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Leaky Bucket Dashboard


Ishaan Gupta

Roll No. 102003278

Under the Guidance of

Rishi Rana (Manager -CP&A)

Dr Ravinder Kumar (Associate Professor)

Submitted to the

Computer Science & Engineering Department

Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala
June 2024

Leaky Bucket Dashboard

By Ishaan Gupta
Place of work: AB Inbev GCC India
Submitted to the Computer Science & Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering &
8th June, 2024
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer
Author: Ishaan Gupta

Certified By: Rishi Rana, Manager

Certified By: Dr Ravinder Kumar, Associate Professor


The "Leaky Bucket" project centers on the deployment of a Power BI dashboard to evaluate the effectiveness of
McCurrach, a third-party sales team, within the UK off-trade sector. Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) relies
heavily on McCurrach's expertise to optimize store visits, maintain stock-keeping units (SKUs), and drive sales
volume and value. Given the crucial role of these sales agents, it is imperative to assess the impact of their visits
on individual stores.

Our Power BI dashboard provides a comprehensive solution for this analysis. It tracks and visualizes key
performance metrics related to revenue generation and SKU distribution across various regions. By leveraging
data from McCurrach's store visits, the dashboard enables AB InBev to identify patterns and trends, thereby
informing strategic decisions to enhance product availability and market penetration.

The dashboard offers detailed insights into sales performance, highlighting areas of growth and opportunities for
improvement. It visualizes SKU distribution metrics, ensuring optimal stock levels and preventing out-of-stock
situations. Additionally, it evaluates the correlation between sales agent visits and store performance, helping to
quantify the added value provided by McCurrach.

In summary, the "Leaky Bucket" dashboard is an essential tool for AB InBev to maximize the effectiveness of
McCurrach's sales efforts, ensuring sustained revenue growth and improved SKU management in the UK off-
trade market.



I am deeply grateful to Anheuser-Busch InBev GCC India for providing me with this invaluable
internship opportunity. I extend my heartfelt thanks to my manager, Rishi Rana, for his exceptional
guidance and support throughout my tenure. His leadership and insights have been instrumental in
shaping my professional growth.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my mentors, Shardul Patil and Simarpreet Singh,
for their unwavering support and mentorship. Their expertise and encouragement have greatly
enhanced my learning experience and development.

Additionally, I am immensely thankful to my college mentor, Dr. Ravinder Kumar, for his steadfast
academic support and encouragement. His guidance has been a cornerstone of my academic journey
and professional endeavors.

Thank you all for your invaluable contributions to my internship experience.




1. AB Inbev GCC India 1

1.1 Services for Business 1
1.2 Technology and Digital Transformation 1
1.3 Operational Excellence and Innovation 1
1.4 Compliance and Risk 2
2. Introduction 2
3. Background 3
4. Objectives 4
5. Methodology 4
5.1 Data Collection 5
5.2 Quality Check 5
5.3 Data Analysis 5
5.4 Power BI Dashboard Development 5
5.5 Report Submission 5
6. Observations and Findings 6
7. Limitations 6
8. Conclusions and Future Work 7
9. Bibliography/References 8
10. Peer Review form 9


Figure Number Caption Page Number

Figure 1 Company Logo 2

Figure 2 Methodology 6

The Global Capability Center (GCC) of Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev), the largest brewer in the
world, is in India and is essential to the company's global operations. The GCC was created to take use
of India's enormous talent pool and offers a range of services and programs to support AB InBev's
global business operations. An outline of AB InBev GCC India's activities is provided here:

1.1. Services for Business Support

1. Finance and Accounting: The GCC is in charge of several crucial financial functions, such
as compliance, financial reporting, forecasting, and budgeting. It guarantees that financial
procedures in various locations follow both local and international laws.
2. Procurement: The center oversees procurement operations, including negotiating with
suppliers and assuring cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the supply chain. This includes
handling the procurement of raw materials, packaging, and other necessities for brewing and
3. Human Resources: Training and development initiatives, payroll processing, talent
recruiting, and staff onboarding are all supported by AB InBev GCC India. It guarantees that
HR processes comply with the company's worldwide standards.

1.2. Technology and Digital Transformation.

1. IT Support and Development: The GCC provides IT services such as software development,
IT support, and infrastructure maintenance. This supports a variety of business functions and
improves operational efficiency.

2. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence: Using advanced analytics and data science, the
GCC offers insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and operational performance.
These insights serve to inform strategic decisions and improve business performance.

3. Digital Transformation: The center is an important part of AB InBev's digital transformation

efforts. This includes creating digital tools and platforms to help optimize operations, improve
customer experiences, and reinvent corporate processes.

1.3. Operational Excellence and Innovation

1. Process Optimization: The GCC prioritizes continual improvement and process optimization
to increase efficiency and lower costs. It uses approaches such as Lean and Six Sigma to achieve
operational excellence.

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2. Innovation and R&D Support: It assists research and development projects by offering data
analysis, market research, and other resources required for innovation in brewing methods,
product development, and sustainability efforts.

1.4. Compliance and Risk Management.

1. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that AB InBev's activities adhere to global and local rules
is a critical duty. The GCC monitors regulatory developments and assists businesses in making
appropriate adjustments to their processes.

2. Risk Management: The center identifies and manages risks linked with various business
functions to ensure the company's resilience and sustainability.

In essence, AB InBev GCC India is a center of excellence that strengthens the company's worldwide
operations through strategic support, innovation, and efficiency. It helps to drive the company's growth
and maintain its position as a global leader in the brewing sector.

Fig 1: Company Logo


This project aims to assess the impact of McCurrach's visits as well as conduct an in-depth analysis of
net revenue earned and distribution among various divisions and regions for significant brands within
Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI). The goal is to give a complete review of McCurrach's field sales
activities and their impact on ABI's market performance in the competitive landscapes of the United
Kingdom and Ireland.

The major goal of this project is to determine the impact of McCurrach's field sales visits on net revenue
and distribution KPIs for ABI's key brands. By investigating this impact, we hope to learn more about

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how these visits affect sales outcomes and product visibility in a variety of retail locations. McCurrach
is critical to sustaining and expanding ABI's brand presence in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Their
personnel visit a wide range of locations to ensure consistent distribution and availability of ABI's
brands and SKUs. These inspections are more than just normal checks; they include proactive efforts
to avert possible losses, such as preserving SKUs that are at risk of collapsing and guaranteeing a strong
presence in every department.

McCurrach's field sales agents are critical to staying ahead of the competition. They ensure that ABI's
products are well-distributed and clearly exhibited, which increases sales and maintains market share.
This research aims to validate the effectiveness of these initiatives using thorough data analysis and
performance indicators.

The initiative has three major objectives:

1. Claim Verification: This includes confirming McCurrach's sales-driven claims about their field
activity. The purpose is to confirm the assertions that their efforts resulted in increased sales and
distribution. This verification method is crucial to ensuring that McCurrach's reported impacts are
correct and that their operations are actually achieving the desired results.

2. Net Revenue Analysis: Using advanced tools such as MACO and CORES, we want to acquire a
better understanding of the net revenue earned by McCurrach's field visits. This study will allow us to
better understand the financial impact of these visits on ABI's overall revenue. Examining revenue data
allows us to discover trends, assess the efficacy of various techniques, and make educated decisions
about future field activities.

3. Distribution Monitoring: This objective entails evaluating the performance of SKUs across regions
and categories. It entails calculating the sales volumes attributable to ABI's biggest brands and
examining how distribution initiatives influence these figures. Monitoring SKU performance allows us
to discover opportunities for enhanced distribution and guarantee that ABI's products are available
where they are most required.

This project is extremely relevant and makes major contributions. It offers a systematic method for
determining and validating the impact of field sales operations on revenue and distribution. The findings
of this analysis will help to influence strategic decisions, optimize field operations, and ultimately
improve market performance. By properly reviewing McCurrach's contributions, ABI can ensure that
their collaboration continues to provide considerable value and retains a competitive advantage in the

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To maintain and improve its market position in the competitive markets of the United Kingdom and
Ireland, Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI) relies on the experience of McCurrach, a specialised field sales
agency. ABI does not have an in-house sales team in these locations, so McCurrach's field agents play
an important role in reaching consumers and increasing sales. McCurrach's personnel are strategically
distributed across multiple store types to keep ABI ahead of the competition.

McCurrach's field representatives meticulously visit retailers using curated lists to ensure consistent
distribution of ABI's brands and SKUs. These inspections are critical not only for maintaining shelf
presence, but also for taking proactive steps to avoid future losses. For example, they prioritize
preserving SKUs that are at risk of collapsing and guaranteeing a strong presence in every area, which
is critical for maintaining sales volumes and brand awareness.

A critical component of this relationship is the need to maintain a strong connection with the Point of
Contact (POC) at each shop. These relationships are crucial for understanding store dynamics, learning
about client preferences, and responding quickly to any difficulties. McCurrach's ability to cultivate and
sustain these partnerships ensures that ABI's goods are well-positioned to satisfy consumer demand,
and that any possible interruptions are quickly addressed.

By employing McCurrach's local expertise and committed field teams, ABI can ensure that its brands
are successfully represented and distributed, resulting in increased net revenue and a competitive
advantage in the dynamic UK and Irish markets. This initiative seeks to test and quantify McCurrach's
efforts, offering insights that will help optimize field operations and improve overall market


The project's two key goals are to improve understanding of Anheuser-Busch InBev's (ABI) market

1. We'll use MACO and CORES to determine net revenue for ABI's 7 key brands. MACO (Marketing
Adjusted Contribution Operating) and CORES (Cost of Revenue and Expenses System) are financial
measures that provide precise information about brands' profitability and cost efficiency. Using these
metrics, we can precisely compute the net revenue generated by each large brand. This research will
assist in analysing these brands' financial performance, determining revenue trends, and assessing the
effectiveness of current sales and marketing tactics. Accurate revenue estimation is critical for making
sound financial and strategic decisions that drive growth and profit.

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2. We will compute the distribution percentage of the 14 important SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) across
various categories and areas. This entails determining how extensively and consistently certain SKUs
are available across various store types and geographic areas. By assessing distribution coverage, we
may discover gaps and possibilities to improve product availability, ensuring that ABI's products reach
the greatest number of clients and increasing total market penetration. This goal is critical for strategic
planning and optimizing distribution channels to increase sales and brand awareness.


To meet the project objectives, a systematic methodology was used, which included data gathering,
quality checks, analysis, and visualization using a Power BI dashboard. This strategy resulted in detailed
insights and actionable consequences.

5.1. Data collection:

The project began with the gathering of extensive sales and distribution data from a variety of
sources, such as store visit logs, sales reports, and distribution records. Data for the major brands
and the significant SKUs were pulled from ABI's internal systems.

5.2. Quality Check:

To ensure the reliability and accuracy of the analysis, rigorous quality checks were implemented.
The collected data underwent thorough validation to identify and correct any discrepancies, missing
values, or outliers. Consistency checks were performed to ensure that the data adhered to predefined
standards and formats. These quality checks were crucial for maintaining the integrity of the
analysis and ensuring that the insights derived were based on accurate and reliable data.

5.3. Data analysis:

We estimated net revenue for each of ABI's biggest brands using MACO (Marketing Adjusted
Contribution Operating) and CORES (Cost Of Revenue and Expenses System). This study enabled
us to pinpoint sales trends, evaluate each brand's financial performance, and find opportunities for

For the distribution analysis, we estimated the percentage distribution of the major SKUs across
various sectors and regions. This entailed assessing the prevalence of these SKUs in various store
types and geographic areas. The distribution data was evaluated to establish coverage and identify
any gaps, ensuring that ABI's products were widely available to consumers.

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5.4. Power BI Dashboard Development:

A Power BI dashboard was created to help visualize the facts and make better decisions. The
dashboard featured interactive visualizations and reports that gave users a clear and comprehensive
perspective of the data. Key parameters such as net revenue, distribution percentages, and SKU
performance were presented in an understandable manner. The dashboard enabled stakeholders to
interactively examine the data, delve down into individual details, and receive global and micro-
level insights.

5.5. Report Submission:

The next stage was to compile the ideas and conclusions into a detailed report. The report provided
in-depth analysis, Power BI dashboard visualizations, and actionable suggestions. It emphasized
the net sales trends for the major brands, the distribution performance of the core SKUs, and
suggested significant opportunities for growth. The report was delivered to the stakeholders, giving
them with the information they needed to make informed decisions and maximize their sales and
distribution plans.

Fig 2: Methodology

In summary, this methodology, together with rigorous data collection, thorough quality checks, deep
analysis utilizing financial indicators, and the creation of an interactive Power BI dashboard, allowed
us to effectively meet the project objectives. The strategy not only provided clear insights into financial
and distribution performance, but it also allowed for data-driven decision-making to improve ABI's
market presence and profitability.

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The analysis revealed several key insights regarding the distribution, sales performance, and revenue
trends for Anheuser-Busch InBev’s (ABI) major brands:

1. Distribution and Churn Insights:

ABI’s products consistently maintain a decent distribution percentage across various store types and
regions with a low churn rate.

2. Growing Influence in Stores:

McCurrach’s field sales teams have significantly increased ABI’s influence in stores. Their proactive
efforts in maintaining SKU presence and strategic product placements have enhanced brand visibility
and customer loyalty.

3. Activities Leading to Higher Sales:

Specific activities by McCurrach’s representatives, have directly led to increased sales. These targeted
actions ensure prominent product placement and attract more customers.

4. Account and Region-Based Revenue:

Certain accounts and regions consistently generate higher revenue, while others show potential for
growth, highlighting opportunities for targeted marketing efforts.

These observations underscore the importance of effective distribution, strategic field activities, and
tailored regional approaches in driving sales and revenue growth for ABI.

Despite the useful insights received from this project, there are certain limits to consider:

1. Focus on Convenience Channel Stores:

The project's primary focus is on convenience channel stores, which limits the findings' applicability
to other retail contexts such as supermarkets, hypermarkets, and internet stores. Because of this
narrow emphasis, the resulting insights and strategies may not be fully transferable to these other

2. Limited Insights on Specific Activities:

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While the analysis indicated certain behaviours associated with better sales, it did not provide granular
information about which individual actions resulted in the greatest sales increases. The data did not
allow for a detailed examination of particular promotional efforts or specific in-store interventions,
leaving a vacuum in our understanding of the most effective sales-driving strategies.

These constraints underscore the need for additional research and data collecting across various retail
channels, as well as more precise tracking of specific in-store activities, in order to gain a more
comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing sales and distribution performance.


In this assignment, I successfully created a comprehensive Power BI dashboard to assess the influence
of McCurrach shop visits on ABI's net sales and product distribution. The procedure included
painstaking data collecting, rigorous quality checks, and detailed analysis of MACO and CORES
financial parameters. Building the dashboard dramatically improved my Power BI skills, allowing me
to construct interactive visualizations and draw relevant conclusions. This assignment taught me to be
proactive in issue solving and data analysis, ensuring that the outcomes matched the project objectives.
The dashboard's insights gave significant information on distribution patterns and revenue trends, which
guided strategic decisions to maximize sales and distribution activities.

This study is fully based on internal data from AB InBev and innovative analysis created expressly for
this project. All data, methodology, and findings are based on the company's own records and the
unique analytical models developed during the course of this investigation. As a result, this text
contains no references or bibliographies from external sources.

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Name of the student: Ishaan Gupta Roll no. of the 102003278

Title of the project: Leaky bucket

Name of the company: AB InBev

Excellent ✓
Project report Good Average

Excellent ✓
Project poster Good Average

Excellent ✓
Project video Good Average

Rate the work done 0 – 10 points (Provide rating here) → 10 Points

Give marks to the student on the basis of the 0 -5 marks (Provide marks here) → 5 Marks
overall performance

The "Leaky Bucket" project uses a Power BI dashboard to evaluate the efficacy of Anheuser-Busch InBev's
(AB InBev) third-party sales team McCurrach in the UK off-trade market. The dashboard displays critical
performance indicators, including revenue generation and SKU distribution across regions. By studying
McCurrach's store visit data, it may identify trends and make strategic decisions to improve product
availability and market penetration. The technology identifies growth areas, optimizes stock levels, and
quantifies the value of sales agent visits, resulting in consistent revenue growth and better SKU management.

1. The Power BI dashboard provides real-time data on revenue and SKU distribution, enabling swift
identification of trends and immediate strategic adjustments.
2. The technology helps optimize stock levels and identify growth areas, ensuring efficient inventory
management and better market penetration.
3. By quantifying the value of sales agent visits, the dashboard allows for precise evaluation of sales
efforts, leading to more effective resource allocation and consistent revenue growth.

1. Include market trends, competitor activities, and customer feedback in the dashboard for a more
comprehensive market analysis.
2. Implement predictive analytics to forecast market trends and consumer behavior, enabling proactive
decision-making and optimization.

Name of the evaluator Hiya Dey Sarkar Roll no. of the 102003214
student: evaluator student:

Signature of the
Evaluator student:

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