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Antonio Kovacevic

(+45) 50 21 43 12

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the internship position at

IT-Day. Communication with customers, building new business areas,
and making fun marketing is a true passion of mine, and I am currently
enrolled in computer science at the University College of Northern
Denmark. A successful marketing campaign is crucial to the long-term
success of any company, and I believe that my unique skill set is perfect
for this job.

I have previously worked in the web application department at

Move2x, and I did a website for their project. The programming itself is
hard work but when you combine it with marketing it is even more
challenging. My dream is to build my own company one day, and for
that, I need to know about business and marketing. I started learning
about marketing on my own but realized that I need a mentor that can
help me improve and showcase my skills. I believe that a company
should continually look for ways to improve and reach new clients
through innovative campaigns.

Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter. I hope to speak
with you soon and learn more about the opportunities for an internship
position at IT-Day. Working in the marketing field is a fantastic
opportunity, and I believe that I am a great fit at IT-Day with my unique
skill set and prior experience.

Antonio Kovacevic

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