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Module 3:


1.Introduction to
Public Speaking
& The Speaker’s

2.Preparing and
Delivering the
Module 3 Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk

Introduction to Public Speaking & The

Speaker’s Attributes

OBJECTIVES What is Public Speaking?

Public speaking, also called oration or oratory, is
At the end of this lesson, the the process of communicating information to a
student will be able to meet live audience. The type of information
the following learning communicated is deliberately structured to
objectives with at least 75% inform, persuade, and entertain.

1) Know the importance of What is Public Speaking and Its Purpose?

public speaking and There are three general purposes that all
develop an appreciation speeches fall into: to inform, to persuade, and
for it. to entertain. Depending on what your ultimate
2) To appreciate the goal is, you will start by picking one of these
attributes or qualities to general purposes and then selecting an
possess when giving an appropriate speech pattern that goes along with
information talk. that general purpose.

“I imagined that people were Why is public speaking important for

noticing every one of my faults
and insecurities. I couldn’t
focus on my speech. I felt they It challenges children to think on their feet and
were laughing quietly to develop an analytical mindset toward problem-
themselves”, says a teenager solving. Public speaking also encourages critical
named Sandy. Let us admit it. thinking, logic, research, memorization, and
Most of us dread the thought other vital cognitive skills as they make their way
of speaking before others. in the world.
Some people have even
ranked their fear of public
speaking above their fear of What are the four types of public speaking?
death! However you might feel
about it yourself, there are 1. Ceremonial speaking
good reasons why you should 2. Demonstrative speaking
be interested in public 3. Informative speaking
4. Persuasive speaking

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Module 3 Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk

What is the importance and benefit yours. At work, strong public speaking
of public speaking? skills may also help you:

1. Improve your research skills - Present your ideas to your

Preparing a speech requires finding - Speak during meetings
ideas, statistics, and evidence to - Perform well in job interviews
support your claims or arguments,
which can allow you to develop strong 3. Building your confidence
research skills. In addition to verifying - Through public speaking, you can
your claims, learning to research build your confidence. Learning ways
properly can help you determine what you can overcome any challenges you
information is credible for you to use. In encounter when giving speeches may
your professional life, research skills lead to your feeling empowered. If you
may also be useful for: perform well, you may receive positive
feedback from moderators and audience
- Developing new products or service members, which can help build your
- Analyzing competitors in the same confidence in speaking. The more you
market practice before giving a speech, the
- Understanding current trends in more you might feel comfortable in the
your industry delivery and content of your
- learning about target customers presentation.
- Researching and writing articles or
reports 4. Strengthen your critical thinking skills
- You can strengthen your critical
2. Advance your career thinking skills through public speaking
because creating and delivering a
Public speaking may help you speech requires analysis and
advance your career because it can reflection. Writing speeches typically
build your credibility. If you’re involves thinking about your topic and
speaking at conferences or large events, curating your speech for your audience.
many people may hear you speak and You may use critical thinking skills to
watch how you present yourself. This determine how well your audience is
may lead them to remember who you receiving your speech, which can help
are and ask you to speak at other you decide to alter or maintain your
events. delivery.

Using your public speaking skills at 5. Exercise your deductive reasoning

your job might help you advance your - Deductive reasoning is when you
career goals. You can use these skills in take two true sentences and form your
the office to differentiate yourself from conclusion. You can exercise your
others with similar backgrounds to deductive reasoning when reaching a

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Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk Semi-Finals

conclusion you’ve made through your so, you may still feel anxious at the
research. This can strengthen your thought of getting up before an
speech because it shows your audience audience. Is there something you can
do to overcome your nervousness? Yes,
you’ve analyzed your topic. They can
there is.
see how you’ve reached the conclusion,
and they may either agree with you or
reach their own conclusion based on Overcoming Your Fears
your evidence.
“You don’t have to be brilliant or
6. Represent your organization perfect to succeed,” says Dr. Morton C.
- Doing public speaking for your Orman, an expert on stress and a
company can allow you to represent professional public speaker. “The
your organization and share its mission essence of public speaking is this: give
and goals. It can also help you your audience something of value.”
improve your marketing skills and In other words, concentrate on the
increase your confidence in your message, not on yourself or your own
delivery and sales. Your speeches may anxieties. if you present something of
help potential customers learn what the substance that you really believe in,
organization can provide them with, your nervousness will more readily
such as products and services, which lessen.
might help the company generate more
sales. Here’s how you can represent the
Ron Sathoff, another noted speaker
company you work for effectively in your
and trainer, makes this suggestion:
Don’t think of your speech as a
- Ensure your speech covers what
performance. Treat it as a
your company does for its customers
conversation. Yes, try to connect with
- Review the facts in your speech
your audience, not as a mass, but as
to make sure your information is factual
individuals, just as you would in regular
- Share your speech on social
conversation. Show a real “personal
media to reach a larger audience.
interest” in your audience and speak to
them the way you normally talk.
7. Improve your oral communication
(Philippians 2:3, 4) The more
conversational your approach, the
- Participating in public speaking can
more relaxed you will be.
increase your oral communication skills
because you’re rehearsing and
Another common reason for anxiety is
presenting information to people,
fear of embarrassment or of being
whether it’s a small or large audience.
judged by your audience. Lenny
Laskowski, a professional speaker and
Learning good speaking skills can thus trainer, reminds us that audiences tend
benefit you in a variety of ways. Even to approach each presentation with a

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Module 3 Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk

positive outlook. “They want you to Poise

succeed—not fail,” Laskowski says. So
have a positive mind-set. If possible,
IT IS not unusual for a speaker to feel
try to greet some of your audience as
nervous when he gets up to speak,
they arrive. Try to see them, not as
especially if he does not give talks
enemies, but as friends.
frequently. A poised speaker is one
who is composed. This composure is
Remember, too, that nervousness is evident in his physical bearing. His
not entirely a bad thing. “Contrary to posture is natural and appropriate to
popular belief,” one expert says, the occasion. Movement of his hands is
“nervousness is good for you and your meaningful. His voice is expressive and
presentation.” Why is that? Because a controlled. When you are faced with a
measure of nervousness reflects challenge and want to do well but are
modesty, which will help keep you from not sure that you will, you feel anxiety.
becoming overconfident. (Proverbs As a result, the brain signals the body
11:2) Many athletes, musicians, and to produce more adrenaline. The
actors feel that a little nervous energy resulting surge may cause a more rapid
actually makes them perform better, heartbeat, a change in breathing rate,
and the same can be true of public increased perspiration, or even
speakers. shakiness in the hands and knees as
well as trembling of the voice. Your
Of course, as in any endeavor, such as body is endeavoring to help you deal
sports, art, or music, there is no with your situation by increasing your
substitute for experience and lots of energy level. The challenge is to
practice. Others recommend preparing channel the surge of energy into
your speech far enough in advance so constructive thinking and enthusiastic
that you have enough time to practice. delivery.
And do not give up. The more often
you speak in front of others, the more How to Reduce Anxiety. Remember
comfortable you get.” that it is normal to feel some anxiety.
To maintain poise, however, you need
The Speaker’s Attributes to be able to reduce the level of
anxiety and deal with your situation in
Good Personal Appearance a calm and dignified manner. How can
you accomplish this?
Your personal appearance says much
about you. When you are clean and  Prepare thoroughly.
well-groomed, others will likely  Practice your delivery aloud.
conclude that you have self-respect,  Know the physical symptoms.
and they will be more inclined to listen  Know the vocal symptoms
to you.

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Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk Semi-Finals

The Expression on Your Face. More

Gestures and Facial Expression than any other bodily feature, your
face often expresses how you really
feel. Your eyes, the shape of your
People of some cultures gesture more
mouth, the inclination of your head all
freely than those from other play a part. Without a word being
backgrounds. Yet, practically everyone spoken, your face can convey
talks with changes of facial expression indifference, disgust, perplexity,
and some form of gesturing. This is amazement, or delight. When such
true both in personal conversation and facial expressions accompany the
in public speaking. spoken word, they add visual and
emotional impact.

Whether you are on the platform or are

Ideas and feelings are communicated participating in the field ministry, you
not only with the voice but also by are endeavoring to share with people a
means of gestures and facial message that is pleasant, one that can
expressions. Failure to use these well make their hearts rejoice. A warm
smile confirms that. On the other hand,
may convey an impression of
if your face is devoid of expression, this
indifference on the part of the one
may raise questions about your
speaking. But when these means of sincerity.
communication are tastefully blended,
the effectiveness of speech is greatly More than that, a smile tells others that
enhanced. Even when you speak over you have a kindly feeling toward them.
the telephone, if you make appropriate That is especially important in these
days when people are often afraid of
use of gestures and facial expressions,
strangers. Your smile can help people
your voice will more readily convey the to relax and to be more receptive to
importance of your message as well as what you say.
your personal feelings about what you
are saying. Thus, whether you are
speaking extemporaneously or are Why are gestures and facial
reading, whether your audience is expressions important? Gestures and
facial expressions add visual and
looking at you or at their own copies of
emotional emphasis to your speech.
the Bible, gestures and facial They may stir up your feelings and
expressions are of value. therefore enliven your voice.

Your gestures and your facial

expressions should not be taken from a
book. You never had to study how to
laugh or how to be indignant. Gestures
should also express feelings that are
within you. The more spontaneous your
gestures, the better.

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Module 3 Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk


Every week, try to recite in class whether in your Purposive

Communication subject or in other subjects. Notice that nervousness
begins to subside when you give your second or third recitation at the
same class session.

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Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk Semi-Finals

Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk

OBJECTIVES aspect from which that subject is discussed. For
example, the theme might be “True Love - Why
At the end of this lesson, the It Is Hard To Find Nowadays”. It could be
student will be able to meet “Puppy Love - How Successful Is It After A
the following learning Year?” or “Keep On Growing in Love.” Although
objectives with at least 75% these themes all center on love, they view each
accuracy. subject in a different way and require
1) To develop a theme
from a certain subject The first step in formulating a theme is to pick a
2) To create an outline broad subject that you or the group is interested
written in cue cards in. For example, if you are very knowledgeable
3) To deliver the about love, then you can choose that. Next,
information talk think of why you are going to discuss love in
extemporaneously. your information talk. It is important that we
know our objective because then we can already
formulate our theme into a phrase or sentence.
DEVELOP THE THEME Think of the goal or objective as what you want
your audience to know, believe, to feel, or to be
Experienced speakers know able to do after listening to your information
the value of having a theme. talk. For example, if our objective is to just
When they are preparing an inform them about love, then we have an idea of
information talk or any kind what we are going to inform them about. Hence,
of public speaking, the we can already create our theme in a form of a
theme helps them to focus sentence or phrase. If we want to inform them
attention on a narrower field about love, maybe our theme can look like this
of information and to think “What Really Is True Love?”. If we mainly want
more deeply about it. The them to believe in love, then our theme can look
result is that instead of like this “True Love - You Can Find It In A
superficially touching on Difficult World.” If we primarily want our
points, they develop their audience to do a certain type of action then our
material in a way that is theme can look like this “True Love - Steps On
more beneficial to their How To Find It.”

The theme of a talk or ay

public speaking endeavor is
not a broad subject, such as
“love”; it is the particular

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Module 3 Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk

FORMULATING THE MAIN POINTS audience already know? What must I

AND SUB POINTS establish to accomplish my purpose?" If
you know the answer to the first
After you have formulated your theme, question, you can answer the second by
it is now time to make your main points. gathering your material, temporarily
What are main points in an information setting aside all matters that are known
talk? They are the main ideas of the and sorting out all the remaining points
information talk. They are like shelf into the fewest possible groups. These
labels or signs in grocery stores that groups become your identifying signs as
help one to identify what a section of to what main points or supporting points
shelves contain, and they govern what you are presenting to your audience.
may be included in that section and You also find out which points can be
what ought to be left out. So it is with removed from your preparation. But
the main points of your information talk. with regards to the main points, they
must never become covered up or
Select only main points that relate to hidden. They are your main points,
your theme and that you can teach which must stand out.
effectively in the allotted time. Limit the
number of main points, clearly state Not too many main points.
each main point There are only a few essentials on any
subject. In the majority of cases they
Another factor. The selection and use of can be numbered on one hand. This is
main points will vary according to the true regardless of the time you have in
audience and purpose of the talk. So in which to present them. Do not fall into
making your selection, choose only the the common snare of trying to make too
essentials. So, ask, what makes a point many points stand out. Your audience
essential? It is essential if you cannot can reasonably grasp only so many
accomplish the purpose of your talk different ideas at one sitting. And the
without it. Ask yourself, what does my longer your talk, the simpler it must be
audience already know? What must I made and the stronger and more
establish to accomplish my objective? sharply defined your key points must
be. So do not try to make your audience
In a discussion of how to find true love, remember many things. Select those
it is important that we establish what points that you feel they absolutely
true love really means. Therefore you must carry away and then spend all your
would consider the definition of true love time talking about these.
to be one of the main points of the
discussion. Main ideas developed separately. Each
main thought must stand on its own.
But if the audience has pre-determined Each must be developed separately.
knowledge about true love, then your This does not prevent a brief outline or
discussion about the definition of true summary of the main headings in the
love might be only secondary. In that introduction or conclusion of your talk.
case, the extensive discussion or But in the body of the talk you should
consideration of the definition of true talk about only one main idea at a time,
love would not be essential. allowing only such overlapping or
regressions as may be needed for
So ask yourself, "What does my connections or emphasis. Learning to

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Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk Semi-Finals

make a topical outline will greatly aid in WHEN assigned to deliver a talk, many
determining whether main points are laboriously write it out, beginning with
developed separately. the introduction and working through to
the conclusion. Before the talk is
Sub-points focus on main ideas. Points completed, numerous drafts may have
of proof, scriptures, or other material been prepared. The process may take
presented should focus attention on the hours.
main idea and amplify it.
“But it is much easier that way!” People
In preparation, analyze all secondary say. Yes it is easier to not go all through
points and keep only what directly the effort and just memorize/read the
contributes to that main point, either to script during the information talk.
clarify, prove or amplify the point. However, it is even more challenging to
Anything irrelevant should be have a spontaneous performance if the
eliminated. It will only confuse the delivery is done that way. And we all
issue. want a spontaneous performance in
order to build credibility with our
Any point related to a main idea should audience.
be directly connected to that thought by
what you say. Do not leave it to the In reality, every day we all speak
audience to apply. Make the connection without a manuscript. We do it in
clear. Say what the connection is. What conversation with family and friends. So
is not spoken will generally not be in public speaking, it makes sense that
understood. This can be accomplished we should use an outline.
by repeating key words that express the
main thought or by repeating the idea of A basic speech outline should include
the main point from time to time. When three main sections:
you master the art of focusing all your
sub-points on the main points of the - The Introduction — This is where you
talk, and tying in each main point with tell them what you’re going to tell them.
the theme, your talks will take on a
delightful simplicity that will make them - The Body — This is where you tell them
easy to give and hard to forget.
- The Conclusion - This is where you tell
them what you have told them.

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Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk Semi-Finals

EXTEMPORANEOUS DELIVERY encounter an appreciative, responsive

audience, you warm up and new ideas
Extemporaneous speaking is a fancy flow into your mind, ideas that can
way of saying: delivering a well- easily be incorporated in an
prepared speech. Extemporaneous extemporaneous speech.
speaking is not delivering a monologue
or a memorized speech. By applying Public speaking students often fall into
yourself to public speaking, you gain the trap of under-preparing and under-
experience in how you interact with practicing their speeches. This results
others. in an “Oh, no! I am not prepared and
now I must read this outline word-for-
Preparation is the key element in word and hope for the best.” However,
effective extemporaneous speech, the best is not achieved and students
where it is an informative talk, a engage in this practice are
persuasive speech, or other activities disappointed when they lose
that requires you to face an audience. substantial points from their speech
Given that you have prepared a good grade due to lack of preparation,
outline with several main points to be practice, and reading word-for-word
developed, you can speak from an outline. Just don’t do it.
A third advantage of this type of
The extemporaneous manner of speech is that it also allows you to
speaking has several advantages. One keep your eyes on your listeners. This
is that it allows for versatility. The improves your communication with
material is not so rigidly set that you them. The result is that they will likely
cannot depart from it, as is the case give closer attention to what you are
with reading from a manuscript or saying. And the listeners will feel that
reciting from memory. Last-minute you know your subject, since you do
developments may dictate some not have to keep your eyes on some
changes in the planned talk. Suppose written material all the time. Then, too,
you find out just before going to the you are in position to note the
platform that the audience contains reactions of the audience. If you see
unexpected guests. The that their interest is waning, you can
extemporaneous method allows you to take steps to overcome this difficulty.
make adjustments to help them fully Thus, this type of delivery lends itself
grasp the arguments. Or perhaps you to a warm, conversational
note that there are many unexpected presentation, a real heart-to-heart talk.
guests who are school-age youths in
the audience. You can adjust your Before you practice your speech,
illustrations and application with a view review your outline and make sure it
to aiding them to appreciate how the covers the following elements: an
material affects their lives. attention-grabbing introduction, a clear
thesis statement, a preview of your
A second advantage of main points, a well-developed body
extemporaneous speaking is that it has with supporting evidence, a smooth
the effect of stimulating your mind. It transition between point and a
leaves you measurably free to develop memorable conclusion.
fresh thoughts. Often, when you

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Module 3 Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk

The best way to practice your speech from an outline is to practice out loud, either
alone or with a friend, recorder, or mirror. This will help you get familiar with your
content, tone, pace and delivery. As you practice, use your outline as a guide, but
do not read it word for word. Try to use natural language, gestures, and eye
contact. Focus on the main ideas and key words.


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: On a ½ sheet of paper, do the following tasks:

I. Developing the Theme

INSTRUCTIONS: Write down the topic and beside it, write down your chosen


Topic: Love; Theme: True Love – Steps On How To Find It

II. Chosen Main Points

INSTRUCTIONS: Below your theme, write down your chosen main points.


Topic: Love; Theme: True Love – Steps On How To Find It

Main Point 1
Main Point 2
Main Point 3


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: On a 1 whole sheet of paper, do the following task:

Making an Outline

INSTRUCTIONS: Based on your theme and your chosen main points, prepare your

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Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk Semi-Finals

outline in preparation for your information talk.


The Information Talk

INSTRUCTIONS: Perform your information talk according to the instructions of

your teacher. Your information talk should be a minimum of 5 minutes or a
maximum of 10 minutes.

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Module 3 Preparing and Delivering the Information Talk


How Can I Succeed as a Public Speaker? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY. (n.d.).


Highlighting the Theme and Main Points — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY. (n.d.).

Making an Outline — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY. (n.d.). WOL.

Main Points Made to Stand Out — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY. (n.d.). WOL.

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