbyl, `ywe©ln mgq cÖjq; Gici wØZxq Kv‡e¨ wewb`ª Kv‡ji †fjvq (1976)
mgq‡K AvZ¥`n‡bi msiv‡M K¬všÍ K‡i †Zvjv| KweZvi †fZ‡i †cÖvw_Z mgq| Avi †mLv‡b N‡U Ôe¨w³Õi i³cvZ|
wØav-Ø›Ø, †kªwY‡f` Kwei A‡jŠwKK Avb›`‡K `vb K‡i wfbœ-exÿv| †mRb¨ Kv‡e¨i bvgfv‡l¨ hy³ nq Ôwewb`ªÕ,
ÔweÿZÕ mKj kã| Zv‡Z D‡V Av‡m NvZK, MwYKv, bcyskK wbi¯¿xKiY, iæM&Y MYZš¿ BZ¨vw` kãeÜ| GKB m‡½
Gi wecix‡Z †cÖiYvq aŸwYZ nq Avkvev`| †`k-f~wg-gvwU Kwei Awfbœ mËvi mvwË¡K D”PviY| cÖwZwU k‡ãi wbi¼zk
mvivrmvi gvbeZvi eÜb-m~·K K‡i †Zv‡j mve©Rbxb| GRb¨ Pviæwbf©xK ÔMYbvqKÕ ˆZwi nq Zvi †jLvq| MYbvqK
wbišÍi e¨wÄZ, cÖKiYgw_Z| Kwei ¯^cœ‡mŠa wbQK †Kv‡bv wbwg©wZ bq; cÖ‡Z¨KwU kãe‡Ü Zvi Kvh©KvwiZv, Kg©ÿgZv
cÖKvwkZ n‡q I‡V| †mRb¨ Ô†cv‡qwUK cviwdDgÕ Zuvi GKUzKz webó nq bv| m¤cÖwZ cÖKvwkZ e„wói K_v ewj ex‡Ri
K_v ewj(2006)i D”PviY A‡bK †ÿ‡Î ÿvÎkw³i w`‡K D”PwKZ †k¨Y msjvc n‡jI wKQy‡ZB KweKxwZ© civfe
gv‡b bv| GUvB AveyeKi wmwχKi K…wZZ¡| cÖPÐZv KLbIB Kwe¸Y‡K Qvwo‡q hvq bv| cÖK…ZA‡_©, †h Kwe aej
`y‡ai ¯^iMÖvg †j‡Lb Zv‡KB †Kb ÔweÿZ w`‡bÕi Kvwnwb †kvbv‡Z nq †m cÖkœ ¯^vaxbZv-cieZx© evsjv‡`‡ki iv‡óªi
†kªwYPwi‡Îi g‡a¨B wba©vwiZ| Kv‡RB Kwei evZ©v wbiæËi _vKvi Aemi †Kv_vq! Giƒ‡c Av‡jvP¨ Kwei Q›`I µg-
cwiewZ©Z c‡_ cv‡ë †h‡Z eva¨| AveyeKi wmwÏK wd«-fv‡m© wj‡L‡Qb, Aÿie„ˇK wb‡q †L‡j‡QbAvi †mLv‡bB
aiv c‡o‡Q KweZvi engvb avivi A½xKvi Avi ¯^vZ‡š¿¨i PwKZ iƒcwU| Z‡e wP‡b †bIqv hvq Zuvi KweZv, Zzgyj
B”QvcøvweZ Abyl½cÖK…wZ-mgvR-msmvi-ms¯‹…wZi iƒcv‡j‡L¨i †fZ‡i| kãB Awš^ó †mLv‡b hy³ cwiï× wk‡íi
Awbe©vY AuvPo| †n †jvKmf¨Zv (1984), †ng‡šÍi †mvbvjZv (1395), gvbyl †Zvgvi weÿZ w`b (1986), Kv‡jv Kv‡jv
†gnbZx cvwL (1995), KsKv‡j AjsKvi w`‡qv (1996), k¨vgj hvhvei (1998), gvbenv‡oi wng I we`y¨r (2001),
gbxlv‡K †W‡K †W‡K (2002), Avgvi hZ i³‡duvUv (2002) cÖf„wZ Zuvi Kve¨| A‡jvKiÄb `vk¸‡ßi mn‡hv‡M
Kwei wbR¯^ GB gvZ…fvlvq (1397) Kve¨wU `yB evsjvi wbwkRvMi P›`ªcÖjvc, bó¯^‡cœi welv`Mv_vi weiPb| ¯^‡`k,
¯§„wZ, b÷¨vjwRqv ÔAvwgÕ †_‡K ÔAvgivÕq ch©ewmZ|
wRjøyi ingvb wmwÏKx (1928-2014)
ÔbZzb KweZvÕi Kwe wn‡m‡e Zuvi cwiPq, ÔKeats-Gi g‡Zv †cÖg I †m-RMZ‡K wd‡i cvB Zuvi KweZvq, Zey Keats
bq, Wordsworth-Gi g‡Zv fvjevm&‡Z wM‡q wb‡Ri g‡ZvB fv‡jv‡e‡m‡Qb wRjøyi ingvb wmwÏKx| mgy`ª, c„w_ex I
eb gvby‡li fv‡jvevmvi wPišÍb-†ÿÎZey ÒGreat loverÓ Gi g‡Zv ÒSay that I lovedÓ †Zgwb K‡i ejv| ïay ZvB
bq, Zuvi m‡½ m‡½ AvgivI fv‡jv‡e‡m †dwj, †m-†cÖ‡g G c„w_ex ˆewPΨgq| Avi `kR‡bi g‡Zv bq, A_P GKUv
¯’vqx Avmb †i‡L †h‡Z Pvq †m †cÖg c„w_ex‡Z| c„w_exi ay‡jv gvwUi Mov gvwUi Kb¨v‡K fv‡jvevm‡Z wM‡q Zuvi
e¯‘wbPq‡K wZwb ev` †`bwb†m †cÖg Qvqv †d‡j c„w_exi ey‡K I g‡bi Mfx‡i|Õ ZvQvov mgmvgwqK `ye©n mgq ev
¯§„wZKvZi `ytmn D”PviY wRjøyi ingvb wmwÏKxi KweZv| c~Y©v½ cÖK…wZKvZi I cwiï× Kwe| wZwb BwZevPK,
Avkvev`x cÖ‡Yv`bv Qov‡Z Pvb m‡b‡U; Bw½Z wbwnZ †`kvZ¥ cwiµgvq| ü`‡q Rbc‡` (1975), Puv` Wy‡e †M‡j
(1984), Avmbœ evw¯Íj I Ab¨vb¨ KweZv (1988) Zuvi Kve¨| mgmvgwqK `ye©n mgq ev ¯§„wZKvZi `ytmn D”PviY
wRjøyi ingvb wmwÏKxi KweZv| c~Y©v½ cÖK…wZKvZi I cwiï× Kwe| wZwb BwZevPK, Avkvev`x cÖ‡Yv`bv Qov‡Z Pvb
m‡b‡U; Bw½Z wbwnZ †`kvZ¥ cwiµgvq| wRjøyi ingvb wmwÏKxi Ab~w`Z †kKmcxq‡ii m‡bU cÖKvwkZ nq 1977
mv‡j| evsjv KweZvi cvVK‡`i Rb¨ G Abyev` GKwU Abe`¨ MÖš’, m‡›`n †bB|
†evinvbDwÏb Lvb Rvnv½xi (R. 1936)
†mB ZiæY e‡q‡m, ÔbZzb KweZvÕi Kwe †evinvbDwÏb Lvb Rvnv½xi m¤ú‡K© ejv n‡qwQj, Ôeq‡mi GZ Aí cwim‡i
whwb Ggwb fve‡Z cv‡ib †mUv †hgbfve‡Z †h †`q ZvÕ Av‡iv wecyj| w`K I `k©b, gZ I c_ meUvB hy‡Mi
cÖfve; Zey e¨w³-gvb‡m Avgiv wek¦vmx|Õ ÔGKz‡k †deªæqvixÕ (1953) msKj‡bI †evinvbDwÏb Lvb Rvnv½xi KweZv
wj‡LwQ‡jb| Zuvi KweZv Ôhy‡Mi m‡½ g‡bi, g‡bi m‡½ fv‡ei Avi fv‡ei m‡½ kãPq‡bi Nwbô m¤^ÜÕGgbwUi
Aefvm wQj Zuvi KweZvq| G mg‡q wZwb A‡bKUvB wbwj©ß Z‡e wewfbœ ˆ`wb‡K ev cwÎKvi cvZvq PwKZ D™¢vwmZ,
ejv hvq|
mydx †gvZvnvi †nv‡mb (1907-1975)
mydx †gvZvnvi †nv‡m‡bi m‡bU msKjb †ei nq 1965 †Z| G m‡b‡U wba©vwiZ ixwZc×wZ‡Z Kwewelq Elv, cÖfvZ,
mܨv, iRbx, FZzi ˆewPΨ I iOGgb me welq| GK iK‡gi mywbðq Rxe‡bi wbi¼zk Avkvev` m‡b‡U aŸwbZ|
wbf©vi, gy³cÖv‡Yi D”Q¡vm Kwewebywb cvVK‡K g~jZ Avb›`gqxi Avevnb-ms‡KZB †kvbvq| GQvov m‡bU mÂqb
(1966), m‡bU kZK (1970), m‡bUgvjv (1970)mn Zuvi AmsL¨ m‡bU AcÖKvwkZ i‡q‡Q|
Avng` iwdK (R. 1929)
ÔRxe‡bi fvlvÕ, Ô†fv‡ii AvKvkÕ, ÔbZzb bÿÎÕ, ÔkZvqy e„ÿÕ Gme D”PviY-csw³‡Z _v‡K cÖej Avkvev`; iwPZ nq
`ywe©ln mgqcÖevn| M`¨fv‡l¨ Avng` iwdK †j‡Lb wbe©vwmZ bvqK (1967), evDj gvwU‡Z gb (1971), i‡³i wbm‡M©
¯^‡`k (1979), wecøe †divix, Zey (1989), cošÍ †ivÏy‡i (1994) BZ¨vKvi me Kve¨MÖš’| Kwe †`k‡PZbvq †hgb
†mv”Pvi †Zgwb Zuvi g‡g©‡cÖvw_Z _v‡K †cÖg-†ivg¨vw›UKZvi Zxeª AvKzwZ| gy³gvbeZvi mc‡ÿ csw³gvjvq _v‡K
cÖÁvF× cÖ¯Ívebv| Kwe †hb AvZ¥-D‡b¥vP‡b mwbô|
Igi Avjx (1939-2015)
gvwUMwÜ gvby‡li cÖwZ wbi¼zk AvbyMZ¨ G Kwei| AmvaviY Av‡jL¨ wbg©vZv| †jvKvqZ cwiKvVv‡gv‡K bZzb b›`‡b
wPwýZ Kievi cÖqvm| cwVZ B‡g‡R MÖvgxY-ms¯‹…wZ I HwZ‡n¨i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© iƒcjve‡Y¨i cÖKvk| Kwei cwicK¡ †ev‡a
DÌvwcZ b›`bf~wg cÖ”Qbœ †gRv‡R cÖwZdwjZ| Kwe‡PZbvq weivwRZ J`vh© AmxgZvi bgª †bÎcv‡Z cÖKvwkZ|
gvÎve„Ë wKsev Aÿie„Ë gy³K Q›`wU `yj‡Z _v‡K Kwei fv‡ei m‡½, `yišÍ †`¨vZbvq| Amn¨ my›`‡ii †fZi cÖK„Z
gvwU-gvbyl-f~wgi †ÿÎwU †hgb iwPZ †Zgwb Db¥~wjZ gvby‡li gvbwPÎI cÖwZdwjZ| Igi Avjxi Q›` Luy‡R cvq
Avengvb evOvwj I evsjv‡`‡ki wmœ» ¯^cœKvZi iƒc| Zxeª ms‡e`bkxjZvq Rxeb-ms¯‹…wZi hveZxq iƒc evsjv‡`‡ki
KweZvq `„pwfwË cvq| G‡`‡k k¨vgj iO igbxi mybvg ï‡bwQ (1967), AvZ¥vi w`‡K (1968), b`x (1969), wbtkã
evwo (1973), Ai‡Y¨ GKwU †jvK (1974), we‡j‡Z Awb”QyK GKRb (1975), bi‡K ev ¯^‡M© (1975) cÖf„wZ Zuvi
knx` Kv`ix (1942-2016)
cÂvk-DËi KweZvq AvaywbKZv I bvMwiK Rxeb‡ev‡ai ms‡hvM NwU‡q knx` Kv`ix (R. 1942)i AvZ¥cÖKvk| wfbœ
cwi‡cÖwÿZ Zuvi KweZv| mgmvgwqKG cÖeYZvq, Ab¨ †KD †Zgb D™¢vwmZ bb| cy‡iv`¯‘i bvMwiK, cÖKv‡k
AvaywbK I wbtkZ© bv›`wbK| eyׇ`e emyi K_vq : ÔGB ÔRxe‡bÕ (ev mgv‡R) Kwei Avi ¯’vb †bB; GKv †m, DØv¯‘,
w¯’wZnxb; GLb †m mv_©K nÕ‡Z cv‡i ïay wb‡Ri g‡a¨ m¤ú~Y© n‡q, cÖK…wZi weiæ‡× wbôzifv‡e cÖwZevi kw³‡K `uvo
Kwi‡q|Õ G mZ¨wU knx` Kv`ixi cÖeYZvq iwÄZ, wÿYœZvi Kv‡j Kwe AvZ¥wee„wZgq ev AvZ¥¯^xKv‡ivw³cÖeY|
DËivwaKvi (1967) eBNi, PÆMÖvg †_‡K cÖKvwkZ, †Zvgv‡K Awfev`b wcÖqZgv (1974), †Kv_vI †Kvb µ›`b †bB
(1978)wZbwU Kve¨MÖš’ iPbv K‡i KweZvi avivq wZwb ¯’vqx nb| KweZv¸‡jv †jLv Avi KweZvMÖš’ cÖKv‡ki e¨eavb
Av‡Q, cieZ©x‡Z cvIqv hvq Zuvi Avgvi Pz¤^b¸‡jv †cuŠ‡Q `vI (2009) I †Mva~wji Mvb (2017) Kve¨MÖš’| knx`
Kv`ix Ab¨ A‡b‡Ki g‡Zv bM‡ii Kwe wKš‘ fve cÖKv‡ki †UKwb‡K Avjv`v| Zuvi KweZvi µg-DËiY Av‡Q, wb‡Ri
†fZ‡ii iƒcvšÍi I cwiYwZ msNwUZ|
cÂv‡ki `k‡Ki †klw`‡K hLb KweZvPPv©; cÖ_g Kv‡e¨ mgycw¯’ZwZwb ZLb cuwPk eQi e‡qmx hyeK, aviY
K‡i‡Qb c~Y© kni‡K, wØZxq wek¦hy× I †`kfv‡Mi nbbKvj, wRÁvmvZvwoZ bvMwiK Rxe‡bi †K¬`-Aeÿq‡K| Z‡e
cÖk,œ Gme †Kv‡Ì‡K G‡jv? lv‡U †hb Kx GK Aeÿq! weUwbK-nvswi-m¨vW K‡i a~-a~ Lv-Lv k~b¨ nvnvKv‡i wbcwZZ
me, nZvkvq Wy‡e †Mj Rxeb, AcÖvwß-D™¢UZ¡ †c‡q em‡jvKx n‡e Gi fwel¨r! gK‡kv Kiv Qvov Kx Av‡Q
mvwn‡Z¨, k~b¨-Rxe‡bi Avi wK cÖKvk! †cÖwgK-wecøex me Zvi cÖ_v‡K fvO‡Z Pvq, bZz‡bi Avevnb G‡m‡Q : ÔR‡b¥B
KzuK‡o †MwQ gvZ…Rivqb †_‡K †b‡gÕ†hb wPivPwiZ Avi eûe¨eüZ Dw³| wZwgiMÖ¯Í mš¿¯Í Pvwiw`K, AvZZvqx Avi
†ek¨v KzÐjx cvwK‡q Nyi‡Q iv‡Zi iv¯Ívq, nvgv¸wo w`‡q Ny‡i †eov‡”Q me©¯^ ¯§„wZwK‡kvi, wew”Qbœ Kc`©Kk~b¨ bT_©K
Kvj‡ejvi †K”Qv †kvbv‡”Q ˆmwbK`j :
GBg‡Zv Rxe‡bi mv‡_ P‡j KvbvgvwQ †Ljv
Ges Avgv‡K wb®‹c`©K, wbw®Œq, bT_©K
K‡i iv‡L; c„w_ex‡Z wbtk‡ã Nbvq Kvj‡ejv!
cvðvZ¨ Kwei (BD‡iv-Av‡gwiKvb) cÖwZaŸwb wK? Z‡e Zv m‡Ë¡I GLv‡b G Kwei Kɯ^i Avjv`vÔm¤ú~Y©
¯^vaxbfv‡e †e‡o D‡VwQ bUiv‡Ri g‡ZvÕ| myMfxi †bwZevPK †PZbv `„pZi, Dwbœ`ª-Db¥~j-DØv¯‘ Rxe‡bi i³cv‡Z
cÖjyä †PZbvGK Mfxi Avw½‡Ki †fZ‡i AvUKvq, †mwU Awfbe‡Z¡ AvKzj, k¼‡U fviMÖ¯Í, Dw”Q«Z `yg©i wØavnxb
AvZ¥NvZx evPwbK csw³gvjv :
euvKv-†Pviv †Uwj‡dvb †cvj, †`vj Lv‡”Q IB DuPz
wkL‡i Avmxb, D‡o Avmv ey‡ovmy‡iv cy‡ivb mvBb‡evW©
Zvj w`‡”Q kn‡ii †eïgvi LoLwo
†Kbbv †mcvB, mvš¿x Avi ivR¯^ Av`vqKvix wQj hviv,
cvwj‡q‡Q f‡q| [Òe„wó, e„wóÓ]
Gm‡ei AvZ¥¯’ AšÍi½Zvq knx` Kv`ix mw›`»| ÔwbR †`‡k Avgiv ewnivMZ| GKUv Awb‡KZ Db¥~j c„w_exi
AvZ¥cwiPqnxb evwm›`v| Drm †_‡K wew”Qbœ, wb‡Ri e¨w³MZ GKvwK‡Z¡i g‡a¨ AcwPZ| cwðg BD‡ivc Avi
Av‡gwiKvi e¨w³¯^vZš¿¨me©¯^, iæM&Y I Aeÿqx ms¯‹…wZi-avivi LyeB KvQvKvwQ G| G Kvi‡YB Hme mvwn‡Z¨i
Ny‡Yaiv I weKviMÖ¯Í cÖeYZv¸‡jv GZ ZvovZvwo Avgv‡`i AšÍi½ n‡q D‡VwQj|Õ (Ave`yjøvn Avey mvqx`) lv‡U
†MvUv mgvRRxe‡bi c_ G ÔbZzb Avi b‡óiÕ g‡a¨ Db¥y³| knx` Kv`ix G webwó‡K D`&hvcb K‡ib, RvwM‡q †Zv‡jb
D‡ËRbv, mg¯Í bó-AcPq-AÜKvi †hb wkwíZ n‡q I‡V| cvc I cZb‡K cweÎ K‡i Zzj‡Z PvB‡jb| †m‡ÿ‡Î
Ô†K¬`R Kzmy‡giÕ †ev`‡jqvi ev i¨v‡ev †Zv cwi‡ewóZ n‡eG Avi bZzb wK! ÒAMÖ‡Ri DËiÓ KweZvq Zuvi
¯^xKv‡ivw³ :
mf‡q `‡ivRv LywjGBfv‡e †`Lv cvB ZvigvSiv‡Z;
Rvwb bv †Kv_vq hvq, Kx K‡i, †Kgb K‡i w`bivZ Kv‡U,
PvKzwi‡Z gb †bB, me©`vB i³‡bÎ, †kv‡Ki cZvKv
g‡b nq B‡”Q K‡i Dwo‡q‡Q GKivk Pz‡ji e`‡j!
bv, bv, Zvi K_v Avi bq, †mB
†ewi‡q‡Q mKvj †ejvq †m †Zvknx` Kv`ix evwo †bB|
cÖ_gKv‡e¨ Giƒc cÖ¯‘wZi ci knx` Kv`ixi AviI we¯Ívi †Zvgv‡K Awfev`b wcÖqZgvq| AvZ¥fvlvq, bMiwbevmx
AvL¨v‡b144 aviv, †cv÷vi, †i‡¯Íviuv, U¨vw·, UvBcivBUvi, †mjyb, †iwd«Rv‡iUi, †im‡Kvm©, †cf‡g›U cÖf„wZ‡Z G
Kve¨ c~‡e©i †P‡q e¨wZµg| gyw³hy×, i³v³ †`k, be-iv‡óªi cÖZ¨vkv GLv‡b cÖ`xß| AwfÁZvq †ciæ‡bv lv‡Ui
cÖwZ‡ivax Av‡›`vjb I ˆewk¦K DcvPvi, MY-Afz¨Ìvb c~‡e©i wbi_©KZv †_‡K cÖZ¨vewZ©Z GK bZzb fvlv| Ô¯^vaxbZv,
†Zvgvi Rivqy †_‡K/ Rb¥ wbj wbtm½ cv‡K©i †ewÂÕ, ÔPK‡jU, Uwd Avi j‡Rݸ‡jv/ c¨vivUªycvi‡`i g‡Zv S‡i
co‡e/ †Kej †Zvgvi DVv‡b wcÖqZgvÕGiƒc Awfev`‡b AM©j Aegy³| ey‡R©vqv ivóªe¨e¯’vi weiæ‡×, hy‡×i
wecix‡Z kvwšÍi ¯^c‡ÿ, RvwZmsN wKsev ivóªcÖav‡bi Dcnvm, mvgwiK evwnbxi †¯^”QvPvwiZvi `xY©Zvq knx` Kv`ix
wcÖqZgv‡K Awfev`b RvbvbhveZxq †kª‡qv-mvwbœa¨; Zvic‡i †cuŠQvb Av‡iK D”PZvq ˆbtm½¨Zvq, gg©KvZiZvq,
AšÍi½ GK m½wZ‡kvfbiƒ‡c| †ev‡nwgqvb Kwe Lyu‡R †d‡ib wU‡qi gyw³ Avi DošÍ cvwLi kvwšÍ, cwiZ…ß gv‡Qi
Aeva muvZvi| ZLb knx` Kv`ix AMÖeZ©x †UKwb‡K mgKvjxb c„w_ex Avi Zvi ˆeix mf¨Zv‡K cÖK…wZ‡ÿ‡Î Zz‡j
Av‡bb| Zuvi †cÖiYv`vÎx evsjv KweZvi (myax›`ªbv_, Awgq) cvkvcvwk cvðv‡Z¨ GwjqU, A‡Wb, cvDÛ Av‡Qb, Avi
†ev`‡jqvi-i¨v‡evi cÖ‡Yv`bvi welqwU †Zv GLv‡b Av‡MB D”PvwiZ n‡q‡Q| G cÖeYZvq wKQz bgybv nvwRi Kiv hvq :
(K) ivóª gv‡bB ÷ªvBK, gwnjv eÜzi m‡½
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effectually silenced their remarks. He shortly afterwards went out,
and returned with a bowl, containing six quarts of new milk, with
which a little flour and some honey had been mixed. He told me he
was determined to see me eat the whole of it before he left the
apartment. I partook sparingly of it at first, but in the night tasted it
several times, which refreshed and invigorated me.
3d.—Finding myself considerably better this morning, I ordered a
pillow to be laid across my horse’s saddle, that I might travel for a
short distance on his back. Entered a miserable village named
Zunko, and slept there for the night.
4th.—Arose at sun-rise, and after a fatiguing journey reached
Roma at two in the afternoon. This town is built on an eminence, and
commands a delightful view of the country for miles round.
Proceeded to the house of the chief, and slept there. He made me
the accustomed presents of provisions, &c. and received in return a
pair of scissors, a hundred needles, and a paper of cloves. Several
Fellata girls came to me this evening, of a bright copper colour, and
extremely beautiful, with delicate and graceful forms. With a curiosity
so natural to their sex, they were all eager to catch a glance of the
“little Christian,” having seen the “great Christian,” as they termed my
master, before. In the course of the afternoon and evening they
brought me a little milk and butter, for which I recompensed them
with a few beads. Here, I am happy to say, the dysentery quite left
me, and my health wonderfully improved.
5th.—Left Roma for Bogell early in the morning, and arrived there
at half-past four in the afternoon. Found myself so well to-day that I
was enabled to ride on horseback the whole of the journey. As usual,
went to the residence of the chief, who gave me a little corn for the
horses only. In the night slept profoundly, and next morning was
completely recovered.
6th.—At six in the morning left for Zulamee, where we arrived at
two in the afternoon. The chief was overjoyed to see me, and
ordered four armed men to guard the beasts and property. A band of
robbers having infested the town for some time, and committed
numerous depredations, he was fearful some of my goods or cattle
would be stolen, and desired me to fire a gun morning and evening,
that the brigands might not think I was unprepared to meet them.
They did not, however, molest me; but the king of Kashna was not
quite so fortunate: he had a fine horse stolen from him yesterday,
which he never afterwards recovered. Rested here two days, in
order to recruit the spirits of my followers, and refresh the animals
under their charge.
9th.—At six in the morning, having got every thing in readiness,
left Zulamee. Both men and beasts seemed much invigorated with
the rest they had enjoyed, and at two in the afternoon reached
Gundumowah, a small but neat Fellata village. The chief sent me a
little milk.
10th.—Early in the morning started for Sansanee. The country
traversed was thickly wooded, and the path lay for three hours
through a large bush, which, having recently been visited by a horde
of elephants, the prints of whose feet were very perceptible,
rendered travelling extremely unpleasant, and even dangerous.
Reached Sansanee at one at noon. The site on which the town is
built not being long cleared, none of the houses were quite finished.
On our arrival, the chief had an open shed, occupied by fifteen
calves, cleaned out for our reception. In the evening, putting the
goods in the centre, I ordered the men to lie around them, whilst I
placed myself near the most valuable articles. Not deeming them
sufficiently secure, my sleep was rather disturbed; and awaking
about ten o’clock, I found my camel had strayed from outside the
hut, and being unwilling to arouse my drowsy companions, went
myself in search of him. On my return, to my infinite surprise and
alarm, discovered Pascoe had decamped, taking with him a valuable
gun, two pistols, a cutlass, six sovereigns, nineteen dollars, ten large
and ten small knives, and several other articles, which he had
contrived to take from the boxes in which they had been placed. To
deceive me, the artful old villain had put a pillow into a sack, which
he had laid along on his own mat. On the discovery, I immediately
made an alarm, and sent to the chief for twelve horsemen to go in
pursuit of him.
11th.—About three o’clock in the afternoon, as I was standing in
my shed, I perceived a party of horsemen coming towards me in full
gallop. On coming within a few yards of me, they suddenly checked
their horses, and flourishing their spears over their heads,
exclaimed, “Nasarah, acqui de moogoo!” (Christian, we have the
rogue!) They informed me that a little before day-break in the
morning they heard the report of a gun, and going towards the place
whence the sound seemed to proceed, saw Pascoe perched on the
top of a high tree, and the stolen goods lying at the root of it. They
threatened to shoot him with their poisoned arrows unless he
immediately came down. This had the desired effect. He hastily
descended, and delivered himself into their hands. One of the
soldiers took the trembling scoundrel behind him on his horse, when
the whole party immediately clapped spurs to their horses, and made
all the haste they could to the village. I asked Pascoe what could
have induced him to leave me in so disgraceful a manner. He replied
that his countrymen (the Gooburites) were at war with the Fellatas,
who would cut off his head on arriving at Soccatoo. The chief coming
up at the instant, cried out, “A blessing, a blessing; you have taken
the thief, let me take off his head!” This was Pascoe’s third offence;
and I ordered him to be heavily ironed and pinioned in the town
12th.—Pascoe having expressed a wish to see me, I sent for him.
He begged most piteously to be forgiven, and holding up his naked
arms, which were swollen to thrice their natural size, implored me at
least not to have him pinioned again. This I freely consented to, but
he was not freed from his irons till the morning we left the town.
13th.—This day 500 camels laden with salt, obtained from the
borders of the Great Desert, arrived at the town. They were
preceded by a party of twenty Tuarick salt-merchants, whose
appearance was grand and imposing. They entered at full trot, riding
on handsome camels, some of them red and white, and others black
and white. All the party were dressed exactly alike. They wore black
cotton tobes and trousers, and white caps with black turbans, which
hid every part of the face but the nose and eyes. In their right hand
they held a long and highly-polished spear, whilst the left was
occupied in holding their shields, and retaining the reins of their
camels. The shields were made of white leather, with a piece of
silver in the centre. As they passed me, their spears glittering in the
sun, and their whole bearing bold and warlike, they had a novel and
singular effect, which delighted me. They stopped suddenly before
the residence of the chief, and all of them exclaiming, “Choir!” each
of the camels dropped on its knees, as if by instinct, whilst their
riders dismounted to pay their respects. They came in a body to see
me just after, and notwithstanding their apparent respectability, felt
not the least repugnance to beg money in a most importunate
manner. One of them, in the hope of obtaining some, described
himself as “God’s own slave.” I refused to accede to his request,
observing, that God always loved his servants, and made them
prosperous and happy, and could not believe what he had told me.
Becoming at length very troublesome, I was under the necessity of
turning him out: as he went away, he muttered something I did not
understand, and said, I was the first person that ever refused to give
him money. Like thousands of others, these merchants were very
inquisitive, and amongst other questions asked whether any of my
countrymen had tails like monkeys? I assured them none of them
had that elegant appendage, but they would not believe me. After
remaining an hour, they went to look after their wives and children,
who were on the camels on the road, and not yet arrived.
14th.—The goods being properly secured, I took my gun this
morning and shot enough of pigeons for dinner. The Tuarick men,
women, and children, surrounded me in great numbers on hearing
the report of my gun, and were amazed to see the birds falling dead
at my feet from the tops of the high trees. They examined them with
great attention, declaring I was a beautiful man, too good for a Kafer,
and ought to be a worshipper of the true faith.
16th.—In the afternoon an escort, consisting of fifty armed
horsemen sent by Bello, arrived, to conduct me to Soccatoo. They
brought with them my master’s two camels, to carry the goods,
which, as I afterwards learnt, the Gadado had borrowed under false
pretences. A messenger belonging to the sultan of Kano brought a
letter from my master, unknown to the escort, and was on his way to
Kano with it. The letter informs me of the total ignorance of my
master of my having left Kano, and his expectations of seeing me
there in a week or two. It struck me forcibly at the time that Bello
wished to get me in his power, in order to put us out of the way, to
become the sole possessor of the sheik of Bornou’s presents, &c. As
soon as I had read the letter, I asked the Gadado’s brother, who
commanded the escort, if it was the sultan’s intention to murder us
on my arrival at Soccatoo, as my master knew nothing of the
transaction. He answered, “Fear nothing, the king will not hurt you;
as he has never seen but one Christian, he wishes to view a
17th and 18th.—The Gadado’s brother came to me several times
for money to buy goora nuts. I at length told him the money in my
possession belonged to my father, who would not permit me to part
with any, unless I had previously obtained his consent. This answer
by no means pleased him: but on my telling him he should be
handsomely rewarded on our safe arrival at Soccatoo, he became a
little appeased.
19th.—Liberated old Pascoe in the morning, who had behaved
peaceably since his imprisonment, and seemed truly sorry for the
offence he had committed; and at two in the afternoon went out of
the town, but was obliged to leave a bullock behind, being lamed and
unable to proceed. Travelled till eleven o’clock the next night, when
we arrived much fatigued at Magaria. The poor camels and horses
could hardly stand, and suffered dreadfully from thirst, not having
drank during this long journey.
21st and 22d.—The horses and camels not being sufficiently
recovered to continue the journey, staid at Magaria both these days.
Resided at a house belonging to the Gadado, who supplied me with
abundance of provisions. Received a message from him to come to
see him, with my gun, in order to show the head men of the town the
manner in which birds were shot in my country. I soon gratified their
curiosity by firing at a small bird, at a distance of fifty yards. The
whole of them testified the greatest astonishment on taking it up, and
would not for a long time believe it was really dead.
23d.—To my great joy I entered the gates of Soccatoo in the
afternoon, about two o’clock, after a tedious and wearisome journey
of nearly a month. Not having seen my master for three months, I
hastened to his house; but not finding him at home, I went to the
Gadado’s, where, I was told, he had gone. My master was in earnest
conversation with the Gadado and an old Arab, and was much
surprised when informed of the reason of my leaving Kano: he spoke
with warmth of the artful and unhandsome conduct of the sultan; and
after this act of duplicity on the part of Bello, to the hour of his death,
I never observed him to smile. My master had been ill of dysentery
before my arrival, but was then much better.


On the 13th December, the day after my arrival, Sultan Bello sent
for my master and myself to repair to his residence. As soon as we
entered, he began to make inquiries of the nature of the presents I
had with me, and was extremely desirous to know if I had left any
with Hadji Ben Sallah for the sheik of Bornou. I replied, I had not.
“Are you sure you have not?” said he. I again answered with
firmness in the negative. The sultan then demanded the king of
England’s letters to the sheik of Bornou, which my master reluctantly
produced; but refused to accede to the sultan’s request to open and
read them, observing that, when his king discovered, on his return to
his country, he had so unfaithfully broken his trust, he would
immediately be beheaded. The sultan himself took the letters, and
waving his hand for us to withdraw, we left the apartment. We had
not been in our hut more than a couple of hours when the Gadado,
his brother, Hadji Ben Sallah, and several of the principal inhabitants
of Soccatoo, entered, and demanded, in the name of Bello, the
presents intended for the sheik of Bornou, together with all the arms
and ammunition we did not want ourselves. My master became
deeply agitated when he had heard their errand, and rising up from
his couch, exclaimed with much energy and bitterness—“There is no
faith in any of you; you are an unjust people; you are worse than
highway robbers.” They cautioned him to be more guarded in his
expressions, or it might cost him his head. “If I lose my head,”
rejoined my master in the same determined manner, “I lose it for
speaking for the just rights of my country only.” Ben Sallah and
others entreated him to moderate his anger, or it might indeed be
fatal to him. I also implored him to accede to the demands of the
sultan, how unjust and tyrannic soever they might be, observing, that
two debilitated white men stood no chance in holding out against the
united force of so many Fellatas, who only waited the command of
their sovereign to assassinate them. After much entreaty, and not
without considerable reluctance, my master desired that they should
be given to them; and said to the Gadado, on his leaving the hut,
“Tell your sovereign I never wish to see him again; my business with
him is now at an end.” A short time after Mallam Mudey returned with
a message from the sultan, acquainting my master of his intention of
writing to the king of England in explanation of his conduct. He
desired Mallam Mudey to tell Bello that the king of England would
not even look at a letter from him, after the treatment his subjects
had received.
I took an opportunity one day of acquainting my master of
Pascoe’s villany, who immediately dismissed him, without paying his
wages. The old man went to a native lawyer to obtain advice in what
manner he was to act; but instead of holding out the hope of
obtaining the sum due to him, the learned Fellata expressed his
astonishment that Abdullah had not cut off his head. Pascoe then
turned snuff-merchant; but having given too extensive credit, soon
became a bankrupt, and was finally obliged to cut wood from the
adjoining country, and sell it in the market at Soccatoo, by which
means he contrived to procure a precarious subsistence.
One day the Gadado came and begged me to lend him my camel
to go to the war against the sheik of Bornou: knowing it would be
impolitic to refuse, I let him have it. The animal was returned to me,
about six weeks after, in a most shameful state, reduced to a mere
skeleton, and having two immense holes in its back. I wished the
Gadado to give me another in its stead, but he would not listen to
My master and myself enjoyed pretty good health for some time
after my arrival at Soccatoo, and amused ourselves with going a
shooting almost every day. At one shot my master brought down
thirteen wild ducks, about two miles to the north-east of the city, ten
of which were secured. We remained at Soccatoo much longer than
was intended, believing the sultan would consent to our proceeding
to Bornou when the war had become somewhat abated; but this he
never granted.
On the 12th of March, 1827, I was greatly alarmed on finding my
dear master attacked with dysentery. He had been complaining a
day or two previously of a burning heat in his stomach,
unaccompanied, however, by any other kind of pain. From the
moment he was taken ill he perspired freely, and big drops of sweat
were continually rolling over every part of his body, which weakened
him exceedingly. It being the fast of Rhamadan, I could get no one,
not even our own servants, to render me the least assistance. I
washed the clothes, which was an arduous employment, and obliged
to be done eight or nine times each day, lit and kept in the fire, and
prepared the victuals myself; and the intermediate time was
occupied in fanning my poor master, which was also a tedious
employment. Finding myself unable to pay proper attention to his
wants in these various avocations, I sent to Mallam Mudey, on the
13th, entreating him to send me a female slave to perform the
operation of fanning. On her arrival I gave her a few beads, and she
immediately began her work with spirit; but she soon relaxed in her
exertions, and becoming tired, ran away, on pretence of going out for
a minute, and never returned. Alla Sellakee, a young man my master
had purchased on the road from Kano to take care of the camels,
and whom he had invariably treated with his usual kindness, and
given him his freedom, no sooner was made acquainted with his
master’s illness than he became careless and idle, and instead of
leading the camels to the rich pasturage in the vicinity of Soccatoo,
let them stray wherever they pleased, whilst he himself either
loitered about the city, or mixed with the most degraded people in it:
by this means the camels became quite lean; and being informed of
the reason, I told my master, who instantly discharged him from his
My master grew weaker daily, and the weather was insufferably
hot, the thermometer being, in the coolest place, 107 at twelve in the
morning, and 109 at three in the afternoon. At his own suggestion I
made a couch for him outside the hut, in the shade, and placed a
mat for myself by its side. For five successive days I took him in my
arms from his bed in the hut to the couch outside, and back again at
sunset, after which time he was too much debilitated to be lifted from
the bed on which he lay. He attempted to write once, and but once,
during his illness; but before paper and ink could be brought him, he
had sunk back on his pillow, completely exhausted by his ineffectual
attempt to sit up in his bed. Fancying by various symptoms he had
been poisoned, I asked him one day whether he thought that, in any
of his visits to the Arabs or Tuaricks, any poisonous ingredients had
been put into the camel’s milk they had given him, of which he was
particularly fond. He replied, “No, my dear boy; no such thing has
been done, I assure you. Do you remember,” he continued, “that
when on a shooting excursion at Magaria, in the early part of
February, after walking the whole of the day, exposed to the
scorching rays of the sun, I was fatigued, and lay down under the
branches of a tree for some time? The earth was soft and wet, and
from that hour to the present I have not been free from cold: this has
brought on my present disorder, from which, I believe, I shall never
For twenty days my poor master remained in a low and distressed
state. He told me he felt no pain; but this was spoken only to comfort
me, for he saw I was dispirited. His sufferings must have been acute.
During this time he was gradually, but perceptibly, declining; his
body, from being robust and vigorous, became weak and emaciated,
and indeed was little better than a skeleton. I was the only person,
with one exception, he saw in his sickness. Abderachman, an Arab
from Fezzan, came to him one day, and wished to pray with him,
after the manner of his countrymen, but was desired to leave the
apartment instantly. His sleep was uniformly short and disturbed, and
troubled with frightful dreams. In them he frequently reproached the
Arabs aloud with much bitterness; but being an utter stranger to the
language, I did not understand the tenor of his remarks. I read to him
daily some portions of the New Testament, and the ninety-fifth
Psalm, which he was never weary of listening to, and on Sundays
added the church service, to which he invariably paid the
profoundest attention. The constant agitation of mind and exertions
of body I had myself undergone for so long a time, never having in a
single instance slept out of my clothes, weakened me exceedingly,
and a fever came on not long before my master’s death, which hung
upon me for fifteen days, and ultimately brought me to the very verge
of the grave. Finding myself unequal to pay that attention to my
master’s wants which his situation so particularly required, I solicited
and obtained his consent to have old Pascoe once more to assist
me. On entering the hut, he fell on his knees, and prayed to be
forgiven, promising to be faithful to my master’s service. Master
immediately pardoned him, and said he would forget all that had
passed, if he conducted himself well: by this means the washing and
all the drudgery was taken from my shoulders, and I was enabled to
devote all my time and attention to my master’s person. I fanned him
for hours together, and this seemed to cool the burning heat of his
body, of which he repeatedly complained. Almost the whole of his
conversation turned upon his country and friends, but I never heard
him regret his leaving them; indeed he was patient and resigned to
the last, and a murmur of disappointment never escaped his lips.
On the 1st of April, he became considerably worse, and though
evidently in want of repose, his sleep became more and more
disturbed. He swallowed eight drops of laudanum, four times a day,
for three days; but finding it did him not the least benefit, he
discontinued taking it altogether: this, with the exception of two
papers of Seidlitz powders and four ounces of Epsom salts, was the
only medicine he had during his illness. On the 9th, Maddie, a native
of Bornou, whom master had retained in his service, brought him
about twelve ounces of green bark from the butter tree, and said it
would do him much good. Notwithstanding all my remonstrances,
master immediately ordered a decoction of it to be prepared,
observing, “No man will injure me.” Accordingly Maddie himself
boiled two basins-full, the whole of which he drank in less than an
hour. Next morning he was much altered for the worse, and regretted
his not having followed my advice. About twelve o’clock of the same
day, he said, “Richard, I shall shortly be no more; I feel myself
dying.” Almost choked with grief, I replied, “God forbid, my dear
master: you will live many years yet.” “Don’t be so much affected, my
dear boy, I entreat you,” said he: “it is the will of the Almighty; it
cannot be helped. Take care of my journal and papers after my
death; and when you arrive in London, go immediately to my agents,
send for my uncle, who will accompany you to the Colonial Office,
and let him see you deposit them safely into the hands of the
secretary. After I am buried, apply to Bello, and borrow money to
purchase camels and provisions for your journey over the desert,
and go in the train of the Arab merchants to Fezzan. On your arrival
there, should your money be exhausted, send a messenger to Mr.
Warrington, our consul at Tripoli, and wait till he returns with a
remittance. On reaching Tripoli, that gentleman will advance what
money you may require, and send you to England the first
opportunity. Do not lumber yourself with my books; leave them
behind, as well as the barometer, boxes, and sticks, and indeed
every heavy article you can conveniently part with; give them to
Malam Mudey, who will take care of them. The wages I agreed to
give you my agents will pay, as well as the sum government allowed
me for a servant; you will of course receive it, as Columbus has
never served me. Remark what towns or villages you pass through;
pay attention to whatever the chiefs may say to you, and put it on
paper. The little money I have, and all my clothes, I leave you: sell
the latter, and put what you may receive for them into your pocket;
and if, on your journey, you should be obliged to expend it,
government will repay you on your return.” I said, as well as my
agitation would permit me, “If it be the will of God to take you, you
may rely on my faithfully performing, as far as I am able, all that you
have desired; but I trust the Almighty will spare you, and you will yet
live to see your country.” “I thought I should at one time, Richard,”
continued he; “but all is now over; I shall not be long for this world:
but God’s will be done.” He then took my hand betwixt his, and
looking me full in the face, while a tear stood glistening in his eye,
said, in a low but deeply affecting tone, “My dear Richard, if you had
not been with me, I should have died long ago; I can only thank you,
with my latest breath, for your kindness and attachment to me, and if
I could have lived to return with you, you should have been placed
beyond the reach of want; but God will reward you.” This
conversation occupied nearly two hours, in the course of which my
master fainted several times, and was distressed beyond measure.
The same evening he fell into a slumber, from which he awoke in
much perturbation, and said he had heard with much distinctness the
tolling of an English funeral bell: I entreated him to be composed,
and observed that sick people frequently fancy they hear and see
things which can possibly have no existence. He made no reply.
About six o’clock in the morning of the 11th, on asking how he did,
my master answered he was much better, and requested me to
shave him. He had not sufficient strength to lift his head from the
pillow; and after finishing one side of the face, I was obliged to turn
his head, in order to shave the other. As soon as it was done, he
desired me to fetch him a looking-glass which hung on the other side
of the hut. On seeing himself in it, he observed that he looked quite
as ill at Bornou, on his former journey; and as he had borne his
disorder so long a time, he might yet recover. On the following day
he still fancied himself getting better. I began to flatter myself, also,
that he was considerably improved. He eat a bit of hashed guinea-
fowl in the day, which he had not done before since his illness,
deriving his sole sustenance from a little fowl-soup and milk and
water. On the morning of the 13th, however, being awake, I was
much alarmed by a peculiar rattling noise, proceeding from my
master’s throat, and his breathing was loud and difficult; at the same
instant he called out “Richard!” in a low and hurried tone. I was
immediately at his side, and was astonished at seeing him sitting
upright in his bed, and staring wildly around. I held him in my arms,
and placing his head gently on my left shoulder, gazed a moment on
his pale and altered features: some indistinct expressions quivered
on his lips; he strove, but ineffectually, to give them utterance, and
expired without a struggle or a sigh. When I found my poor master
so very ill, I called out with all my strength, “O God, my master is
dying!” which brought Pascoe and Mudey into the apartment. Shortly
after the breath had left his body, I desired Pascoe to fetch some
water, with which I washed the corpse. I then got Pascoe and Mudey
to assist me in taking it outside of the hut, laid it on a clean mat, and
wrapped it in a sheet and blanket. Leaving it in this state two hours, I
put a large clean mat over the whole, and sent a messenger to
Sultan Bello, to acquaint him of the mournful event, and ask his
permission to bury the body after the manner of my own country, and
also to know in what particular place his remains were to be interred.
The messenger soon returned with the sultan’s consent to the former
part of my request; and about 12 o’clock at noon of the same day a
person came into my hut, accompanied by four slaves, sent by Bello
to dig the grave. I was desired to follow them with the corpse.
Accordingly I saddled my camel, and putting the body on its back,
and throwing an union-jack over it, I bade them proceed. Travelling
at a slow pace, we halted at Jungavie, a small village, built on a
rising ground, about five miles to the south-east of Soccatoo. The
body was then taken from the camel’s back, and placed in a shed,
whilst the slaves were digging the grave; which being quickly done, it
was conveyed close to it. I then opened a prayer-book, and, amid
showers of tears, read the funeral service over the remains of my
valued master. Not a single person listened to this peculiarly
distressing ceremony, the slaves being at some distance, quarrelling
and making a most indecent noise the whole of the time it lasted.
This being done, the union-jack was taken off, and the body was
slowly lowered into the earth, and I wept bitterly as I gazed for the
last time upon all that remained of my generous and intrepid master.
The pit was speedily filled, and I returned to the village about thirty
yards to the east of the grave, and giving the most respectable
inhabitants, both male and female, a few trifling presents, entreated
them to let no one disturb its sacred contents. I also gave them
2,000 cowries to build a house, four feet high, over the spot, which
they promised to do. I then returned, disconsolate and oppressed, to
my solitary habitation, and leaning my head on my hand, could not
help being deeply affected with my lonesome and dangerous
situation; a hundred and fifteen days’ journey from the sea-coast,
surrounded by a selfish and cruel race of strangers, my only friend
and protector mouldering in his grave, and myself suffering
dreadfully from fever. I felt, indeed, as if I stood alone in the world,
and earnestly wished I had been laid by the side of my dear master:
all the trying evils I had endured never affected me half so much as
the bitter reflections of that distressing period. After a sleepless
night, I went alone to the grave, and found that nothing had been
done, nor did there seem the least inclination on the part of the
inhabitants of the village to perform their agreement. Knowing it
would be useless to remonstrate with them, I hired two slaves at
Soccatoo the next day, who went immediately to work, and the
house over the grave was finished on the 15th.
One instance, out of many, of the kindness and affection with
which my departed master uniformly treated me, occurred at Jenna,
on our journey into the interior. I was dangerously ill with fever in that
place, when he generously gave up his own bed to me, and slept
himself on my mat, watched over me with parental assiduity and
tenderness, and ministered to all my wants. No one can express the
joy he felt on my recovery: and who, possessing a spark of gratitude,
could help returning it but by the most inviolable attachment and
devoted zeal? It was his sympathy for me in all my sufferings that
had so powerful a claim on my feelings and affections, and taught
me to be grateful to him in hours of darkness and distress, when
pecuniary recompense was entirely out of the question.
The great sufferings, both mental and bodily, I had undergone at
the death and burial of my master, and the constant agitation in
which I was kept, occasioned a rapid increase in my disorder; and on
the 16th I could with difficulty crawl round my hut, and was obliged to
lay myself on my mat, from which I had not strength to arise till the
27th; old Pascoe, during that period, being very kind and attentive to
me. The Arabs in the city visited me daily, and did all in their power
to raise my spirits; telling me not to be disheartened at the death of
my father, and that no injury would happen to me. But I plainly saw
these visits of condolence did not proceed from a charitable spirit;
they came more for the purpose of obtaining presents than any thing
else: but I did not give them any. The sultan also sent messengers to
inquire after my health nearly as often. The weather was dreadfully
warm; and I was obliged to have a tub of water close at my side, into
which I frequently plunged my hands and arms, and occasionally
sprinkled my head and body. This much refreshed me; indeed it was
the only means by which I was enabled to obtain a little sleep. I had
given up all hopes of life, when on the 26th I found my health
improve in a wonderful manner; the next day I was able to sit up on
my mat. In the course of this day (27th) the Gadado, Malem Moodie,
and Sidi Sheik, came with a commission from the sultan to search
my boxes, as he had been informed they were filled with gold and
silver; but, to their great amazement, found I had not sufficient
money to defray my expenses to the sea-coast. They, however, took
an inventory of all my articles, and carried it to Bello. The gold watch
intended for him, and the private watches of Captains Clapperton
and Pearce, I had taken the precaution to conceal about my person.
In a short time the Gadado and his companions returned with a
message from the sultan, commanding me to deliver to them the
following articles, viz. a rifle-gun, double-barrelled ditto, two bags of
ball, a canister of powder, a bag of flints, a ream and a half of paper,
and six gilt chains, for which he promised to give me whatever I
might ask. I consequently charged him 245,000 cowries, which I was
to receive from Hadji Hat Sallah, at Kano; and an order was given
me to receive this sum, and what more I might require in my journey
over the Great Desert. A letter was also sent by me to Hadji Hat
On the 28th I made Ben Gumso a present of four yards of blue,
and the same quantity of scarlet damask, an unwritten journal-book,
two pairs of scissors, and two knives: with these articles I
endeavoured to get into the good graces of this old Arab. By a
singular piece of good fortune he had just begun to exercise a
powerful influence over the mind and opinions of the sultan. Bello, in
an excursion into the Gooberite country, had come to an
engagement with a large party of the natives; and in the midst of the
fight was shot in the neck with a poisoned arrow, which turned the
tide of victory in favour of his enemies. On his return to Soccatoo,
Ben Gumso wrote a charm on a bit of wood, which was washed off
into a calabash of water, and drank immediately by the sultan; who,
shortly after recovering, attributed it solely to the virtues of this
charm, and he was advanced accordingly. I begged Ben Gumso to
use his influence with the sultan to obtain leave for my departure
from his capital, and make the best of my way homewards. He
accordingly represented to Bello the impolicy and injustice of
detaining any longer a subject of the king of England; advised him to
allow me to quit Soccatoo as soon as possible; and insinuated that, if
I were to die in his dominions, a report would be circulated and
believed that he had murdered both my father and me, by which he
would get a bad name. The sultan approved of these weighty
arguments of Ben Gumso; and word was sent me, almost
immediately, to appear before him. After a little preliminary
conversation, Bello asked me which route I should prefer. Although
my master had advised me to proceed with the Arabs to Fezzan, just
before his death, I much feared that the papers intrusted to my care
would be stolen, and myself murdered, by that wily and treacherous
race, whose behaviour to my master, from the time of his arrival in
Houssa, I very much disliked; and would rather cast myself, unarmed
and unprotected, upon the good faith of the natives, than go with
them. Under these impressions I answered the sultan that, as I
wished to get to England in as short a time as possible, the route to
Kubbi, through Boussa, was most likely to answer that end. “It is
impossible,” he continued, “to travel that way: the rainy season is
commenced; the rivers are overflowed; the country is inundated; and
you will not be able to reach the sea-coast in safety. It will be much
better for you to go over the desert; and, to facilitate your progress, I
will write Hat Sallah to get a trustworthy person to accompany you;
he will also furnish you with camels and provisions, and advance you
what money it is likely you will want.” I only replied, “Very well,
sultan.” He then asked if Abdullah had forgiven Pascoe in his book,
for the roguery he had committed. I said, “He had not been able to
write during the whole of his sickness; and therefore nothing was
stated about the matter.”—“If Abdullah has not pardoned him in his
book,” rejoined the sultan, “your king will certainly cut off his head on
his arrival in England.” I assured him Pascoe would not be punished
by any one, if his future conduct was good; but this the sultan was in
no haste to believe; and observed, “I cannot suffer him to go with
you; he shall stay here to clean and repair my guns!” this latter
consideration having evidently more influence with the sultan than
Pascoe’s safety, which he cared nothing at all about. I then besought
Bello to permit him to accompany me as far as Kano, as an
interpreter; to which he rather reluctantly consented, on condition
that I should procure him a horse to return, and pay him wages, on
my arrival at Kano, to the amount of 15,000 cowries, which of course
I agreed to do; and finding the sultan had nothing more to say, I
bowed profoundly and retired. I never saw him again.


On the evening of the 3d of May, a messenger came from the

sultan, and told me to get every thing in readiness to depart on the
following morning, with a promise of a camel and provisions, which I
never received. Early next day, therefore, I left Soccatoo, where I
had suffered so much, heartily tired of the place and its inhabitants;
and, accompanied with a messenger from the kind old Gadado,
Pascoe and Mudey, with our three camels and two horses,
proceeded to a flat, five miles to the east of Magaria, where we
arrived in the afternoon, and rested for the night under the branches
of a large tree, near to a small lake. Mosquitoes were numerous and
troublesome, and consequently could not sleep till morning, when a
refreshing breeze springing up, it drove them away. At this flat we
joined a party of above 4,000 people, consisting of Tuarick salt-
merchants returning to Kilgris, pilgrims on their way to Mecca, Goora
merchants returning to Kano and Nyffé, &c. &c.; all travelling in
company, for mutual protection, with an immense number of camels,
horses, and bullocks. The merchants invariably meet at Kashna,
where they disperse for their different destinations. In the same train
was the king of Jacoba, with fifty slaves, which he had driven to
Soccatoo, as a present to the sultan, who, having learnt the dreadful
losses he had sustained in men and cattle in his wars with the sheik
of Bornou, and the number of his villages which had been plundered
and burnt by the soldiers of the sheik, would not accept of them, and
desired the king of Jacoba to re-conduct them to his own dominions.
At eleven o’clock in the morning of the 4th of May, a signal to
prepare to depart was made with the horns and drums of the party,
which made a loud and most discordant noise; and, about an hour
after, the whole body was in motion. We travelled in great haste till
three o’clock in the afternoon of the 5th, when Boussa Jack, the
horse on which I rode, and which was made a present of by the king
of Boussa to my late master, became much fatigued, and began to
lag. The weather was at this time intolerably hot, and the dust was
rolling in thick clouds in every direction, entering my eyes and
nostrils, and penetrating into the very pores of the skin. I felt nearly
suffocated, and was faint and exhausted. Finding I was unable to
proceed, I ordered Pascoe to overtake the camels, his horse being
fresh and vigorous, and bring me some water. I then dismounted,
and sat under a tree by the road-side, whose branches afforded but
an indifferent shelter against the scorching rays of an African sun,
and holding the bridle of my poor horse in my hand, I implored the
hundreds of Fellatas and Tuaricks who were passing to sell me a
drop of water; but the cold-hearted wretches refused my earnest
request, observing one to another, “He is a Kafir; let him die.” At
length a young Fellata, from Footatoora, accidentally seeing me,
came to the spot, exclaiming, “Nasarah, Nasarah, triffi manora!”
(Christian, Christian, go on!) I answered, “I am faint and sick for want
of water; no one will give me any; and I am so weary that I cannot
proceed.” On hearing which the young man kindly gave me a small
calabash full; part of which I drank, and with the remainder washed
the nostrils of Boussa Jack, and sprinkled a little into his mouth. The
people, who observed the Fellata performing this generous action,
upbraided him in strong language for giving water to the Christian;
but he, showing them a double-barrelled gun, remarked that he had
obtained it of my countrymen, who were all good men, and would do
no harm. This somewhat appeased them. On examining the gun
shortly afterwards, I found it to be of English manufacture, with
“Arnold, maker, London,” on its lock. I, as well as the horse, was
greatly refreshed with the small quantity of water I had taken; but
soon becoming again weak and dispirited, I was almost in as bad a
state as on the former occasion; my legs were swollen prodigiously,
and I felt the most acute pains in every part of my body. At length I
perceived Pascoe, whom I had sent for water three or four hours
previously, comfortably seated under a tree, and seeming to be
enjoying himself much with Mudey,—the camels feeding at a short
distance. I had half an inclination to shoot the heartless old
scoundrel, knowing as he did how keen my sufferings must have
been. Reflecting, however, that the safety of my papers, and even
my own life, was placed in some measure in his hands, I restrained
myself, and merely asked why he did not return with the water, on
which he answered, very composedly, “I was tired.”
The young Fellata who had so generously saved my life came to
me on the 7th, and informed me that the whole of the slaves of the
king of Jacoba being missing, a party of horsemen had been sent in
quest of them, and had just returned with the dreadful account of
having seen thirty-five of their dead bodies exposed on the road; the
remaining fifteen could not be found, but were strongly suspected of
having met a similar fate. These unfortunate creatures had to carry
heavy burdens on their heads the day before; and being unable to
keep up with the rapid pace of the camels, were necessarily obliged
to be left behind, and thus miserably perished of thirst. I
congratulated myself on my own good fortune in having so narrowly
escaped so horrid a death; and thanked the Almighty for having so
providentially rescued me. On leaving me, I gave the Fellata a pair of
scissors, and twenty flints for his gun, which pleased him highly. On
our road to Kano, the king of Jacoba became very sociable with me,
and was my constant companion. He pressed me very much to visit
his country, where he would do all in his power to make my stay
agreeable. He told me that his neighbours, the Yamyam people, who
had assisted him in his war against the sheik of Bornou, were
surrounded, with some of his own people, on a plain near Jacoba, by
the sheik’s soldiers, who made a dreadful slaughter of them. The
fight lasted a whole day, when the Yamyams and people of Jacoba
were entirely routed; he himself narrowly escaping being taken
prisoner. The morning after, the surviving Yamyams repaired to the
field of action, and bearing off a great number of the dead bodies of
their enemies, made a fire, roasted, and ate them!
Soon after our arrival at Markee, on the 19th, the spouse of the
chief, a finely formed and intelligent looking woman, aged about 22
years, came to me with tears in her eyes, and implored me to give
her some magarie, as she had no child. I accordingly presented her
with a couple of tea-spoonfuls of oil of cinnamon, and ordered her to
put two drops of it into a pint of cow’s milk, which should be taken
three times a day till the whole was consumed. I told her that on my
return to Markee I had not the least doubt I should have the pleasure
of seeing her the happy mother of a numerous progeny. On her
husband being made acquainted with the circumstance, he came
and thanked me in the heartiest manner for my kindness, gave me
abundance of fresh milk, fowls, rice, &c.; telling me at the same time,
that on my return from England he would give me a large sum of
money, which, no doubt, he will do. Bidding them adieu the next
morning, they said to me, “Christian! God send you safely to your
country, and may you speedily come back to Markee.”
On my arrival at Kano on the 25th of May, I delivered Sultan
Bello’s order and letter to Hadji Hat Sallah; but he declared, after
perusing the letter, he would have nothing to do with it: he had nearly
lost his head on my father’s account at Soccatoo, and therefore
positively refused to lend me a single cowrie. He had no objection to
give, in goods and a slave, the amount of my demands on Bello, but
refused to let me have any money. I accordingly received from him a
strong female slave, a quantity of unwrought silk, and scarlet caps
and beads. I sold my weakened and diseased camels for 15,000
cowries each, and discharged their keeper, Maddie. Not having
sufficient money to purchase fresh camels, provisions, and presents
for the chiefs on my way to Fezzan, I was necessitated to take a
different route; and for that purpose purchased a horse and two
asses. Bello had not forgotten to mention in his letter for Hadji Hat
Sallah to send back Pascoe to Soccatoo, on his arrival at Kano. I
begged of him, however, to let me take him as far as Coulfo, in
Nyffé, which he at first refused; but giving him two yards of scarlet
damask, two pairs of scissors, two dollars, a large knife, and two
yards of blue damask, the old Arab seemed to relax in his
determination; and calling Pascoe to him, gave him leave to
accompany me to Coulfo, but cautioned him to return the moment he
arrived, on pain of having Jerrub (the devil) sent after him. The old
man came to me just after in great trepidation, every member of his
body trembling like an aspen leaf, and gave me to understand, as
well as he was able, the conversation he had had with Hadji Hat
Sallah, and in consequence thereof, his great reluctance to quit
Kano with me. I did all I could to laugh him out of his superstitious
fears, but it utterly failed of the desired effect; the name of Jerrub
being enough to put him in a fever. I had given the slave that Hadji

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