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g LocoMoT ION AND MOVEMENT ay M | Muscles :- Muncle. ba spe jaliaed tissue. cr [rmasnder real atigin } Property ob Meiscless = (2D Excttaibity re cernmon peepestyy ob Mune lon ond New rene oa ZO" Breitabiti 1d Condsicti bili | > controetil XO G vreltobltity ovad (onl i i 3) Exctenwibility— f ; ; { Bboticity- Note:- Hamam boxy made, up ob =[e39 rauaclzs,| l BIT = patrod | whi from about =40= 597) 5 5 = unpaired. oe weigat in, adule Taman, Jaize Note Qunit of Muscle fibye = ov Structural and funclnod Saccorsre Unt oF Muncler MMT © Diameter of Muncler =30—10040M- a lengin of Muncles = 40 - 30¢™ ner’ Bam! Fmbryenic Stay 2ocly munce. filre. form by fupion- of 100 or rnore inygoldavrt coll. 09 fukn | 0998 —_ yt [eAfter Bitth = Muacle Sibver onde ange I 4 Dot = Cerk vivi sion Wo) Skeletal Muscle s~ (Striated) > Volum 1 sirihed “oyacten = Ligist omnd Dorrie Stui ped Muacler. = Tran rac. bomd « Muttinu cleoted , Unlt ob Skeletal Muscles = Sarcameye 2 J nmwoclin +(Hyperplacea) net found J Ur-in eh, ® number) J beads tt a ane co FT ee fee], 2 fea = Epinuysium. Ra | ot ‘ine " Faachen! Mucte. Mure) (Bundle. of rancicle) aig Loni. fibeoon 7 lage Ja a page - 30S (jn We ERT) Figure = 20,2 | T-band =(actvopic) =only Actin. filaments prearmt. |Am bond = Uimisotwopic) = Mere. Donk > lex Dank > Move, Das Os | Lengtn of Myosin, o~ boot Heere o- kod. ever lapping band = (Actin > Myesin), H (Hensa0’s) Zona. =0 Hagosin , No me! Letween A—bomd . tan Tan Slider over Meposin Filaments. Each nuyosin, surrounded b 6 Actin filanunts. ey unchanged duning mancle,. contraction. oi |s | Lo mgesin = Each Myorin sumounded oy Et lo tty oh Serco = wb Dio 0} J Band = l Pbrgce of He2one = Dlsappo, QMSUNE= Disappery oe of O- band = \ iegin ot A> band = unchongedt Tah nctiainyle Hand H SPisappoor . OY —t + @ Keka Cthin Filaments) Re enyosing P Mapa UIE Bement past 0€ tain > ; | ( “Flamer fi 4 = Actin ( Fyos aH 000 _ git coo0es9co folymer ob Nong | 000 p mmevioation Feactin * & Guo bul Gt “reo LE ~ att) Uni ot- Myosin) Actin Rte i ¢ ag _ Structure of meine’ | Canyon oe | Mexomuasine Filament | on? ‘ Side, Lviv td AEP Binding | Ke Sides, , + short arn@) wes -@ Light He os 7 aN M o YY 16s. Arm)l4] a = Heavy Horo negosin ‘ ad CB Canad Meromuyosin Yor * heck Arm@Xurit). | ob Poly poppe ane naponaible of ralaxation of WuM Moler nauions. wd Ginup ab Muscle 69 Mola eet Se ieae ; 62 Te tulaslen mode © \eetpoboth hiding » garen lara , es : py, Moter Neuss + Single. Huta . lo Siero GAivpchen of co Pwreap (ATE) reokdow of & Acetyichelins. (ac | =Acztyt cholinastroves. [Ache] » ‘Slide. of “Thin Filaments on “toick flaments) | cot aS s bi ; ay. ot - pei RS ott 2 AT? : st eso Conteac tion Forenadion 06 Cross Briclge o } “ SATP oe Te ap AT Pe z Ne thigh Ferg y money erage PS Phosphate - arr are 9 Graitine. Phosphate — dentine }> Anoarobic. Respiration: Hyer energy heaps: —Aaxo bic Revaptvetion |. ea Frens —— Pri gets <—wile Fie [D Diameter 2 Srna Plage | B Red Protein (Maysqlobin) = move ples Myoglobin. | DHitechondria = More. Leas mitochondria. ; D shew — maacro bic oxidation. Show ~ Amegroloic ond ator Wityruct deposition 6b Lacticatid | and more. deposition 9b (acto Plows BR More's. R : D> -Slow —tentsachen fart —Conbenctioy LD Museto. £11 oii 1 j _ Hig Rate OF sf fe thuct. dibren entree Sor longer |B Slow | a eee snark texted | Example Ege ballomuaelin lwwhide munclsa of cls hems | bremat. Fight smuncler 0 b- 5 us nl GY bs a NGE. 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Stepidal muack- | 54 \Nertebrat Column + CyTabs Sp Cy = 86 1 Y Stie aun 1 @ | terval tebra > D = COM Y vege Deervaieal vertebra 3B hein J Whee ioe rem ' a adition | ® Thovacic vertebra 742 = Trorach Mer len oS Ribs bral Columns, 8) Lumtan vwertebra—>G) = Strmgeal, Thickeat. verte | bocrum >@ = Feem by funn ok & ~ vertebra © coccyn->Qm Form by furion of 4 agerbeim, (TAM bore) | pri Pra 3apophysté. sCPxoteha) > post zyqepopytiol 1000 aD Hf ga. + i Str + Pogmune eat | Nexral Cann» Ati. — Verlebre arial foramen , tn Fasid of cmdiyle< B - Galorctoicl eq 7 comt-turns— ob * Orsi | | Ribsromdisternumn Lt+t2 > : podlayiele. bene LS ~ Shap Elavice ica genet Sterna nt Pible 5 enn eee CetsBedey Sos | Bigephatic Ribs.—> Ribs hove. twso articulating sucha A ee dorsal side. ate nll 4 er ital 22 dt Pe eas { 4 Fra | Stare — aS Tea Rcipeeeiaines ee TT Ribage norco =v. lum — | Hinge Totnnt mean iel verte ram. | Z | Lateral $5 @ Humerus +t (Radieras Uline) clavicle bens. (collar, e OL scoraccid Be 2. A iel Mepeles aevomion= pregen 6) sarlensia cavity ot Lexa 7) omgle- Head bb Huynacrtit /] € — oust movement ' ntl | BEN amupcheps waed “> oar | | Grrougit Yeints , Moe jenjeint acts | eee uae. (ee Pulerum LET Goins) | 4 | | | } | i Vv Vs i Poowriitagenons sense] Fibous Teine(dun ty - oy LSinmomb\e) oe hoteye [ Somi-movabie] beghisersy AO | oe | ns Bat Pubic cs 1 > rs es fn interverfibral bise. | Sapes = bla Ribs omnd Stemnam |p teetn, ovre: characterized by ‘tue prarence ob ov FM Filed synedal cavity betveen Hee oreerdonting Suerfpeny | sina. tw Anes, SO" ig (ocak | ay wal and socket joint = shoulder amd Rip goitsb oa) ; | ® lege detnt = ark Ela IAL, bw a phalanges, | ©Pivot deint = blw Atlan and Avis, bli, Radluw ovnd.& Ulma, eiUiding dotnk = bla campala | “ensals oma tW Pre. amd i iA fost 2ygopephyyah, yy Condugloid [ EUlpsotd = buy = Seu} cmd Arlons eel Torso) ond Pralanges. a 7 B Saddle Yoint = lw eovrpoy amd me PateMo femoral joint = Tr patollofemoral teint wall provi Gsink bebusen TAP COMdYL oF tee femur amd teh Pardalon oUrfou. ob toa patella , a Wr OWE |

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