MAT9004 Lecture Outline

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Topics of MAT9004

This list is preliminary and might change slightly.

Lecture 1:
Basis sets: natural numbers, integers, real numbers
Intervals of real numbers
Sigma and Pi notation for sums and products
Functions: domain, codomain, the graph of a function

Lecture 2:
Functions: image, injective, surjective, bijective, inverse functions, zeroes of functions
Convex and concave functions
Linear functions, slope of a linear function, fitting a linear function through data points
Properties of linear functions
Polynomial functions

Lecture 3:
Exponential functions: formula, shape, properties
Logarithmic functions: formula, shape, properties
Rules for exponential and logarithmic functions
Power laws and exponential decay
Which function to choose for my data?
Plots: log-log, log-lin, lin-log

Lecture 4:
Applications of different plots; plot data to predict data (website example)
Motivation of derivatives: revise slopes and tangents
Derivatives: basic formulas (polynomials, exponentials, logarithms)
Product rule and chain rule for derivatives
Not every function is differentiable
Higher derivatives

Lecture 5:
Increasing and decreasing functions and the sign of the derivative
Stationary points
Local extrema: how to find and classify them
Global extrema: how to find them
Convexity/Convavity based on second derivative

Lecture 6:
Applications: find local extrema
Residual sum of squares (RSS) approximations
Lecture 7:
Integral: definite integrals and area under graphs
Antiderivatives and how to find them
Fundamental theorem of calculus
Indefinite integrals
Finding areas
Derivatives as a rate of change

Lecture 8:
Euclidean vector space
Addition and scalar multiplication of real vectors
Geometric interpretation of real vectors
Linear combinations and linear independence
Euclidean norm and dot products
Orthogonal vectors
Matrices: addition and scalar multiplication

Lecture 9:
Matrix multiplication and rules for matrix operations
Linear equation systems and their matrix form
Gaussian elimination

Lecture 10:
Examples of Gaussian elimination
Vector form of the solutions space
Solving linear equation systems
Matrix inverses
Finding the inverse of a matrix
Determinant of a 2x2 matrix

Lecture 11:
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Finding eigenvalues
Finding eigenvectors
Examples of eigenvalues and eigenvectors in data science
Diagonalising matrices and computing large powers
Application: approximation of long-run processes

Lecture 12:
Various applications: approximation of long-run processes
Lecture 13:
Relations and binary relations
Circles, Ellipses
Plotting inequalities and combining / intersecting inequalities

Lecture 14:
Multivariable functions (2 variables)
Contour maps and shapes
Zeroes, roots, level sets
Partial derivatives
Gradient vector

Lecture 15:
First order approximation (2-variable functions)
Stationary points (2-variable functions): local extrema, saddle points
Hessian matrix (2-variable function)
Finding and classifying local extrema and saddle points

Lecture 16:
Finding and classifying local extrema and saddle points
Convexity and concavity (2-variable functions) based on second derivatives

Lecture 17:
Principles of counting: (un)ordered with(out) repetition
Binomial coefficients and factorials

Lecture 18:
Principles of counting: (un)ordered with(out) repetition
Binomial coefficients and Pascal’s triangle
Binomial theorem
Venn diagrams
Pigeonhole principle

Lecture 19:
Likelihood and probability spaces: sample space and probability function
Uniform probability space
Probability of unions
Independent events

Lecture 20:
Conditional probability
Bayes’ Theorem
Lecture 21:
Random variables
Independence of random variables
Expectation and variance and standard deviation
Law of large numbers

Lecture 22:
Discrete uniform distribution
Bernoulli distribution
Geometric distribution
Binomial distribution
Poisson distribution
Continuous probability: probability density function, expected value
Exponential distribution, normal distribution, Z-scores

Lecture 23:
Graph theory: graphs
Simple graphs, walks, paths, directed graphs, connected graphs, cycles
Degrees and regular graphs
Handshaking lemma

Lecture 24:
Trees, spanning trees
Adjacency matrix
Number of walks
Euler circuits and trails
Hamiltonian cycles and paths

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