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Integration of single variable functions

MAT9004 - Week 4 - Lecture 7

Topics for today

What are integrals



Properties of integrals

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The use of integrals

Integrals give the total change to a function’s value in an

interval for which the rate of change (derivative) is known.
E.g.: We can use integrals to determine the distance travelled
in a time period given the speed at all instants during that
Integrals yield areas enclosed by functions
E.g.: We can use integrals to derive the area or volume of
‘complicated’ objects
Integrals are a basic concept needed for probability theory.
E.g.: A lot of important probability distributions in statistics
are ‘continuous’: Probability, expectation, variance and other
important quantities are defined or derived using integrals.

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The definite integral of f between a and b is the signed
area bounded by f , the x-axis and the vertical lines x = a
and x = b. ‘Signed area’ means that areas below the x-axis
get a negative value. We write this definite integral as
Z b
f (x)dx.

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Z 2 Z 1
x dx = 2 x dx = 0
0 1

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Decomposing areas

Problem: Find the area of the region shown,

bounded by the y -axis, the parabola y = x 2 ,
and the line y = 2x 1, in terms of definite
Solution: Areas A, B and C satisfy
Z 1
A+B = x 2 dx
Z 1
B C = (2x 1) dx.

Subtracting the equations gives

Z 1 Z 1
A+C = x 2 dx (2x 1) dx.
0 0
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A function F is an antiderivative of f if F 0 = f .

F (x) = e x is an antiderivative of f (x) = e x
F (x) = 12 x 2 is an antiderivative of f (x) = x
F (x) = 12 x 2 + 2 is also an antiderivative of f (x) = x

The antiderivative of f (if it exists) is unique up to an additive



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A function F is an antiderivative of f if F 0 = f .

F (x) = e x is an antiderivative of f (x) = e x
F (x) = 12 x 2 is an antiderivative of f (x) = x
F (x) = 12 x 2 + 2 is also an antiderivative of f (x) = x

The antiderivative of f (if it exists) is unique up to an additive


Why? If F is an antiderivative of f , then so is F + c for any

constant c. On the other hand, if F and G are antiderivatives of f ,
(F G )0 = F 0 G 0 = f f = 0,
so F G is a constant function.
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How to find antiderivatives?

Here are some functions f with an antiderivative F .

If f (x) = x a with a 6= 1, then F (x) = a+1 x
a+1 .

If f (x) = x 1, then F (x) = ln(x).

If f (x) = e ax with a 6= 0, then F (x) = 1a e ax .
Computer programs can find antiderivatives quite well so you don’t
need to learn more complicated methods.

Side note: Some antiderivatives can’t be written down with

elementary functions, for example, it’s not possible to write down
an antiderivative of f (x) = e x using elementary function (we
come to this later today.)

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Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

The following result links a definite integral of f (which is the area

under a graph) to its antiderivative F :

If F is any antiderivative of f then

Z b
f (x)dx = F (b) F (a).

This amazing fact is the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus!

It shows that Z x
G (x) = f (z)dz
is an antiderivative of f (x).

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Example. Let f (x) = x 2. What is 0 f (x)dx?

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Example. Let f (x) = x 2. What is 0 f (x)dx?
First step: Find an antiderivative. In this case F (x) = 13 x 3 .
Second step: Use FTC (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus):
Z 2
1 8
f (x)dx = F (2) F (0) = 23 0= .
0 3 3

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Example. Let f (x) = x 2. What is 0 f (x)dx?
First step: Find an antiderivative. In this case F (x) = 13 x 3 .
Second step: Use FTC (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus):
Z 2
1 8
f (x)dx = F (2) F (0) = 23 0= .
0 3 3
Example. Let f (x) = e 2x . What is 1 f (x)dx?

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Example. Let f (x) = x 2. What is 0 f (x)dx?
First step: Find an antiderivative. In this case F (x) = 13 x 3 .
Second step: Use FTC (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus):
Z 2
1 8
f (x)dx = F (2) F (0) = 23 0= .
0 3 3
Example. Let f (x) = e 2x . What is 1 f (x)dx?
First step: An antiderivative is F (x) = 12 e 2x .
Second step:
Z 1
1 2 2
f (x)dx = F (1) F ( 1) = e e .
1 2

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Indefinite integral

If F is an antiderivative of f , then so is F + c for any constant c;

the constant c is called constant of integration.

If F is an antiderivative of f , then we also write

f (x)dx = F (x)

and call it the indefinite integral of f

Technically, the indefinite integral of f is a family of functions,

namely {F (x) + c : c 2 R}, where F (x) is some antiderivative of f .

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Cartoon time

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Cartoon time

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If f and g are functions and a < b, then

Z b Z b Z b
(f (x) + g (x)) dx = f (x)dx + g (x)dx.
a a a

If f is a function and c a constant then

Z b Z b
cf (x)dx = c f (x)dx.
a a

R1 2 R1 2 R1 1
0 (x + 2x)dx = 0 x dx + 2 0 xdx = 3 + 2 ⇥ 12 .
R1 x
R1 x dx 1 ).
1 3e dx = 3 1e = 3(e e

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Quick test
Compute the following integrals:
R2 3
(a) 2 x dx,
(b) 1 (3x 2 + 1)dx,
R1 x
(c) 1 (e + 1)dx.

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R 2
(a) 2x
3 dx. An antiderivative of x 3 is F (x) = 14 x 4 , so
Z 2
x 3 dx = F (2) F ( 2) = 0.
The ‘positive’ area of f from 0 to 2 cancels with the ‘negative’
area from 2 to 0.

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R 2
(a) 2x
3 dx. An antiderivative of x 3 is F (x) = 14 x 4 , so
Z 2
x 3 dx = F (2) F ( 2) = 0.
The ‘positive’ area of f from 0 to 2 cancels with the ‘negative’
area from 2 to 0.
(b) 1 (3x 2 + 1)dx. Linearity yields
Z 2 Z 2 Z 2
(3x 2 + 1)dx = 3 x 2 dx + 1dx
1 1 1
✓ ◆
1 3 1 3
=3 2 1 + (2 1) = 8.
3 3

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R 2
(a) 2x
3 dx. An antiderivative of x 3 is F (x) = 14 x 4 , so
Z 2
x 3 dx = F (2) F ( 2) = 0.
The ‘positive’ area of f from 0 to 2 cancels with the ‘negative’
area from 2 to 0.
(b) 1 (3x 2 + 1)dx. Linearity yields
Z 2 Z 2 Z 2
(3x 2 + 1)dx = 3 x 2 dx + 1dx
1 1 1
✓ ◆
1 3 1 3
=3 2 1 + (2 1) = 8.
3 3
R1 x + 1)dx.
(c) 1 (e Again using linearity
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
(e x + 1)dx = e x dx + 1dx = (e ) + (1 ( 1)).
1 1 1 e
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Revisiting our example

We computed the area of the region bounded

by the y -axis, the parabola y = x 2 , and the
line y = 2x 1 to be
Z 1 Z 1
x 2 dx (2x 1) dx.
0 0

Using linearity, we can write it as 0 (x 2 2x + 1) dx and find an
antiderivative ‘term by term’ to be 13 x 3 x 2 + 1. Then
Z 1
1 1 1 2
(x 2 2x + 1) dx = 13 12 + 1 ( 03 02 + 1) = 1= .
0 3 3 3 3

Negative area? Impossible! Spot the error.

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Revisiting our example

We computed the area of the region bounded

by the y -axis, the parabola y = x 2 , and the
line y = 2x 1 to be
Z 1 Z 1
x 2 dx (2x 1) dx.
0 0

Using linearity, we can write it as 0 (x 2 2x + 1) dx and find an
antiderivative ‘term by term’ to be 13 x 3 x 2 + x. Then
Z 1
1 1 1
(x 2 2x + 1) dx = 13 12 + 1 ( 03 02 + 0) = .
0 3 3 3

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Quick test
Later in the course, we will meet the uniform distribution on
[a, b]. We can think of it as a random real number evenly
spread between a and b. Its expectation is defined as
Z b
a b a

(a) Compute the expectation for a = 0 and b = 1.

(b) Find a general formula for arbitrary a and b.

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Rb x
Solution for a b a dx.
Part (a): With a = 0 and b = 1 the integral becomes
Z 1 ✓ ◆
1 2 1 2 1
x dx = 1 0 = .
0 2 2 2

Note that this is the middle of the interval [0, 1].

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Rb x
Solution for a b a dx.
Part (a): With a = 0 and b = 1 the integral becomes
Z 1 ✓ ◆
1 2 1 2 1
x dx = 1 0 = .
0 2 2 2

Note that this is the middle of the interval [0, 1].

Part (b): In general the linearity of integrals yields

Z b Z b ✓ ◆
x 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 b2 a2
dx = x dx = b a = .
a b a b a a b a 2 2 2 b a

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Rb x
Solution for a b a dx.
Part (a): With a = 0 and b = 1 the integral becomes
Z 1 ✓ ◆
1 2 1 2 1
x dx = 1 0 = .
0 2 2 2

Note that this is the middle of the interval [0, 1].

Part (b): In general the linearity of integrals yields

Z b Z b ✓ ◆
x 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 b2 a2
dx = x dx = b a = .
a b a b a a b a 2 2 2 b a

Note that b 2 a2 = (b + a)(b a). Hence

Z b
x a+b
dx = ,
a b a 2

which again is the middle of the interval [a, b].

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Another property of integrals

If a, b, c are real numbers with a < b < c then

Z c Z b Z c
f (x)dx = f (x)dx + f (x)dx.
a a b

This is useful if your function ‘looks di↵erent’ in certain areas.

Example. The following function has di↵erent definitions,
depending on whether x 6 1 or x > 1:
x, if x 6 1,
f (x) =
x 2 , if x > 1.

In this case
Z 2 Z 1 Z 2
1 1 2 1 3 1 3
f (x)dx = xdx + x 2 dx = 12 0 + 2 1
0 0 1 2 2 3 3
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Harder integrals
There are many sneaky ways to find integrals for functions. Since
they are inbuilt in packages such as Wolfram Alpha, there is no
need to learn them all for practical use. Here are a couple of
commonly occurring integrals.
A probability in the exponential distribution is
Z b
xe dx.
R x dx.
So we need xe
A probability in the standard normal distribution is
Z b
1 x 2 /2
p e dx.
2⇡ a
R x 2 /2 dx.
So we need e

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x x 2 /2
Integrating xe and e

Using Wolfram Alpha ...

xe x dx = e x (x + 1) + c.
Note that Wolfram Alpha writes ‘+constant’ instead of ‘+c’
for the arbitrary constant. We conclude
Z b
x a b
xe dx = e (a + 1) e (b + 1).
R x 2 /2 dx
p p
e = ⇡/2 erf(x/ 2) + c.
This integral is not representable in a simple way so the
function erf was invented long ago to represent such integrals.
You can compute erf(x) numerically for any x (using Wolfram
Alpha or similar).

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Derivative as a rate of change
We may be told the rate of change of a function and need to
compute the function itself. This can be done via integrals.
Example. The sun’s heating a swimming pool such that x hours
after 6am the rate is 10 sin(x⇡/12) Kw. Find the total amount of
heat energy (in KwH) absorbed by the swimming pool by 9am.
(Note: The argument of sin is in radians, and 1 Kw running for 1
hour gives 1 KhW of energy.)
Solution. The power in Kw is the rate of change of energy, and is
hence the slope of the energy function, or its derivative. Thus if
E (x) is the total amount of energy at time x, we have
E 0 (x) = 10 sin(x⇡/12). Then by the Fundamental Theorem of
Z 3 Z 3
E (3) E (0) = E 0 (x) dx = 10 sin(x⇡/12) dx.
0 0

We need to find E (3), which equals E (3) E (0) as E (0) = 0 here.

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Derivative as a rate of change

We need to find E (3) E (0) where

E (x) = 10 sin(x⇡/12) dx.

Looking it up, we find

10 sin(x⇡/12) dx = cos(x⇡/12) + c.

Choosing c = 0 to get one antiderivative, the Fundamental
Theorem gives the answer as
120 120 60(2 2)
cos(3⇡/12) + cos(0) = ⇡ 11.188KwH.
⇡ ⇡ ⇡

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Another example

The cost of manufacturing a battery decreases continuously at a

rate of (x + 1) 2 ($/pa) at a time x years after initial production.
If the starting cost is $5, what is the cost after 4 years?

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Another example

The cost of manufacturing a battery decreases continuously at a

rate of (x + 1) 2 ($/pa) at a time x years after initial production.
If the starting cost is $5, what is the cost after 4 years?
Solution. This time, the cost D(x) satisfies D 0 (x) = (x + 1) 2.

Hence the Fundamental Theorem gives

Z 4
D(4) D(0) = (x + 1) 2 dx.
We can find (by looking it up!) (x + 1) 2 dx = (x + 1) 1 +c
and so
D(4) D(0) = 5 1 1 1 = .
4 21
As D(0) = 5, this gives D(4) = 5 5 = 5 as the cost after 4

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