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TONI WOLFF AS A THINKING TYPE « 187 X (‘General Description of the Types’) represents the essential content purpose.” Thus, he virtually disowned the final chapters of the book. An contrast, Toni Wolff continued to place great value on the theory of Psychological types throughout her life, using the theory extensively in Practice as a Jungian analyst. In 1940, she published an article in English “The Guild of Pastoral Psychology in which she maintains that a thorough tanding of the psychological types remains “a valuable aid to the under- ding of many difficulties of life.” Later, in a hand-written revision to the Bele, located in the archives of the Psychologischer Club Ziirich, she crossed the word “valuable” and upgraded it to a stronger modifier, “critical, icing her meaning by stating, in essence, that a comprehensive under- Sanding of the psychological types isa “critical” asset for self-understanding For Toni Wolff, the psychological types remained a primary tool in the Personal quest for self-awareness

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