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Module 11 – Repetition

Repetition questions
Question 1. Mention at least 2 characteristics of UP?

Question 2. List the 4 phases of UP?

Question 3. What is the purpose of use cases in UP?

Question 4. Use case diagram notation?

In what ways does the chart not comply with the rules of a Use Case Diagram?
Possibly sketch a correct version.

Question 5. What is the difference between a scenario and a use case?

Question 6. Is the sales assistant or the customer the primary actor?

Question 7. Mention the 3 use case description formats?

When to use each of them?
Question 8. In which artefact did you specify the requirements for usability?

Question 9. How to improve usability?

Question 10. What are Gestalt Principles used for?

Question 11. Explain these Gestalt Principles:

 Proximity
 Similarity
 Common region

Question 12. What type of model is this?

What does it show?
Question 13. Which of these domain models is best?
Explain why?

Question 14. Give more examples of the ‘Item-descriptor Pattern’?

Question 15. Does the below generalization make sense??

Question 16. Compare these two descriptions of a domain model.

Which is best?
a) ” The order has a 0..1 association to a customer and a customer may be associated
with 0 .. * order. An order is aggregated with 1 .. * partial order, which is associated to
one particular product. A product may be associated with 0 .. * partial orders.”

b) ”The order is the central class in the domain model. Through the order can be read
who the customer is and what products the customer has purchased. An order is
created when a new purchase is initiated. As the products are identified partial orders
are added. Between the order and its partial order an aggregation is applied, then. ....”

Question 17. Why are use cases prioritized?

How are use cases prioritized?

Question 18. What is a System Sequence Diagram?

Question 19. What is the connection between use cases and system sequence

Question 20. What is the purpose of interaction diagrams?

Question 21. Mention the two types of interaction diagrams?

Question 22. Why is quality assurance a good idea?

Question 23. What is the purpose of verification and validation respectively?

Question 24. Mention different types of tests?

Question 25. What is system test used for?

Question 26. How do you create test cases as part of a system test?

Question 27. How does the focus change from a domain model to relational

Question 28. How to transform a many-to-many association to a relational


Question 29. Mention and describe 3 ways to transform a generalization to a

relational model?

Question 30. "From domain model to implemented database" – mention the 4

steps in sequence?

Question 31. Explain the 2nd normal form – 2NF?

Question 32. Explain the 3rd normal form – 3 NF?

Question 33. Mention some stakeholders in relation to a software development

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