Impact On Small Group Project 1 (Updated)

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Impact on Small Group Project – IP 1

Part A: Please create a logic model for the small group project topic you are working on on how
it is currently being addressed or has been addressed
Input Activities Outputs Outcomes
Myspace 2009 Org Recap 2009 Org Recap Assignment
assignment completed without
any issues

Part B. Please answer the below

1. What is your goal for the intervention (not to simply finish it for the class, but what is
your goal for the program in terms of the sides being discussed)
1. I do not understand this question
2. How will you address it/ intervene to fix the behavior? (Please just write a few
sentences on how you think it can be fixed).
1. We did not have any problematic behavior in this course.
3. How well do we currently address it?
1. If there is a problem the best way to address it would be to simply talk to the
person causing the issue.
4. How would your newly designed program be addressed from an accountability
1. Simply talking to a person is the best way to resolve an issue
5. Do you perceive any coverage or bias concerns in your newly designed program?
How will you address these?
1. I do not believe there are any issues of bias
6. Which of the six components of comprehensive process evaluation would you utilize
to measure your success in your newly designed program?

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