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Sarvagy Jain
Roll No.102003553
Under the Guidance of

Industrial Mentor - Mr. Anil Sharma

Product Lead, Rise11 Technologies, Gurugram

Faculty Mentor - Dr Rohan Sharma

Assistant Professor CSED, TIET, Patiala

Submitted to the

Computer Science & Engineering Department

Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering


Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala

June 2024
At Rise11 Technologies presents Zetaleap, an innovative learning platform dedicated to
empowering users with the latest skills in AI and emerging technologies. This project
involves developing comprehensive educational content for Python, Data Analysis, and
OpenAI & Prompt Engineering courses. Our goal is to foster practice-based learning,
enabling users to gain hands-on experience and readiness for the industry.

I've always desired to work in a startup setting, and this project has been incredibly
educational. My main task was developing a robust backend system using Flask, facilitating
user solution submission, execution, and evaluation within Jupyter notebooks. Leveraging
Python scripts and predefined solutions stored in JSON files, the system automates the
testing process, providing accurate and instantaneous feedback to users.

Furthermore, I played a significant role in designing and implementing practice problems

and projects, complete with solutions and detailed test cases. These efforts have created an
engaging learning environment, promoting practical application and skill mastery.

This project has enriched me with experience in backend development, educational content
creation, and automated testing systems integration. It's been a rewarding journey
contributing to a platform aspiring to revolutionize AI education under the banner of Rise11

Sarvagy Jain

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Certificate from Faculty Mentor
6/5/24, 10:25 AM Mail - E-signature for project semester report


E-signature for project semester report

2 messages

Sarvagy Jain <> Fri, May 31, 2024 at 12:40 PM


Dear Rohan Sir,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request your e-signature on my attached report. Your approval is essential
for my submission.Consider Page No.3 for signature.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Best regards

Sarvagy Jain


3 5 2 - ( &7B6 ( 0 ( 6 7( 5 B5 ( 3 2 5 7B GRF[

5 2 +$ 1 6+$ 5 0 $ URKDQVKDUP D# W

Dear Sarvagy,

I am approving your report.

Dr. Rohan Sharma
Assistant Professor TIET

Dr. Rohan Sharma

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Rohan Sharma

Assistant Professor

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Certificate from Industry Mentor
5/31/24, 2:25 AM Mail - Internship Confirmation and Provisional Certificate for Sarvagy Jain


Cc: Dear


Greetings of the day!

I am writing to confirm that Sarvagy Jain from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala has been accepted
as an intern at Rise11 Technologies and is currently undergoing an Internship with us.

Please find below the details of Sarvagy's internship:

• Name: Sarvagy Jain
• Role: Data Science and Software Engineering Intern
• Training Start Date: 01-Feb-2024
• Training End Date: 31-Jul-2024

This letter serves as a provisional certificate to confirm Sarvagy's status as an intern at Rise11 Technologies. The internship
commenced on 1st February 2024 and is scheduled to conclude on 31st July 2024.

We are pleased with Sarvagy Jain's progress and contributions thus far and anticipate a successful completion of the
training period. If any further information is required, feel free to contact me directly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
Saurabh Kaushik
Tech & Ops Manager Rise11

Mr. Anil Sharma

Industry Mentor

Mr. Anil Sharma

Product Lead
Rise11 Technologies,

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1. Company Profile

1.1 Glimpse of the company:

Rise11 Technologies A dynamic and forward-thinking startup specializing in

producing cutting-edge digital projects.

At Rise11 Technologies, we understand the power and potential of digital

technology in transforming businesses and revolutionizing industries.

Rise11 is a groundbreaking startup revolutionizing the well-being industry through

cutting-edge digital solutions. At Rise11, we believe that everyone deserves to lead a
happy and healthy life, and we harness the power of technology to make that vision
a reality.

Our team of talented engineers, designers, and wellness experts works tirelessly to
create innovative and user-friendly digital tools that promote well-being in all
aspects of life.

Whether it's physical fitness, mental health, nutrition, or mindfulness, Rise11 offers
a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored to meet individual needs and empower
users to take control of their well-being journey.

At Rise11, we understand that well-being extends beyond individual users.

We design our digital solutions to be user-friendly for individuals of all ages,

backgrounds, and abilities. Our platforms are available in multiple languages, and
we continually seek feedback from our diverse user base to ensure that our offerings
cater to their specific needs.

As a startup, we believe in continuous innovation and staying at the forefront of

technological advancements. We invest in ongoing research and development to
introduce new features, integrations, and partnerships that further enhance our digital
well-being solutions.

At Rise11, we envision a world where well-being is prioritized, and individuals are

empowered to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

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Our Values:

● Innovation: We thrive on pushing boundaries and exploring the latest

advancements in technology to deliver solutions that are at the forefront of
digital innovation.

● Expertise: Our team consists of skilled professionals with diverse backgrounds

in software development, design, and project management. We bring a wealth
of experience and knowledge to every project we undertake.

● Tailored Solutions: We understand that each business is unique, so we take a

customized approach to develop digital projects that align with your specific
goals, industry, and target market.

● Reliability: We pride ourselves on delivering projects on time and within

budget, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for our clients.

● Ongoing Support: Our commitment doesn't end with project completion. We

provide comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure the long-
term success of your digital initiatives.

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1.2 Product

One of our flagship products, Zetaleap, is a versatile mobile and web application
that serves as a personal practice-based learning platform. Designed for college
students and professionals seeking to upskill according to industry needs,
Zetaleap offers a wide range of projects and courses on new-age technologies.

Zetaleap provides a comprehensive array of learning materials, including short

courses, bundled courses, interview preparation materials, and industry-specific
projects. Whether you're looking to enter the industry or sustain your career, our
courses are designed to keep you future-ready in this competitive landscape.

Recognizing the importance of practice-based learning in today's fast-paced

world, Zetaleap features a built-in editor that allows users to apply what they've
learned. This hands-on approach helps individuals better understand concepts
through practical application. Additionally, if users encounter difficulties, they
can access specially designed video tutorials to guide them through challenges.

With Zetaleap, users are equipped with the tools and resources needed to succeed,
combining theoretical knowledge with practical experience to enhance their skills
and career prospects.

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2. Introduction

2.1 Overview

Zetaleap is an innovative learning platform dedicated to educating users on

emerging technologies in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our platform emphasizes
practice-based learning, enabling users to grasp complex concepts through hands-on
experience and real-world problem-solving. This approach not only enhances
understanding but also ensures users are well-equipped with industry-relevant skills

2.2 Main contributions

As the primary architect behind Zetaleap's backend infrastructure, I spearheaded the

development of a robust Flask system. This pivotal system orchestrates the seamless
testing and evaluation of user submissions, leveraging Jupyter notebooks for
execution and Python scripts for validation against predefined project solutions
stored in JSON format. Moreover, I wielded my expertise to meticulously craft
detailed syllabi, curate practice problems, and delineate project tasks across all
courses. These multifaceted responsibilities were undertaken with a singular
objective: to furnish Zetaleap users with an immersive learning journey, equipped
with the requisite skills to navigate the dynamic terrain of AI and technology.

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3. Background

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, proficiency in AI and related fields is

increasingly critical. The demand for skills such as data analysis, machine learning, and
artificial intelligence is on the rise, driven by the widespread adoption of these technologies
across various industries. According to the World Economic Forum, these skills are among
the top competencies required in the future job market . Traditional learning methods often
fall short in preparing individuals for the dynamic challenges of the tech industry,
necessitating more flexible and accessible educational solutions.

Online learning platforms, like Zetaleap, offer the flexibility that modern learners need. A
study by Inside Higher Ed found that 85% of students believe online learning is as good as or
better than face-to-face instruction. This flexibility is crucial for learners balancing multiple
commitments and seeking to upskill at their own pace.

Moreover, practice-based learning, which Zetaleap emphasizes, significantly enhances

understanding and retention of complex concepts. Research published in the Journal of
Computing Sciences in Colleges demonstrates that hands-on learning leads to better
outcomes compared to traditional theoretical approaches. By providing real-world problems
and interactive learning experiences, Zetaleap ensures that learners not only understand
theoretical concepts but can also apply them practically.

Personalized learning experiences are another cornerstone of effective education.

Personalized learning paths cater to individual learning styles and paces, leading to improved
engagement and outcomes. A report by McKinsey & Company highlights the effectiveness of
personalized learning in driving student achievement . Zetaleap's platform leverages
personalized learning to tailor educational content to the needs of each user, enhancing the
overall learning experience.

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The global reach of online education cannot be overstated. Platforms like Zetaleap enable
learners from diverse backgrounds and locations to access high-quality education. HolonIQ
estimates that the global online education market will reach $585 billion by 2025 . By tapping
into this growing market, Zetaleap aims to make cutting-edge AI education accessible to a
global audience.

Choosing to work on the Zetaleap project is driven by the desire to address the growing
demand for AI and tech skills, making a meaningful impact by bridging skill gaps. This
project aligns with my commitment to lifelong learning and continuous skill development by
creating a flexible and accessible educational solution. Additionally, the emphasis on
practice-based and personalized learning offers the opportunity to engage with and contribute
to innovative educational methodologies. The potential to reach and educate a global
audience further motivates my dedication to Zetaleap, as it promises to extend high-quality
AI education to learners worldwide.

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4. Objectives

4.1 Develop a Comprehensive Curriculum

● Create detailed syllabi for Python, Data Analysis, and OpenAI & Prompt
Engineering courses, covering foundational and advanced topics.

● Ensure alignment with industry standards and emerging trends in AI and technology

4.2 Implement Practice-Based Learning

● Design and curate a series of practice problems and projects for each course,

fostering hands-on experience and practical skill development.

● Provide solutions and test cases to validate user submissions, ensuring mastery of

concepts through application

4.3 Build an Effective Backend System

● Develop a Flask backend system to automate the testing and evaluation of user

solutions, providing instant feedback and fostering continuous improvement.

● Integrate with Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts to execute and validate


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5. Methodology

5.1 Develop a Comprehensive Curriculum

Step 1: Research and Analysis

In this initial phase, we embark on a journey of thorough research and analysis to

inform the development of our comprehensive curriculum. Our objective is to gain
deep insights into industry standards, current trends, and skill requirements across
key domains such as AI, Python, Data Analysis, and OpenAI & Prompt Engineering.
To achieve this, we undertake the following activities:

● Conduct Thorough Research: We delve into the latest literature, reports, and
resources related to AI and its associated technologies. This involves studying
industry publications, academic journals, and online resources to stay abreast
of the latest developments and advancements in the field.

● Explore Industry Standards: We analyse established industry standards and

frameworks relevant to AI, Python programming, data analysis, and emerging
technologies such as OpenAI & Prompt Engineering. By understanding the
benchmarks set by industry leaders, we ensure that our curriculum aligns with
industry expectations and prepares learners for real-world challenges.

● Identify Current Trends: We closely monitor emerging trends and innovations

in AI and related fields, including developments in machine learning, natural
language processing, computer vision, and more. By identifying current trends,
we can tailor our curriculum to incorporate the latest technologies and
methodologies, ensuring that learners receive up-to-date and relevant

● Assess Skill Requirements: We assess the specific skills and competencies

demanded by employers and organizations in the AI and technology sectors.
This involves analysing job postings, skill requirements, and industry demand
to identify the core skills and knowledge areas that learners need to succeed in
the field.

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Step 2: Syllabus Design

Armed with insights from our research and analysis, we proceed to the design phase,
where we craft detailed course outlines and syllabi tailored to the needs of our
learners. Our goal is to create structured and comprehensive learning pathways that
cover both foundational concepts and advanced topics. Key activities in this phase

● Create Detailed Course Outlines: We develop comprehensive course outlines

that delineate the scope, objectives, and content for each course in our
curriculum. These outlines provide a roadmap for learners, outlining the topics
covered, learning objectives, and expected outcomes.

● Incorporate Foundational and Advanced Topics: We ensure that our syllabi

encompass both foundational principles and advanced concepts, catering to
learners at different levels of proficiency. This involves structuring courses to
cover fundamental concepts in AI, Python programming, and data analysis,
while also delving into more specialized topics and advanced techniques.

● Define Learning Objectives: We articulate clear and measurable learning

objectives for each course, outlining the specific skills, knowledge, and
competencies that learners will gain upon completion. These objectives serve
as benchmarks for learner progress and provide a framework for course
assessment and evaluation.

● Progressively Build Knowledge and Skills: We structure our syllabi to

progressively build upon foundational knowledge and skills, enabling learners
to develop a deep understanding of complex concepts over time. This
scaffolded approach ensures that learners can effectively build upon their
existing knowledge and skills, fostering continuous growth and development.

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5.2 Implement Practice-Based Learning

Step 1: Problem and Project Design

In this pivotal phase, we focus on the design and development of practice problems
and projects that serve as the cornerstone of our practice-based learning approach. Our
objective is to create a diverse range of engaging and challenging problems that align
with the learning objectives of each course. Key activities in this phase include:

● Develop a Range of Practice Problems: We curate a comprehensive collection of

practice problems spanning various topics and concepts covered in our courses. These
problems are carefully crafted to reinforce key learning objectives and provide
learners with opportunities for hands-on exploration and experimentation.

● Ensure Variability in Complexity: We recognize that learners come from diverse

backgrounds and possess varying levels of proficiency. Therefore, we ensure that our
practice problems vary in complexity, ranging from basic exercises designed for
beginners to advanced challenges that push the boundaries of learners' knowledge and
skills. This variability in complexity fosters a progressive learning experience,
allowing learners to incrementally build their expertise.

Step 2: Solution Development

Once the practice problems are designed, we shift our focus to the development of
detailed solutions that serve as exemplars of best practices and effective problem-
solving techniques. Our goal is to provide learners with clear and insightful solutions
that demonstrate the optimal approach to solving each problem. Key activities in this
phase include:

● Create Detailed Solutions: We meticulously develop solutions for each practice

problem and project, ensuring they are well-structured, comprehensible, and aligned
with industry best practices. These solutions serve as valuable learning resources,
guiding learners through the problem-solving process and elucidating key concepts
and techniques.

● Store Solutions in JSON Files: To facilitate easy access and integration with the

backend system, we store our solutions in JSON files. This standardized format

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enables seamless retrieval and utilization of solutions within the platform, ensuring
that learners have access to high-quality resources to support their learning journey.

Step 3: Testing and Validation

In the final phase of implementation, we focus on testing and validating user

submissions against predefined solutions to ensure accuracy and completeness. Our
aim is to provide learners with timely and constructive feedback on their performance,
guiding them towards mastery of the material. Key activities in this phase include:

● Write Python Scripts for Testing: We develop Python scripts that automate the testing

process, allowing us to evaluate user submissions efficiently and accurately. These

scripts compare user solutions against predefined solutions stored in JSON files,
enabling us to identify errors, discrepancies, and areas for improvement.

● Develop Comprehensive Test Cases: To validate the accuracy and completeness of

user solutions, we create a comprehensive set of test cases that cover a wide range of
scenarios and edge cases. These test cases serve as benchmarks for evaluating user
submissions, ensuring that learners receive thorough and rigorous feedback on their

5.3 Build an Effective Backend System

Step 1: System Design

In this critical phase, we lay the foundation for the development of a robust backend
system that will facilitate the submission, execution, and evaluation of user
solutions. Our goal is to design an architecture that prioritizes scalability, reliability,
and seamless integration with Jupyter notebooks. Key activities in this phase

● Design Flask Backend Architecture: We conceptualize and design the architecture of

the Flask backend system, considering factors such as scalability, modularity, and
extensibility. By defining clear architectural principles and components, we ensure
that the backend system can accommodate future growth and evolving requirements.

● Define Functionalities: We delineate the functionalities required for user submission

handling, execution, and feedback within the backend system. This involves

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identifying key features such as user authentication, solution execution, result
retrieval, and feedback generation, ensuring that the system meets the needs of
learners and instructors.

Step 2: Backend Development

With the system design in place, we proceed to the development phase, where we implement
the Flask backend system and integrate it with Jupyter notebooks to create a seamless testing
environment for user code. Key activities in this phase include:

● Implement the Flask backend system to manage the submission and execution of user


● Integrate Jupyter notebooks to facilitate the testing environment and execution of user code.

● Implement Flask Backend: We develop and deploy the Flask backend system, leveraging best

practices in backend development to ensure reliability, security, and performance. This

involves writing code to handle user submissions, execute code within Jupyter notebooks, and
manage feedback generation and delivery.

● Integrate Jupyter Notebooks: We seamlessly integrate Jupyter notebooks into the backend

system, enabling users to write and execute code directly within the platform. This integration
facilitates a familiar and intuitive coding environment for users, enhancing the overall
learning experience.

Step 3: Automation and Feedback Mechanism

In this phase, we focus on developing automation scripts and implementing a feedback

mechanism to streamline the evaluation process and provide users with instant feedback on
their submissions. Key activities in this phase include:

● Develop Automation Scripts: We create automation scripts to evaluate user submissions

against predefined solutions stored in JSON files. These scripts automate the testing process,
enabling rapid and accurate assessment of user solutions.

● Implement Feedback Mechanism: We design and implement a feedback mechanism within

the backend system to provide users with instant results and detailed insights into their
performance. This mechanism ensures that users receive timely feedback on their
submissions, allowing them to track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

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● Utilize Python scripts to check user solutions against the solutions stored in JSON files from

the backend.

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Step 4: Testing and Optimization

In the final phase of backend development, we conduct extensive testing to ensure the
reliability, accuracy, and performance of the system. We also optimize the system for
scalability, addressing any potential issues or bottlenecks to ensure smooth operation under
varying load conditions. Key activities in this phase include:

● Conduct Extensive Testing: We rigorously test the backend system to identify and address

any bugs, errors, or inconsistencies. This involves performing unit tests, integration tests, and
end-to-end tests to validate the functionality and reliability of the system.

● Optimize for Performance: We optimize the backend system for performance and scalability,

optimizing code, fine-tuning configurations, and implementing caching strategies to improve

response times and resource utilization. This ensures that the system can handle increasing
user loads and maintain responsiveness under heavy usage.

By following this structured methodology, we ensure the systematic achievement of

objectives set for the Zetaleap project, resulting in the development of a high-quality
educational platform that empowers users to master AI and emerging technologies.

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6. Conclusions and Future Work

6.1 Conclusions:

The completion of the Zetaleap project has furnished us with invaluable insights and
experiences that have significantly enriched our understanding of educational
platform development and AI education. Through our endeavors, we have arrived at
several key conclusions:

1. Practice-Based Learning Paradigm: The implementation of practice problems

and projects within the Zetaleap platform has elucidated the pivotal role of hands-
on, practice-based learning methodologies. We have witnessed how engagement
with real-world scenarios and problem-solving tasks fosters not only the
acquisition of skills but also the mastery of key concepts. This approach has
proven to be highly effective in reinforcing learning objectives and enhancing
user proficiency in AI and related fields.
2. Backend System Design Significance: The design and execution of the backend
system have underscored the critical importance of scalability, reliability, and
automation in educational platforms. A well-architected backend infrastructure,
complemented by automation scripts and robust feedback mechanisms, forms the
backbone of a seamless and efficient user experience. Our experiences highlight
the necessity of investing in a solid backend foundation to ensure the platform's
functionality and performance meet user expectations.
3. Emphasis on Continuous Improvement: The iterative nature of the project has
emphasized the significance of continuous improvement and refinement.
Feedback obtained from user interactions and testing outcomes has served as
invaluable input for ongoing iterations and enhancements to the platform. This
iterative approach has been instrumental in refining the platform's features,
addressing user needs, and ultimately delivering a more polished and effective
end product.

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6.2 Future Work:

Looking ahead, there exist numerous opportunities for further enhancing the
Zetaleap platform and extending its impact in the realm of AI education. Future
endeavors may encompass:

1. Enhanced Content Development: Continuously augmenting and diversifying

the repertoire of practice problems, projects, and course materials to reflect the
latest advancements and trends in AI and emerging technologies. This entails
incorporating new topics, methodologies, and applications to provide learners
with cutting-edge educational experiences that remain relevant in a rapidly
evolving field.
2. Advanced Assessment Techniques: Exploring advanced assessment
methodologies, such as automated code analysis, machine learning-based
grading, and personalized feedback generation, to enhance the evaluation process
and deliver more tailored insights to users. Leveraging advanced assessment
techniques can provide deeper insights into learner performance and facilitate
targeted interventions to support their progress.
3. Community Engagement Initiatives: Cultivating a vibrant and inclusive
learning community by fostering peer collaboration, mentorship programs, and
interactive discussion forums. Encouraging active participation and knowledge
sharing among users can enrich the learning experience and foster a sense of
belonging within the Zetaleap community.
4. Integration with External Tools and Platforms: Seamlessly integrating with
external tools and platforms, such as version control systems, collaborative
coding environments, and online IDEs, to offer users additional resources and
functionalities to support their learning journey. Integration with external tools
can enhance the versatility and utility of the platform, catering to a diverse range
of user preferences and workflows.

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5. Accessibility and Inclusivity Enhancements: Continuously refining
accessibility features and accommodations to ensure that the platform is
accessible to users with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and learning preferences.
This involves optimizing user interfaces, providing alternative formats for content
delivery, and adhering to accessibility standards and guidelines to promote
inclusivity and equal access to educational resources.

By pursuing these avenues for future work, we endeavor to further solidify

Zetaleap's position as a leading educational platform for AI and emerging
technologies. Our commitment to innovation, excellence, and user-centric design
will continue to drive our efforts to empower learners worldwide to unlock their
full potential in the dynamic and transformative field of technologies.

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