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Good morning, ( class / everybody / students) ! How’re you (today / this morning)?
How’s life?
How’re things?
How’s everything?
How’re you doing?

(Chief of Class / Class Leader), please lead to pray !

Before we (start / begin) our lesson, I’d like to / want to call the roll you (first / in advance).
know who’s absent today.
check anyone who is not present

I (hope / expect) all of you are in a good condition.

very well.

(Can / May / Could) I see the attendance list, please?

Is Dimas Tejo present today?
What date is today? The 1st (first) of February / February first.
Tejo, you (look / get / are) pale. Are you unwell?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s the matter with you?
Something wrong with you?
What happened to you?

Any homeworks?
Do you remember that there’s a homework today?
If it is not wrong, last week I gave you some exercises to do at home. Do you still remember?
Well, students… that there’s a homework today, isn’t there?
Any difficulties?
Have you got any difficulties? Please tell me ! ---> British
Do you have any difficulties? Please tell me ! ---> America
Which (one / part) do you (think / suppose) it’s difficult?
What number do you (think / suppose) it’s difficult?

Did you do your homeworks / exercises?

Have you done your homeworks (yet)? ---> America (British)
Who didn’t do the homeworks / exercises?

May I have your attention, please?

Well, students… Are you ready to (learn / study) now?
O.K, now put your text book on your table and open Chapter 4 Page 16 Part A Exercise 2?
Rizal !, Why don’t you (bring your text book / do your homework) ?
On this occasion, I’m going to (discuss / explain) about ………..
Pay any attention and listen to me carefully when I’m explaining the subject.
Don’t make noisy and (keep calm / be kidding) in the classroom !
If my explanation is too fast, you may interrupt and ask me to repeat it again. O.k….

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