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Let's get to know the different parts

of the airport better.

*This topic will focus on using language that is easy to understand. If the
information is incorrect, please let me know.

Airport or in English it is called

"Airport". Airport,Aerodrome,Airfield,Airstrip It refers to the area
designated for aircraft to take off, land, and conduct surface maneuvers
(taxis). This includes buildings and equipment within an airport.

: kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:00:07

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Comment 1
Airports can be divided into 2 main types:
1. Civil airports
2. Military airports
, both of which have similar buildings. And some military airports may be
used together with civilian airports, such as Don Mueang Airport.

which if used together What is shared is a control tower, a runway, a taxiway

(not a taxi road). I'll explain it to you later) and the rescue team.
But what must be separated is passenger building airport apron and
maintenance parking lot

Edited on 20 July 2009 21:01:36

from you : kidarmy

when : 20 July 2009 21:00:53

Comment number 2
Now let's talk about buildings at airports,

starting with Landside-Airside.

Landside refers to areas outside the airport, including parking lots, mass
transit, train stations, fuel storage tanks (actually, the fuel storage tanks are
outside the airport. and connect underground pipes Then use a vehicle to
suck it from the pipe into the plane), roads, and various buildings.

Airside refers to areas that can be accessed by aircraft (that are inside the
fence), including runways, taxiways, and aircraft parking areas.

The control tower can be anywhere. But most of them are at Airside (but
Suvarnabhumi is at Landside).

The part between Airside and Landside is the Gate or the plane dock.
Area waiting to board the plane Its official name is Concorses.

Edited on 20 July 2009 21:17:32

from you : kidarmy

when : 20 July 2009 21:02:17

Comment number 3
Jet bridge and Pier

Jet bridge or loading bridge, aerobridge, air bridge, passenger boarding

bridge means airplane bridge. Or what people who go there call it a "trunk"
used for passengers to walk to enter the plane.

Pier refers to a structure that extends out from the passenger building. So that
the planes are parked side by side on both sides, looking at the picture you
should be able to imagine.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:02:51

Comment number 4
Ramp and Apron

Ramp refers to an aircraft parking area. or the parking lot next to the
passenger building It is often used for preparing aircraft for flight

. Apron refers to an aircraft apron that is far from the terminal building. They
are often used for long-term parking and maintenance.

Edited on 20 July 2009 21:04:06

from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:03:45

Comment number 5
Difference between Domestic Airport and International Airport

Domestic Airport or domestic airport It is an airport used for domestic flights

only. There is no immigration and customs checkpoint. They usually have
short runways. Because most of them are small planes that come down.

International Airport or international airport It is an airport that supports

flights from abroad. There is an immigration and customs checkpoint. They
often have longer runways to accommodate larger aircraft. If it is a central
location where passengers often stop to make transfers, it is called a "Hub".
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:04:50

Comment number 6
Runway is a rectangular area in an airport. Built to allow aircraft to take off
or land,

the runway must be built in line with the local winds. Because airplanes must
always fly against the wind when taking off or landing. To increase relative

active runway is a runway that is being used. It depends on the wind direction
at that time.

from you : kidarmy

when : 20 July 2009 21:05:13

Comment number 7
Runways can be constructed in many different ways. For example,

Single Runway means a single runway,

Parallel Runways means parallel runways,
Staged Runways means parallel runways. But the starting point and ending
point do not match.
Cross Wind Runways refer to runways that intersect. Used for airports with
winds in many directions.

Edited on 20 July 2009 21:06:03

from you : kidarmy

when : 20 July 2009 21:05:51

Comment number 8
Threshold is the colored stripe on the runway surface. It is there to indicate
the starting point of the runway. for use in landing The pilot will know
that Where is the runway head?

Number of these white bars You can tell the width of the runway according
to the table.

from you : kidarmy

when : 20 July 2009 21:06:37
Comment number 9
When there is a runway It must have a name to avoid confusion. Runways
are named according to their direction. For example, in the direction of 270
degrees, this runway will be named 27. The other side of the runway will be
named Runway 09. (The method is to round the back of the number and
remove the 0. If there is only one left, add a 0 in front of it.)

And if there are 2 parallel runways, no problem, just put LR after the number
and it will be 27L 27R. If there is 3 in the middle, it will be 27C. And if there
is 4....

they will use the closest numbers. To avoid confusion, such as 27L 27R 28L
28R etc.

from you : kidarmy

when : 20 July 2009 21:07:27

Comment number 10
Stopway, I don't know what to call it in Thai. Let's just say it's the space
reserved for planes that suddenly cancel takeoff. And there is not enough
runway space. I would still like to borrow this area to use for braking. But it
will not be used for takeoff runs. Landing and taxiing in any way It has a
yellow chevron symbol.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:09:48

Comment number 11
Displaced threshold Threshold is normally located at the beginning of the
runway. But this symbol is meant to tell airplanes that are landing that
Threshold is actually ahead. Don't go down here. Maybe because the floor
here isn't strong enough. Or would you like to glide a little further up the roof
of someone's house to reduce the noise? This area is used for takeoff. or can
move Just don't hit the plane or it will crack. It has a white arrow symbol.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:10:22

Comment number 12
Runway Turn Pads are an extension. So that the plane can make a U-turn on
the runway. They are mostly used at small airports that do not have a taxiway
connecting to the end of the runway. They can be located at the end of the
runway or in the middle of the runway. Most often it is on the left side
because the captain sits on the left side.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:10:43

Comment number 13
Runway holding positions is a line that says In front of you is a runway. Stop
first. Do not enter. It is used to prevent aircraft or cars from encroaching onto
the runway without permission. which is very dangerous Passing this line
only requires permission from the control tower. There are 2 solid lines and 2
dotted lines symbolized. If you are on the solid line side, stop. If you're on the
dashed line side, hurry. You'll get hit in the butt.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:11:05

Comment number 14
Touchdown zone is the point where the aircraft hits the ground. or the wheels
touch the ground at the first point Because it may be stronger than other
points next to Threshold, it looks like a white square as shown in the picture.

P.S. You should be able to paste this point. If not, that's okay. It can be
inaccurate no matter what. And there are still many points ahead.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:11:28

Comment number 15
Runway center line marking is a line located in the center of the runway. It is
for the pilot to make sure the plane is in the middle of the runway. It's a white
dotted line.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:12:00

Comment number 16
Taxiway A taxiway is an area of land used for aircraft propulsion. From one
point to another such as from the parking lot to the runway. It looks like a
solid yellow line.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:12:17

Comment number 17
Intermediate holding position markings are floor markings placed at taxiway
intersections for aircraft to stop and look at. Then slowly move If there are
other planes available, the motto is to always let the right plane go first. Or
maybe there are traffic lights. Then do that. It has the appearance of
alternating yellow and black dotted lines.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:12:34

Comment number 18
Apron or aircraft parking lot There must be a sufficient number to
accommodate the aircraft at that airport. The surface of the parking lot must
be stronger than the runway. Because it must support a lot of weight for a
long time.

Apron safety lines are lines that are divided for aircraft to park. The car will
not intrude. for safety
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:13:02

Comment number 19
Next we will talk about signs and symbols.
Marking is a symbol that is placed on the floor.
Sign refers to various signs that are located on the floor.

Divided into mandatory signs and informational signs.

Mandatory signs such as NO ENTRY signs with white letters on a red
background. means forbidden to enter Or it could be a circle with a line in the
Or a sign saying the runway is ahead. It is also white letters with a red
background. If it's not clear enough, add a white or black border as well.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:13:30

Comment number 20
There are 2 types of information signs:

1. Direction Signs or Destination Signs are road signs. It will

tell you which way to go or what the path ahead is. It is black
letters with a yellow background and has an arrow pointing to
it. If you see a dot, read and, for example 32•02 -> means
runways 32 and 02, go to the right.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:13:52

Comment number 21
2. Location Signs are there to tell you where you are right
now. What is the name on the driveway in yellow letters on a
black background? Yellow frame again

. P.S. If you find a letter and it has a line through it. It means
the end of that taxiway.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:14:19

Comment number 22
Wind direction indicator
Every airport must have air bags. so that the pilot would be aware of the
wind direction at that time The air bag, also known as a windsock, must be
visible from a height of at least 1000 feet (300 meters). If it is a single color,
use white or orange. If it's multiple colors, use five stripes of orange and
white, red and white, or black and white, with the darker color always at the
beginning and end.

from you : kidarmy

when : 20 July 2009 21:14:46

Comment number 23
That's finished. Next time, I'll talk about the various lights in the airport.

Thank you for the information and illustrations from Google, Suvarnabhumi
Airport Photography Contest, Slide on Basic knowledge of aerodrome by
Professor Pansak Noensai.
from you : kidarmy
when : 20 July 2009 21:15:15

Comment number 24

A little bit of anointing the topic ^^/

from you : Mr. Samsung

when : 20 July 2009 21:19:20

Comment number 25

.....If I don't vote..I probably won't sleep for the rest of

my life.

from you : I know a little bit.

when : 20 July 2009 21:20:35

Comment number 26
Really, if we talk about disappearance
Airport,Aerodrome,Airfield,Airstrip Gives completely
different meanings in aviation terminology. Stick it for now,
I'll edit it later.

from you : Napoleonic

when : 20 July 2009 21:21:52

Comment number 27
There's no V1 or V2?
Maybe I'm a huge sign.

from you : CaminoReal

when : 20 July 2009 21:32:04

Comment number 28
More from #14

when Don Mueang was still busy. ATC encouraged you to get
off past the Runway 21 L stop and then quickly turn right and
go out to taxiway S..

Flight XXX Cleared to land 21 L make a land long..

Just a little
extra, did you forget the black floor sign with white numbers
used to tell the distance that was placed next to the runway? :)

Addition: 2nd time, I'm a guy. Hehe,

make a land long.. Bangkok tower ATC has a beautiful voice
speaking to me..

Edited on 20 July 2009 22:32:34

Edited on 20 July 2009 21:51:35

from you : Citation

when : 20 July 2009 21:38:14

Comment number 29
I got a lot of knowledge.
Thank you very much.

from you : Strong people

when : 20 July 2009 22:00:05

Comment number 30

I want to digress. Is the person above a man or a woman?

This topic has both. Both soon as this one happens,


from you : BannokTeam

when : 20 July 2009 22:00:27

Comment number 31
Very cool. Don't go anywhere yet. I'll come read more. I like

from you : landon

when : 20 July 2009 22:08:24

Comment number 32
#30 Yes, Mr. #28, he probably means "Flight XXX Cleared to
land 21 L make a land long.." ^ ^ Using the word

" here probably means the speaker or the operator of Does the
airport communicate this to the pilots?

As for " it next to the runway? :) "

Is this probably the OP who said it himself? I think this is the
As for the OP, this is very informative. I never knew this
before. Thank you.

from you : siLvan

when : 20 July 2009 22:17:28

Comment number 33
Comment 26: Actually, the meaning is slightly different. They are almost
interchangeable. If Napoleonic would bring the differences to be known, I
would be happy.

Comment 28: Yes,

Runway distance remaining signs are signs that indicate the remaining
distance of the runway. Written in white numbers on a black
background. They are placed next to the runway to tell pilots how much
distance is left until the end of the runway. How to read the value is Multiply
the number read by 1000 in feet. As in the picture, there is 2000 feet
remaining, or approximately 600 meters until the end of the runway.

Edited on 20 July 2009 22:46:10

from you : KKT (kidarmy)

when : 20 July 2009 22:44:41

Comment number 34
Jam (I vaguely remember ancient knowledge Please correct
me if I'm wrong or not.)

-Airport is different from Aerodrome in that Airport will have

a terminal to serve passengers. Aerodrome will not have any.
There will only be facilities related to flying.

Airfield may mean an open area that can be used. To bring the
plane up and down There may not be many conveniences

- from the picture, Don Mueang has a Parallel Runway that is

not legal (at all).
Parallel Runway will be fully usable. That is, being able to
take off and land aircraft independently (independent parallel
without having to worry about the vortices that occur at the
wingtips of airplanes taking off or landing. to affect the
aircraft on the runway next to it

But in Don Mueang it can't be done. Because the distance

between the two runners is not enough. (If the runways are not
far enough apart, this can be fixed by making them staged.)
Therefore, one runway was divided for takeoff. Another
runway is used instead. It's convenient in another way.

Plus there's a golf course in the middle.

- Sign section There will be two models. The OP has said that
Marking and Marker
Marking means writing with paint, while Marker is a piece of
equipment (PAPI can be considered a Marker).

And besides Stopway, there is also Clearway, which

is an area that set at the end of the runway In order not to
create obstacles in that area.
And can also be used as a stopway.

P.S. The meaning of Airway is different from Route. If

anyone knows, please help. I'm not sure about this one...

from you : NoOscar

when : 20 July 2009 22:52:42
Comment number 35

from you : Choco-Mix

when : 20 July 2009 23:04:09

Comment number 36
Why didn't you set it before the Aerodrome exam?!??

What year are you from?


Edited on 20 July 2009 23:18:34

from you : darkIIIdark

when : 20 July 2009 23:14:45

Comment number 37
That is, the exam is finished. So I have free time to set up.

During the exam, I hardly slept. 6 subjects in 5 days TT

from you : KKT (kidarmy)

when : 20 July 2009 23:21:41

Comment number 38
Thank you for coming in. Gained a lot more knowledge.

from you : Co-Arrange

when : 20 July 2009 23:51:12

Comment number 39
Come and see.

from you : sassathx

written : 21 July 2009 00:19:57

Comment number 40
Missing PAPI.

Personally, I like 4 whites.

from you : stuck on an island

when : 21 July 2009 00:41:44

Comment number 41
Actually, PAPI is in the light section.

The PAPI light, or its full name is Precision Approach Path Indicator, is for
the pilot to bring the aircraft down at the appropriate landing angle. Not too
high or too low It has 4 lights, white and red, that change color according to
the viewing angle.

The most suitable landing angle is approximately 3 degrees. The pilot will
see 2 red lights and 2 white lights.
If red is more than white, shows that it is too low May eat grass
If white is more than red It means it's too high. Be careful or you'll touch
down the zone.

from you : kidarmy

written : 21 July 2009 01:10:08

Comment number 42
I don't see any ILS.

How will the plane land? Haha.

from you : RapidasH

when : 21 July 2009 01:11:56

Comment number 43
Thank you very much.

I signed it. I'll come back tomorrow afternoon and read more

from you : Lazy duckling

when : 21 July 2009 01:12:40

Comment number 44
Does anyone know that? hitchhiker What is its official name?

I'll come and explain.

from you : kidarmy

when : 21 July 2009 01:13:12

Comment number 45
Good information, even if you've never flown on an airplane,
read it to enhance your knowledge.

from you : Oh my god.

when : 21 July 2009 01:16:22

Comment number 46
is right.

It is one of the careers related to aviation besides pilots and air

stewards that people think of.

from you : RapidasH

when : 21 July 2009 01:19:29

Comment number 47
Comment 42

Runways can be divided into 2 types:

1. Non-instrument runway is a runway that uses eyes only for

descending. There are no auxiliary devices.

2. Instrument runway is a runway that has instruments to assist in landing,

divided into 4 types: a
) Non-precision approach runway, that is, there are only instruments to fly
directly into the runway, such as PAPI VOR
b) Precision approach runway, category I (cat1) is a runway with ILS and/or
MLS that allows aircraft to descend to a decision height where they must
decide whether to descend or return again (Decision height). More than 200
feet and must have a visibility of not less than 800 meters or a runway visual
range of not less than 550 meters. c)
Precision approach runway, category II (cat2) is the same as Cat1, but the
Decision height is lower, namely 100. feet and can see the runway not less
than 350 meters
d) Precision approach runway, category III (cat3) For Cat3, the aircraft will
be guided until it touches the runway surface. The pilot doesn't have to care
about visibility.

Edited on 21 July 2009 01:23:37

from you : kidarmy

when : 21 July 2009 01:23:07

Comment number 48
That's correct.

Hitchhikers, or as they are fancy called Marshallers, are very important. for
airplane in order to park at the designated point Because the pilot will not be
able to see the wheel. or even giving signals on aircraft carriers
But now there are replacement devices, such as cameras mounted under the
plane. Or a device that acts like a hitchhiker is called a visual docking
guidance system, but most airports still use Marshallers to signal.

from you : kidarmy

when : 21 July 2009 01:28:57

Comment number 49
I'd like to join the thread too!
And I would like to ask for permission from the OP to add
additional information.

From: Comment 1, additional information on Light signs

indicating the type of airport We will call it "Airport beacon". At
night we will have a light called airport beacon to help pilots
know what type of airport it is, whether it is civil or military. This
light in the early days It is a rotating light bulb, but in modern
times it is used as a flashing light instead. This light must be
visible from a distance of 1000 feet or can be seen from a
distance. Flashing white and green for civilian land

. Flashing white, yellow, and green for a heliport

Flashing white, yellow, and green for a heliport. Flashing white,
, and green for a heliport.
It is a helicopter airport.

Two quick white flashes followed by a green flash identifies a

military airport.
Flashing lights show the colors white, white and green alternating,
indicating that it is a military airport.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 21 July 2009 01:39:55

Comment number 50
Suvarnabhumi Airport's "Airport beacon" (white and green lights)
is installed on top of the It's the ATC flight control tower. I climbed
up and took this photo for you to see. There is probably nothing
higher in this area than this. The area above is also equipped with
communication equipment.
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 21 July 2009 01:46:55

Comment number 51
Just like I used to study.

from you : Little Jessie

when : 21 July 2009 02:11:08

Comment number 52
, please don't move the Airport Beacon.

Where are you going to take it?

After that, vote.

from you : Kritayadika

when : 21 July 09 08:35:35

Comment number 53
Good post with knowledge I didn't study in this area, but I like it.

from you : @Server ! maN@
when : 21 July 09 09:13:42

Comment number 54
I really want to know about taxiways, this time.

Paste it for now. When I have free time, come back and read

Vote + gif for me.

from you : Spell to prevent frustration

when : 21 July 09 09:26:17

Comment number 55

- Actually, if we were to share various conveniences. It can be

mainly divided into Visual Aid and Non-Visual Aid,

that is, Visual Aid will be visible, it will be various lights,

various signs, including all equipment that can be seen with
the eyes, and Non Visual Aid will be various radio
waves. Various air navigation aids.

Now Visual Aid can be further divided into Marking and

as mentioned above.

Or you can compare for fun that Aerodrome lighting systems

are a subset of Marker

-Aerodrome Beacon or military rotating beacon is now white-

green, not always white-white-green ^^

P.S. Year 4, if Got to Takhli Maybe I'll stop by and say


from you : NoOscar

when : 21 July 2009 10:08:09

Comment number 56

from you : ksk

when : 21 July 2009 10:22:45

Comment number 57
Brother Kokrom has arrived. Keep coming for a long time.

from you : BONDJUNG_TH

when : 21 July 2009 11:28:06

Comment number 58

from you : i.everyday

when : 21 July 2009 11:30:43

Comment number 59
Please tell me about Aiming Point.

Thank you


from you : SLaYe|2 ArcA

when : 21 July 2009 12:11:19

Comment number 60
And the position of navigator What is it for? We only know
that he does it in the control tower. But I don't know what to
do. And how do you call it in English? (^_^)

from you : Fiona

when : 21 July 2009 12:59:47 A: X:

Comment number 61
Wow! Vote!

from you : LAPD21

when : 21 July 2009 14:00:29

Comment number 62
navigator English is Air Traffic controller, ATC.

Air Traffic Service: Air Traffic Service is

divided into 3 main parts:
1.ATC: Air Traffic Control Service is the provision of air
traffic control services.
2.AIS: Aeronautical Information Service (not a mobile phone
company ^^) is an aviation news service.
3.SAR: Search and Rescue (can't remember his real name
here. But what it means) is to search and save lives.

But the main duties of ATC can be divided into three parts:
1.Aerodrome Control Tower, responsible for air traffic control
services. In the airport area everywhere Both in the air and on
the ground But it does not include the parking lot
, but it will be subdivided into
1.1 Local controller, responsible for machines on the runway
(runway) and in the air.
1.2 Ground controller, responsible for aircraft, people, and
vehicles on the ground.

The area of responsibility will be approximately 5-8 miles (to

be determined by each location) surrounding the
airport. Height from the floor up to 2000 feet (but not
including 2000 feet)

2.Approach Control Office is responsible for the area adjacent

to the airport, next to the Tower, area of responsibility. It will
be approximately 30 - 50 miles around the airport, with an
altitude of approximately 10,000 - 16,000 feet, excluding the
area of Tower

3.Area Control Center, responsible for the area next to

Approach, controlling aircraft along the flight path. including
being careful and facilitating aircraft in various airspaces for
which they are responsible Will be divided into parts Share
where the work will be done together with Navigator controls
and alerts which is a government agency

By working roughly
Airplanes from various flight routes will receive service from
the Area control center when entering the airport area. Control
will be handed over to the Approach control office to guide
the aircraft into the airport accordingly. Now it's very close to
the airport. That is, almost reaching the tower's area of
responsibility, the Approach will hand over control to the
Aerodrome control tower, where the local controller will take
on this responsibility. to allow the machine to enter the field
Once the plane has entered the field As soon as you leave the
runway, the local controller will pass on the responsibility to
the ground controller to take the taxiway taxiway to the
parking lot. The same

case as if the plane took off. Then reverse the process.

Tower will be on the control tower,

but Approach and Center will control the plane using Radar in
the control room.

Edited on 21 July 2009 14:07:16

from you : NoOscar

when : 21 July 2009 14:04:57

Comment number 63
If Sinners Could Fly, Thai Parliament Would Be An Airport.

from you : Master Chief

when : 21 July 2009 14:07:59

Comment number 64
Thank you very much NoOscar for providing additional

My boyfriend is working first. But we don't know. What do

they do about it? He said that he didn't know anything at
all. Now I understand clearly. Thank you (-/\-)

from you : Fiona

when : 21 July 2009 14:12:27 A: X:

Comment number 65
Fixed Distance Marking or Aiming Point Marking is rectangular in shape,
located on both sides of the center line, approximately 300 meters next to the
threshold, between the first and second touchdown zones. The rectangle you
see is made up of many vertical lines next to each other.

Its function is similar to that of the Touchdown zone:

1. Let the pilot intend to touch this point (VFR)
. 2. Let him know that he has flown past the Threshold.

If there is a mistake, please correct it. I'm not quite sure about this one.

from you : kidarmy

when : 21 July 2009 14:27:58

Comment number 66
I just found out that the beacon at Suvarnabhumi can be lifted

P.S. I'd like to see the one with the Batman symbol on it ^^'

from you : Glad

when : 21 July 2009 15:37:10

Comment number 67
I really like it.

I've been wondering for a long time what the things at the
airport are.

from you : Epiglottis

when : 21 July 2009 16:01:41

Comment number 68
I like to read it, but I can't remember it well. A lot of


Read and wait to see if Mr. Kokrom will come or not. He will

Thank you for all the information. There are many generations
in this thread.

from you : HeLL_Is_HeRe

when : 21 July 2009 16:03:37

Comment number 69
If you remember, it won't last long.

But if you understand, it will last a long time. ^^

from you : kidarmy

when : 21 July 2009 17:06:05

Comment number 70
I would like to follow the topic of recommendations and public

Civil Aviation Exhibition (CIVIL AVIATION EXHIBITION)

from 24 -26 July 2009
at Don Mueang Airport. International Passenger Terminal,
Building 2,

with various government and private agencies coming to organize

exhibitions. and displaying small aircraft and various types of
personal aircraft which is a small cog in the Thai aviation industry

As far as I have had the opportunity to look at the aircraft display

diagram, I consider it comparable to the Children's Day event
organized by the Royal Thai Air Force.
Examples of aircraft on display include:
1 Department of Air Transport Jetstream 31
2 Royal Thai Air Force Flight Training Unit CT-4A and T-41
3 Thai Aircraft Conservation and Development Foundation T-28,
P-64, Bearcat
4 Bangkok Aviation Ventor C-172, Citation Mustang, DA-42
5 Siam Land Flying Hawker 850, Kingair
6 Thai Flying Services Learjet 35, Cessna Caravan
7 MJet Company Limited Citation CJ3 and Citation Yes,

P.S. I have the display diagram as a Word file. How do I post it?

from you : Citation

when : 21 July 2009 17:22:05

Comment number 71
Poster to publicize the event..

Oh.. there's also an air flight show :)

from you : Citation
when : 21 July 2009 17:31:29

Comment number 72
thank you
from you : Red Devil Child
when : 21 July 2009 17:51:07

Comment number 73
#64 If it's the Royal Thai Air Force, there are 3 types of
1. Those on the plane. (Can't remember the name) to help the
pilot in flying, what they call a navigator, but nowadays there
aren't many of them.
2.Control and notification It will act as a defense against air
threats. Including controlling the aircraft that goes out to
perform interception duties.
3. Flight control is ATC.

from you : Fortune graces the bold-hearted.

when : 21 July 2009 19:13:54

Comment number 74
This is a very good topic.

from you : You are confused.

when : 21 July 2009 20:06:03

Comment number 75
I never knew, now I know...thank you ^_^

from you : env42_tay

when : 21 July 2009 20:45:18

Comment number 76
Thank you.
I've never been on a plane before. *0*

from you : person holding an umbrella

when : 21 July 2009 21:43:13
Comment number 77
It's another voting topic that will be a front and center for
others to talk about.

This topic has many knowledgeable people. Come gather

together in unity.

It shows that Wah Kor can do anything. Even has meaning

from you : specimen

when : 21 July 2009 22:02:58

Comment number 78
From Comment 47

a) Non-precision approach runway, meaning there is only an

aircraft to fly directly into the runway, such as PAPI VOR
b) Precision approach runway, category I (cat1) is a runway
that has ILS and/or MLS to help. The aircraft descends to a
decision height of not more than 200 feet and must have
visibility of not less than 800 meters or the runway. runway
visual range) not less than 550 meters.

If you read the above, you should understand that

Non-precision approach is flying with only the aircraft
helping it come straight into the runway.
Precision approach is flying with the aircraft helping it come
down to Decision height.
Please allow me to edit the message a little so that others can
understand it better. yes

A non-precision approach is a flight where the aircraft is only

aligned with the center line of the runway. Assistive devices
range from NDB, VOR, LOC.
Precision approach is a flight that has assistive devices to help
fly in line with the runway center line. and helps to land with
a landing angle (approximately) 3 degrees all the way to the
landing point The auxiliary device must have both a localizer
and a glide slope. If it has both, it is called ILS.

from you : ARTY BTRY

when : 21 July 2009 22:19:32

Comment number 79
thank you

from you : vandalism

when : 21 July 2009 23:17:15

Comment number 80
Code 73,
third pilot on board Used for viewing flight instruments,
looking at various gauges, called a Flight Engineer. Used with
machines in the past such as the old 747s, but nowadays
computers are used instead. Therefore there is no need for In
the past, pilots usually had both licenses, able to have both

In fact, there are still The person responsible for planning the
flight for the pilot is called a Flight Dispatcher or Flight
Operator (abbreviated FD,FO).

Edited on 21 July 2009 23:35:20

from you : kidarmy

when : 21 July 2009 23:34:40

Comment number 81
Don Mueang Airport
is a civil airport, a military airport, and a golf course as well

from you : smelly

when : 22 July 09 07:13:41

Comment number 82
Very good. Used the service many times. Don't know the
meaning thank you very much

P.S. I miss Don Mueang.

from you : poohpisces

when : 22 July 09 09:37:25
Comment number 83
V1 VR V2 I really like it. I forgot to turn on the fact that the
device wouldn't turn on. Ha.

Posts like this need upvotes. Thank you for the information.

from you : Hey, the dog is 2 years old.

when : 22 July 2009 10:19:49

Comment number 84


when : 22 July 2009 12:07:07

Comment number 85
thank you

from you : wingboy

when : 22 July 2009 12:49:24

Comment number 86
Another VDGs is missing.

from you : lionburns (lionburns)

when : 22 July 2009 16:53:35

Comment number 87
Question 80
: The navigators on the Air Force plane are not the third pilot
because the third pilot is the engineer file. Look at the engine
system to assist pilots 1 and 2 because in the past Computer
aids in flight are not yet very good,
but the navigator acts as a pilot, similar to that of a ship. It is
used with a transporter. In the past, you would sit outside and
have The map plots the low places. airplane Because some
missions do not use ATC services like commercial machines
, but now they should be replaced with GPS instead. I don't
know if the C130 still has this location. Haven't used the
service for many years.

from you : Khong student (Khong student)

when : 22 July 2009 21:09:05

Comment number 88
I really like this topic. It's like going back in time to study

The more I saw the layout of Don Mueang Airport, it made

me think of the phrase "Make a land long" really helped a lot. If you weren't long, the plane probably
wouldn't get land


from you : 118.1 MHz (YounG_@_MFC)

when : 22 July 2009 21:33:25

Comment number 89

Got to know Suvarnabhumi a lot more.

from you : Flying ants

when : 22 July 2009 22:16:22

Comment number 90
This is clearly the subject Basic Knowledge of Aerodrome.
Hehehe. I'll guess what it is. I'm in my second year. I didn't
know that there were a lot of people at C.P.S. playing Pantip
as well.

from you : ::humAn_nAture::

when : 22 July 2009 22:44:45

Comment number 91
“Navigator” or Navigator
, if you are an Air Force officer, use the word Air Navigator.
As for the word Navigation, it means work, for example, Air
Navigation is air navigation. :Which is the work of the naval
officer. If it's sailing, use the word Navigation (without Air).
Take the part of the navigator. Let's talk about flying first.

**The word Navigator is used for a person, while Navigation

is the job itself.

*Soldiers use the word Navigator Corp. The word Flight

Navigator or Navigator is a course in the Electronics
Department in the school. Air Force Sergeants are divided
into 2 types as follows:

*1. Navigator (aircraft control and warning notification)

(T.H.K.C.) 2 year course with duties related to air defense, air
surveillance, faction verification, interception flight control,
aerodynamics, electronic warfare
, joint combat, tactical air operations, education and training
in Air defense abroad

*2. Pilot (flight control)

(T.B.A.) 2 year course, studying technical aviation
air traffic rules, air traffic control at airports,
Air traffic control in and out of airports,
aviation communications, aviation news services.
Advancement: Can take the exam to become an
employee. Aeronautical Radio Company, exam to be
an employee of the Airports Authority of Thailand, exam to
be a civil servant
Department of Air Transport, exam to become an employee of
the institute
civil aviation

In addition to this institute, there is also a navigator course

and the Civil Aviation Training Center. and various armies,
the navy will have a navigator who is responsible for
maps. Navigation routes and ship guns are also related to the
use of weapons on ships. The police also have navigators in
the police squadron.

* According to personal understanding. There may be errors

in the information, but it won't be much.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 23 July 2009 01:03:44
Comment number 92
I used to be an aeronautical engineer. I still don't know as
much as I've read here.

from you : Fred_Flintstone

when : 23 July 2009 01:11:44

Comment number 93
For the pilot that many people wonder about Whether it's the
third pilot or whether you want to call it the navigator pilot,
it's hard to understand. But the "navigator" that gives
examples of the first two types is the navigator (in control of
the aircraft). and warning notification) and the navigator
(flight control) probably understand each other a bit. Where is
there an airport? There must be At present, air control towers,
military airports, and civil airports or airports in various
provinces Where we use the service, there will be air traffic
control officers. Control air traffic, coordinating in many parts
such as port authority officials, aeronautical radio, Royal Thai
Air Force officials. This type of navigator will work on the

navigator, or aircraft office. Or we will call it Flight

Engineer from message #80. In the past it was 747-300, but
nowadays Airplanes have modern flight systems, such as the
747-400 on Thai Airlines, which only has a pilot and a second
pilot. Are there still navigators at the aircraft office in

Yes, the navigator that is most noticeable will be the

navigator who flies with C-130 transport aircraft of the Royal
Thai Air Force. The person who will be the navigator, pilot or
navigator, operates on the aircraft. Must pass the specified
curriculum. Has a duty to Prepare aviation information,
routes, prepare meteorological information. and coordinate
with control tower

The C-130 pilot and navigator,

in addition to the Air Force's procurement High-performance
aircraft are now in service. The Royal Thai Air Force also has
to recruit pilots with good skills as well. Squadron 601 is a
destination for newly graduated pilots. Since the C-130
aircraft began entering service, nearly 30 years ago, the
selection of pilots into the fleet has been There are an
overwhelming number of top skilled pilots interested in
becoming C-130 pilots, which is truly fortunate for the Thai
Air Force. In general, aviation students who graduate from
both Thai and foreign aviation schools

. will be arranged in order From the results of flight

training, whoever flies well and gets good scores will have the
right to choose a model and choose a squadron before other
friends. Those who received poor scores in flight training
often had to choose later. In many countries, becoming a
fighter pilot is will be selected first. But surprisingly, the
Royal Thai Air Force There are quite a few skilled pilots who
intend to choose to become C-130 pilots first.


*I would like to understand the word navy of each type more.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 23 July 2009 01:36:22

Comment number 94
I'd like to add more to the topic as well.

I've seen the ATC tower at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Let's take a look
at Don Mueang Airport. What's interesting about

this picture? Flight control tower. Don Mueang Airport who have
served the country as the gateway to our country for many
decades Notice the circle. It's the Airport beacon. The information is
in #Comment #49.
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 01:47:29

Comment number 95
Through Don Mueang Airport No one will not see What is the
name of this rotating device? What is its function? Today the
doubts will be gone. or go to use airport services in various
provinces It is in use:

1. Primary Surveillance Radar is installed and used in the area

adjacent to the airport (Approach Control) with a radius not
exceeding 80 nautical miles. Currently, the company has it
installed and used at Chiang Mai, Phitsanulok, Bangkok airports.
Hua Hin, Hat Yai and Phuket
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 02:07:59

Comment number 96
2. Secondary Surveillance Radar installed for tracking
aircraft. Along the flight route (Area Control) with a radius of 250
nautical miles. Currently, the company has installations at Chiang
Mai, Ubon Ratchathani, Bangkok, Surat Thani and Mae Hong Son

In the picture installed at Don Mueang Airport

from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 09 02:12:28

Comment number 97
From what we have learned from the OP and each member who
added information. Some of the information I myself just learned
counts as gaining even more knowledge.
The following is a summary.

Left: Airport Markings.

Right: Airport Signs - Action or Purpose.
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 02:28:26

Comment number 98
from various equipment and symbols As for all the airports
mentioned above,
try looking from the Airport Diagram to see which parts are in which
parts. will understand more Yes, it makes the picture easy to see and
understand. Before we go to learn the system Suvarnabhumi
Airport It may be difficult but try to convey the meaning of the
airport easily.

*From the picture it is Plymount City Airport Airport

type : Public
Operator Plymouth City Airport Ltd
Serves Plymouth
Location : Plymouth, Devon
Elevation AMSL 476 ft / 145 m
Coordinates 50°25′22″N 004°06′21″W Runway

Length/meter Length/feet
06/24 805 2,641 13/31
1,161 3,809

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 23 July 2009 02:58:35

Comment number 99
I fell in love with Wah Kor because of this.
There is a person who sacrifices his time to present good
stories for you to read.
There are fellow members who have a lot of knowledge to
provide information. Add to each other Or correct mistakes. I
admire and thank you very much.

from you : HiComrade

when : 23 July 09 06:08:36

Comment number 100

Comment 7

Because airplanes must always fly against the wind when

taking off or landing. in order to increase the relative


from you : The cat has a bloated belly.

when : 23 July 09 07:41:14

Comment number 101

From the information #95 and #96 are the radars used in aircraft
tracking system of Don Mueang Airport. It is a system that tells the
location, coordinates, and altitude of aircraft. Currently, there are 2
types of systems/equipment used:

Left: Primary Surveillance Radar.

Right: Secondary Surveillance Radar.

*Aircraft tracking system will be in the section Air traffic control


Interested in information on aviation systems, air traffic control

services, air traffic control engineering. Please follow here. There are
many knowledgeable people who can help answer.
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 11:42:58

Comment number 102

Let's watch the children of the Office of the Basic Education
Commission play Pantip.... Heh heh.

from you : [SH]Hollow

when : 23 July 2009 12:41:01

Comment number 103

#Let's get to know each other Don Mueang Airport is better. How
did it come about?

*Don Mueang Airport (formerly known as Bangkok Airport)

or commonly known as Don Mueang Airport was originally an
upland area. The northern part of Bangkok, from the survey, is a
very wide open area. The nature of the area is upland, water does
not flood. This area was called "Household" in the morning. "Don
E Hawk" because there are flocks of hawks flying together in large
groups in this upland area.

This area is rice fields with many owners such as The rice
field of Muenhan Jai-at, this person has a lot of rice fields. Part of
the land was given to build a temple. At that time there was no
name yet. The villagers call it "Wat Don I Yao" Later, when an air
force was established in this area and it was called "Don Mueang",
this temple was then called "Wat Don E Yao". "Wat Don Mueang"
and is the name of this airport. "Don Mueang Airport" itself.

When Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT)

officially opened Suvarnabhumi Airport on September 28, 2006
using the IATA Code as BKK, Bangkok Airport was renamed
again to Don Mueang Airport on On March 13, 2007, the IATA
Code was changed to DMK.

Don Mueang Airport currently serves General Aviation, State

Aircraft, Military Aircraft, Government Aircraft, Pure Technical
Landing, Pure Charter Flight and increases commercial flight
services. Domestic Point to Point since March 25, 2007 onwards

***So if we hear DMK flight file

means Don Mueang Airport,
BKK means Suvarnabhumi Airport.

In the picture it is Landing at the airport, you will see a golf

course. In the middle of the runway, you can feel that Arrived in

from you : Umbrella reed

written : 23 July 2009 13:13:01

Comment number 104

From Diagarm Airport of Don Mueang Airport What did you tell

Located at longitude 100. 36' 30" and latitude 13. 54' 52", 9 feet
above sea level. Don Mueang Airport. Located 24 kilometers
north of central Bangkok

*Airport Specifications ICAO

Service hours 24 hours

Runway 2
-Runway 21 R/03L - Length 3,700 meters, Width 60 meters
(12,139 feet) /197 feet)
-Runway 21 L/03R - length 3,500 meters, width 45 meters
(11,461 feet/147 feet)

Capacity to accommodate 60 aircraft flights per hour

Characteristics of the airport floor Paved concrete floor,

Runway 21R/03L = PCN.126/F/D/W/T

Runway 21L/03R = PCN.126/F/D/W/T
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 13:28:34
Comment number 105
thank you very much Gained more knowledge.

from you : bunny2teddy

when : 23 July 2009 16:32:57

Comment number 106

No matter how many times you come in, you still have the same knowledge
as before. For this topic.....

thank you very much

from you : @Server ! maN@

when : 23 July 2009 17:33:20

Comment number 107


Airplanes take off or land. Must always fly into the wind.

Imagine the following:

Airplane ------>> 200 knots

Wind ---------->> 20 knots
Speed at which air flows over the wings = 180 knots

Airplane --- --->> 200 knots

wind <<----------- 20 knots
The speed at which air flows through the wings = 220 knots

It can be seen that flying with the wind and flying against the
wind. There is a difference in speed of up to 40 knots
, and aircraft need high relative speed to provide enough lift to
the wings to support the aircraft.

But low ground speed is required to ensure safe use of the

shortest take-off or landing runway.

You should be able to see why we always have to fly against

the wind.

But when flying up to the height used for flying

travel Airplanes will prefer the wind. Because it saves
fuel and greatly reduce travel time

Edited on 23 July 2009 18:43:59

from you : kidarmy

when : 23 July 2009 18:41:54

Comment number 108

I would like to add to Khun Kokrom in Section 104 regarding
the strength of the runway surface.

What do the letters PCN 126/F/D/W/T mean? Let's take a

The PCN (pavement classification number) is the strength of
the runway surface. which must always be greater than the
ACN (aircraft classification number) or the strength value
required by the aircraft. The letters on the back mean the
following values:

a) Pavement type, surface characteristics

R = Rigid pavement (concrete) Hard surface such as concrete
F = Flexible pavement (asphalt) Surface that is flexible,
F = Composite pavement is a surface. that mix such as
concrete mixed with asphalt
b) Subgrade strength category surface hardness (I'm not sure
about this one)
A = High strength
B = Medium strength
C = Low strength
D = Ultra low strength
c) Maximum allowable tire pressure category The maximum
tire pressure that can be tolerated
W = High : no pressure limit
X = Medium : pressure limited to 1.50 MPa
Y = Low : pressure limited to 1.00 MPa
Z = Very low : pressure limited to
d) Evaluation method Testing process
T = Technical evaluation Technical testing
U = Using aircraft experience Test from the experience of
bringing an airplane to land.

Edited on 23 July 2009 18:56:18

Edited on 23 July 2009 18:55:13

from you : kidarmy

when : 23 July 2009 18:54:30

Comment number 109

***It's not finished yet, brothers and sisters. Let's continue.
Anyone who doesn't come and read will regret it.

*Air traffic control work at Don Mueang Airport

Aerodrome/Approach Control Service

provides air traffic control services to aircraft. Take off, land

and fly over at Don Mueang Airport. Within the air traffic
control area The area of responsibility is a radius of 50 nautical
miles (Nautical Mile) from the airport.

Volume of flights providing air traffic control services at Don

Mueang Airport
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 20:08:50

Comment number 110

From #70
Aircraft display diagram You have a word file. I have a power
point file.

Pla Ling: I made it myself. Hehe

: From the name of the login, I guess it's from M-Jet, right?
from you : Free Kick
when : 23 July 2009 20:11:38

Comment number 111

Finally, it is indispensable to the heart door of Thailand. Don't go
and close it!

*Suvarnabhumi Airport
Suvarnabhumi Airport or Suvarnabhumi Airport (former name:
Nong Ngu Hao Airport)

Information by Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited.

Designate Suvarnabhumi International Airport as the country's main
airport. and will be an aviation hub in Southeast Asia.

Suvarnabhumi Airport's management system is linked together

through technology called AIMS (Airport Information Management
System), which covers 45 systems and all systems work in Real
Time Interactive and Internet-based.

System example Air traffic control work at Suvarnabhumi Airport

Aerodrome/Approach Control Service. Ready, let's go.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 23 July 2009 20:21:49

Comment number 112

* Runway, taxiway, and apron systems Let's take a look at this
system first. Suvarnabhumi Airport has been designed to support for
the future So you don't have to move airports often.

There are 2 runways.

Ruway Width/meter Length/meter Length/feet

01R/19L 60 4,000 13,120
01L/19R 60 3,700 12,136

The distance between the runways is 2,200 meters apart. There is a

parallel taxiway. Both runways provide up-down service. of aircraft

*Runways are Staged Runways, meaning runways that are parallel

to each other. But the beginning and end do not match.

***From the picture it is Project in Phase 1, current phase

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 23 July 2009 20:44:38

Comment number 113

I would like to ask for permission from Mr. Kokrom a little
I saw that the owner of the thread posted about PCN/ACN
fees, so I wanted to expand on it further.
For the youngsters who are studying May be used to form

Copied from the block. I had typed it out a long time

ago. Haven't uploaded it in a while ^^"

Calculating ACN and PCN values

. ACN and PCN

values. ACN (Aircraft classification number) is a value

showing the relationship between an airplane and an airport. It
will be displayed as a table showing various values, which
type of uniform weighs how much. What is the tire
pressure? And most importantly, there are numbers to
compare with the PCN values on each surface. This value is
used to see if the uniform can be used at the airport or
not. The numbers in this table can be found and viewed in
Doc9157 (unfortunately I don't have this book).

As for the PCN (Pavement classification number) value, it is a

value that tells various details of the airport. Subdivided into
several parts If you go and look in AIP, you will see a line of
letters and numbers. For example, at work I have a PCN value
of 80/R/D/X/T. Each value has its own meaning.

1. As an example, 80 is the PCN value of the airport to

calculate and compare with the ACN value of the airplane that
we will see if it can use this airport or not.

2. The next number will tell you the Pavement type value, or
that is, the type of surface. There are two types: R(rigid =
concrete floor) and F(flexible = Asphalt floor).

3. It is the type of original soil layer (subgrade strenght

This value is used to measure the original floor before it was
an airport. What kind of floor is this? What is the hardness
level? It ranges from ABCD, ranging from high hardness,
medium hardness, little hardness, and very little
hardness. (high, medium, low, ultra low)

4. is the value used to compare with the tire pressure of the

airplane (Maximum allowance tire pressure category).
This value is very important. Because if you look at the table
from doc9157 and it is more than the PCN setting of the
airport, you will lose your right to use the airport immediately
(but sometimes you can be stubborn. It's not that you can't go
down, but the runway will definitely be damaged.) It has a
value starting from WXYZ, which is
W=High. There is no limit on tire pressure. Don't be afraid
even if you push a lot
, hehe . Let that airport say How is it measured? There are two
values: T and U. T=Technical evaluation is used to measure
using technology regarding the characteristics of the airport
floor. U=Using aircraft experience is used to study the type
and weight of aircraft that have been used. Use that airport
regularly. It's easy to just use familiarity. Now, let's take a
look at the calculations. I summarize it in simple steps: 1.
Look at the tire pressure first and see how much it is. If it's not
more than what's specified in the PCN value, you pass. If it's
more than that, the game ends. 2. Take the PCN value you got
and add another. 5% for concrete surface and 10% for asphalt
surface. Here you can see from the second value after the
number what type of surface it is.

3. Now take the ACN value and compare it with the PCN
value which has already increased by %. If it is not more than
then Planes can use that airport. However, there is another
exception: if the ACN value is greater than the original PCN
value that has not yet been increased by %, then that airplane
will be able to make no more than a maximum number of
landings. 5% of the total aircraft statistics throughout the year
at that airport.

from you : NoOscar

when : 23 July 2009 20:46:00

Comment number 114

***From the picture it is Project in phase 2, project start phase.
This phase will have 3 runways. Runway names will be changed as

Ruway Width/meter Length/meter

01L/19R 60 4,000
01R/19L 60 3,700
*Runways are Staged Runways, meaning runways that are parallel.
together But the beginning and end do not match.

Ruway Width/meter Length/meter
02L/20R 60 4,000
*Runway is a Single Runway, meaning a single runway.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 23 July 2009 20:57:49

Comment number 115

Anyway, please let me know a little bit. Who has a law
governing buildings in the area surrounding the airport? Do
you have a website to recommend?

from you : Air_graphic

when : 23 July 2009 21:06:04

Comment number 116

I don't know if Mr. Kokrom's has finished yet. I
brought a picture of Suvarnabhumi Phrase 2 to show you.

It's probably under construction.

from you : kidarmy

when : 23 July 2009 21:09:14

Comment number 117

Go ahead, consider bringing the knowledge of each member to
exchange information. In Wakor there are not only members. But
there are also general people who come to watch and gain
knowledge about aviation, controls, and air traffic control
services. and knowledge about airports. Benefits from traveling
everywhere. Some things I myself don't know.
Let's continue watching. with what will happen in the
future Suvarnabhumi Airport In the future When fully
developed There will be a total of 4 runways, 2 parallel runways on
each side, and there will be 120 aircraft parking spots (51 parking
spots close to the building and 69 remote parking spots), including a
large aircraft parking spot. Number of 5 pit stops (supports A -380)

Ruway Width/meter Length/meter

01L/19R 60 4,000
01R/19L 60 3,700
*The runway is a Staged Runways type, meaning the runways are
parallel to each other. But the beginning and end do not match.

Ruway Width/meter Length/meter
02L/20R 60 4,000
02R/20L 60 4,000
*The runway is a Parallel Runways type, meaning the runways are
parallel to each other.

This is the gateway to Siam, the Land of Smiles.

from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 21:29:40

Comment number 118

Air traffic control work according to the standard currently used
around the world is divided into 3 types of duties, classified
according to the control area:

-Air traffic control at airports

(Aerodrome Control Service)
-Air traffic control Area adjacent to the airport
(Approach Control Service)
- Air traffic control along the flight route
(Area Control Service)

is an example of a rough working system. One system

* Air traffic control at airports Anyone passing by will see the tall
chao tower that is located in the airport. Many people know that it
is an air traffic control tower. Some people don't know. Let's take a
look at the duties.

The duties are: Providing air traffic control services at the

airport. Each airport will control air traffic covering a radius of 5 -
10 nautical miles surrounding the airport. At an average height of
2,000 feet from the ground, it also has the function of and
responsibility for air traffic control for aircraft on runways,
taxiways, and parking areas in the area of responsibility
surrounding the airport The air traffic controller will work on the
control tower. and has the following responsibilities:

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 23 July 2009 21:38:00

Comment number 119

*Ground Control : Duties and responsibilities can be divided
as follows.

Responsible for air traffic control of aircraft on the

taxiway. and parking area to be driven safely, orderly, and
grant permission for aircraft propulsion and other vehicles On
the taxiway/parking lot Provide news and information to
pilots and ground support units or other related agencies To
facilitate aircraft that come to use the service:

*Local Control or Tower Control: Duties and responsibilities

can be divided as follows.
Responsible for air traffic control on the runways and aircraft
surrounding the airport or in designated areas in the traffic
zone surrounding the airport,
determining take-off and landing runways. to suit the weather
conditions (Against the direction of the wind)
Contact and coordinate with Approach Control in arranging
the order for incoming and outgoing aircraft. Alert pilots to
comply with flight regulations.

From the picture

: Top: Data from runway 01L/19R, various sensor data.
Middle: Ground Situation Display system of the airport.
Bottom: Divided controls Aerodrome Control
Ground Control 1
Ground Control 2
Ground Control 3
Tower Control 1
Tower Control 2
*All information is automatic. Show results via the Display
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 21:50:35

Comment number 120

Left : Air traffic control routes and areas in Thailand.
Right : Taking off planes. until landing
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 21:55:47

Comment number 121

Let's look at air traffic routes. In Southeast Asia, let's
take a look. Can you see the map of Thailand with flight routes? It is
a connecting point to various countries.

*In the red circle, there are Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket. These are
international flight routes.
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 22:01:52

Comment number 122

Thank you for the information, Mr. Kokrom.
I'm curious about the illustrations and information in comment
number 114.
The names of the runways for Phase 2 were increased to 3. I
wonder why 20, 19L, 19R were used instead of 19L, 19C,
Does anyone know the information? Please ask for

from you : 118.1 MHz (YounG_@_MFC)

when : 23 July 2009 23:06:56
Comment number 123
Next, let's look at the pictures casually. Some questions I can
answer. Some of the information I suspect is unknown as
well. Anyone who knows, please come and add additional
information. This topic as well.

Let's go visit the Air Traffic Control Center - ATC Control Center.
Look at it from a distance. Yes, it's high.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 23 July 2009 23:30:55

Comment number 124

From the year 46, no one thought of Chang? There's also an airplane
mechanic. It's such a shame -..-

from you : crusted

when : 23 July 2009 23:38:01
Comment number 125
And then we stopped at the entrance sign. Read that...........

Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Company Limited



After World War I, the Post and Telegraph Department was

assigned by the government. To serve air traffic control and
aviation communications Until World War 2 occurred in Asia,
resulting in civil aircraft being unable to fly and therefore having to
go out of business.

When World War II ended, the international aviation business

began to recover. Aeronautical Radio Inc. (ARINC) from the
United States, International Aeradio Ltd. (IAL) from England, and
various airlines flying to Thailand. They jointly requested approval
from the Thai government to establish a company. Aeronautical
Radio of Thailand Co., Ltd. AERONAUTICAL RADIO OF SIAM
LTD. on April 15, 1948, to operate air traffic control services. and
standard aviation communications and recommendations of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (International Civil
Aviation Organization) under a contract received from the Thai

Thanks for the information from Aeronautical Radio of Thailand
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 23 July 2009 23:42:40

Comment number 126

Comment #124 Don't be disappointed. The heart of an airplane
is, in my opinion, the mechanic. Thai Airways
technician Bangkok Airways or various airlines If I have the
opportunity, I will post in scenes what the life of a mechanic is

Continued history>>>
Until later, the Thai government has always recognized
the importance of the aeronautical radio mission that related
to national security and aviation business development In
addition, we are ready in every aspect. Therefore, the business
was transferred to operate as a government organization from 1
November 1963 and the English name was changed to
AEROTHAI. Later on, airlines that operated Flys to Thailand
regularly and is also a shareholder with the government.
Aeronautical Radio has therefore gained the status of a state
enterprise. Under the Ministry of Transport Even though it is
operated as a limited company

But because of the obligation as working on behalf of the

government which is a member of ICAO and in accordance
with an agreement with the government, Aeronautical Radio
operates on a non-profit basis. Among the safety sector services
include air traffic control services. and aviation
communications in the territory of Thailand It has a network
connecting with various countries. In addition, there are also
business services, namely services related to aviation
operations both domestically and internationally. and abroad

Nowadays, it has been more than half a century since

Aeronautical Radio Has operated the business with
determination that maintains quality of service and develops
technology and personnel to be up to date and cooperate with
aviation organizations both domestically and abroad. In order
to participate in cooperation with aviation organizations both
domestic and international. To participate in bringing
progress to the aviation business in both Thailand and the
Asian region

From the first step..... Until today, at present

from you : Umbrella reed
written : 23 July 2009 23:51:26

Comment number 127

Pass the sign in front of the company and you will see The work
building and the control tower stand out in all their glory.

"Airport Control Tower" at Suvarnabhumi Airport New airport

in Thailand which is officially opened Went on September 28,
2006. It is the tallest control tower in the world. Because it has a
height of 132.2 meters, equivalent to a 45-story building!! while
the control tower Generally no more than 50 meters high,

the control tower It consists of two parts: the control tower or

tower is at the top. And as for the office building, as in the

"The old air control tower at Don Mueang Airport is about 30

meters high, which is a big obstacle to visibility." There will only
be tall buildings blocking it and you can see a big plane." The
speaker spread his arms to explain and said that he couldn't see
the whole plane. You can only see parts of it, like the nose of an
airplane. The tail of the airplane, etc., can be seen from #94

. Therefore, when having to move the airport to

Suvarnabhumi Therefore it was necessary to build it high. so that
the entire plane can be seen Including the take-off and landing of
airplanes clearly

before passing through the checkpoint into the glass elevator door
of the control tower. Must be thoroughly inspected by security
guards, scanning the entire body to dissuade suspicious
objects. walk through metal detector Then take the elevator to the
office building first. Then continue to the 4th floor of the flight
control office building. which is a building connected to the
control tower
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 24 July 2009 00:02:35

Comment number 128

Picture of the interior of the flight control room on the 4th floor,
which has very modern electronic equipment. There are large and
small screens that receive signals sent from the radar. and airplanes
flying through Thai airspace It can also reach nearby countries such
as Singapore. Various movements in Thai airspace therefore cannot
escape the sight of the radar screen here. Everything is
automatic. With control technology that is considered as modern as
any other airport.

This control room will monitor air movements over a long

distance. and coordinate between the control tower and the
pilot. which requires modern technology and equipment Having to
work 24 hours a day, the temperature in the room must be adjusted
low. To maintain the equipment and prevent system damage. If
anyone works with electronic equipment or communication network
system You will know very well that temperature is an important
part. So we see Officers wear protective vests to protect from the

from you : Umbrella reed

written : 24 July 2009 00:16:42

Comment number 129

And then it arrived.................... "The highest control tower in
the world"

Air Traffic Control Center - The control center has the

highest control tower in the world (132.2 meters) complete
with an aviation radio communication system. Airport
proximity aircraft tracking system and ground aircraft tracking
system including modern aircraft navigation systems Carrying
out foundation construction using the special “Tension Ring”
technique, which is a technique used in construction for the
first time in Thailand.

To support the weight of the lower body to create the most

stability and strength. With its excellent height and design, it
increases efficiency in air traffic control. Because officials
can Visible throughout the airport, it also reduces blind angles,
making all aircraft in the airport visible.
from you : Umbrella reed
when : 24 July 2009 00:24:52

Comment number 130

A work room that few people get to experience. With the modern
ATC control system, view around the airport.

*ATC is the most stressful profession in the world.

Taking care of dozens of incoming aircraft at the same
time There will definitely be stress. The way to relieve stress
is You must know how to release and not let it pile up. The
company therefore provides many benefits to help you relax, such
as managing working hours. alternation of duties (The nature of the
work of ATC officers. Each shift has 12 hours of work, 2 hours, 2
breaks, that is, work 2 hours, then rest 1 hour (airplane control 1
hour and assistant 1 hour). When it's time to rest, arrange a room

is The proportions are provided with a TV, radio, massage

chair, novels, and computer for playing games. To relax as you
like Emphasis on working together like siblings. Arrange meetings
every month. To bring problems from work to share with each
other. including personal problems, company problems, and
country problems in order to keep up with events and eliminate
those problems Do not stay in a work system that already has stress
as a basis.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 24 July 2009 00:35:29

Comment number 131

*How to become an ATC officer. Before becoming an ATC,

you must pass the ATC Fast Track course. Start by

recruiting people with a bachelor's degree from any field, not
over 27 years old, pass the TOEIC test with 600 points.
Selection methods The knowledge testing process will be used
such as Mathematics, English, the test will require you to do
many things at the same time. And there was also a
psychiatric examination. Those who pass this first stage will
proceed to the next stage. It is a test of typing and computer
skills, an interview, and passing the selection.

After passing the written and interview Must attend the

Intensive Course for a period of 3 months with academic
performance testing as well. It is considered a trial study
first. Not considered to be an employee of ATC and have a
contract that Those who cannot study can leave. But they will
not have the right to work in any part of ATC. Those who
pass the test at this stage The Aeronautical Radio
Company Will be hired as an employee in the position of
"General Administration Officer" and sent to receive training
at the Civil Aviation Training Center for a period of 8 months

and then tested again. To select the flight control

center and a control tower appropriate to each person's
abilities. At this stage the company Will be promoted to the
position of "Aeronautical Information Officer" and must go
out for training for 1 year and come back to take the
promotion exam again. There will be officials from the
Department of Air Transport as testers. If you pass this level,
you will work as an Aerodrome Controller. After that, you
will have to take the promotion exam again. To select which
control work will be carried out, divided into 2 levels:
Approach Control and Area Control.

This course is not ordinary at all. Who is interested?

from you : Umbrella reed
when : 24 July 2009 00:45:34

Comment number 132

The ATC Fasttrack course has opened for 16 batches. This year will
be the 17th batch.
There is an intensive course in the theory section divided into
general subjects. The exam score must pass 60% and ATC subjects
must pass 70%

1.History of Aviation
2.Priciples of flight
4.Air traffic services (ATC)
5.Rules of the air (ATC)
6 .Air navigation
7.Surveillance System
8.Aeronautical Information service (ATC)
9.Aerodrome (ATC)
10.Introduction to Area control service (ATC)
11.Introduction to Approach control service (ATC)
12.Flight Information Message (ATC)
13 .Aviation English
14.Manual of Radiotelephony (ATC)
15.Theory Module 1-5 (ATC)
16.Module (1-5) (ATC)

In the practical part, you will train from the Simulation program.
After that you will go to the actual training area before becoming an

Reference information from

From Wikipedia free encyclopedia
From you: Narmkhing regarding calling the ATC Fasttrack course

from the picture of airplanes queuing up and waiting to take off!

I was going to give a short answer. It's a long story. 55 Thank you to
the NBTC for giving me a space to share my opinions.

Interested in information about aviation systems, air traffic control

services, air traffic control engineering? Please follow here. There
are many knowledgeable people who can help answer.

Edited on 24 July 2009 01:23:02

from you : Umbrella reed
when : 24 July 2009 01:00:05

Comment number 133

Come get some late night food.

from you : @Server ! maN@

when : 24 July 2009 01:31:13

Comment number 134

I'd like to thank Khun Kokrom,
comment number 122.

It is expected that it should be prepared in case it becomes 4

Runway so that there is no need to change the name again.

from you : kidarmy

when : 24 July 2009 01:48:17

Comment number 135

Continuing from comment number 48,

VDGs - Visual Docking Guidance Systems,

aircraft parking lighting system.
At Suvarnabhumi Airport, a VDGS is used instead of a
Marshaller. But sometimes it is still necessary to have a
Marshaller work instead in times when the VDGs system may
have some problems. VDGs have cameras to detect aircraft
. that the aircraft is close to approaching the T-Mark or not,
with a distance indicating how many meters are left until the
parking range of that model's aircraft Each model of airplane
will park at a different T-Mark. Once you've determined the
distance, you'll be told how many meters are left until the
parking point.
There is also a distance to tell that Do I have to turn left again
or turn right again? To match the lines of the T-Mark

from you : lionburns (lionburns)

when : 24 July 09 09:04:46

Comment number 136

This one is VDGs.

Edited on 24 July 2009 09:09:16

from you : lionburns (lionburns)
when : 24 July 09 09:08:43

Comment number 137

This picture is the work of indicating the position of the
aircraft that will be parked. I don't know if I'll understand.

Edited on 24 July 2009 09:18:21

from you : lionburns (lionburns)
when : 24 July 09 09:10:47

Comment number 138

Watch this clip and you'll probably understand.

from you : lionburns (lionburns)

when : 24 July 09 09:13:35

Comment number 139

Each concourse has 1 VDGs.
This one is 1 off-park, 2 concourses have 2 VDGs.
from you : lionburns (lionburns)
when : 24 July 09 09:16:12

Comment number 140

I didn't come to see it for a while. The topic has grown a lot..
First of all, I must praise that this post is very creative. I give it a
thumbs up. There are a lot of people really interested in flying in
Wa Kor.

Please help #138 to paste it for me..

Edited on 24 July 2009 09:25:31

from you : Citation

when : 24 July 09 09:22:23

Comment number 141

#127 I'd like to add a little to Khun Kokrom about the Don
Mueang air control tower..

The area before Taxiway S intersects with 21R is probably

considered a major blind spot for Don Mueang (the Tower
cannot be seen) because it is blocked by trees on the golf
course. The machine that was waiting to cross 21R also came
out, but it was very dangerous. But I saw that there was a CCTV
camera installed..

"Flight XXX Vacated right taxiway S and holdshort of 21R"

#110 I found a way to capture it from word, but posting it now

would be a bit slow. (Well, the fair is open today) Haha..

Finally, please guess which airport this picture is from. It's very
easy. Let me tell you :)

from you : Citation

when : 24 July 09 09:43:14

Comment number 142

Very good

from you : Fighting Beaver

when : 24 July 2009 11:27:18

Comment number 143

...come in and see

from you : Mr. Fusion

when : 24 July 2009 12:07:29

Comment number 144

I really like it.

from you : eak_hi

when : 24 July 2009 14:36:13

Comment number 145

Who gave unclean water to the Emirates A380? Look, I
stopped coming for several days.

from you : liltonie

when : 24 July 2009 15:39:56

Comment number 146

#141 Phuket or not?

from you : HarD_TimE

when : 24 July 2009 16:58:01

Comment number 147

Added comment 65 about aiming point.
Aiming Point Marking for the pilot to aim when coming to
touch RUNWAY if the airplane's position Higher is a
trapezoidal shape with a flared base. Lower - flared head. It
looks like a rectangular canvas.
Usually located within the touchdown zone.
As for distance and size, Depends on the length of the
Runway as per the table.

Edited on 24 July 2009 17:43:26

Edited on 24 July 2009 17:43:09

from you : yenying (yenying)

when : 24 July 2009 17:38:30

Comment number 148


from you : yenying (yenying)

when : 24 July 2009 17:44:26

Comment number 149

Wow... Suvarnabhumi Fest #117, what year will this come?

I really want to see it.

You need to build a terminal on the other side of the road

coming from Bangna. P.S.

I secretly saw Mr. Kokrom's face in #125...

P.S. Once again, thank you, KT. Many people who helped
come to give knowledge...

from you : namit

when : 25 July 2009 00:14:58

Comment number 150

thank you very much

Gained a lot more knowledge.

Do you work in the airport? I never knew about it. Sigh,,,

from you : Namtannaka

when : 25 July 2009 10:57:50

Comment number 151

It's great. I don't know much about the airport.

After reading this thread Got a lot of knowledge.

from you : Tawanwad & Northern Girl

when : 25 July 2009 12:56:01

Comment number 152


from you : TonMai2K

when : 25 July 2009 19:16:32

Comment number 153

I really like this thread. There's really an endless amount of
new knowledge. Study only in textbooks Come open your
eyes and ears to the real thing and it's very fun. Thank you
everyone for bringing good information. Come and read it.

P.S. If you have free time, let's go to the civil aviation

exhibition. Tomorrow is the last day.

from you : ::humAn_nAture::

when : 25 July 2009 23:32:16

Comment number 154

# 132 Just saw a plane get stuck...

from you : golf s.

when : 25 July 2009 23:41:44

Comment number 155

This topic has gained a lot of knowledge.

from you : samapapa

when : 26 July 2009 13:18:22

Comment number 156

thank you

from you : chapicha

when : 26 July 2009 17:12:03

Comment number 157

Click number 91 and 93.

My boyfriend graduated as an Air Force sergeant. Now I'm

working as a navigator in Don Mueang.

And when I clicked number 130,

I'm confused as to why it's not the same. My boyfriend does it
for 8 hours, rests for 8 hours, and then continues for another 8.
There are some days where it's 16 hours or 24 hours. (Cruel,

Now come and read and collect knowledge seriously.

thank you very much that gives knowledge (^_^) It's fun to
read and not boring at all.

from you : Fiona

when : 26 July 2009 18:38:47 A: X:
Comment number 158
The first officer who works at Don Mueang Dormitory,
working hours are the same as normal government hours. The
work isn't that stressful. Because it will provide service with
military aircraft. is the main duty The ones that frequently use
the service are C-130 transport companies or helicopters. But
for ATC officers working 2 hours and having to

control the machine all the time, the job is much more
stressful. So there are 2 hours of working time and another 2
hours of rest. During breaks, they drink coffee and snacks, and
some people watch TV. or do activities to relax Ready to take
over duties in the next hour.

Often there is In the situation of emergency landing, the

pilot notifies the tower to request an emergency descent
through the control tower. It will notify the relevant units for
example. Air Force Rescue Center, Port Authority officials,
Explosive Ordnance Disposal officials, ambulances. It doesn't
happen often a month. Most of the time there won't be
anything. So it's not news.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 26 July 2009 21:18:39

Comment number 159

I saw that they made AOT products, so I was wondering if
they were going to make general aircraft that weren't just for
the Air Force as well or not. When they made them, they
would all match together. It's like mixing between
government service and state enterprise.
Mr. Kokrom acts as an ATC at Suvarnabhumi, right?

Now I'm starting to get confused about what exactly my

boyfriend's job is. Hehe.
Thank you Khun Kokrom very much (-/\-)

from you : Fiona

when : 26 July 2009 22:09:14 A: X:

Comment number 160

Num...Num...I'm eating brain food. full
Thank you for your good knowledge.

from you : PeppeLePew

when : 27 July 2009 00:21:05

Comment number 161

AOT is operating normally. And I went on duty.
Working shift means working starting at 8:00 a.m. that
morning and leaving at 8:00 a.m. the next morning.
If the morning of the shift is a normal day, you must continue
to work. For example, if
you come on shift on Monday morning starting at 8:00 a.m.,
go off duty at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, and have to
continue working until 5:00 p.m.
If you have a holiday, you will come on shift at the same time
and then go on shift. The next morning If you're on shift on
Saturday, you'll be on shift on Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m.
But if you're a security guard, you'll have to work both shifts,
do O's, and be on shift. We'll have to see.
Some jobs work in the morning and end in the evening, and
there is no shift. such as administrative work

from you : lionburns (lionburns)

when : 27 July 09 08:52:46

Comment number 162

Actually, with their duties, all departments will work
together. There are regular working hours and breaks, and
working in shifts, depending on the work schedule.

During the working hours of government officials, the general

hours are 8000-1600. After that, there will be officers on daily
duty who come to take over their duties at 1600-0800. On
duty, officers are assigned to work according to the schedule
each month.

As for AOT officials, the Airport Authority I work like

normal office hours. When it's time, I go home. After that,
there will be officers on duty. For example, EOD Explosive
Ordnance Disposal officers will be on duty. Both Don
Mueang and Suvarnabhumi will work 24 hours a day
according to their own shifts and time periods.

As for the aeronautical radio staff, there are many sections.

Overall, they work during general hours, but in the ATC
section, they work in shifts. Each time period according to the
schedule Because the work on duty cannot be stopped 24
hours a day, it is divided into shifts. and in the part of officials
who work to control flights Just like I said, do 2, rest 2.

* Completely explain every part. I don't know if you

understand or not. Haha.
*As for Fiona, you were wondering about working
hours. Mostly on operational duty There can be an exchange
of shifts. But it will be made in writing. If I were to guess
correctly, it would be more like taking turns. Good money,
taking turns often, everyone likes it.

from you : Umbrella reed

when : 27 July 2009 18:27:28

Comment number 163

Please allow me to join the group.

Concerning the working principle of PAPI lights,

the operation of PAPI, whether at VTBD or anywhere else in the world,

works the same way. Including the operation of VASI is the same, each
UNIT of PAPI has a white light bulb. (Actually, the color is like a
normal incandescent light bulb. It's a bit yellowish.) It's inside and will
shine through a filter, which is glass. The filter will have one side red
and the other side will be clear. The clear side will be placed at the
bottom. which when light shines through This will cause a white light
below. and red light above

Then this light will pass through front convex lens will cause the image
to be reversed or reverse the direction of light by white rising to the
top and red below shines out, when the pilot above will see a white
light And when flying low, you will see red. The angle from which the
view was taken is upwards. It will be set differently in each UNIT, for
example, the first l is set to 4.5 degrees, then 3.5, 2.5, 1.5 degrees
respectively, so that when the airplane has a landing angle of 3 degrees,
it will be seen to be flying lower than the first UNIT, therefore See it as
red, but UNIT at 3,4 will be seen as higher. Therefore it is white.

In conclusion, the pilot saw 2 red, 2 white. The angle from which the
light shoots upward must be checked regularly. which is the duty
of The Aeronautical Radio Company of the Test Wing cooperates with
the Navigation Aids Division to conduct regular F

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