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All right, that's welcome again in this video, I'm going to walk you through the whole project,
the admin panel that we are going to build and of course, on it.
The basic idea of this project is we are making a website for a card business owners, or we can
him a car dealer who wants to lift his cars and his website and allow the user to come to the site
browse through all of his latest cards and, you know, a feature car search for the cars and filter
the cars by modern Prius, etc., and make some inquiries about his cars that are out for the sale.
All right.
Let me take you to the brother now.
OK, so this is the website we are going to pay for the car dealer.
OK, so in here, what we have is, as you can see, this is the hero in this section.
OK, we are going to use the bootstrap template for this, OK?
And here we have the search icon.
When you click on this, it will open the overlay.
So it has the third form here.
You can turn the car by type in the keyword.
OK, so next here we have the advanced to third form.
So here you can search by name and we have the model and by location.
Also, you can check here, OK, all these models, you know, these are coming from the database
this is the price.
You can set the minimum price and mugwump right here and sort that search for the car.
OK, and we have a feature car section and the latest Karthikeyan, OK, all the cars that are added
to the database will go into this latest car.
If you if you want to make this car as a feature car, then you have the ability to do that.
And from the admin panel on and we have a team section here.
This is the team section.
We are building a separate model for the teams so that you can add any team members from the
on it.
And we have this car page.
This is the car inventory page here.
All the cars will be displayed and and we have this pagination section.
When you click on this two, then it will go to page two.
OK, if the number of cars increases, then the numbers will also be increased.
OK, so here, if you click on any of the cars here, it will take you to the single car page where
you can see more about this particular car.
And in this page, we have our views and the features and all the stuff.
So this is the same message button.
When you click on this, it will open an enquiry form where you can submit to anybody OK for
this particular
All right.
And one more thing.
If you're logged in, then it will auto populate your information, OK, like the first name, last
name and phone numbers, whatever that whatever data we have in the entire database on it.
And when you click on this send button, it will send email to our admin.
All right.
So so that's how it works.
And we also have the dashboard functionality.
OK, let me show you that.
Put it on the dashboard button.
So then you click on this.
It will take you to the dashboard where you can see the list of cars that you have in for.
And one more thing, for example, I have already incurred for this Ferrari car.
So now let's see what happens if I try to inquire on this car.
Let me go to this Ferrari car.
And we have the same message.
Well, now let's see what happens.
When I click on the send button, it will show you the error.
OK, because you have already made the inquiry about this car.
So that's that's the check we have put for this particular website.
So if you have already inquired about this car, then our website will not allow you to inquire on
same particular car again and again.
OK, so that's how it works.
So and then we have this about.
So this is the normal about page for the business website.
And we are using this section also here on it.
And this is the simple, you know, static services page.
All right, and and the contact form here.
So this is the contact form.
Anybody want to get in contact with the, you know, the cardinal, then they can contact from
OK, so let me show you this.
We have used this messages also.
Let me show you this subject.
OK, when I click on the Senate seat.
All right, you can see the message here.
OK, we have used the we have used the Dango messages package in here.
So that message will be automatically disappeared in just four or five seconds.
OK, we have it from the.
And the next thing is we have this login and functionality, that is when you go to login, this is
the login form.
OK, so we have used the Dango authentication system to implement this login.
And the best part is we have this login with Facebook and login with Google also.
OK, so anybody want to log in with the Google, Facebook and Google Button already?
And we have the register page here also.
And the next thing is let me show you what a customization we have done for the admin panel.
OK, so this is the admin panel.
Let me log in as the admin.
OK, so we have removed Dr. Dango administration, you know, that simple default message from
the top
bar and we have put our logo.
OK, so these are the models we created this the cost model, context model teams model.
OK, this is the default site model.
OK, and we have used the social accounts or this is used for our login with Google and Facebook
And when you click on this, you can't see how simple and we're looking at it.
So we have put the thumbnails of the cards.
So this is how the card will look like from the back end.
So if you want to make this card a feature, then just click on this feature button and click save.
OK, it will be set aside from here only.
OK, and we have also implemented this rich text editor.
OK, usually what happens, the user a text area for the message box from the model.
All right.
But in this product I have implemented this beautiful rich text editor so that you can make use of
special functions.
OK, these are the special functions that are provided by our editor on it.
I'm done here.
I will also show you how we can make the multi select field.
OK, you can select as many as you want.
OK, now you can save and actually get saved.
And we have this filter section you can filter by city more than body style and all this stuff.
This is the search and we have changed the color of this panel also because I just wanted to make
that it matches with our friend.
OK, that's that's the reason I made it to red and black.
And in the course, I will show you step by step how you can achieve all these functionalities.
OK, in the course you will learn more.
Also, I think I could not show you everything here because I cannot show you the code in this
I don't want this video to be too long.
OK, so once you understand all these functionalities in this code, then you are good to go with
complex Web site.
OK, and that's it for now and also for course.
And I will see you inside, of course.

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