Forensic Psychology

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What happened?
 The car was silver and its number plate was NG58 VXW. (Lila)
 The car was a large, silver Audi A6. (Seth)
 There was shouting and three men with guns attacking a security van. (Lila)
 There was a scuffle between one of the men and one of the guards. That
man did not have a mask, but the others did. (Lila)
 The unmasked robber forced one of the guards to the ground. He had a
case attached to his wrist by a chain, and the guy started cutting through it
to take the case. (Lila)
 One of the robbers used a tool to cut the chain attaching a case to one of
the guards. (Seth)
 The car reversed into the street during the crime, at the point where one of
the robbers grabbed Liz. (Lila)
 At the start of the robbery, the car drove round a corner and the robbers
jumped out. (Seth)
 The driver shouted at the others and one of them grabbed Liz. (Lila)
 After stealing the case, two of the robbers ran to the car and the third ran
over to Liz and grabbed her. (Seth)
 The driver probably grabbed Liz. (Seth)
 Liz was kidnapped because she was trying to use her mobile phone,
probably to call the police. (Seth)

What the perpetrators looked like

 The unmasked robber was male, 22, with thick, curly shoulder-length hair,
of Indian ancestry and 5 feet 9 inches. (Lila)
 The unmasked robber had dark hair, darkish skin, was in his mid-30s and
possibly from the Middle East. He was average height and build, perhaps a
little slim. (Seth)
 The unmasked robber was wearing a riot hat with a plastic screen that was
knocked off when he was struggling with the guard. (Lila)
 One of the guard’s helmets was knocked off while struggling with the
robbers. (Seth)
 The driver was not wearing a mask, was Caucasian, dressed in camouflage
and in his early 30s, with short hair and about 5 feet 9 inches. (Lila)
 There was something odd about the driver’s eyes; he was wearing really
dark sunglasses with a silver frame and was also wearing a cap. (Seth)
 The two masked robbers were of average height, both were quite stocky
and wearing dark jackets and army trousers. (Lila)
 The two masked robbers were wearing hoodies and dark trousers. One
looked a little odd, possibly rounder than the others and almost feminine.
What happened
 Lila confirms that the suspects drove up and jumped out of a car. (Lila)
 The car was new, expensive, large and silver. It had four doors and the
number plate was NG58 VXW. (Lila)
 The car stopped 100 feet away. (Lila)
 The crime easily lasted for 10 minutes. (Lila)
 Seth confirms that the perpetrators jumped out of a car. (Seth)
 The perpetrators waved guns around as they jumped out. (Seth)
 Seth confirms the car was large and silver. (Seth)
 The car was an Audi. (Seth)
 There were four perpetrators, one who was a driver. (Lila)
 Three of the perpetrators forced two security guards to the ground. (Lila)
 One perpetrator, who was not wearing a mask, fought with a guard and hit
him. (Lila)
 The two masked perpetrators aimed guns at the guards, while the
unmasked perpetrator cut free a case chained to one of the guards. (Lila)
 The two masked perpetrators fired shots in the air. (Seth)
 The two masked perpetrators made the two guards get out of their van.
 The kidnapper was the driver. (Seth)
 The driver had a shotgun which he was firing in the air while shouting at Liz.
 Lila confirms the kidnapper was the driver. (Lila)
 The driver dragged Liz back to the car, bundled her in and drove off. (Lila)

What the perpetrators looked like

 The unmasked perpetrator had very curly, shoulder-length black hair. (Lila)
 The unmasked perpetrator was about 5 foot 3 inches. (Lila)
 The unmasked perpetrator was 22. (Lila)
 The unmasked perpetrator was probably of Indian ancestry. (Lila)
 The masked perpetrators were stocky and looked like bouncers. (Lila)
 The perpetrators were dressed in dark jackets and army trousers. (Lila)
 Seth confirms the unmasked perpetrator is Asian, about 20 and 5 feet 3 or
4 inches. (Seth)
 Seth confirms that the perpetrators looked stocky and like bouncers. (Seth)
 There was something odd about one of the masked perpetrators – they
looked almost child-like or like a woman. (Seth)
 The driver was a tall white guy. (Seth)
 The driver had short hair. (Seth)
 The driver was probably in his 30s. (Lila)
 The driver was about 6 foot 4 inches. (Lila)
 The driver was dressed like a soldier. (Lila)
 The driver had a crew-cut hairstyle. (Lila)
 The driver was wearing sunglasses and a cap. (Seth)
Timeline of the crime and police response
16:24, Wednesday afternoon – the police receive a number of emergency
calls reporting a possible armed robbery in progress.

Three are from people working in office buildings adjacent to where the crime is
taking place who report hearing gun fire; one is from a pedestrian passing by the
end of the road who sees an armed, masked man run past; and one is from a car
driver who narrowly avoids a collision with a speeding car.

16:26 – An initial response unit is dispatched to the location reported in the

emergency calls.

16:32 – The police receive a call from a mobile phone from two eyewitnesses to
the crime, who confirm an armed robbery has taken place and also that the
robbers kidnapped a young woman, called Liz, a friend of the witnesses who was
with them when the crime started.

16:36 – The initial response unit arrives at the crime scene. The two
eyewitnesses who made the call are still there, but the robbers have clearly left.
The street in which the crime took place is cordoned off.

16:48 – A detective from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Detective

Inspector Jake Bullet, arrives at the crime scene and, after a brief conversation
with the officers already there, talks to and obtains an initial statement from the
two eyewitnesses.

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