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Assignment No: 2

Name: Qudsia Riaz

Class: 8th Shifted Morning

Roll no: 10410

Subject: Professional Practices

Semester: 8th

Instructor: Sir Husnain:

GC University Faisalabad
Question No.1
What are workplace ethics? Write core ethical principle.
Workplace ethics refer to the moral principles and standards that guide behavior and
decision-making in a professional environment. These ethics ensure that employees act with
integrity, fairness, and respect towards colleagues, clients, and the organization. Upholding
workplace ethics fosters a positive and productive work environment, enhances trust and
cooperation, and mitigates conflicts and legal issues.

Core Ethical Principles in the Workplace

1. Integrity

Act with honesty and transparency in all business dealings.

Avoid deceptive practices and ensure that your actions align with your words.

2. Fairness

Treat all colleagues and clients impartially and equitably.

Ensure decisions are made based on merit, free from bias or favoritism.

3. Respect

Show consideration for the rights, feelings, and traditions of others.

Foster an inclusive and diverse work environment.

4. Accountability

Take responsibility for your actions and their outcomes.

Admit mistakes and take corrective actions promptly.

5. Confidentiality

Protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Respect the privacy of colleagues and clients.

6. Professionalism

Maintain a high standard of conduct and competence in your work.

Demonstrate reliability, diligence, and dedication to your role.

7. Compliance

Adhere to all laws, regulations, and organizational policies.

Ensure your actions are in line with ethical guidelines and legal requirements.

8. Loyalty

Show commitment to the organization and its goals.

Avoid conflicts of interest and prioritize the organization's interests when making

9. Empathy

Understand and consider the perspectives and emotions of others.

Engage in compassionate and supportive interactions.

10. Sustainability

Promote practices that contribute to the long-term well-being of the environment and

Encourage responsible use of resources and minimize negative impacts.

Question No.2
What is the best way to organize and present technical skills on an IT resume? How
can you ensure your technical skills section stands out to recruiters and hiring
Organizing and presenting technical skills effectively on an IT resume is crucial to
capturing the attention of recruiters and hiring managers### Organization of
Technical Skills
1. Categorize Your Skills
Programming Languages: List languages like Python, Java, C++, etc.
Frameworks and Libraries: Include Django, React, Angular, etc.
Tools and Platforms: Mention tools like Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, etc.
Databases: Specify SQL, NoSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, etc.
Operating Systems: Include Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.
Other Technical Skills: Any additional skills relevant to the job, such as
cybersecurity, DevOps, or machine learning.
2. Use a Clear Layout
 Bullet points or columns can help in presenting skills neatly.
 Consider using a table format if you have a lot of skills to list.
Presentation Tips
1. Prioritize Relevant Skills
 Tailor your skills section to the job you’re applying for by placing the most
relevant skills at the top.
 Carefully read the job description and match your skills to the required and
preferred qualifications.
2. Quantify Your Proficiency
 Indicate your proficiency level (e.g., "Expert," "Proficient," "Familiar") or
years of experience with each skill.
 nsider including context such as “5+ years experience” or “Advanced
knowledge” where applicable.
3. Showcase Certifications and Training
 List relevant certifications (e.g., AWS Certified Solutions Architect,
CompTIA Security+) alongside the skills they validate.
 Mention any specialized training or courses completed that enhance your
technical abilities.
4. Highlight Practical Experience
 Reference specific projects, achievements, or roles where you applied these
 Include a brief “Key Projects” section or incorporate projects into your
work experience to demonstrate practical application.
5. Keep It Up-to-Date
 Regularly update your resume to reflect new skills, technologies, and tools
you’ve mastered.
 Remove outdated or irrelevant skills to keep the section current and
Ensuring Your Technical Skills Stand Out
1. Use Keywords
Incorporate keywords from the job description to pass through Applicant
Tracking Systems (ATS).
Use industry-standard terminology and avoid jargon specific to a past employer.
2. Focus on High-Demand Skills
Highlight skills that are currently in high demand within the IT industry.
Research trends to identify which skills are most sought after by employers.
3. Leverage Visual Elements
Utilize subtle design elements like icons or shaded sections to draw attention
without overwhelming the content.
Consider a skills matrix or rating system (stars, bars) if it adds clarity.
4. Provide Context with Actionable Metrics
Where possible, add metrics that show the impact of your technical skills (e.g.,
“Reduced server downtime by 30% using Kubernetes”).
Highlight specific achievements that demonstrate the real-world application of
your skills.

Question No.3
What are Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), and why is it important to optimize your
resume for them?
How can you identify and incorporate the right keywords from a job description into your
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are software applications used by employers to manage
the recruitment process. They help automate the sorting, filtering, and ranking of job
applications based on specific criteria. ATS parse resumes, extracting relevant information
and matching it against the job description to identify the most suitable candidates.
Importance of Optimizing Your Resume for ATS
1. Initial Screening
Many companies receive a high volume of applications, and ATS helps narrow down the
pool by automatically filtering out resumes that don't meet predefined criteria.
2. Increased Visibility
A well-optimized resume ensures that your application gets noticed by recruiters, increasing
your chances of landing an interview.
3. Efficiency
By using ATS-friendly formatting and keywords, you help the system accurately interpret
your resume, which can speed up the hiring process.
4. Fair Evaluation
ATS minimizes human bias by evaluating resumes based on data-driven criteria, promoting
a fairer screening process.
Identifying and Incorporating the Right Keywords
1. Analyze the Job Description
Carefully read the job posting to understand the key skills, qualifications, and experiences
the employer is seeking.
Highlight specific terms, phrases, and jargon used in the description.
2. Identify Core Requirements
Look for sections such as “Qualifications,” “Responsibilities,” and “Skills Required” to
pinpoint the most important keywords.
Note any repeated terms or concepts, as these are likely to be prioritized by the ATS.
3. Match Keywords to Your Skills
Compare the highlighted keywords with your own skills and experience.
Ensure that you only include keywords that accurately reflect your abilities and
4. Incorporate Keywords Naturally
Integrate the identified keywords seamlessly into your resume, particularly in sections like
“Professional Summary,” “Skills,” and “Work Experience.”
Avoid keyword stuffing; focus on a natural and readable presentation of your
Practical Steps for Optimization
1. Use Standard Section Headings
Common headings like “Work Experience,” “Education,” “Skills,” and “Certifications” are
easily recognized by ATS.
2. Choose Simple Formatting
Avoid complex formatting, graphics, tables, and non-standard fonts. Use bullet points,
consistent headings, and clear sections.
3. Tailor Each Resume
Customize your resume for each job application by tweaking keywords and experiences to
align closely with the job description.
4. Utilize Online Tools
Use online ATS optimization tools or keyword analyzers to evaluate and improve your
resume’s compatibility with ATS.

Question No.4
What are some common technical interview questions for IT positions, and how can you
prepare for them?
How can you demonstrate your problem-solving skills using the STAR method in technical
1. Programming and Algorithms
2. Data Structures
3. System Design
4. Databases
5. Networking
6. Operating Systems
7. Security
Preparing for Technical Interviews
1. Review Fundamentals
2. Practice Coding
3. Study System Design
4. Mock Interviews
5. Understand the Job Requirements
Demonstrating Problem-Solving Skills Using the STAR Method
The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) is a structured way to answer behavioral
questions by describing a specific situation, the task you needed to complete, the action you
took, and the result of your actions
1. Situation
Describe a challenging problem you faced in a project or work situation.
Example: "In my last job, we had an issue with our web application's performance during
peak traffic hours."
2. Task
Explain your role and what you needed to achieve.
Example: "As a senior developer, I was tasked with identifying the bottleneck and
improving the application’s performance."
3. Action
Detail the specific steps you took to address the problem.
Example: "I conducted a thorough analysis of the application’s performance metrics and
identified that the database queries were causing the slowdown. I refactored the queries to be
more efficient and implemented caching for frequently accessed data."
4. Result
Highlight the outcome of your actions and quantify the impact if possible.
Example: "After implementing these changes, the application’s load time decreased by
40%, and it handled peak traffic smoothly without any downtime."


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