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Pre board examination Paper :English Compulsory

Total marks:50

Class:2nd yr

The Quaid e Azam Higher Secondary school Danyore


 Use the prefix to complete each words (5)

1 —————-pert 2 ——————respect

3—————-happy. 4 ——————equal


 Identify literary figures. (5)

Simili, metaphor, personification, alliteration, imagery.

1 She is as beautiful as flower————————

2 My brother is lion———————————-

3 I eat delicious pizza with my friend————————

4 leaves are dancing—————————

5 I saw a tree with broken branches —————————

 Identify present indefinite and present continuous sentence and

write one use each (10)

 present indefinite is used to————————————————---

 Present continuous is used to

1 I am watching television .

2 She is writing a letter to her friend.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4 They are playing football in the morning .

5. Water boils at 100 degrees .

6. She plays hockey every day.

Reading comprehension (15)

Gender inequality defines the practice of granting or denying rights or

privileges to the people asked on their gender. Males are considered

physically powerful and females as psychologically sensitive or weak. The

gender inequalities is dominantly seen in educational, economical and

health sectors.The major reasons behind these issues are cultural

stereotypes and ill mentality of people due to which a number of women

had suffered from joblessness and economic backwardness.


1 Define gender inequality?

2 State major causes of gender inequality?

3 Do we give equal opportunities to both genders in our society?

 Answer the following questions. (10)

1 What was the opinion of youth with respect to facing the army of the


2 What lesson does lie in the Battle of uhud for the muslims in general?

3 What were the main functions of the first constituent assembly of


4 What are the initial problems of Pakistan as a new born state?

5 What kind of freedom did Muhammad Ali Jinnah envision for the

people of Pakistan in general?

 Write the summary of the poem if by Rudyard Kipling? (5)

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