Transportation: Planning

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►The movement of people and/or goods from one place to 1. TRANSPORATION PROBLEMS
another. The process of shipping or moving an item from - Road crashes kill someone every 24 seconds, with a
point A to point B. total of 1.35 million traffic deaths around the world each
►Transportation is any device used to move an item from one year according to the World Health Organization.
location to another. Common forms of transportation - According to the data published in 2017, Road Traffic
include planes, trains, automobiles, and other twowheel Accidents in Philippines reached 10,767 or 1.74% of total
devices such as bikes or motorcycles. deaths. The Death Rate is 11.82 per 100,000 of population
Importance: and Philippines ranks #116 in the world
►it facilitates trade, exchange and travel. - In a 2018 study, the Japan International Cooperation
Without effective transportation, regions are largely isolated Agency said that traffic costs the Philippines P3.5 billion in
from each other "lost opportunities" daily. The amount is expected to triple
►transportation: means by which animals, goods and humans in number by the year 2030.
are moved from one place to another. Some of the typical - The Philippine capital ranked ninth most congested
modes of transport are water, road, rail, air, coastal, city out of 389 citieS. On average, it took 27 minutes for
navigation, pipeline, cable and space. Filipinos to travel 10 kilometers in Metro Manila last year.
►transport is significant as it allows trade between people that Across East and Southeast Asia, Manila was the second
is necessary for the expansion of civilizations. most traffic-congested city
1. BOOST ECONOMIC GROWTH: Transportation promotes
economic growth in an organization in following ways:
a) Better productivity
b) Enhances accessibility of labor force and jobs
c) Opens new avenues for businesses, Improves supply
chain efficiency
transportation enhances the reach of businesses and people to
find relevant services, jobs, activities, goods, and productivity.
Transportation helps reduce time of travel and improves
infrastructure too. Employees reach workplace in less time.
Businesses also benefit by increased employee productivity.
This results in increasing the productivity of an area impacted
by the better transportation system
provides a larger pool of employees for the job market. A new
transit, road enhancements or traveler rail line reduces the
travel time of employees as required by other transportation
modes like a bus or a car. Now employees can reach jobs that
were previously inaccessible. New and improved transportation
○ Dpwh Gis Web Application
mode enhances direct access of the population to more job
- The Philippine highway network is a network of
avenues, that makes a place more attractive.
national roads owned and maintained by the
4. OPENS NEW AVENUES FOR BUSINESS: New rail, metro lines
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
and subway attract new commercial and residential
and organized into three classifications according to
development. This provides passengers and businesses with
their function or purpose: national primary, secondary,
various options to earn as well as spend their money. Better
and tertiary roads.
access, and improved transportation projects lead to the
- Rod and Bridge Inventory
economic development of metropolitan areas.
- Traffic Information
○ Department Of Public Works And Highways
access to required materials and supplies result in its faster
(Kagawaran ng mga Pagawain at Lansangang Bayan),
delivery to customers. This not just reduces inventory carrying
and transportation costs, but also improves profitability and
-is the executive department of the Philippine
productivity in a business. Improvements in the transportation
government solely vested with the Mandate to “be the
infrastructure makes it possible for organizations to extend
State's engineering and construction arm” and, as
their market access to infinite customer base, that increases
such, it is “tasked to carry out the policy” of the
their competitiveness too.
State to “maintain an engineering and construction
arm continuously develop its technology, for the
purposes of ensuring the safety of all infrastructure
 the application of technology and scientific principles to the
facilities and securing for all public works and
planning, functional design, operation and management of
highways the highest efficiency and the most
facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide
appropriate quality in construction.
for the safe, efficient, rapid, comfortable, convenient,
economical, and environmentally compatible movement of
○ Feasibility Study
people and goods transport.
- is an assessment of the practicality of a proposed
 primarily involves planning, design, construction,
project in terms of cost and value attained.
maintenance, and operation of transportation facilities. The
a) Types of New Road Projects (according to functions &
facilities support air, highway, railroad, pipeline, water, and
even space transportation.
 Bypass Roads - alternate road that provides shorter
travel time by avoiding a congested area
 Diversion Roads - alternate road that has a shorter
travel distance
 Missing links - road connecting two hanging
national roads
 Access roads - road connecting the national to
places of interest
 Interchange - flyover, underpass, roundabout, etc
b) Transportation Studies in Planning Process
 Origin and Destination Study (O-D) 3. Vehicles - a passenger transportation system where
▪ To show the pattern and nature of daily trips made operators provide either private or scheduled services such as
by the residents freight transport and bulk transport.
▪ Main purpose is to plan the transportation in urban
city especially the type of land use, road traffic MODES OF TRANSPORTATION
network and public transportation system. 1. Road Transport - lays a significant role in the progress of
▪ Determine the traffic flow – if traffic congestion economic and social state of the country. It is the most cost-
occurs, a short cut must be plan to give a comfortable effective mode of transportation for medium and short
travel to road user. distances. This transportation service is regarded as useful and
▪ Determine whether the existing road system is preferable because of its trustworthiness, flexibility, ease and
adequate or not. speed.
▪ Determine the suitable / best position of a bridge or Advantages:
new transport terminal to be constructed. (i) It is very flexible in nature.
▪ Built a transportation models to make sure the (ii) It helps to facilitate the movement of goods even in remote
transportation planning will be more easier and also areas.
make a prediction about the traffic pattern in the (iii) It provides alternatives in the form of car, rickshaw, auto,
future. cars, bus, trucks, and so on.
 Traffic Volume Study (iv) It is good for transporting perishable products.
▪ To collect data on the number of vehicles (v) It requires low capital investments.
/pedestrian that pass a point during a specified time (vi) It is very suitable for a short distance journey.
period. Disadvantages:
▪ To know whether the existing road can (i) It is not suited for long distance as it is not economical.
accommodate the vehicles that using a road. (ii) Slow as compared to railways.
▪ Ensure the smooth movement of vehicles & traffic (iii) Goods can be destroyed/damage due to specks of dust
safety and pollutions.
▪ Design of road rehabilitation (iv) It is time-consuming.
▪ Study the traffic at intersection (v) Accidents and Breakdowns.
▪ Study of traffic control systems
▪ Forecast / predict traffic volumes 2. Rail Transport - railway is considered to be “the lifeline”. It
▪ Study traffic accidents facilitates transference of goods and people from one location
▪ Analysis of cost – benefits for highway projects to another. The vastness of the country makes rail
 Spot Speed Study transportation a vital transport medium for internal
▪ Conducted to estimate the distribution of speeds of transportation and operation of commuters. People get easy
vehicles in a stream of traffic at particular location. access to various inaccessible areas. With railways, it becomes
▪ Carried out by recording the speed of a sample of possible to bring in people and materials from different parts of
vehicles at specific location. the country that was earlier not possible.
▪ Will be valid only for the traffic and environmental Advantages:
conditions that exist at the time of study. (i) It is economical for long distances because it can easily cover
▪ Establish parameter for traffic operation such as all area of the cities.
speed zones, speed limits, and passing restriction. (ii) This means of transport is very faster than roadways.
▪ Evaluate the effectiveness of traffic control devices (iii) Most suitable for carrying a bulky amount of goods and
such as variable message sign at work zone. products.
▪ Evaluate the adequacy of highway geometric (iv) It provides proper protection from exposure to sun and
characteristic dust pollutions.
▪ Evaluate the effect of speed on highway (v) It is the most dependable means of transport.
▪ Determine speed trends (vi) It is the very safest means of transport.
 Travel Time and Delay Study (vii) Rail transport helps to provide employment
▪ A travel time study determines the amount of time opportunities to both skilled and unskilled individuals
required to travel from one point to another on a Disadvantages:
given route. (i) Huge capital required for construction maintenance.
▪ Information may also collected on the location, (ii) It is not suitable for hilly areas.
duration, and cause of delays. (iii) It is not flexible in nature.
▪ Data also aid the traffic engineer in identifying (iv) The cost and time of terminal operations are the major
problems at the location disadvantages of rail transport.
 Parking Study (v) Monopoly in nature.
▪ The need of parking spaces is usually very great in (vi) It consists much time for booking of goods through the
the areas where land uses including business, comparison of road transport.
residential and commercial activities.
▪ Providing adequate parking space to meet the 3. Air Transport - is significant for its fast transport. Enjoys a
demand for parking that may affect the level of centralized location all over the world in regards to air
service. transportation.
▪ To get the valid information (before and latest) Advantages:
▪ To know whether it is adequate parking or not. (i) Fastest means of transportation.
▪ To provide information needed to enable the (ii) Useful moving the goods in the amount of bulk.
implementation of payment by the parties involved (iii) Each and every area of accessible.
CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSPORT (iv) Vital for national security and defense.
1. Transport Infrastructure - form of transportation comprises (v) Very useful in earthquakes and other floods.
of the fixed installation of terminals for interchange of cargo (vi) It provides an efficient, regular, and quick service.
and passengers. It includes railways, roads, waterways, airways, (vii) It is very suitable for emergency services.
pipelines, canals and terminals like railway stations, airports, Disadvantages:
warehouses, bus stations, refueling depots, seaports and (i) The large capital investment needed.
trucking terminals. (ii) Not suitable for working goods.
2. Operations - type of transportation identifies the way in (iii) May be affected by rains.
which the vehicles function, and the methods that accomplish (iv) Risks of accidents are highest.
this purpose. It includes financing, policies and legalities. (v) This mode of transport requires a specialized skill and a
high degree of training for its working operations.
experience taking a habal-habal ride when visiting places like
4. Water Transport - offer the cheapest mode of transportation Cebu and Siargao.
as there is no need to create any transportation route. Both  PEDICAB - These can be considered to be the silent version of
internal as well as marine water channels such as canals and tricycles as bicycles are essential used, with a passenger can
rivers provide water transportation in the country. attached to the side or in the front. The driver uses pedal
Advantages: power to transport passengers. Normally you will see
(i) It is the very cheapest or easiest means of transportation. (ii) pedicabs on side streets and some subdivision that don’t
Goods in bulk are transported. allow for tricycles to enter. Pedicabs can seat a maximum of
(ii) It promotes foreign or international trade. three passengers.
(iii) It can easily carry a huge quantity of goods such as timber  CALESA/KALESA - A kalesa is a horse-drawn carriage that
and coal. used to drive around the streets but is now mostly left for
(v) In comparison to other transport, the risks capacity is very tourists; use. Manila and Intramuros in particular offer a
low. kalesa ride the oldfashioned way, with your coachman
Disadvantages: serving as tour guide, in a complete costume.
i) One of the drawbacks is there is a delay in the movement of  CARABAO CARRIAGE (BALSA) - The carabao is one of the
goods from one place to another. most hardworking animals in the country, that’s why it’s the
(ii) Performance is affected by seasonal variations. Philippine National Animal. People ride the carabaos on its
(iii) It can be used in a limited area of operations because it back, holding its tail or on a bamboo raft (with or without
can only run on seas or oceans. wheels) attached to a yoke like a horse carriage.
(iv) Water transport is very unsuitable for small businesses  TRAINS - Currently, the Philippines has a railway footprint of
because it carries a small number of goods. only 77 kilometers and rail transportation is provided by
three rapid lines called the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Line 1, LRT
Line 2, and MRT (Metro Rail Transit) Line 3 in Metro Manila
PHILIPPINE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM and the Philippine National Railways (PNR), which serves
 Transport is a key sector in the Philippine economy, linking commuters traveling from the province of Laguna to Manila
population and economic centers across the islands. The and back. LRT Line 2 and MRT Line 3 are interconnected via a
transport system of the Philippines consists of road, water, walkway in a station in Cubao, Quezon City.
air, and rail transport. Water transport plays an important  AIRPLANES - Across the country, there are more than 10
role due to the archipelagic nature of the country, but road international airports and about 30 principal domestic
transport is by far the dominant subsector accounting for airports. This number does not yet include the community
98% of passenger traffic and 58% of cargo traffic. While the airports and unclassified airstrips found in the Philippines. If
transport infrastructure has been developed and spread you’re hoping to travel to major destinations in the country
across the country (about 215,000 kilometers [km] of roads, by air, the best airlines to look at are Philippine Airlines (the
1,300 public and private ports, and 215 public and private country’s flagship carrier) and Cebu Pacific.
airports), the level of service has not been sufficient due to  FERRY BOATS & RO-RO’S - Inter-island travels within the
the lack of sustainable financing. country are best experienced via ferry boats for major
 From a previously underdeveloped state of transportation, islands. The country’s roll-on/rolloff (ro-ro) system targets
the government of the Philippines has been improving the three major nautical systems in the country – the
transportation through various direct infrastructure projects, Western, Central, and Eastern nautical highways. It’s also
and these include an increase in air, sea, road, and rail more convenient to take the ro-ro vessels especially if you
transportation and transport hubs. want to travel with your cars.
 BUILD BUILD BUILD - Build! Build! Build! (BBB) Program is the  PUMP BOATS OR BANCAS - For short-distance travels or
centerpiece program of the Duterte administration that aims when travelling to small and nearby islands, riding on a pump
to usher the “Golden age of infrastructure” in the boat or banca is your best option! Considered a utility boat in
Philippines. Lack of infrastructure has long been cited as the the Philippines, bancas or pump boats are used for nearly
“Achilles’ heel” of Philippine economic development. everything – from fishing to inter-island trips, and even as
 BUSES - There are three types of bus service within the service of the Philippine Coast Guard.
Philippines, namely provincial buses with routes from the
city to distant towns and provinces, city buses with routes SCOPE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING
within Metro Manila, and the P2P (Point-to-Point) buses Engineers in this specialization:
available in Manila. ❑ Handle the planning, design, construction, operation and
 TAXIS - which are white colored cars with yellow-colored maintenance of highways, roads, and other vehicular
plates, have a pre-determined flag down rate of 40 facilities as well as their related bicycle and pedestrian
Philippine pesos (at time of writing) and have an additional realms
charge per kilometer and waiting time on the road. Like ❑ Estimate the transportation needs of the public and then
buses, they are privately-owned and so, there are different secure the funding for projects
taxi operators. ❑ Analyze locations of high traffic volumes and high collisions
 JEEPNEYS - It’s the cheapest and most popular mode of land for safety and capacity
public transportation when travelling in the Philippines. ❑ Use engineering principles to improve the transportation
Because of its open rear door design, it’s easier to hop on system
and go down the vehicle. Plus, there are more jeepney stops, ❑ Utilize the three design controls, which are the drivers, the
unlike bus stops. Before riding on a jeepney, it’s best to know vehicles, and the roadways themselves
where you want to end up (what the areas are called, the
names of the stops, roughly how long it takes to reach your
 TRICYCLE - Tricycles come in handy when your intended
destination can’t be reached by jeepney or when you have a
lot to carry and there’s no taxi cab available in town. These
modes of public transport have various types, such as a
motorcycle with sidecar or a bicycle with sidecar. Like the
passenger jeepneys of the Filipinos, they are colorful, which
reveals the artistic nature of the country’s locals.
 MOTORCYCLE TAXIS (HABAL-HABAL) - re the motorcycle taxis
(habalhabal) come in – and take you through steep and ❑ that phase of transportation engineering which deals with
unpaved roads to your chosen destination. Usually found in the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads,
mountain barangays and distant provinces, you can
streets and highways, their networks, terminals, abutting lands, establishment of traffic regulations and their communication to
and relationships with other modes of transportation the driver through
the use of traffic control devices, such as signs, markings, and
❑Thus the basic objective of traffic engineering is to achieve signals.
efficient, free and rapid flow of traffic, with least number of
traffic accidents. The study of traffic engineering may be TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SURVEYS
divided into seven major areas, viz.:  To conduct traffic surveys for the purpose of
a) Traffic characteristics validation/evaluation of the existing traffic situation of
- The traffic characteristic are quite complex with various critical intersections along the national road network
types of road users on the roads moving with different
- The physical characteristics of the road uses may be either - This survey involves the collection of data about the natural
permanent or temporary. The permeant characteristics are and manmade features of the land.
the vision, hearing, strength and the general reaction to ▪ For national roads
traffic situation. 150-200 meters from the intersection
b) Traffic studies & analysis ▪ For minor/local roads
- The various studies to be carried out on the actual traffic 80-100 meters from the intersection
include speed, volume, capacity, travel patterns, origin and
destination, traffic flow characteristics, parking and accident 2) ROAD INVENTORY SURVEY
studies. 2.1) Road Inventory Survey -This survey involves the
c) Planning area analysis collection of data on on-street conditions. The information
- Long term development plans are to be prepared for a gathered is used as a data for other works and reduces the
country as a whole or for a region of the country. Land use need for field trips.
planning , transportation needs and road network planning 2.2) Inventory Layout
are closely interlinked.
d) Geometric design 3) VOLUNE STUDIES (Vehicle & Pedestrian)
- All the aspects such as cross section and roadway surface 3.1) Volume Studies
details, sight distance requirement, horizontal and vertical ➢Traffic volume studies are conducted to collect data on
alignment, intersections and parking facilities are to be the number of vehicles and/or pedestrians that pass a
suitably designed for better performance. point on a highway facility during a specified time period.
e) Traffic operation ➢This time period varies from as little as 15 minutes to as
- Traffic operations deal with regulations, control and much as a year depending on the anticipated use of the
application of control measures. - Regulations may be in the data.
form of laws, or other traffic regulatory measures such as ➢The data collected also may be put into subclasses which
speed limit etc. may include directional movement, occupancy rates,
f) Road safety aspects vehicle classification, and pedestrian age.
- Installation of traffic control devices like signs, signals, ➢ Uses of Volume Studies
islands and pavement markings are most common means to a) Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)
regulate and control the traffic ◦ Estimation of highway user revenues
g) Administration & management ◦ Computation of crash rates in terms of number of
- is a systematic way of managing the actual condition on the crashes per 100 million vehicle miles
locality/area of concern. - Planning, Organizing, Leading and ◦ Establishment of traffic volume trends
Controlling ◦ Evaluation of the economic feasibility of highway
PRIMARY GOAL OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERS ◦Development of freeway and major arterial street
The safe and efficient movement of people and goods through systems
our streets and ◦Development of improvement and maintenance
highways programs
❑ Improve safety b) Peak Hourly Volume
❑ Relieve traffic congestion ◦ Functional classification of highways
❑ Speed (limited by technology, human characteristics & ◦ Capacity analysis
safety) ◦Design of the geometric characteristics of a highway,
❑ Comfort (involves physical characteristics of vehicle and for example, number of lanes, intersection
roadway and influenced signalization, or channelization
by perception of safety) ◦Development of programs related to traffic
❑ Convenience (relates to more ease with which trips are operations, for example, one-way street systems or
made and the ability of traffic routing
transport to accommodate all of travel needs at appropriate ◦Development of parking regulations
time) c) Vehicle Classification
❑ Economy (more value to the money) ◦Design of geometric characteristics, with particular
❑ Protect the environment (e.g. reduce energy consumption) reference to turningradii requirements, maximum
grades, lane widths, and so forth
ELEMENTS OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ◦ Capacity analyses, with respect to passenger-car
 Traffic Studies -measuring and quantifying various aspect of equivalents
highway traffic (traffic volume, speed, travel time, delay, ◦ Adjustment of traffic counts obtained by machines ◦
etc) Structural design of highway pavements, bridges, and
 Performance Evaluation - means by which traffic engineers so forth
can rate the operating characteristics of individual 3.2) Methods of Conducting Volume Counts
sections of facilities, can be measured in terms of level of ➢ Manual Method
service - Manual counting involves one or more persons
 Facility Design - involves traffic engineers in the functional recording observed vehicles using a counter.
and geometric design of highways and other traffic - With this type of counter, both the turning movements
facilities at the intersection and the types of vehicles can be
 Traffic Control -central function of traffic engineers and recorded.
involves the - The main disadvantages of the manual count method
are that:
(1) it is labor-intensive and therefore can be expensive, ● Describe the location of the intersection
(2) it is subject to the limitations of human factors, and (Rural/Urban/CBD) ● Existing commercial or residential
(3) it cannot be used for long periods of counting. establishments around the intersection
➢ Automatic Method ● Presence of traffic attractors
◦ Automatic counters can be classified into two general ● Obstructions
categories: those that require the laying of detectors  Enforcement
(surface or subsurface), and those that do not require the ● Traffic Rules and Violations
laying of detectors. ○ Jaywalking
◦ Automatic counters require the laying of surface ○ On-street parking
detectors (such as pneumatic road tubes) or subsurface ○ Loading/Unloading
detectors (such as magnetic or electric contact devices) on ○ Encroachment
the road, which detect the passing vehicle and transmit ○ Turning
the information to a recorder connected to the detector at ○ Counterflowing
the side of the road. ● Traffic Enforcers
◦ Automatic counters that do not require the laying of  Traffic Condition
detectors use one of many technologies including ● Traffic data
electronics: Doppler principles, laser scanning, and ○ Volume
infrared. ○ Composition
3.3) Intersection Count ○ Peak hours
➢Intersection counts are taken to determine vehicle ● Traffic policies
classifications, through movements, and turning ○ Truck ban
movements at intersections. ○ Special traffic management schemes
➢These data are used mainly in determining phase
lengths and cycle times for signalized intersections, in the Recommendations/Proposed Improvement
design of channelization at intersections, and in the  Interventions to address the findings in the engineering
general design of improvements to intersections. category
➢Standard duration of intersection count is at least 12  Education
hours. ❏ Public Consultations
a) Traffic Volume Count ❏ Seminars
b) Duration of Survey ❏ Coordination with other agencies (LTO, PNP, LGU’s)
Traffic Volume and Pedestrian Count Surveys 14-Hour
Count Survey (6:00 AM to 8:00 PM)
• 1st Shift – 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM
• 2nd Shift – 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM
c) Traffic volume count survey
3.4) Vehicle Classification
• Car/AUV/SUV/Jeep
• Public Utility Jeep (PUJ)
• 2-Axle Truck Author
• 3-Axle Truck John Jowhell H. Villegas
• Articulated/Cargo Truck - is a graduate of Master of Engineering in Nagoya University
• Motorcycle under JICE-JDS (JICA) scholarship program. The program aimed
• Motor Tricycle to strengthen the technical capacity of the Philippine
3.5a) Traffic Volume Data Presentation government. (2015-2017)
Turning Movement Count at Sumulong Highway-Olalia - He completed his bachelor’s degree at University of Rizal
Road intersection System – Morong. (2006-2011)
3.5b) Traffic Volume Data Presentation - Engineer II at the Department of Public Works and Highways
14-Hour Traffic Variation of Sumulong Highway-Olalia Road (2013-2016)
intersection - Engineer III at the Department of Public Works and Highways
3.6) Pedestrian Count – Bureau of Quality and Safety – Traffic Engineering Division.
➢Volume counts of pedestrians are made at locations - University of the Philippines - Master of Science
such as subway stations, mid-blocks, and crosswalks. The (MSc)Transportation Engineering (2014 - 2015)
counts are usually taken at these locations when the - He also serves as Part-time Professor in Mapua University
evaluation of existing or proposed pedestrian facilities is teaching transportation engineering subjects and providing
to be undertaken. Such facilities may include pedestrian assistance for students doing research in transportation. (2021-
overpasses or underpasses. Present)
➢The locations at which pedestrian counts are taken also  Introduction
include intersections, along sidewalks, and mid-block a) Transportation Revolution (Pre-World War II) - Steam-
crossings. These counts can be used for crash analysis, Powered Tranvia
capacity analysis, and determining minimum signal timings b) Transportation Revolution (Post-World War II) -
at signalized intersections. Highway transportation was the main focus of Philippine
transportation development after World War II. Along
HIGHWAY OBSERVATION REPORT with the sudden rise of fuel-powered vehicles like buses,
Findings, Issues, and Concerns jeepneys, and passenger cars, roads were constructed.
 Engineering The Philippine government has spent a lot of money
1) General Information - Describe the intersection: building highways over the past four decades while
Intersecting Legs, Road Classification, Direction of the legs investing less in rail transit, which has made Filipinos
2) Intersection Elements, Geometry, and Alignment - dependent on their cars.
Engineering features located at the IMMEDIATE vicinity of
the intersection
3) Road Features per Leg - Engineering features along the
 Land Use and Physical Condition
❏ Case Study of ITS Corridor in Europe
❏ Smart Car/Autonomous Vehicles
❏ Driverless Train in Hong Kong Airport.
❏ Bullet Trains
❏ Other Applications of Smart Development on Road.
 Transportation Revolution 4.0 In The Philippines
- ITS provides great solutions in solving transportation
problems in The Philippines
- Recently, the Transportation Industry has been
implementing projects that has been a product of the
Transportation Revolution 4.0
a) Advancement of Transportation Industry in the
 Problem Statement - Non-Contact Apprehension in Metro Manila
This descriptive study was conducted to assess the potentials - Traffic Control Center
and barriers of the advancement of Industrial Revolution in the - Intersection Traffic Signalization Hardware
Philippine transportation system. - The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP)
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions. - Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) System
a. Determine the global advancement of transportation - Beep Card
industry in the Industrial Revolution 4.0; - High Speed Weigh-In-Motion
b. Determine the on-going development of transportation in - Passenger-Demand Detection System
the Philippines related to Industrial Revolution 4.0; - Auto Detection of Road Defects
b) Competency of the Philippine Transportation Industry.
c. What are the potentials and barriers for the Philippine - A survey was conducted from July 22 to July 26 2019
Transportation Revolution 4.0; with the use of Google Forms. There were 314
 Methodology Respondents.
 The descriptive method of research was used for this study - 68.9% are among the 217 students from Mapua
as shown in Figure, namely: i) research on emerging University in Manila and Holy Angel University in
technologies; ii) SWOT analysis; and, iii) conclusions and Pampanga.
recommendations. - 31.2% are among the practicing Civil Engineers in the
 SWOT analysis was conducted. The strengths, weaknesses, Philippines.
opportunities, and threats were identified and corresponded - Among the Civil Engineering students, 48% prefers
to determine the attainable and possible strategies or specializing Transportation Engineering .
techniques that could help in developing the Philippines’ - Among the interested students, 74.3% wants to focus
transportation revolution. on Highway Engineering while 17.1% on Railway
 In the global platforms, research was conducted regarding Engineering.
the emerging technologies and practices in the recent - Structural Engineering and Construction Management
transportation industrial revolution. The information and covers 19% of the total students responded in the
data on the existing condition of transportation in the survey.
Philippines were gathered, as well as information on the - Construction Management and Structural Engineering
competency of Information Technology experts in the comprises of 27% and 30% of the total Civil Engineer
country. respondents.
- Only 10% of the total respondents specializes in
Transportation Engineering
- Practitioners were asked to answer “Yes,” “Somehow,”
and “No” if they are satisfied in terms of the following
measures as:
a. Financially;
b. Social Responsibility;
c. Achievement.
- Based on the survey results, in terms of financial
satisfaction, Filipino practitioners answered
- Furthermore, majority of the respondents, including
both students and practitioners, believe that the
population of the Transportation Engineers in the
Philippines are insufficient to carry out the technical
demand on advancing the Transportation Industry in
the country.
- Were carried out to identify the potentials and barriers
 Lastly, the result from the SWOT analysis determined the
of the advancement of transportation revolution in the
conclusions and recommendations aim to concrete action
 Strengths
 Findings/Results
- The Philippines has a large number of civil engineers
 Global Transformation Revolution 4.0
- Transportation infrastructure has been progressing for
- University research in the Philippines has prospective
years, yet due to the increasing amount of traffic, numerous
outcomes that might be utilized as a guide to improve
traffic problems still exist.
the system of transportation.
- Countries are focusing on maximizing capacity of existing
- The Philippine transportation agencies started to
transportation infrastructure.
adapt the emerging technologies in the 4th industrial
- The concept of Smart Growth through intelligent
transportation system (ITS) was develop to provide solutions
 Weaknesses
in the traffic problems and optimized the performances of
- There are limited institutions that offers
the available transportation infrastructures.
Transportation Engineering courses.
❏ Case Study of Honking in India.
- The government has limited funds to implement 1. To analyze the traffic data using CCTV Footages in terms of
beneficial projects. 1.1. Classification of Vehicles
- There are limited Transportation Engineers in the 1.2. Volume of Vehicles
Philippines, particularly in the government agencies. 1.3. Peak Hour of Traffic
- The government has no clear legislative bills that could 2. To evaluate the performance of signalized intersection
be introduced. Help with competency development based on the:
and Transportation Industry Advancement. 2.1. Intersection Delay
 Opportunities 2.2. Intersection Volume-to-Capacity Ratio
There are limited institutions that offers Transportation 3. To simulate and optimize the traffic signal using PTV
Engineering courses. Vissim and Vistro
The government has limited funds to implement Software of the:
beneficial projects. 3.1. Present Traffic Condition
There are limited Transportation Engineers in the 3.2. Future Traffic Condition
Philippines, particularly in the government agencies. Methodology
The government has no clear legislative bills that could  Research Design
be introduced. Help with competency development
and Transportation Industry Advancement.
 Threats
- Filipino Transportation Engineers has higher income
opportunities abroad.
- Efforts have been made by the Philippine government
to address some of these issues through infrastructure
development projects and policy reforms. However,
overcoming these threats and barriers requires
sustained investment, effective governance, and long-
term plannings
 S-O Strategies
- Develop incentive mechanisms for civil engineering
students preferring to specialize in Transportation
Engineering.  Research Outline
- Provide budget allotment for research and
development in transportation.
- Strengthen international partnerships with developed
countries like Japan, who are leading in the
advancement of Transportation Revolution 4.0 in order
to take an opportunity for technology transfer.
 W-O Strategies
- Introduce and strengthen transportation engineering
courses nationwide.
- Provide trainings and scholarships for the government
- Civil Engineers who has interest in specializing in
Transportation Engineering.
- Strengthen the interest of students to specialize in
Transportation Engineering by expanding
- Transportation Engineering-oriented student
organizations nationwide.
 T-S Strategies
- Increase the salary of Transportation Engineers to
practice and specialize in the Philippines which will
encourage aspiring students to specialize in the field of  Background for the Location
Transportation Engineering. - Sambat Intersection Road is a cross-intersection (four legs)
- Strengthen the Transportation Engineering as shown in the Figure 4 connecting three national roads
organizations by having national conventions focusing named Calamba-Sta. Cruz-Famy Junction road with four
on Transportation Revolution 4.0. lanes each and Sta. Cruz-Poblacion road with two lanes and
 T-W Strategies one provincial road named Sta.Cruz-Nagcarlan road with also
- Increase the rate of compensation for Transportation two lanes.
Engineers/Specialists.  Data Gathering
 Conclusions - This section backs up the study's findings on the Traffic
- Huge potential for the advancement of Transportation Signal Optimization Based on the Level of Service of
Industry in the country Signalized Intersection Road in Sambat Sta. Cruz, Laguna,
- Civil Engineers specializing in Transportation Engineering according to the information gathered. This was used to
- Existing technologies in the developed countries could be simulate the traffic flow and analyze the LOS and optimize
candidate for technology transfer in the Philippines. the traffic signal in the area
 Data Collection Method
SAMBAT STA. CRUZ, LAGUNA (Approved: July 2022)
- Cariza Elline C. Elbo
- Ivan J. Raymundo, RCE
- Paolo M. Fernandez  Data Collection Time
Statement of the Problem - The time allotted for data collection was during a
- The general objective of the study is to simulate the traffic weekday's period in the morning hours, afternoon hours,
flow and analyze the Level of Service (LOS) in Sambat Sta. and evening hours. Field research was done in one day on
Cruz, Laguna Signalized Intersection Road. Specifically, the January 06, 2022 between the operating hours of traffic
study aimed to accomplish the following objectives: lights starting from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
 Data Tools and Apparatus - Signal Timing for Present Traffic Condition with 186 seconds
cycle time was optimized and reduced to 115 seconds that
gives an LOS C that is more likely and favorable than LOS F in
Level of Service of Present Traffic Condition
- 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM indicating a total of 3,467 vehicles
- Passenger Utility Jeepney act as the primary contributors to
the total volume
- The optimization of traffic signals for the future traffic
condition enhanced the overall performance of the

- Table 5 shows the tools and apparatus that were used in

this study for the purpose of data collection that is
measurable and observable for data analysis &
interpretation and was constructed by the researchers
according to objectives.
 Research and Time Frame

 Projection of Volume Data

- After obtaining the data, the researcher tallied it and
subjected it to statistical treatment to determine the
projected volume of vehicles in a certain year using the
PV= CV (1+ PGF)
PV = Projected Volume of Vehicles
PGF = Projection Growth Factor
CV = Current Volume of Vehicles

 Data Performance Analysis

- Input data consists of the intersection:
setup data
geometric data
traffic flow data
turning movement
approach data
- Signalization:
signal control setup data,
signal phasing cycle time along with the signal timing
(green, red, and amber time).
- Result of calculation consisted of:
present traffic condition
average delay performance
capacity performance
current Level of Service (LOS) at the intersection
- Presentation of Traffic Volume Count Survey Data:
A comprehensive and detailed 12-hour volume count
survey was conducted on January 6, 2022 to identify the
present traffic condition in Sambat Sta. Cruz, Laguna. In
the setting of the study, 15-minute traffic count intervals
were made by utilizing CCTV Footages.

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