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Investigation of corrosion behavior of polypyrrole-

coated Ti using dynamic electrochemical
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 80275
impedance spectroscopy (DEIS)
Bhavana Rikhari, S. Pugal Mani and N. Rajendran*

In the present work, dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) was used to investigate the
corrosion behavior of polypyrrole (PPy)-coated titanium (Ti) in simulated body fluid (SBF) solution. The
deposition of PPy on Ti was carried out using the cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. The formation of
the PPy coating was confirmed by infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) studies revealed the deposition of a 7 mm-thick PPy coating with a cauliflower-like morphology.
The surface roughness and wettability of the coating were confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM)
and water contact angle studies. The corrosion behavior of uncoated and PPy-coated Ti was
investigated in SBF using DEIS and polarization studies. DEIS was carried out from the open circuit
potential (OCP) to dissolution regions of the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti with a step potential of 0.5 V.
The variation in the charge transfer resistance (Rct) value as a function of potential exhibited distinctive
impedance behavior for the uncoated and coated substrates. The PPy-coated Ti showed a higher Rct at
each potential thereby indicating the higher corrosion resistance of the coating. The highest polarization
resistance (Rp) and lowest corrosion current density (icorr) of PPy-coated Ti obtained from the
potentiodynamic polarization studies revealed the enhanced corrosion resistance. The potentiostatic
Received 8th April 2016
Accepted 14th August 2016
polarization studies for the PPy-coated substrate showed a low current density value at the OCP and
dissolution potential and it can be attributed to the enhanced protection ability of the coating. Additional
DOI: 10.1039/c6ra09100h
evidence in support of the enhanced corrosion protection performance of PPy was obtained from the Bode-phase angle maximum value at the OCP and dissolution potential.

polymerization is more preferred because it provides better

1 Introduction control of the lm thickness and uniformity in the coating.
Ti metal and its alloys are extensively used in implantology, Conducting polymers, because of their high stability and
especially as orthopedic implants due to their excellent corro- ease of synthesis are used as promising materials for many
sion resistance in bio-uids, and the desirable mechanical applications like in polymer light-emitting diodes (LEDs),21 for
properties play very important roles in improving the quality of corrosion resistance,22,23 thin lm transistors,24 electromagnetic
human life.1–6 These excellent properties of Ti metal are attrib- shielding,25 molecular electronics,26 supercapacitors,27,28 elec-
uted to the presence of a stable lm of titanium dioxide (TiO2) trochromic devices29 and sensor technology30–34 etc.
with small quantities of TiO and Ti2O3 sub-oxides. It is well Among the various types of conducting polymers, PPy has
known that the excellent properties of TiO2 lm are responsible been used for wider applications.35–37 PPy has been extensively
for its long term stability in bio-uids and play a key role for the used because of its attractive properties e.g. ease of preparation
biocompatibility of Ti and its implants. either by chemical or electrochemical polymerization and due
Surface modication of Ti and its alloys is normally done to to its good adherent property on to the metal thereby providing
improve several types of properties like biological, chemical and high stability at the polymer lm/metal interface and more
mechanical ones to meet the desired expectations. A wide electrical contact.38 PPy deposition over metal shows the prop-
variety of techniques are available for surface modication7–10 of erty of excellent corrosion resistance due to its high stability,
Ti and its alloys, such as thermal treatment,11,12 laser deposi- which helps to prevent electron exchange between the adsorbed
tion,13–15 anodizing,16–18 spraying19 and electrochemical poly- biological species and the metal.39 The lower oxidation potential
merization.20 Among the available techniques, electrochemical (0.8 V) of pyrrole in comparison to other heterocyclic monomers
may probably help in the easy formation of PPy lm on active
metal to provide promising anti-corrosion properties. The
Department of Chemistry, Anna University, Chennai-600 025, India. E-mail:
biocompatibility of PPy has been studied extensively and re-; Fax: +91-44-2220-0660; Tel: +91-44-2235-8659 ported in the literature.40,41 For example, PPy lm has been used

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as protective coatings for Ti–Al–V substrates to improve oxalic acid solution (0.2 M) containing pyrrole (0.2 M)50 with
osseointegration performances.42 Moreover, a recent study on nitrogen purging. The electrochemical polymerization was
PPy lm-coated implants in experiments with animals showed carried out in a three-electrode system consisting of platinum
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promising results for in vivo and in vitro studies.43 Therefore, the foil and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as the counter and
present investigation mainly focuses on the corrosion behavior reference electrodes and Ti as the working electrode. Aer
of PPy-coated titanium in SBF solution for biomedical electrodeposition the sample was rinsed with acetone and
applications. distilled water and dried in air.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a tech-
nique to investigate the phenomenon between the metal/
solution interface in the electrochemical system i.e. detection 2.3 Surface characterization
and monitoring of pitting corrosion, passivation of the metal Attenuated total reectance Fourier transform infrared spec-
surface etc. Darowicki and co-workers44,45 developed a new troscopy (ATR-FTIR) was recorded in the range between 400 and
impedance method termed as DEIS. It is one of the versatile and 4000 cm1 using Perkin Elmer Spectrum II, USA to conrm the
recently used electrochemical techniques to study the degra- PPy coating. The formed PPy coating was conrmed by Raman
dation of metallic materials, pit initiation, propagation and spectroscopy using a FT Raman, Bruker RFS 27 instrument with
passivation.46,47 DEIS helps in the measurement of impedance, 1064 nm, and a Nd:YAG source was used for the analysis.
which is carried out under potentiodynamic conditions and can Raman spectra were recorded with a 500 s data point acquisi-
be used to nd out the point of passivation and degradation of tion time in the spectral range of 200–1200 cm1. To observe the
a protective coating on metal. Passivation and surface oxide lm morphological features, scanning electron microscopy (Hitachi
dissolution are the two important key factors, which can affect Model-S 3400, Japan) with an accelerating voltage of 10–30 kV
the biocompatibility of metal. Hence, it is essential to study the was employed. The surface topography and roughness were
different stages involved in the corrosion behavior of Ti and its determined by atomic force microscopy (XE 70), model Park
alloys or PPy coatings on them to understand the surface system, Korea. The water contact angle value for the uncoated
chemistry. However, only very few published works are available and PPy-coated specimens was calculated with the help of
involving DEIS measurement with respect to corrosion studies UTHSHCSA image tool soware using Euromex optical micro-
of Ti and its alloys. For example, the corrosion behavior of NiTi scope equipment with a CCD camera.
and NiTiNb alloys in physiological medium using DEIS was
studied.48 Some other literature is also available for under-
standing the process involved in DEIS studies of coated mate- 2.4 Electrochemical characterization
rials on AZ31 magnesium alloy.49 All electrochemical studies of the uncoated and polymer-coated
In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the Ti samples were conducted using an electrochemical worksta-
corrosion behavior of uncoated and PPy-coated Ti using the tion, Autolab, PGSTAT-12. The electrochemical studies were
DEIS technique. In order to assess their corrosion resistance, carried out in the conventional three-electrode glass cell. SBF
DEIS experiments were conducted from the OCP to dissolution solution was used as physiological medium and its composi-
regions of both uncoated and PPy-coated Ti as a function of tion51 is given in Table 1. The Ti sample was used as the working
applied potential. electrode. Pt foil and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) were
used as the counter and reference electrodes, respectively. The
stabilized OCP was obtained aer 45 min of immersion, then
2 Materials and methods the potentiodynamic polarization studies were carried out from
2.1 Preparation of substrate 1.0 to 1.5 V at a scan rate of 1 mV s1. DEIS was studied using
Ti sheets with a size of 25 mm  15 mm  2 mm were used as a frequency response analyzer (FRA), starting from the OCP to
substrates, ground using SiC emery paper up to 1200 # grit and dissolution region with a 50 mV step potential in the frequency
polished. Ti samples were cleaned with double-distilled water range between 0.01 Hz and 100 kHz with 10 mV amplitude. The
and sonicated with acetone. The ground sheets were chemically
etched using Kroll’s reagent (25 mL H2O + 2 mL conc. HNO3 + 1
mL conc. HF) for 15 s. This enabled the removal of the oxide Table 1 Composition used for the preparation of SBF solution
layer present on the as-received material. Aer etching, the
Reagents Amount in 1000 mL
samples were cleaned and dried in air at room temperature and
subsequently used for electrodeposition. NaCl 8.031 g
NaHCO3 0.358 g
KCl 0.223 g
2.2 Film deposition K2HPO4$3H2O 0.233 g
Pyrrole (monomer) was purchased from Aldrich Chemical. It MgCl2$6H2O 0.314 g
1.0 M HCl 39.0 mL
was distilled twice and stored in the dark, at 0  C. Polymeriza-
CaCl2 0.290 g
tion of pyrrole over the Ti substrate was done by cyclic vol- Na2SO4 0.074 g
tammetry in the potential range between 0.1 and 1.2 V vs. SCE, (HOCH2)3CNH2 6.116 g
with 20 cycles with a sweep rate of 0.05 V s1 in an aqueous 1.0 M HCl Appropriate amount for adjusting the pH

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potentiostatic polarization was studied at the OCP and disso-

lution potential for uncoated and PPy-coated Ti.
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3 Results and discussion

3.1 Electrochemical deposition of PPy on Ti electrode
The PPy lm was deposited by potentiodynamic polymerization
using aqueous solution containing oxalic acid as the supporting
electrolyte in the presence of pyrrole monomer. Fig. 1 shows the
cyclic voltammogram of Ti metal in 0.2 M oxalic acid with PPy
monomer. It can be observed that the addition of pyrrole
monomer (0.2 M) in the presence of (0.2 M) oxalic acid solution
changed the behavior of Ti metal. The increase in current
density indicates that the polymerization of pyrrole starts at
about 0.7 V vs. SCE. On increasing the number of scans, the
current density is decreased. Aer completion of all cycles,
a uniform thickness of the adherent black homogenous PPy
lm was deposited on Ti.

3.2 ATR-FTIR and Raman spectral studies

The ATR-FTIR spectrum of the electropolymerized PPy coating
on Ti is shown in Fig. 2(a). In the spectrum of PPy, the char-
acteristic peaks at 3412 and 1074 cm1 are assigned to N–H and
C–H stretching vibrations in the pyrrole ring.52 The peak at 1409 Fig. 2 (a) ATR-FTIR spectrum of PPy-coated Ti and (b) Raman spec-
cm1 corresponds to C–N stretching vibration.53 The peak trum of PPy-coated Ti.
position at 1031 cm1 is related to the N–H deformation band.
The peak at 1600 cm1 corresponds to the C]C stretching
vibration of the pyrrole ring. The peaks at 1641 and 1571 cm1 vibrations of PPy. The absorption peak at 1383 cm1 is assigned
represent the symmetric and anti-symmetric stretching modes to the C–N stretching vibration of PPy.54 The absorption peak at
in the aromatic ring, respectively. The C–H out-of-plane 1491 cm1 is assigned to C–C stretching vibration. This proves
bending vibrations are observed at 964 and 956 cm1, that PPy has been coated on Ti metal through electro-
respectively. polymerization. The peaks appearing at 932 cm1 and 971 cm1
The Raman spectrum of the PPy coating is shown in Fig. 2(b). are dened as ring deformation and the peak at 1080 cm1
The strong band at 1592 cm1 represents the oxidized state of indicates the in-plane bending vibration in the pyrrole ring.
the polymer and it corresponds to the C]C stretching

Fig. 1 Cyclic voltammogram of Ti metal with pyrrole monomer in Fig. 3 SEM images of (a) uncoated Ti, (b) PPy-coated Ti, and (c) cross-
oxalic acid. section of PPy-coated Ti.

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Fig. 4 2D and 3D AFM images of (a) uncoated Ti and (b) PPy-coated Ti.

it can be observed that the thickness of the PPy coating is

7 mm.

3.4 Atomic force microscopy studies

The topography images of the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti are
shown in Fig. 4. The AFM image of the uncoated Ti was found to
have a at surface consisting of nodules appearing along the
polishing direction with a lower surface roughness value of
about 32.47 nm. The PPy coating shows uniform deposition
Fig. 5 Water contact angle images of (a) uncoated Ti and (b) PPy- along with variable grains over the surface. The AFM 3D image
coated Ti. of the PPy coating shows a well-dened cauliower-like pattern,
which has a perfect correlation with the SEM images with a high
surface roughness value of about 54.96 nm. The high roughness
3.3 Scanning electron microscopy studies value of the coating inuences the bone bonding ability and
bioactivity. An increase in the roughness value increases the cell
The SEM images of the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti and behaviour viz. cell attachment and osseointegration.
a cross-section image of PPy-coated Ti are shown in Fig. 3. The
surface morphology of uncoated Ti shows the presence of
grooves due to grinding and mechanical polishing. The SEM 3.5 Water contact angle studies
image of the PPy-coated surface reveals a cauliower-like The surface wettability of implant material plays a crucial role in
morphology,55 which shows microspherical grains with vari- inuencing the bioactivity and cell adhesion. The contact angle
able particle sizes and seems to be compact without porosity value depends on the surface roughness, which is also attrib-
i.e. characteristic of polypyrrole. From the cross-section image, uted to the chemical effect and surface energy of the coating. A

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coated Ti conrmed the hydrophilicity. This may be probably

due to the presence of amine groups present in the PPy polymer
matrix. The hydrophilic nature of the PPy coating improves the
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ion exchange property of the implant material in SBF and will

lead to the existence of apatite growth.57

3.6 Potentiodynamic polarization studies

Potentiodynamic polarization curves of uncoated and PPy-
coated Ti aer exposure in SBF solution were obtained and
are shown in Fig. 6(a). Electrochemical parameters such as icorr
(current density), Ecorr (corrosion potential) and polarization
resistance (Rp) are summarized in Table 2. The Ecorr value of
uncoated Ti was found to be low i.e. 0.496 V, due to the presence
of low conducting TiO2 lm formed on the surface which is
replaced by the corrosion process. In the case of the PPy coating,
there is a positive shi of 0.100 V because the PPy chain carries
more charge and helps to make a stable potential for the
working electrode. Accordingly, the icorr value of the PPy coating
is decreased by one order of magnitude compared to that of the
uncoated Ti. The value of the PPy coating is 0.088 mA cm2,
which is lower than that of the uncoated substrate (0.14 mA
cm2). It may be due to the formation of the PPy coating, which
contains a greater number of conjugated double bonds, and
carries a high number of electrons, which helps in adsorption to
the working electrode. Hence, the coating is more stable. The Rp
value of the coated sample is found to be higher than that of the
uncoated Ti, which conrms the increase in corrosion resis-
tance. These results indicate that the coated sample possess
better corrosion resistance than the uncoated metal. The
polarization resistance of the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti was
determined using the Stern–Geary equation (eqn (1)):
ba  bc
icorr ¼ (1)
2:3Rp ðba þ bc Þ

where ba and bb are the anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes, icorr is
the corrosion current density and Rp is the polarization
Fig. 6 (a) The potentiodynamic polarization curves of uncoated Ti and The dissolution behavior or onset of corrosion for uncoated
PPy-coated Ti in SBF. (b) The anodic polarization curves of uncoated Ti
and PPy-coated Ti was explained on the basis of the anodic
and PPy-coated Ti in SBF.
polarization curve, which is shown in Fig. 6(b). Anodic polari-
zation basically provides information about the passivation and
dissolution behavior of the metal and metal/coating surface.
Table 2 Corrosion parameters of uncoated and PPy-coated Ti ob-
tained by the Tafel plot in SBF From the plot, it can be observed that the increased current
density for uncoated and PPy-coated Ti is around 1.2 V and 1.25
icorr (mA ba bc V, respectively. The reason behind this is that the degradation
Sample Ecorr (V) cm2) Rp (kohm cm2) (V dec1) (V dec1) started at these regions for both the uncoated and PPy-coated
Ti. Therefore, the corrosion resistance decreased for both
Uncoated Ti 0.496 0.14 283.252 4.603 6.264
PPy-coated Ti 0.397 0.088 535.998 2.708 6.309 substrates.

3.7 DEIS studies

metal surface that is hydrophilic in nature increases the In anodic polarization (Fig. 6(b)), we can see that the nature of
biocompatibility of the implant material in SBF.56 Fig. 5 shows the polarization curves of both the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti
the contact angle value of uncoated Ti, which was found to be 87 has exhibited a stable passive behavior without exhibiting an
 2 , which indicates the hydrophobic nature of the material, active passive behavior. The passive behavior is associated with
whereas the PPy-coated Ti exhibited a lower contact angle value the increased current because of the localized corrosion. From
of about of 57  2 . The decreased contact angle value of PPy- the plot, a sudden increase in the anodic current was evident for

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Fig. 7 DEIS Nyquist plots of uncoated Ti as a function of applied potential in SBF solution.

the onset of the corrosion or dissolution region at around 1.2 V

for uncoated and 1.25 V for PPy-coated Ti.
Fig. 7 shows the DEIS plots of uncoated Ti as a function
applied potential. At the OCP, incomplete semicircle impedance
behavior was observed followed by a distinctive impedance
response up to 1 V which aer that decreases with increasing
potential. The results show a high resistance nature at initial
potentials, indicating high corrosion resistance, and the metal
surface is fully covered with a stable oxide lm of Ti. The
decrease in the resistance value aer 1 V indicated the thinning Fig. 9 Equivalent circuit diagram for (a) uncoated Ti and (b) PPy-
of the oxide lm when the potential increased from a lower to coated Ti.
a higher extent.60 The lm dissolution, onset of corrosion at 1.2

Fig. 8 DEIS Nyquist plots of PPy-coated Ti as a function of applied potential in SBF solution.

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Table 3 EIS parameters for uncoated and PPy-coated Ti at the OCP and dissolution regions obtained by equivalent circuits

OCP Dissolution
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Material Uncoated Ti PPy-coated Ti Uncoated Ti PPy-coated Ti

Rs (U cm2) 1.9 1.6 2.6 3.1

Q1 (S sn cm2) 1.919  105 5.653  108 5.17  104 4.757  105
R1 (U cm2) 1.431  105 2.626  105 5.982  104 6.509  104
n 0.89 0.94 0.76 0.83
Q2 (S sn cm2) — 6.051  106 — 4.104  105
R2 (U cm2) — 109.3 — 52.31
n — 0.91 — 0.81

V, and the surface exposure in the electrolyte medium increase Fig. 8 shows the DEIS plots of the PPy coating in SBF. A
the corrosion rate. The appearance of this trend might be due to higher magnitude of impedance was observed at lower poten-
the adsorption of corrosive ions on the metal surface from the tials (0.55 to 0.3 V) for the PPy coating compared to that of the
electrolyte solution. Comparing with the anodic polarization uncoated Ti. This is due to the lower number of surface defects
results, the increase in current density is also evidence for the as well as surface homogeneity, which could be due to the
dissolution of the passive lm at 1.2 V. In order to characterize existence of the stable coating that protects the movement of
the passive lm formed on Ti, an equivalent circuit is used and corrosive ions from the electrolyte solution. The gradual
the tted results showed a single time constant for all the increase in the impedance values in the potential range region
potentials as shown in Fig. 9(a), where Rs is the electrolyte between 0.3 and 0.8 V is due to the conjugated double bonds
solution resistance, R1 is the charge transfer resistance of the and polar N–H group present in the pyrrole ring.63 Conse-
passive lm and Q1 is the double-layer capacitance of the quently, there is a strong bonding interface between the metal
passive lm that gives information about the polarity and and coating. The gradual decrease in the resistance value at
charge separation of the oxide layer/electrolyte interface. higher potentials, 0.85 to 1.25 V, was attributed to the increased
Generally in titanium oxide lms, distributed relaxation porosity of the coating. The coating is exposed in the electrolyte
phenomena are observed, and due to this reason here Q was medium and the low progressive degradation ability of the
replaced with a constant phase element (CPE) and this is coating results in a decrease in thickness, which might allow
written as ZCPE ¼ [Q(jw)n]1, where Q is the CPE constant, j is the more corrosive ions to easily go to the surface leading to the
imaginary number, u is the angular frequency and 1 < n < 1. breakdown of the lm. This is in good agreement with the trend
The n values are in the range of 0.5 to 1 and are associated with observed from the anode polarization with an increased current
a non-uniform current behaviour due to the surface porosity density at 1.25 V. All the spectra for the coated substrate show
and surface roughness.61,62 If n ¼ 1 the substrate behaves with a high magnitude of impedance compared to that of the
ideal capacitive behavior. If n is less than one, the substrate uncoated Ti because the charge conduction in PPy favours
behaves with non-ideal capacitive behavior and a constant delocalization of charge. Hence, the coating is more stable and
phase element exists. prevents the corrosion reaction, which needs a localization of

Fig. 10 Bode-phase angle plots for uncoated Ti and PPy-coated Ti metal at (a) the OCP and (b) the dissolution region in SBF solution.

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Fig. 11 EIS Bode impedance plot for uncoated Ti and PPy-coated Ti metal at (a) the OCP and (b) the dissolution region in SBF solution.

charge. At the OCP to dissolution region, the increased charge coated substrate is attributed to the coating defects that arise
transfer resistance (Rct) for the PPy-coated Ti compared to that from corrosion reactions by the inuence of a high positive
of the uncoated Ti indicated a low corrosion rate. The equiva- potential. The circuit used for the coated substrate at the
lent circuit used for the PPy-coated Ti is shown in Fig. 9(b) dissolution region included the elements R2, which represents
where Rs represents the electrolyte solution resistance between the pore resistance, and Q2, which is the pore capacitance, and
the working and reference electrodes, R1 is the charge transfer these are replaced by the coating resistance (R1) and coating
resistance of the coating, Q1 is the double-layer capacitance of capacitance (Q2), respectively.
the metal/coating interface and Q2 is the capacitance of the The EIS parameters of the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti were
coating/electrolyte interface. The existence of a higher charge obtained from the equivalent circuits and are given in Table 3.
transfer resistance value of the PPy-coated Ti also includes the From the table values, a higher charge transfer resistance (Rct)
lm resistance (R2) as shown by the equivalent circuit in of the PPy coating than that of the uncoated substrate at the
Fig. 9(b). The PPy coating acts as a physical barrier between the OCP and dissolution potential regions gives more protection by
metal and electrolyte. Distinctive impedance behavior was improving the corrosion resistance of Ti metal in SBF. This is
observed for PPy-coated Ti from the OCP to dissolution region attributed to the homogeneous, compact and relatively less
as a function of potential. The decreased corrosion resistance at porous surface for the PPy-coated Ti, as conrmed by SEM and
the dissolution region compared to the OCP region for the AFM analysis. Therefore, the coatings showed enhanced

Fig. 12 The change in current density for uncoated and PPy-coated Ti metal at (a) the OCP and (b) the dissolution region in SBF solution.

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the Bode impedance plots, the high frequency region explains

the local surface defects formed on the coating by corrosion,
the mid frequency region represents the reaction involved
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within the lm, and the low frequency region reveals the
behavior occurring because of corrosion in the metal/lm
interface. At the OCP, the low frequency spectrum of
uncoated Ti is quite low compared to that of the PPy-coated Ti,
which revealed that the low conducting TiO2 passive lm was
replaced due to the distribution of ions towards the substrate
from the electrolyte solution. The high impedance was
consistent with the insulating nature of the coating against
corrosion which provides a greater barrier property to the
metal, even when the potential increased from a lower to
a higher region, which impedes the access of anions in SBF for
Fig. 13 SEM images of corroded surfaces of (a) uncoated Ti, (b) PPy-
coated Ti at the OCP, (c) uncoated Ti, and (d) PPy-coated Ti at
further attack to the metal/coating interface. At dissolution
dissolution in SBF solution. regions, the decrease in the Bode impedance behavior for both
the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti is related to the degradation
ability by the inuence of potential resulting in the increased
corrosion resistance for all potentials. The double-layer capac- capacitance values for both the substrates. This may be due to
itance values of the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti are higher in the increased conductivity between the substrates and elec-
the dissolution region than in the OCP region. This is due to the trolyte medium.
adsorption of corrosive ions being more on the surface when A potentiostatic polarization test was carried out for
the potential is raised to a higher extent. The capacitance of the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti at the OCP and dissolution poten-
passive lm on the substrate and coating was increased in the tials as a function of time, and the results are shown in Fig. 12.
dissolution regions because of the higher conductivity between At the OCP, the current density values of the uncoated and PPy-
the substrate/electrolyte and coating/electrolyte interfaces. The coated Ti decreased rapidly in the beginning followed by
n values of the uncoated and PPy-coated Ti at the OCP and stabilization in the range of 7.13  105 (A cm2) for uncoated
dissolution regions are close to ideal capacitive behavior. The and 7.45  105 (A cm2) for PPy-coated Ti. There is no
higher n values of the PPy-coated Ti indicates more resistance of signicant difference in the current density values on
corrosive ion penetration and impedes the corrosion process comparing both substrates but the slightly decreased value for
even at high potential. PPy-coated Ti indicated increased corrosion resistance.
Fig. 10 shows the Bode-phase angle plots of the uncoated The SEM images (Fig. 13(a) and (b)) also prove that not
and PPy-coated Ti at the OCP and dissolution regions. At the much corrosion occurred on the surface of the uncoated and
OCP, the phase angle plots of the uncoated and PPy-coated PPy-coated Ti. Subsequently, a higher corrosion resistance of
substrates started at almost the same regions in the high the PPy coating was related to the low passive current density
frequency region followed by reaching around 80 in the mid during the test. At the dissolution region, the passive TiO2
frequency region. Aer that there is a decrease in the phase lm on metal degraded gradually because of lm breakdown
angle value for the uncoated substrate in the low frequency and a greater number of corrosive ions entering the surface
region. In general, the low frequency region of the phase angle by the inuence of high potential, resulting in the high
plots is used to determine the corrosion resistance of the current density value of about 1.07  104 (A cm2) for
material. The higher phase angle value of PPy-coated Ti in the uncoated Ti. The generation of a higher current density value
low frequency region revealed enhanced corrosion resistance. of uncoated Ti revealed an increased corrosion rate at higher
The higher phase angle shi for PPy-coated Ti compared to potential. These results demonstrated that the passive lm
that of uncoated Ti indicated the presence of a highly stable formed on metal is no longer resistant by the inuence of
and compact coating and less interaction of corrosive ions high potential stress. The SEM image of uncoated Ti
present in SBF. At the dissolution region, the phase angle (Fig. 13(c)) also supports the fact that more corrosion takes
values in the low frequency region dropped to 20 for both the place at higher potential and decreases the protective effi-
uncoated and PPy-coated Ti. These results showed evidence for ciency of the material. Interestingly, there is a slight increase
the decrease in impedance magnitude with increasing poten- in the current density value for PPy-coated Ti because of the
tial. The uncoated and PPy-coated substrates behaved as a non- low degradation followed by stabilization at 7.187  105 (A
ideal capacitive system and there exists a constant phase cm2). There is not much difference in the current density
element (CPE) for all the potentials because the n values value in comparison with the current density observed at the
observed from the CPE are less than one for all the applied OCP region. There is low reduction stability of the coating at
potentials. higher potential, and the low current is due to the presence of
Bode impedance plots for uncoated and PPy-coated Ti at the a stable polymer lm with less morphological change, which
OCP and dissolution regions are shown in Fig. 11(a) and (b). In can be seen in Fig. 13(d).

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