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—Ch- 3olos |22 - Keuisioy Touy- I ~ = { = NO gO : H a lath = net fn Sgltebup.~ at - 4 = wee net (x) Tikeviat > a F ~ L = pte abfeetpropanamaniny lougunge > a 8-1 what fy by qd L re rt “eer —— oc “ s L ce bon L | Ls : - St ot fu wor ~ ee Azlo -— b= 20 See C= ath j 1 Page Tr byivt Cc) — =! ay) ——___ lice a) bong Use af bytut fuanchins I byint a Luclcows “) Ly See x. | pyint [od Lio 3-1 byimt Cox a) { lon +. | byivt () L a= lo New ine b= 20 byint (a) byint(b) print (a tp) — output (0 20 Bo. © [taht f 2 eee r mate by ht a oat {be fing. hindi 5: LiP Woo tramt +o Communicate tui, “Hee computer thom we have to leavn am lawguage ==: » Sick Os CCH Python Tac 3 : j . Computer ree | : oF Hy — | — Binary —— - Binary [o,tt ~~ T —= | Pa | Assembles — «Assemble, —— Assembler —— Baa - @ Aa (o,4 = - COnveyt a a [eompciey | Fray — t oto 4 Lt Cat eypyeled 3 ea — { aR TN — LN HK Lo ae hn Loy y oY — = . tT chion ek a me | CA eS —— 0000 — — | OQ) _ Atp2> 65 4040 } Oo oO oto QZ > 44 40)97 0 Ot > 4S +0 57 8 SPace > 32 0 OETA a What aw [oKrana foment all PTheve are § tuben.. | kK 2) ToenhPrevs 35 nphaters A, (tevals Si yoru rs," Aby ex Wawas of asa a wat ?xowmple oF arr uahat ase operators 7 jae 10 Oe Types of OP pylon. Shae aoa spe 1 (Q) lo[22 s-0 x (a) (of]2= 5 ZR) 1072 y —¥¥ 10 ¥ Fp XY t g/t ¥ aay +/2 + wiv q- + +t print (43-10) ik at ot) Ha tules fo form O WVayiadle gum OT wuite lows yt te sac icept bic hace oll No x Come Rott No e Vosuable con mat utayt From oa digit oA [23 RoliNaX Roll No 12ZVv L 2 @ —3,|Vowioble cannot Contain bbecial character _ Rol % No X Roll NO | st Actool ©, Dut et the Coole S COmnaryts axe stokemunts Opin ga ™ Yn Thok On by The Puthon™ in tevDeter Comme nts a 1. Y i yn -COMuuints can he @ WLOUnys - wa Hm er lon Se oo Row Hs insevtton When we evtey oa value tt alae offer Wining Droge sen — Is Kown os Yon te ifeoton TE ve FE TSE see ST PT ; -Loe ofl cate. fy python SSSERESESSERSSEESES 4 AS Tn python we wll “leavin 3 dupes Tf aut -Progvbvn_|stotements Eee eee Theac___O+02 42 ty pes : __h }—ublimnple Program | wbequemce pyoayvany a9 aera ti Ps pram_|conditfonal” pyo9 xavn. _st_|sfmple oa [Stine reagae L Stokewent 2 1 rae al Ha | rae tap nea ee = 1 n Qa 3 ee ye print fcc) 5 Sani Plagy aim ot Wayk's cmaal » Me int Gwpot Ce ntey 2. valle”) ye ft Cinput (“¢vtev a value”) 3 it Cinpot (4 Svitey @ value) Ge mtut Qs sf [tor 20\30_, byivt (s) 60-5 byint (a) 20-0 AQ. | wan tore Sap Puineple Amount take OC iba ond! Hie Oud calculate t E SiaDle swteyst : 2 ivtlimnvt (* gteya value") Re nt Caput ( Sntey a vals >) Ts lt Ciuput | Enter & valve") Se PRL LOO , (0%, 100 SEL OID 5 ate (9*9*7) Tine CHA 432 QI DRE ‘to plccate “nie Of ciety OD Ail y= int Urnput (“tntey_o. rachis) Oe Aa y # bunt la), Os 45- Liga ole vw 4 — ig tut itlur Evtey o tk ( Lwput (© éntey 2”) fie (Oty * puce Q Warp to nbtes tem) in _cehevos Awseot convevt into analuste . Ae c= tuk Ciwput (4 futey a coletss®)) Fe c* Astor fe 20) [ham CBD 6a. | @ Luan 12 Solve . Bi 4a" A ae aD) 4 GOV p2 x Pout (a) ig W-c-) Input G Wowbey it ts bat fle awib ph) meee stat “i J] forint 7 uf) _ Bs ~s Q : - well ditos'|s Piast iy ame Uns Hon el "y ~— pape ; cs) = ey & n =e r aaa 2 \n" cc) = a q ns — a : ~ 9 W.a-p to Pott Follouatg Patheyr, mi portnk [* #Y > byint OOF") = Isnt (© e¥ FITY =e. = Uda Prgthow £xPyYessinn to OPA turk, Hos 3 ts Product of % ama 4 Sb az (a7za)7 Cera) ° pyrvt (a) 7 (a Ti va Hye vol_favt_of Hu Qoohevd fun _[p0 ieee ‘viloud by 2 = a > : A] lO] ipo //a5 briut (a) Q [Tiva tte Som ot He SB amel 42 A [a= (et¥o-s)+ (42% *os) bytwt (a) A: [Buna Hat iquane Yoot 8 He sum of Cnet Som 64 nwombeva = St4 2 4" % omd 42% bwwt (eqnt(sum = o¢_ numlt R444 —t > 4 —t i | tnclautodion ——= | vi t thi = ~ Boxed pyrogvovn if a Comelthow iis hy - cot 64 Pusturhon ¢xcente : al [-Comaéiton | Tyue [etotenmmtd : l Test 9 C J ' Falae . | FT statement 2 | fava PY ; All tarp taker wayks From psey anol tot ft if wayts akey ov Sool) 32 Han dh yjounna pase othexiait e 0 LOne Tru, A2 vas tnt input (“ enter a marks") ie i? «Xa: byivat (“Pass”) Clore. pyint (‘Fatt’) ee eer | a fat Ling at (*s a) 7 i MN d ee eat : | re Ce lig be Lov votiv,*) wint (* Not _ehiatnks fox vob “) — b Chie vishe vehi 3) WW-ap takes a ywowley nm isey te 4 else | 6 fh MM: int Gout Meutov Owes bey) rE myo == n+ he pyint Pepes"') print (add*) _ 04] wap taker o mumbey Pawn soy Oliva thot wwowbey G 8 wz int (lwput(* cuter nombey free 4 +y2') Bove | if wea pyivt (Mods, ") alip’ M2222 pyint (T1 eh dary 4) elif w222* byint (* Wed ne cays") Aid sch: vit ( Thus choy") ely Mens i pint (4 Friday’? ele? om ia Saduvdoy i) etre set bint (* Sunday”) T else’ byinnt CS tuvatid") Q {| uo-0:p taker a number froma sey i8 vapwabe y iwt_t. y pyint tts Cube . p ys | ane tint Unput (* Enter _o vommbey™)) y= FR Zo 220: “bint Cm * 2) else | byint Cw ; . O-luda-p to Crank a fav Ohovatfons Ceiculay | (4) */) w th He choice ot Lpen 2 A = +(fuput(* fe) be int Ciwpat U ae ome oo") | ch= int if chee bvint UY sum= "atb) ewe cheza xin SubWact =" Q=b) ef ch222% bins eS Mothphy = _ a*b) Wohak ase dloke type 9 Yo alata ype af a valiettte he Put Sack Lak An _obyect nD ora ype Accacitvted wilh Pt. dakoune Oa avoule, cafes to {hs | Vakuer AA AA AL 2d Dakoty ox r a | I c Numbev Nons ce Ei tr 6. oe Noah J- Shiva Q- | Flook a= 10-5 a- lish 2-1 Rewkan a= Tye [Fol 2 Aspe Aa] (owpex ieegeny washer : -l Prapping “| dichovave = Sets =o hot tn Syllabi None. Ths ts 2 spectal data type Winn A cinale vols it tn used fo_siqnify the Obperce St value. ik ta yp) Abed be Vow tuthon doors mot ott tubo w @ Give a com eee ast, ar cre A Tee ) A} to-a:p to faput a yea im 4 digst and click tulittey it Gin a leap “das ow a=_int Clnput CM tntey Hee pombey“)) beif a%4=20- mt“ tt i eh 4 alse ® byint (* it 14 mot a deap gear *)) 7 thls jap xt CV gntey a character”) ch>= a? amd ch2 =") i + [a= Tat (faput Sutev A mumnbey J Paso. byint (Ait igo Wodtive mombey "4 Clee ; bad (OTE Iba agave Yuwdbor “) Alw-a-9 to Twput hwo Wumbeye in Avo boty ave Vor bbe owed “cher te rolettey Givistbh by © Al onze intlrnhur ( entey O pomboy) | ze int Capo (ont bo? nf! ay © ees iP wZs= byint Ce iE is. eat bh by 8 Chee : byiwt CE ts mot civisi ble bys 2 yactey ond chick w-a-p fo fuput a claa he. lect ¥ o_choyoctey us Ona digit o spectol clanactey y= twp & cuter oO Unavocter i D3: ye Cr ae Z2 2") aint (* od frabet D) au ev In X01094.0b 29" _Paat oligit*) ping Tah Cla vortey “) auad Colcuslote tO *P b_iwput Coyamisvion va Calevlodedk an Sellow S$ Comyn > 20 000 Ist 22000 22 20,900 Lay Ignno 7 = wo 0on 9 SDo.o = 12000 37 O- Z= sdoo o G ‘ =? Lop bo _iwput temo p{_Luokey ack —* dispica, Hs steer (SO Uch, oid 2» — ; a Xe imt( input (enter Hoe te i = loo. [ AG gl pyivw Robie") ip we 300" pyink (% biovial 4) byind C gal Souda) Mow wor) Q Wrap fe cla edlate anaal prin Lhe ON ven Ao.wre 4agey chould be Clechicdty bith dt on The cue forse y tol, (Oucsum rd by blat lakeas Pou O dae Mt total qumaunk to Custom y Onad Uys t_ board. ance _ch'ep| Oey to tat Cost nl me 2 {he ae: aan One eT a1 eeeniaeiamaT ~~ Unt Clavges ecsneeneaina ~ Upp lag See mo =Paon = 400 _ 90 4 2400 £2 600 . ~~ 600 2:00. = 7 o | bil _exceod Rs~ 400 Henna @ 1 Chao oe ~ a if A : ~ ~ 3 Ain ey xe Tat input (Ten tev OQ Won i) e > > = "Tha dotoh Bi an —tuf u X= ae ood 222 £00 7 A bil) 1. 20, am alr i jou y Ze 60° : bil = 2* 1-6 © lif _z2> 600. : bill =< 7* 9-0 += hil S 400 bills bit + (bil\*o ig) Nint CS eae is 4 pr) Ttevottye — stakewe nts Du _itevorve ov ——ploap _stutewants alton os to £kcee 1 PL python we vged 4 See oY loop =f | Davts bt Boop A loop contum U Davt I-] Stayt | tnittobise - 2-| stop | a Conds Non 2. a P| a - 1 - te display a WA “hello p thon! @= Russ "bo tm b Ls pas) Loop “Any | one lk (oer fy ff in’ vo bo loo, 1)" pyiwt (“ Het python") (-0.-P 2 Print counting Bom |tpioo by“ foy loop. be Ip fu “vegas (Ory pryi nt [ eee ta sity = —— i piu TD 4 ee wt pe teed = ape Byivt iveyse Counties Bows 00 SALT By i in vowwe Coo, 0,=1>° = part @) = 0 |wap takes a wombey Rows sey oad ~ Bisplay table of Hook wom bey, ma A | = ili iD) ~ Poy i iw Cy eit) (1 -1> pyivet GAY is hombey. ne Tee Muy bey ) f Cw L s+ a SS ¢ p26. foy i iv ete Zi ai 40 wnt ( fact) Sag ie ea uy. ra ‘Liinput entey co Wombey") ic Sum= suMti bytukt (sum)! 4 t! — Ta O:> takes a wambey [[enait Fiona _vsey : Dee ploy Pibon cil ete hy using 7 Me fiat (aput (* Crtey O_Wombey") i ; a Ya | | Z= | | print Cry md = ST) |! for ftw “vomee (1, vii) | byint (2, Bae 7) TL ( X= Y a { a Z= Kty ' Da, i0:0-pclisplag Aum of oll svew valve Lu | £ nte Bale) ( €=0 —f So. =0 ( fii rage (9 ian f if iw, 2250 4 SE = SE +I 4 > 1 else - ‘ So= SO4! 4 int (se) | Punt Fe, ( ( ( Fi plle Loop i at_[0 fmt by bsing ile Joop fel Te dere Anlieeetee clio Kviwt (Hello puto") Eatin al W-a-p to bait ee ee a f arene fl tea While f2= ldo byint CY ie ba Val Wap to bviuk Count trom | oo 40. bu ing | tolule Dompd ” 7 ! % | F190 Wile X= lap print (1) : [ese fied , wap fe paint Tob fe Wowboy ot Q le ; Whale 12205 | byint Ci) je ih Ys ae ake Q_Wornbey Rom Lag eN toh to na pshoy get = = (npr (* Entey oy Wale vy“) tay while {2= to' wiv CIF ny) iz ikq 6 |w-a-p to ols Dlay Sum oF A _watuy ol Ww waboy 6 Anz int Cinpot & Sntey & mumies) mid ic 4 Wile 121" = stV fe tea byrnt_[c) Az WJ-o-p to uk Suv, st Coen ond tsum tr Odd wo Ito sp B SE=0 fey . Q=z o SezO o Urbite PE 9 = =6 So: o e whale _j\Z = Sd wolule FZ. € if Nigse igi £2220: e a See een: else alse So™ Sol} So = Sok telh e brit se) e byt (30) wt oul Ww. Knoum os Nested loop lobo wo loop f dt omothey Jonp it cere loop f Exowple > = tev Inop#{ foy iin fis - fawn loop { Lov 4 reange (1 ae, = kolvinvy “Fbyivt @ wello*) _—D ; C C aa ——b e (lis): , nge (1 4)! ba rn a ~ ¥ ¥¥ Ee OF EPR Fol =— - 10 a4 “~~ ~~ [29a Aes +i qov iin a, for j in_torage ( : aa : byint (4 Pend 2 Ae) byint O) 2 i ; efi] byl Feloinieg (Pani 22 Sse £4 4 4 Aw Lox L in vowse (1 6)" Yi ty Oe Sint Or. oa. o 0 brink (9 TL LL lalelel AA RXSRARRAT LC 1 CE Loa.) de pact “ellpusiisg Ncenion x & ano S 4 C ae Ss Zi Pow i in romqe (6, H)* 4 i ange ( Pe Print ( j faa 2S! byivtC) Se ee Ss SSssyv ie) While i Z=s 3 Ll le 4 eae byiwt (U ead= *' ) Je 3-1 byint O js itl ae -0-p fo pwn Tollousiag Veruics ; i 2 6 ee [ Zn by iin vYanae (4s 30)" Fy iti Byint (chy GQ), emd= 1) buint &) A pe p> 6 FF Cee oe Manno i=] hwm= 6S While i Z=S5 yee Wile TZ)! byint [chy Crim) joandh = SD) Se 4s Wom = Rn | NvivetC) Pe fH p PY Put Ruth P Yt ho RP YEWON ISS a TATE Se sai: aan int mes) = _input (“ cutey a chonactey™) —~ oe a oy n= ='q' —~ byint (ya web) < — ee? nee ‘y' py nes*y? ed : pont CC Vewes’> . —p eye n== oO’ OY Wer i4 e byint C vous’) ee ea 4(* Varwes") elf nes ‘e! oy nest’! Dyint CY consonant” {4 Oe eee Sea EEE EL _ lo up lon as eae RAS Le na Mss [oxsacl} on pyind (Yok) eeyal Ase’ byint (No output) hyint (“ OK") WN hs Ys 94 if (x+4s= 10). pyivt (“Tytp ") vivit (8 Fodae*) Out put '- — He,t meio False . Y= 0 While Wu Lees Yea | byivt (x tua =* 7) | Gutput (Sea NNN lzs5 42-6 bauo.k le 4H) Jz y 7 Ges] Bow fu “tomge (2 2. = = = n : Pov Y_inbyonge’ (2) ca pvint Gay yey) een 12 Output Ae Oy i iiss Oya u Xhy [ x=0 6 oO+0) é Mec 2. > ee eee ee ECOLOGUE LL Qo | xza a i (NR a oy _P in va to -x) _pyink io Output X= 2 N= 3 (2-9) f2),1,2.% lhl x=o for iin vouge Cay o Lov 4 sm ~conge Neate = Y we rage e rh JOS = 64 oe = X4 © Oe Sy aeeg e Xs vyiv-o ¢ hyiwt Cx) i ‘ 12% « de | Bathe =o C113) ‘ Cy 273-A-I [2 ; 2-2 VLE Ba wt Ys OF = Oa, = OYE x 33° PQ wa byint (o) Jel wzo: fry) ce (4) = 9) iff Ayvrut \) d | yin CoD T 122 6vlput wml=o ; Kall iso 133 Epyin€e) ) (>4. 7 pyiniGa')\ oO. ? Ueda) MW Hee ee | H | “WO | x Faia Gaga Oa naealg 4) ‘ aha A pant SO Rattinduonet") Chee Ait ute vot Oo Dali nctyovs") ovig = tat Cinput(“ enter G nombey )) tue 30 While pum: duiatt =wumy, 10 reve Vey # la + digit num = intimum yo) ik ovig== yey, bitwh (s Pollivad vonae ) TTT FSS SOO OHEOG ele» ie Tae fut Cpe be) + if Oey . WD ee ut. ete ee) Dp 7 « : Le < ( tas | nz fat Ciapot ( ston vo) a - B= o pono We O az 2/2 Cz4 . 7 while Wo: | a= no m=z mt (a ¥*c) cz CFI n= tyt (no) print lm) S epg im by throw 1 =») P. Toss index dt /t = 4 space lwhat Po chyna 9 — ; =A - Oa consecubtve Seq lease =< : -¢___— — ex MA ay Knows S i =~ Foy £xample = = as welcome” } str = @eau8 fl > mie wa) > How to Create a Empty string 4 eee | act ex S + T 2 : y 2 at= “Now\t class\t sec 2. qa 2 * Ady lt xu\t Aa” - . 2 byint(a 1) > byint (a2) > Ouue _ V Nowat Class Sec » Acdt'h’ Xu A [>> oh Pee Posihve In Wgoh ve Lclusis -_backinayd — |. start O_to (stow) bee T thon ind yr hoo fy bes ‘ sitet chixivg = Fore ward tt TOM CY sing ot hing Vetus Lag loyint (a) a * welcons" byint(o fo NvintleG ye iwt (uta?) Drint Ca (aj) © brink [a (4) 0 byivt la Cs1) m print (ale?) @ = welcone b= Wen la) —— poe dlink function fov tin vonge (bi: J | byint Co 7) LEIS [lols ea Gee # = “welcome” 7 pyiut (1) # | ZF twhile loop sty = “ Wwelcomns” = while (TZ lew(sty)) i byiwd (sty [f7) (2 tt (ee v > Fe eee essence —— 7 uge led a subset oF Volwe _— rN avyt “step : fov_eq.. — =—ii ee Sk sty [ TAs es eee => 116: buiui (styl “sD => Hello pyind (styf 3:2) 20 Python bvint (sty £:2) => Hello Duthon puint (sty [fs 9° 1D) al Bie iad tobis Hus Wrrowa rok ship tt ot A Se. at be claaiged Orroe fk wor bees Osstigy . oy “G+ Stye * Adik” alpl= ‘a [evyoy) [ht wd evyov EE EE Eee -C EE EEE EY eee ee ee pe eee EL ee eee eee tee teelleeet heed eee dle —a. it vin Om evvoy Dek st Shing opevatoy CH 9 Concate nah on eee Soda. o = ‘6 Q=* Aah” | be“ Tomer" e C= Oatb e byint (ce) e = AditTowoy e (*) wopeh'tion ' : ; it. a TVing _V hone e Hwa p &g- : : sty =* Aaih : byins (sty te Odtiodih aditialih’ ye oS. 1 Men q oy Yi flaetel % in [7 > oma ~ Sty “ Tech? — byiat (“tT jn _sdy) - Wve. — byind (4mM" in chy) 1 False Not in ty= a Tech we byivd C'\m? wot tushy) “Toe oo Fuuchow A Ffoucting fy a sub fuoguanes fiat Ake aa Aoto ov often int value Yeti Tupes at funchon Dwe- a i Ae ~alyfivd # | Fonctins 2a Styivg — z oe oa pye-dlfiwsah tying Purechon Quoiob ds in Py toon Pibovavy TWure ong Li | Bern (>: : €x- vol Ha lesa OQ) ty =“ Aguh" cormennaifve (ee Ls Rew( sty) print = ( byt wt ees = Loitout Lymn () Ai] Uo-a-p ta cateulake Irak Of a stving LWoitrovt oy tng DRerld 8 Azt =z faput(“entey o wo dt | output c= 6 Aaa foy i in nw: < a = Sti : oe bait ( » oe e 2, “this Fuuchon eh ae Hee 2 vec copy te bt Hw Spilvg wih fist Lertey id Lippey COC POY Sa. U . y Sty=* bento pu thon by ind C sty. Comp ttawize (>) ti) Lt ag @® louthat = . Hebto Puy Hon * w 2 calling operahoy 9 3)_| [satnum O- a ae « » Qe 193” —_ mo) Tyve ATT Txue e isalphaC)- Retuyna tyuc if tas bring contosn Lonly alphabet oifuvunise Yetuyna folae ég- sty 2° Divine” “PP ae fo. | TYG @ Gig. | gore? OT pyint (sty. lowev()) wel d Ty ve + Ree ae a é Returns tre copy tt a_stying __ IA uppey care Sa ae iG Peetu nepa ais ania Mt = yy. = Wel Tre ) {slower Cy! $$ _________—— la _lowey case : Stys % aarti” pyint (Sty -owey()) “True a, isuppey ()' | feetovn Ty ue ip ths Ahi ing 1s —_bpper cane [ Sty = * Adit” byint (ety. 1's uppey (») : Troe. ISspace () Rotuyna Trve 2 he 7 conkou'n ites 1 nw Out © clrahactey sTyie Sona: _~>—_ Retuvns the | Hur Apace Of teu lot big bee — pull Coty. ie a = “amit” ey : a cra = = the Space of oo string ~4 ~ ne ap 6 OUt put a - ~~ oat” “> Tn Ot a ig av let os 6 : Space T 7 oF > F 1 3 Te Vy + print (cry. shi pc) ) if Ce +t Qutuvn Te String in uhida ta Shiyy Ba aa Sieeti ne yiteaeeeeence) ——Output > ot mit (Ht. ER oe Ook cane for atu’ fn th ubelg lowex tp upper, UDPex as StyeS amit” - ——} pat (stresweepeasc output 3 [> SUE SEST TS Wap to count the wombey of Vowels [nth Shting Placa pple. ma} Sty = tpt CX enley a siviny") pineapple cOUnieig Se a Sty-e—sty- - — : os at ese ae for i —Yeatee£ —— OY )zz2%o' ov = COvnt= Count + 4 a are ») —_| print Ccoun+) Gs | Wop takes a sty value Prom User Oma _ count _vwuwdbey ot Vowels from Hw shing A|_strz tnpot (% futey oa Shiyg”) Count = O X= ry: ¢ Fort fn sty’ O,2-1 Ou (Ounk = count 4 put (Co unt) Sip te Glwa Beunus iff: ( 4) Tudo: p fo check wie Huy entered = o —|Dgey_fs Poli na vores or_apt_—— fie | ste a Linn Senten 0 sting”) — — — ; — Le [en (sty) De t-4 Made x = oO. Ts While frouux 22 F stv [fnudwl== sty [Pl* fudux: Pudixtt P= P-) else % Brink (* Wot _Dadinol vom”) hyeak byivt (" Potindyo vas") ‘Oump stake wks By eak 2. | Cowthwe. 3. [ Posa 4) Wop tok yead o Wine amd count i Wormbey ef woos fr tu [iv - POE enn Rar Ls Sty. 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Bolton i a Tope “Obey ‘by vay x Gp Use to Conrate fo tupts Val es $x- $x" z= CO 120,30) iv (21 ¥2) Output C10 ,20 ao, 10,20 30) —2_| Membership) = ING Nor i Tee Clol sone) byint ( lo int) ee ~Tyve 7 Not TN es hyink Clo oes - Fedbbc. Ae tt. Duthon uple Forehon Vet leas cy" Thi foc hibs “vehowias Hat _leaggtr of — {£x-_ ne CS. book, +, New ) byiwd ht fen Lan as _2-| Count)" This Fonchon is vseols fo count He Alcqudhomce Of th ern ivr tuple epee C 10 e 20,20,40) i; 2 2 1 2. [Ano —s . . 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