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STARTING OFF Card drills ACTIVITY TYDE Before class whole class, pairwork ‘Moke an enlarged copy of the Cord dis wotkshect, stick it onto card ond cut it up into eight communication activity flashcards. Make a copy ofthe Card dls worksheet for each pupil LANGUAGE Fac In dass He/She is... 1 Separate the piclures of boys ond work only with these. numbers 7-10 1a Practise He's... Hold up the picture of Dove, saying Listen and repeat. Ho's Dave. Who? Repeat with the other pictures, Hold up the picture of Dave again, saying Is he Dove or How old ...? Bil? to elicit the response He’s Dave. Repeat with the other pictures. short onswers Practise Is he ...? Yes, he is. No, heist. Hold up the picture of Dave, saying Is he Dove? Supply the answer, Yes, he is. Repeat with he other pictures. Huld up the picture ‘of Dave, saying Is he Bill? Supply the onswer, No, he isn't Repeat withthe other cards. © Prociise Who's he...” Hold up the picture of Dave, saying Is he Bil? When pupils respond, look puzzled and say ls he Peer? Look even more puzzled and ack is he Bob? Lock exasperated and say Who's he? to clic the response Ho's Dovo. Repeat with the other cords. Transfer the question tothe class. Point at different bays on the cards and BREE ‘sk individual pupils to ask Who's he? to another pupil speckirg 2 Now work with the pichres of gir @ Proctise She's... Hold up the picture of Mary, saying Listen ond repeat. She's Mary. Emphasise She's ond check thot pupils do not respond with He's. Repeat withthe othor pictures, checking the use ofthe correct subject pronoun. Held up the picture of Mary aasRIALE ‘again, saying ls she seven or to? to elicit She's seven, Rope with the other pictures. fon enlaiged copy ofthe Care’ Practise she ..? Yes, she is. No, she isn’. Hold up the picure of Mary, saying i she diils worksheet, card, he, seven? to elicit the response Yes, she i. Repeat with the other pictures. Hold up the Scissor, a copy ofthe Cord picture of Mary, soying ls she len?'o elicit No, she isn’t Repact with the other cards diils worksheet pet pupil © Practise How old is she? She's .. Held up the picture of Mary, saying Is she ten? When pupils respond, look puzzled and say Is she nine? Look even more puzzled ond ask she eigh? Look exasperated ond say How oldis she? to cli the response She's seven Repeat with the other cards 3 Give a copy of the worksheet fo each of your pupils and ask them to cut it up into eight cards 4 Demonstrate the activity by example, Select pupil ond, holding up one cord ot a time, ask Who's he? Who's she? etc. When your cards ore finished, your pupil asks the questions. Arrange the clas in pairs: A and B. Ask pupils o face their poriners and toke i in Yor fo ‘ask and answer questions. if you want to make this more challenging, ask pupils to cover up {or fold back) the names on the cards. Circulate to monitor and help. Teme 45 minutes Extension Inaloter lesson, you could introduce and practise Theyre. Yes, they ore and No, they ‘aren’, using two pictures of children ofthe some age. Option You can also use he cards to proctise the possessive ’s, Put a picture card with « classroom object, saying i's Dave's book, I's Carols rule, i's Bits pencil sharpener, et. Introduce the question Whose book is i ete. by using the above techniques. STARTING OFF Hide and seek ACTIVITY TYPE Before class pairwork information gop Make a copy of he Hide ond seek worksheet for every par of pupils. Cut each copy into two pars: A and B, LANGUAGE FoCES is/are: questionformsend Iw cass short onswers 1 Revise or preteach the vocabulary used in the activity by wsing flashcords. rooms: bathroam, bedroom, 7 ” ae kitchen, ling room, dining room, garoge 2. Revise or preteach is and ove. {2 Draw three boxes on the board. Label them bedroom, bottroom and kitchen. Draw simple picture of gi, @ boy, and o girl and o boy, in each one respectively. Give thom names, e.g. Sandra, Harry, and Gemma and Matthew. Hold up one finger and ask ‘your pupils to hold up one finger. Say Sandra's in the bedroom. Usten and repeet. ‘Sondro’s inthe bedroom. Hold up two fingers and ask your pupils to hold up two BEE RESOE fingers. Say Gemma and Matthew are in the kitchen. listen and repeot. Gemma and 7-8 ‘Matthew ore inthe kitchen bill's ond ore, using the names ond holding up one finger or two, changing the silane sequence and geting faster cach time to try to catch your pupils out. speaking, listening for € Then tes individval pupils at random by pointing to one of the pictures on the board to information, reading elicit the correct response, e.g. Harry's in the bathroom. suas Practise question and answer forms using the pichues ond finger prompts cbove, e.g 20-30 mines TEACHER: Sandia PUPIS: Is Sondra in the bedroom? Yes, she is. MavERIALs TEACHER: Horry ce cony ofthe Hide and sook PUPILS: I Horcy in tho bathroom? Yes, he is worksheet per pair of pup, TEACHER: Gemma and Mathew floshcards oF the rooms PUPILS: Are Gemma and Matthew in the kitchen? Yes, they are © Repeat he proceduce, changing the information to practise negative short answers. Drill collectively, e.g TEACHER: Horry, kitchen PUPILS: Is Horey inthe kitchen? No, he isn't '3 Arrange the class in pairs: A and B. Give pupils heir section ofthe worksheet, A or B, ond ‘ak them fo face their pariners. Explein th! he information on their photocopy is ‘secre’ ‘ond pupils con only look ot heir own piece of paper. Le hem read ther shee. 4 Explain thot some childcen ore hiding in different pors ofthe house and pupils mus find them by osking heir partner questions. Copy port of he char from he activity onto the ‘board, changing the information, and ask individual pupils questions, e.g. TEACHER: fs David inthe kitchen? PUPIL: No, he isn’ TEACHER: Is David inthe beckoom? PUPIL: No, he isn’ TEACHER: Is Dovid in the bathroom? PUPIL Yos, he is. '5 Pupils ask ond answer questions in pairs to complete the sheet 6 Circvlote to monitor and correct \ Ask pupil B questions to complete the chart. Example: \s Paul in the bedroom? No, he isn't. Are Sarah and Sally in the bathroom? No, they aren't. | David SP ‘Sarah “SE. | and Sally v Peter and Frank Maria IR) v | Paul : v | Isabel $Y, v Segoe Ask pupil A questions to complete the chart. Example: \s Paul in the bedroom? No, he isn’t. Are Sarah and Sally in the bathroom? No, they aren't. bh David RF faa and Sally v Peter | and Frank™ Maria $9R Paul v Isabel SY 7 Resource D (Lesson 6) Classroom arrangement: pairs (or individual 8s) Objective: to practise talking about where people are fron + Divide the class into pairs and photocopy one sl for each pair (or individual S). Each group (or S) must organise the words into the correct order to make questions and answers (oF @ Sentence in the last one). They should write the Sentences in the correct order in the space provided. The first group (or S) to finish is the winner After the game, students can practise reading the tions and answers. isn't. Italian No she she 7g Is 7 you rm Where from from Spain. 2 are from ? Where Barbara Poland. from is She's your No mum ? ‘i Is isn’t. she French Polly Robert and and from We're the UK we're FLYING HIGH ACTIVITY TYPE whole class information tronsfer (mingle) LANGUAGE Focus Question forms and short conswers cosking for personal information LEVEL 3 AGE RANGE 1-12 TIME 20 minutes MATERIALS «@ copy of he Fomous names worksheet per Wwenty pupil, sticky tope ‘efore class ‘Make as many copies of the Famous names worksheet as you need, according to the number of pupils in your class, and cut each worksheet into twenty cards. Each pupil will need a cord. In class 1 Ask pupils fo give you names of famous people, animals or characters from books, stories or cartoons. Explain that they can be real people or fictional characters (characters from books, films, et.). As individual pupils suggest names, write these on the board. Ensure that your selection includes those you are going to use in the activity. Prompt and describe if necessary. 2 When you have about thirty names, ask pupils to tell you ifthe characters are real or fictional and make hwo groups. © Within each group, ask pupils which ones are animals ond which ones ore people and divide the groups again. © In the reol people group, ask pupils which ones are dead and which are alive. © Look at all the characters again and ask the class which ones are male and which are female. '3 Explain Science (maths, biology, chemistry, medicine, etc), Literature (books and writers), Art [paintings and painters), Politics (government, elections) and Entertainment (films and music). Practise these words by pointing to a character, e.g. Madonna, and asking ‘questions about her: Is she from the world of science? to elicit No, she isn’. Ask Is she from the world of entertainment? to elicit Yes, she is. Ask Is she dead? to elicit No, she isn’, etc. 4 Stand wih your back tothe board. Ask @ pupil to come to the front and circle one of the names writen on the board. The pupil mus! not tell you the name. Explain to pupils thot you ‘are this choracter and that you are going to ask them questions to discover your identity. Exploin that they must only give Yes or No answers. Ask individual pupils questions to discover your identity, ¢.g. Am | male? Am I real? Am | alive? Invite @ pupil to come to the front to repeat the procedure for a different name. 5 Explain that you are going to stick « famous name on each pupil’s back. Pupils must walk ‘around the classroom asking and answering questions to discover their nome. They can ‘only ask one other pupil one question at a time, before moving on to osk another. Ifa pupil does not know the answer to the question, he or she must say I don’t know so that the pupil csking the question can move on to ask somebody else. 6 Stick the names onto pupils’ backs with sticky tope. Ask some pupils to help you to do this, but do not le them see their own names. 7 Set a ten-minute ime limit for pupils to play the game. I this is not enough, give an

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