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ATHENIA PREP SCHOOL GRADE 2 Q1) Drag the name to the correct place:- Screen eV eloralis| monitor input CPU a) The shows what is being done on the computer. b) The front portion of the monitor is called c) manages all work of a computer. d) Microphone is an device which is used to record voice, music and sounds. e) We can enter numbers and letters into the computer using the iii a Q2) Choose the correct options:- a) The result we get on the monitor screen is called |) Hard copy Il) Soft copy b) is an input device that is use to send document or images from the paper to the computer. 1) Scanner Il) Printer c) Data and instructions given to the computer are called 1) Input Il) Process d) Scanner is an 1) Input device Il) Output device “Explain in your own — ‘words, the difference between an input device- ‘and an output device? ~Cive two examples “of each ? U eee we

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