Gerunds - Infinitives

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Verb patterns ‘Aims To review and practise a range of verb pattems Time 15 minutes Materials 1 handout for each group of four students; cut into four cards * Divide the class into small groups or 3 or 4, Give each student, inthe group a different card, Students win one point ifthey can identify whether the sentences on their card ae correct cr incorrect. They win a further point ifthey can correct the mistake, + Option: with a weaker group, or for more discussion, students ‘could workin pairs on the same card, (You only need two diferent cards for this version, but could play it twice) * Monitor carefully and conduct class feedback to highlight any problems and correct mistakes can 1 couldn't afford to buy 2 persuaded me to audition. 3 wouldn't advise you to go / wouldnt advise going 4 comect 5 looking forward to coming 6 remembered to reply cano2 1 comrect 2 doesn't want to take 3 refused to be 4 avoid talking 5. contemplating looking 6 letyou gout cano3 1 cant stand living 2 spent too long deciding 3 encouraged me tory 4 urge you not to walle 5 comrect 6 don't fancy going cana 1 going to regret not studying 2 tytogetup 3 consider giving up 4 cant manage tobe 5 cotrect 6 doesnt mind waiting ‘A Work in pairs or small groups. You get one point for identifying whether the sentence is correct or contains a mistake. For ‘each incorrect sentence, you geta further point if you can correct the mistake. *: Card1 ! 1 She told me she really couldn't afford buying a new phone. | 2 Itwas my drama teacher who persuaded me auditioning for the show. {3 To be honest, | wouldn’t advise you going there alone. | 4 We really object to paying so much to eat in the canteen. | 5 They're really looking forward to come to the party on Saturday. | 6 I'd been waiting to hear from her for three weeks when she finally remembered replying to my email. } 1 Iwas brought up in Brazil and | can’t {stand to live in a cold country. | 2 He spent too long to decide and now } someone else has taken the job. {3 My English teacher encouraged me trying the higher level class. | 4 P'd urge you not walking around late at night. 5 The team captain appears to have resigned but we are not sure why. {6 They don’t fancy go to Natalie’s house because it’s too far from here. Ro 5 Card 2 £ 1 I can’t imagine living in another country permanently. £ 2 Olivia doesn’t want that she takes the exam this month. } 3 He annoyed his fans when he refused being interviewed yesterday. 4 You must avoid to talk about her ex-boyfriend or she'll get upset again. 5 Joshua told me he’s contemplating to look for a part-time job. 6 Your dad will never let you to go out wearing that short skirt! £1 When you finally have to take the test, I think you’re going to regret not to study. £2 [try getting up early, even at the weekends, because | can get a lot of work done. ! 3 We were surprised that Anna would consider to give up her studies. ! 4 My little brother can’t manage being quiet even for one minute! £5 | like going to the cinema too but I prefer to watch thrillers. | 6 lasked her to come back later but she says she doesn’t mind to wait. ‘Aim To identify and correct grammatical mistakes Language Verb patterns oa Speaking, Reading, and Writing Lesson link Use after Unit 9, $8 p88 & 89 en ‘One copy ofthe worksheet per pair of students Answers 1 2 Conect The prisoner begged tobe allowed another phone cl Correct ‘My parents refused to buy me a motorbike Her postcard made him think about his last holiday Conect Conect {sit true that he thinking of emigrating? Conect uke suggested ordering a takeaway. Claes mum din stop her going out the night before her exam. They dared him totry bungee jumping He threatened to tell the pliceifshe skit hand over the money The president wouldn't admit to having made a mistake Comect He was trying to park his car when the accident happened. Conect ‘Although he was exhausted. Mark

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