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1. Spell the word ‘RULER’ ..........
2. ‘ W ‘ in English is.........
3. One, two, .... ............., four, ..............., six
4. Delapan in English is........
5. Animals that eat grass are ........
6. Elephant in Indonesian is..........
7. I like ......................( Mangga )
8. The colour of banana is ........
9. The colours of the Indonesian flag are ..........
10. Mrs. Yeni. (Ibu saya)
11. He is my ...........................(saudara laki-laki)
12. Mr. Andi is my ..........................(paman)
13. Body parts to look at are ............
14. I smell use ................
15. Mouth for .................
16. Nadia. : “ Good morning, Hani.”
Hani. : “ .........................., Nadia.
17. Today is .................... (Friday)
18. Today is Monday, tomorrow is ................
19. After Saturday is ...........
20. Before March is .................
21. What month is Indonesia’s independence day .........
22. My mother cooking in the ...........
23. Doni wants to take a bath in the ...........
24. What are furniture in the living room ...........
25. Bantal in English is .........
26. There ...........a bolster on the bed (is / are )
27. There .............five books on the table. (is / are)
28. Mrs. Diana is my teacher .
......... Is beautiful. (She / he )
29. ............. are going to the shop . ( Raka, Ari dan Edo )
30. ............ Are playing badminton. ( Saya, Sinta dan Lina )
31. There is a book ..........the table. ( Di atas )
32. Widya is ................... Lusi. ( Belakang )
33. The door is ........................ Two picture ( di antara)
34. Translate in to Indonesian !
My father has ten chicken in my garden
35. Translate in to English !
Sania adalah saudara perempuan saya.

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