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Ideas for Project

 Exploration of Eco-Feminist Themes in Contemporary Poetry: Analyse how

contemporary poets incorporate eco-feminist principles into their work, exploring the

intersectionality of gender and environmentalism.

 The Portrayal of Mental Health in Speculative Fiction Short Stories: Investigate how

speculative fiction authors use their stories to explore and destigmatize mental health

issues, focusing on short story collections from various cultures.

 The Role of Food in Postcolonial Literature: Examine how food serves as a metaphor

for cultural identity and resistance in postcolonial literature, comparing works from

different regions or authors.

 Eco-Criticism and Indigenous Literature: Explore how indigenous authors incorporate

eco-critical perspectives into their literature, emphasizing the interconnectedness of

nature, culture, and identity.

 Graphic Novels as a Medium for Social Commentary: Analyze how graphic novels

address social and political issues, focusing on a specific theme such as immigration,

LGBTQ+ rights, or racial justice.

 Digital Literature and Interactive Storytelling: Investigate the evolution of digital

literature and its impact on narrative structures and reader engagement, examining

examples of hypertext fiction, interactive fiction, and other digital forms.

 Dystopian Themes in Young Adult Literature: Explore the prevalence of dystopian

themes in young adult literature and analyze how these narratives reflect

contemporary anxieties and societal concerns.

 The Intersection of Mythology and Magical Realism: Examine how contemporary

authors draw upon mythology and folklore to create magical realist narratives,

analyzing the cultural significance and symbolic elements within the texts.

 Literature of Displacement: Refugee Narratives in Contemporary Fiction: Study how

contemporary authors depict the experiences of refugees and displaced persons in

their novels, focusing on themes of identity, trauma, and resilience.

 Literary Representations of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence: Investigate how

literature grapples with the ethical and existential implications of advanced

technology, examining narratives that explore the boundaries between humanity and

artificial intelligence.
 Digital Folklore and Internet Literature: Examining the emergence of digital

folklore and internet literature, including memes, creepypasta, and online storytelling

communities, and analyzing how these forms reflect contemporary folklore traditions

and cultural practices.

 Postmodern Fairy Tales and Folklore Reimaginings: Analyzing contemporary

retellings of fairy tales and folklore from a postmodern perspective, and exploring

how these adaptations subvert traditional narratives and engage with themes of

identity, power, and storytelling itself.

 Literature of the Harlem Renaissance: LGBTQ+ Perspectives: Investigating

LGBTQ+ themes and perspectives in literature from the Harlem Renaissance, and

analyzing how queer writers of the period navigated issues of race, sexuality, and


 Literature and Disability Studies: Mad Studies Perspectives: Examining literature

through the lens of Mad Studies, which focuses on the experiences and perspectives

of people with psychiatric disabilities, and analyzing how literature represents

madness, neurodivergence, and psychiatric survivorship.

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