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Activity 3.2.

Analysis of adequacy of integrating

nutrition in current plans and budgets of
provinces, cities, and municipalities.
Through this activity, you will be able to assess the presence of nutrition considerations in your
LGU’s CDPs and LDIPs.

Suggestions for strengthening
Assessment of the
the integration of nutrition in
Actual reference to adequacy of integrating
the section
nutrition nutrition
Example, for situation analysis:
(please check the appropriate
Relate the problem of malnutrition
(Copy from the column)
across sectors and recognize the
document, place multi-level (immediate, underlying,
page numbers) Strong1 Weak2 Absent basic) causes of malnutrition. In
(Column 1)
(Col 3a) (Col 3b) (Col 3c) addition, review the current
(Column 2) coverages and quality of services and
programs against existing standards.
(Column 4)

Situation analysis
(may be in planning
environment, sector
profiles, ecological
Priority development

Programs, projects,
and activities
Implementation plan
(May pertain to
budget, see LDIP, AIP)
Monitoring and

Overall analysis of
plans and budgets

1The participants are advised that the categories of “Strong” and “Weak” used in this table are not meant to be precisely defined with robust
and sophisticated indicators. The categories “Strong” and “Weak” were designed to enable participants to give a sense of whether the current
sections of the PDPFP/CDP contain elements, considerations, and factoring of nutrition in which case could be considered “Strong”.

If the sections contain an incomplete or just a passing narrative about nutrition, it can then be considered “Weak”.

Module 3: Integrating NPM in the Local Governance and Development System 31

Mobilizing Local Chief Executives
to Prioritize Nutrition Programs
After completing Lesson 3, you should be able to discuss the strategies to strengthen the
political will and commitment of LCEs to make nutrition improvement a priority concern.

Strategies on how the NAOs can mobilize the LCEs

1. Improve the “nutritional literacy” of LCEs.
Explain the prevalence, magnitude, and
ranking relative to other areas to establish
Lessons from CAN
the degree and seriousness of malnutrition Based on the stories of the 11 LGUs from the
and its implications to the child’s brain COMPENDIUM OF ACTIONS ON NUTRITION,
development and the total development of the following were the factors helping the
the locality. In short, explain to the ascent of LGUs:
imperative of investing in nutrition. 1. Extent of the malnutrition problem
2. Show LCEs and local legislators a copy of the Serious extent of the malnutrition problem
national legislation that provides the legal among LGUs disturbed many LCEs.
bases to promote nutrition improvement.
Ranking LGUs against their peers
3. Suggest the formulation of local food and stimulates their desire to remedy the
nutrition legislation and policies. problem.

2. Awards and recognition

4. Provide LCEs an accomplishment report on
nutrition programs, which can be integrated NNC awards and recognition attracted
in the state of local governance report. many LCEs and nutrition program persons,
leading them to agree to be evaluated by
5. Present a comparison of the performance of the MELLPI.
LGUs within the province or region in
addressing the nutrition problems to draw 3. Availability of technical assistance
out enthusiasm to support nutrition 4. Need of LGUs to elevate themselves
Development visions for residents
6. Mobilize local elective officials with formal education on medical allied professions to
champion nutrition in their respective LGUs.
7. Provide LCEs and local legislators updates on nutrition program management and policies
that will strengthen their political commitment and support for nutrition improvement.

Module 3: Integrating NPM in the Local Governance and Development System 32

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