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Activity 4: Adobe Acrobat

4.1 Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

When you scan a document, all a scanner does is create an image or a snapshot of the document.

The scanned document is NOT text-searchable, and it cannot be edited. In order to extract and re-
purpose text data, you need an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software to convert images of
alphanumeric characters into actual text that can be searched, read by assistive technology (for the
visually impaired), exported to other formats, or copied and pasted into other applications (such as
Microsoft Word for editing).

We will explore the following two software for OCR to convert the image file in “Lab 5 - Activity
4.pdf” to text. This is a scanned Non-Competition Agreement. The file is available in the Lab 5
Template folder.

Open a blank Adobe Acrobat. Go to Tools and select “Scan & OCR”.

Click “Select a file” and choose the PDF “Lab 5 – Activity 4.pdf” from the Lab 5 Templates. Click Start.
Click “Yes” when prompted with the above notification.

When the “Recognize Text” box appears, select “Searchable Image” under Output and click “Ok” to
continue. This will convert the file into a searchable image.

Try searching for text in the converted file. You should be able to find the texts within this

Save a copy of the file.

4.2 Redacting a PDF file.

Redacting is removing sensitive information from a document, like blacking out someone's address.
In law, it's used to share documents in court or with another party while protecting privacy. This
ensures confidential details stay hidden and legal proceedings comply with privacy rules.

Click on “Tools”. Close the “Scan & OCR” function to return to the main Tools menu. Scroll down to
“Protect & Standardize” and select “Redact”.

Once in the Redact interface, you will be able to select text within the document and the selected
text will be shown in red boxes. These are text that will be redacted once you apply the changes.

For this activity, you need to redact all mentions of the names of all parties to the agreement, i.e.,
Vivint Solar, INC; Vivint, INC; Vivint Solar Developer, LLC; Vivint and any phrases that include the
name Vivint.

Once you have selected the all the words to be redacted, click “Apply” on the upper right corner.
You will be prompted with below message. Click “Continue”.

Next, you will be prompted to save a copy of the file. Name the redacted file as “Lab 5 - Activity
4_Redacted.pdf” and save it.
Deliverable for Lab 5


Activity Deliverables
Activity 2.1 – 2.4 Edited: Clean Copy:

Activity 2.4

Activity 2.5 List of 10 differences:

Activity 2.6 Word Template

Activity 3.2

Activity 4.2 Redacted PDF

End of Lab 5

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