Customer Connect CO: Commitment Report For Profit Center/line Item Report For Statistical Key Figures

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SAP Note

2414350 - Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line item report
for statistical key figures
Component: CO-OM-CCA-G (Controlling > Overhead Cost Controlling > Cost Center Accounting > Reporting,
iViews), Version: 9, Released On: 14.03.2019

This SAP Note delivers the solution for the following Customer Connect requests:
Request for improvement:

D11140: A CO actual line item report for statistical key figures that displays data in an ALV rather like KSB1. It should also be
possible to use the report for all object types.
D11141: A cost element report for line items that can be executed for all object types
D11145: Commitment reports exist only for the individual CO modules. A commitment report is desired that can display data
of different object types.
D11151: A report that can be started for profit centers and that displays commitment data of all objects (cost center, order,
WBS element, and so on) that belong to the specified profit centers.
Reasons for the improvement request:

D11140: There are actual, plan, and commitment line item reports, but none for statistical key figures. However, these reports
do not have cross-object-type logic.
D11141: To date, there are only line item reports for each CO module (cost centers, orders, project system, and so on).
D11145: To date, there are only commitment reports for each CO module (cost centers, orders, project system, and so on).
D11151: Commitment data is updated in CO only, and not in profit center accounting or in General Ledger Accounting (new).

Other Terms
PRCTR Customer Connec�on

Reason and Prerequisites

Functions that were previously not available

We recommend that you apply the relevant patch. In this case, please proceed as follows:
1. Use transaction GS11 to create a variable for set and value entry with the name 'Object Number' that references the table
2. Create a new library:
◦ Create this with transaction GR21 and the template '1VK'.
◦ In the header, set the component ID 'OBJ'.
◦ Enter 'All Objects' as the description.
◦ Add the characteristics 'OBJNR', 'PERIO', and 'GRTYP'.
◦ Add the basic key figures 'ESMAI' and 'ESMEI'.
◦ Save the library.
3. Create a commitment report in the new library:
◦ Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create a report.
◦ As the name of the report, choose 'Objects: Commitment', for example.
◦ Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 6-KOKRS, fiscal year with the variable 6-
GJAHR, period variable 6-PERBV for 'From' and variable 6-PERBB for 'To', object with set indicator and the
variables from point 2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
◦ The row contains only the cost element with the set indicator and variable 6-KSTAR, and the column 'Expand' is set
to 'Expand'.
◦ The first column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 21, version 000, and valuation 0, description
◦ The second column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 22, version 000, and valuation 0,
description Purchase Order.
◦ The third column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value types 24, 2A, and 2B, version 000, and valuation 0,
description Reserved.
◦ The fourth column is a formula column, defined as the sum of the first three columns, description Total.
◦ The key column has the description Cost Elements.
◦ Save the report.
4. Create a line item report for statistical key figures:
◦ Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create a report.
◦ For the name of the report, you can choose 'Stat. KF.: LI', for example.
◦ Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 1KOKRE, fiscal year with the variable
1GJAHR, value type 04, version 000, object with set indicator and the variables from point 2. For 'Object', you must
set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
◦ The row contains the key figure category 2 as the first characteristic and then the statistical key figure with the set
indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for 'From' and variable 1PERIB for
'To'. The last characteristic is the document number with *. The three last characteristics must be set to 'Only single
values' in the last column. You can generate the correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon
◦ This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual Quantity.
◦ The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Total Values'.
◦ You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row 'Color for emphasis'.
◦ The section can be given the description 'Objects: Total Values'.
◦ In the report layout, please set the width of the key column to 36.
◦ For this section, create a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the rows/summation
interval, change the 'To' level to 2.
◦ Choose Formatting -> Column from the menu and set the 'Print unit' indicator.
◦ Define a second section with the description 'Objects: Fixed Values'.
◦ The row contains the document number with * as the first characteristic and then the statistical key figure with the
set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for 'From' and 1PERIB for 'To'.
The last characteristic is the key figure category 0 to 1. All four characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in
the last column. You can generate the correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
◦ This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual Quantity.
◦ The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Fixed Values'.
◦ You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row: 'No colors used';
fourth row: 'Color for emphasis'.
◦ For this section, create a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the rows/summation
interval, change the 'From' level to 1 and the 'To' level to 2. Deactivate the 'Mark totals' indicator.
◦ Save the report.
5. Use transaction GR51 to create a report group for the new commitment report. In the header, assign transaction KOB2 in
the report-report interface.
6. Create a report group for the new line item report for statistical key figures with transaction GR51. In the header, assign
transaction KB33N in the report-report interface.
7. Execute the new transaction KPRC_COMM. For the report group here, enter the new group for the commitment report.
Enter further dates for which commitment data exists. During execution, this report group is updated to the table
T811FLAGS and the next time KPRC_COMM is executed, the report group does not need to be entered again.
If you have not applied the relevant patch and still want to use this functionality, please implement the
corresponding correction instructions. Note the manual pre-implementation and post-implementation
steps. The procedure described above is then no longer necessary.

D11140: You can use this to report on actual line items for statistical key figures on a cross-object basis. However, a display like
that in KSB1 is not possible, since the Report Writer no longer enables this functionality. However, you can double-click to
navigate to the corresponding document.
D11141: In the library newly created here, you can also create cost reports that you have defined yourself with the characteristic
'Object'. If you define a line item report such as KSB1 in the report-report interface here, you obtain a cross-object line item
report. Here, however, you have to define the layout yourself in accordance with your wishes, using sort criteria, for example,
similarly to the layout introduced here for commitment. There is no independent transaction for calling this line item report.
D11145: The commitment report described in the correction instructions meets the requirements.
D11151: The commitment report described in the correction instructions meets the requirements.
D11140: Easier, quicker overview. No detour with SE16N or Excel required.
D11141: Data from object-dependent reports does not need to be tediously collected. It is also not possible to forget things.
D11145: Data from object-dependent reports does not need to be tediously collected. It is also not possible to forget things.
D11151: A variation also enables reporting for all object types and objects that belong to the selected profit center.


With S/4 HANA 1709, the library, reports, and report groups described here in the correction instructions are delivered in the
standard system: Library 9O1, report groups 9OCM and 9OSK.

For all other releases starting with ECC 600, everything is delivered apart from the library, commitment report, and line item
report for statistical key figures.
Further explanations:
The commitment report described here can now be used to display commitment data on a cross-object-type basis. You must
enter the technical object numbers here. Sets can also be specified here. For example, you can use the program
RKSE16H_CREATE_SET and specify the desired objects to generate a set that you can then enter on the selection screen of
the new commitment report. Fore a detailed description of this program, see SAP Note 1636416.
Please make sure that you choose 'CCSS' as the table, since otherwise the set generated by the report cannot be used in reports.

You can now use transaction KPRC_COMM to report on commitment data at profit center level. Based on the entered profit
center, a temporary set of all account assignment objects that are assigned to these profit centers is generated. This set is
hierarchical, and contains the entered profit centers at the first level. Beneath this are nodes for each object type of the found
object numbers. Under these object type nodes are all of the associated objects. The new commitment report is executed with
this temporary set. You can use the variation tree to report on the higher-level node (objects of all entered profit centers) down
to an individual object number in detail. This tree is displayed at the first level by default.

In the new library described here, you can also define cost element reports, planning reports, or other commitment reports as
desired. It is important that the same characteristic object (OBJNR) is used with the same set variable. If you want to create
your own new library for this, you must set the component ID OBJ in the library header.

When you execute this cost element report, you can specify an object number set as described above. If you also want to call
this cost element report on a profit center basis like KPRC_COMM, you can generate a corresponding set using transaction
KPRC_OBJ. However, this not temporary, but is built identically as a hierarchy. A name must be specified here, too. The
names of the relevant subnodes are then composed of the set name, profit center, and object type. KPRC_OBJ also has a 'For
Commitments' indicator. If this indicator is set, only object types for which commitment data can exist are taken into account.

If you want a report like KPRC_COMM, you can also achieve this easily by generating a small program that (like transaction
KPRC_COMM) calls the function module K_PRCTR_OBJ_SET_REPORT. If you also want to simultaneously create a set in
the database when doing so, you must set the parameter SET to 'X'. A value must also be entered for SETNAME and TITLE. In
the case of temporary sets, like for KPRC_COMM, it is sufficient to set the parameter SET to 'T'. With the parameter 'COMM',
you can also control whether only commitment-relevant object types are taken into account. You can use the parameter
REPORT to specify the report group that you want to execute. It is still important to remember that a fiscal year (GJAHR)
must always be specified, since this year is used to determine the corresponding objects. The function module can also be used
only to obtain a table TABL_PRCTR_OBJ that contains precisely the corresponding object types and object numbers for the
profit centers. Naturally, you are responsible for the use of this function module and the customer-defined reports called using
If you have implemented this SAP Note using a patch, please note that all ABAP Dictionary objects will be available in the
original language German only. You must translate the objects yourself using transaction SE63 or GRRT (for any missing texts
in the report environment).

Manual Activities

|Manual Pre-Implement. |
|Software Component S4CORE |
| Release 100 Until SAPK-10004INS4CORE |
| Release 101 Until SAPK-10102INS4CORE |

Enhance the structure CCR1S using SE11. Add the following entry at the end:

Component: 'GRTYP', type: TYPE, component type: GRTYP.

Save and activate your change.

Implement the attached program Z2414350_100 and execute it as an update run.

You can then use SNOTE to implement the corrections. Make sure that you also select the lines shown in yellow
here (includes for the function group KPRC).

|Manual Pre-Implement. |
|Software Component SAP_APPL SAP Application |
| Release 600 SAPKH60001 - SAPKH60029 |
| Release 602 Until SAPKH60219 |
| Release 603 Until SAPKH60318 |
| Release 604 SAPKH60401 - SAPKH60418 |

Enhance the structure CCR1S using SE11. Add the following entry at the end:

Component: 'GRTYP', type: TYPE, component type: GRTYP.

Save and activate your change.

Implement the attached program Z2414350_603 and execute it as an update run.

You can then use SNOTE to implement the corrections. Make sure that you also select the lines shown in yellow
here (includes for the function group KPRC).

|Manual Pre-Implement. |
|Software Component SAP_APPL SAP Application |
| Release 605 Until SAPKH60515 |
| Release 606 SAPKH60601 - SAPKH60618 |
| Release 616 Until SAPKH61610 |

Enhance the structure CCR1S using SE11. Add the following entry at the end:

Component: 'GRTYP', type: TYPE, component type: GRTYP.

Save and activate your change.

Implement the attached program Z2414350_100 and execute it as an update run.

You can then use SNOTE to implement the corrections. Make sure that you also select the lines shown in yellow
here (includes for the function group KPRC).
|Manual Pre-Implement. |
|Software Component SAP_FIN |
| Release 617 SAPK-61701INSAPFIN - SAPK-61713INSAPFIN |
| Release 618 Until SAPK-61806INSAPFIN |
| Release 700 Until SAPK-70010INSAPFIN |
| Release 720 Until SAPK-72006INSAPFIN |
| Release 730 SAPK-73003INSAPFIN - SAPK-73007INSAPFIN |

Enhance the structure CCR1S using SE11. Add the following entry at the end:

Component: 'GRTYP', type: TYPE, component type: GRTYP.

Save and activate your change.

Implement the attached program Z2414350_100 and execute it as an update run.

You can then use SNOTE to implement the corrections. Make sure that you also select the lines shown in yellow
here (includes for the function group KPRC).

|Manual Post-Implement. |
|Software Component S4CORE |
| Release 100 Until SAPK-10004INS4CORE |
| Release 101 Until SAPK-10102INS4CORE |
1. Execute the program Z2414350_100 again as an update run.
2. Use transaction GS11 to create a variable for set and value entry with the name 'Object Number' that
references the table field CCSS-OBJNR.
3. Create a new library:
a) Create this with transaction GR21 and the template '1VK'.
b) In the header, set the component ID 'OBJ'.
c) Enter 'All Objects' as the description.
d) Add the characteristics 'OBJNR', 'PERIO', and 'GRTYP'.
e) Add the basic key figures 'ESMAI' and 'ESMEI'.
f) Save the library.
4. Create a commitment report in the new library:
a) Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create
a report.
b) As the name of the report, choose 'Objects: Commitment', for example.
c) Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 6-KOKRS, fiscal year with
the variable 6-GJAHR, period variable 6-PERBV for 'From' and variable 6-PERBB for 'To', object with set
indicator and the variables from point 2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
d) The row contains only the cost element with the set indicator and variable 6-KSTAR, and the column
'Expand' is set to 'Expand'.
e) The first column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 21, version 000, and valuation
0, description PReq.
f) The second column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 22, version 000, and valuation
0, description Purchase Order.
g) The third column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value types 24, 2A, and 2B, version 000,
and valuation 0, description Reserved.
h) The fourth column is a formula column, defined as the sum of the first three columns, description
i) The key column has the description Cost Elements.
j) Save the report.
5. Create a line item report for statistical key figures:
a) Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create
a report.
b) For the name of the report, you can choose 'Stat. KF.: LI', for example.
c) Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 1KOKRE, fiscal year with
the variable 1GJAHR, value type 04, version 000, object with set indicator and the variables from point
2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
d) The row contains the key figure category 2 as the first characteristic and then the statistical key
figure with the set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for
'From' and variable 1PERIB for 'To'. The last characteristic is the document number with *. The three
last characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in the last column. You can generate the
correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
e) This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual
f) The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Total Values'.
g) You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row 'Color
for emphasis'.
h) The section can be given the description 'Objects: Total Values'.
i) In the report layout, please set the width of the key column to 36.
j) For this section, generate a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the
rows/summation interval, change the 'To' level to 2.
k) Choose Formatting -> Column from the menu and set the 'Print unit' indicator.
l) Define a second section with the description 'Objects: Fixed Values'.
m) The row contains the document number with * as the first characteristic and then the statistical key
figure with the set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for
'From' and 1PERIB for 'To'. The last characteristic is the key figure category 0 to 1. All four
characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in the last column. You can generate the correct
sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
n) This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual
o) The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Fixed Values'.
p) You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row: 'No
colors used'; fourth row: 'Color for emphasis'.
q) For this section, create a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the
rows/summation interval, change the 'From' level to 1 and the 'To' level to 2. Deactivate the 'Mark
totals' indicator.
r) Save the report.
6. Use transaction GR51 to create a report group for the new commitment report. In the header, assign
transaction KOB2 in the report-report interface.
7. Create a report group for the new line item report for statistical key figures with transaction GR51. In
the header, assign transaction KB33N in the report-report interface.
8. Execute the new transaction KPRC_COMM. For the report group here, enter the new group for the commitment
report. Enter further dates for which commitment data exists. During execution, this report group is updated
to the table T811FLAGS and the next time KPRC_COMM is executed, the report group does not need to be entered
9. In the executed report, double-click a value to navigate to the line items.
10. Create a layout in the line item report:
a) As columns, choose: Object type OBART, object OBJID, cost element SAKTO, value/report currency
WRGBTR with summation, total quantity MEGBTR with summation, quantity unit MEINH, supplier/vendor
LIFNR, reference document number REFBN, reference item RFPOS, charge date BUDAT.
b) Confirm this by choosing the green checkmark.
c) Go back to the sorting in the layout maintenance. Add the object and cost element with subtotals in
each case.
d) For the display, set the indicator 'Without cell merging during sorts'.
e) Save the layout with the description 'Object, Cost Element, Reference Document'. The name of the
layout should be 1SAP. This is then always used if there are no customer-defined layouts as a default
setting. However, 1SAP can only be set as the name if the user has the expert parameter GCF. If you do
not want this, you can give the layout a customer-defined name, but you should set the default
indicator in this case.

|Manual Post-Implement. |
|Software Component SAP_APPL SAP Application |
| Release 605 Until SAPKH60515 |
| Release 606 SAPKH60601 - SAPKH60618 |
| Release 616 Until SAPKH61610 |
1. Execute the program Z2414350_100 again as an update run.
2. Use transaction GS11 to create a variable for set and value entry with the name 'Object Number' that
references the table field CCSS-OBJNR.
3. Create a new library:
a) Create this with transaction GR21 and the template '1VK'.
b) In the header, set the component ID 'OBJ'.
c) Enter 'All Objects' as the description.
d) Add the characteristics 'OBJNR', 'PERIO', and 'GRTYP'.
e) Add the basic key figures 'ESMAI' and 'ESMEI'.
f) Save the library.
4. Create a commitment report in the new library:
a) Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create
a report.
b) As the name of the report, choose 'Objects: Commitment', for example.
c) Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 6-KOKRS, fiscal year with
the variable 6-GJAHR, period variable 6-PERBV for 'From' and variable 6-PERBB for 'To', object with set
indicator and the variables from point 2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
d) The row contains only the cost element with the set indicator and variable 6-KSTAR, and the column
'Expand' is set to 'Expand'.
e) The first column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 21, version 000, and valuation
0, description PReq.
f) The second column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 22, version 000, and valuation
0, description Purchase Order.
g) The third column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value types 24, 2A, and 2B, version 000,
and valuation 0, description Reserved.
h) The fourth column is a formula column, defined as the sum of the first three columns, description
i) The key column has the description Cost Elements.
j) Save the report.
5. Create a line item report for statistical key figures:
a) Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create
a report.
b) For the name of the report, you can choose 'Stat. KF.: LI', for example.
c) Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 1KOKRE, fiscal year with
the variable 1GJAHR, value type 04, version 000, object with set indicator and the variables from point
2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
d) The row contains the key figure category 2 as the first characteristic and then the statistical key
figure with the set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for
'From' and variable 1PERIB for 'To'. The last characteristic is the document number with *. The three
last characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in the last column.
You can generate the correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
e) This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual
f) The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Total Values'.
g) You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row 'Color
for emphasis'.
h) The section can be given the description 'Objects: Total Values'.
i) In the report layout, please set the width of the key column to 36.
j) For this section, generate a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the
rows/summation interval, change the 'To' level to 2.
k) Choose Formatting -> Column from the menu and set the 'Print unit' indicator.
l) Define a second section with the description 'Objects: Fixed Values'.
m) The row contains the document number with * as the first characteristic and then the statistical key
figure with the set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for
'From' and 1PERIB for 'To'. The last characteristic is the key figure category 0 to 1. All four
characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in the last column.
You can generate the correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
n) This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual
o) The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Fixed Values'.
p) You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row: 'No
colors used'; fourth row: 'Color for emphasis'.
q) For this section, create a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the
rows/summation interval, change the 'From' level to 1 and the 'To' level to 2. Deactivate the 'Mark
totals' indicator.
r) Save the report.
6. Use transaction GR51 to create a report group for the new commitment report. In the header, assign
transaction KOB2 in the report-report interface.
7. Create a report group for the new line item report for statistical key figures with transaction GR51. In
the header, assign transaction KB33N in the report-report interface.
8. Execute the new transaction KPRC_COMM. For the report group here, enter the new group for the commitment
report. Enter further dates for which commitment data exists. During execution, this report group is updated
to the table T811FLAGS and the next time KPRC_COMM is executed, the report group does not need to be entered
9. In the executed report, double-click a value to navigate to the line items.
10. Create a layout in the line item report:
a) As columns, choose: Object type OBART, object OBJID, cost element SAKTO, value/report currency
WRGBTR with summation, total quantity MEGBTR with summation, quantity unit MEINH, supplier/vendor
LIFNR, reference document number REFBN, reference item RFPOS, charge date BUDAT.
b) Confirm this by choosing the green checkmark.
c) Go back to the sorting in the layout maintenance. Add the object and cost element with subtotals in
each case.
d) For the display, set the indicator 'Without cell merging during sorts'.
e) Save the layout with the description 'Object, Cost Element, Reference Document'. The name of the
layout should be 1SAP. This is then always used if there are no customer-defined layouts as a default
setting. However, 1SAP can only be set as the name if the user has the expert parameter GCF. If you do
not want this, you can give the layout a customer-defined name, but you should set the default
indicator in this case.

|Manual Post-Implement. |
|Software Component SAP_APPL SAP Application |
| Release 600 SAPKH60001 - SAPKH60029 |
| Release 602 Until SAPKH60219 |
| Release 603 Until SAPKH60318 |
| Release 604 SAPKH60401 - SAPKH60418 |
1. Execute the program Z2414350_603 again as an update run.
2. Use transaction GS11 to create a variable for set and value entry with the name 'Object Number' that
references the table field CCSS-OBJNR.
3. Create a new library:
a) Create this with transaction GR21 and the template '1VK'.
b) In the header, set the component ID 'OBJ'.
c) Enter 'All Objects' as the description.
d) Add the characteristics 'OBJNR', 'PERIO', and 'GRTYP'.
e) Add the basic key figures 'ESMAI' and 'ESMEI'.
f) Save the library.
4. Create a commitment report in the new library:
a) Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create
a report.
b) As the name of the report, choose 'Objects: Commitment', for example.
c) Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 6-KOKRS, fiscal year with
the variable 6-GJAHR, period variable 6-PERBV for 'From' and variable 6-PERBB for 'To', object with set
indicator and the variables from point 2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
d) The row contains only the cost element with the set indicator and variable 6-KSTAR, and the column
'Expand' is set to 'Expand'.
e) The first column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 21, version 000, and valuation
0, description PReq.
f) The second column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 22, version 000, and valuation
0, description Purchase Order.
g) The third column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value types 24, 2A, and 2B, version 000,
and valuation 0, description Reserved.
h) The fourth column is a formula column, defined as the sum of the first three columns, description
i) The key column has the description Cost Elements.
j) Save the report.
5. Create a line item report for statistical key figures:
a) Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create
a report.
b) For the name of the report, you can choose 'Stat. KF.: LI', for example.
c) Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 1KOKRE, fiscal year with
the variable 1GJAHR, value type 04, version 000, object with set indicator and the variables from point
2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
d) The row contains the key figure category 2 as the first characteristic and then the statistical key
figure with the set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for
'From' and variable 1PERIB for 'To'. The last characteristic is the document number with *. The three
last characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in the last column.
You can generate the correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
e) This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual
f) The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Total Values'.
g) You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row 'Color
for emphasis'.
h) The section can be given the description 'Objects: Total Values'.
i) In the report layout, please set the width of the key column to 36.
j) For this section, generate a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the
rows/summation interval, change the 'To' level to 2.
k) Choose Formatting -> Column from the menu and set the 'Print unit' indicator.
l) Define a second section with the description 'Objects: Fixed Values'.
m) The row contains the document number with * as the first characteristic and then the statistical key
figure with the set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for
'From' and 1PERIB for 'To'. The last characteristic is the key figure category 0 to 1. All four
characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in the last column.
You can generate the correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
n) This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual
o) The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Fixed Values'.
p) You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row: 'No
colors used'; fourth row: 'Color for emphasis'.
q) For this section, create a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the
rows/summation interval, change the 'From' level to 1 and the 'To' level to 2. Deactivate the 'Mark
totals' indicator.
r) Save the report.
6. Use transaction GR51 to create a report group for the new commitment report. In the header, assign
transaction KOB2 in the report-report interface.
7. Create a report group for the new line item report for statistical key figures with transaction GR51. In
the header, assign transaction KB33N in the report-report interface.
8. Execute the new transaction KPRC_COMM. For the report group here, enter the new group for the commitment
report. Enter further dates for which commitment data exists. During execution, this report group is updated
to the table T811FLAGS and the next time KPRC_COMM is executed, the report group does not need to be entered
9. In the executed report, double-click a value to navigate to the line items.
10. Create a layout in the line item report:
a) As columns, choose: Object type OBART, object OBJID, cost element SAKTO, value/report currency
WRGBTR with summation, total quantity MEGBTR with summation, quantity unit MEINH, supplier/vendor
LIFNR, reference document number REFBN, reference item RFPOS, charge date BUDAT.
b) Confirm this by choosing the green checkmark.
c) Go back to the sorting in the layout maintenance. Add the object and cost element with subtotals in
each case.
d) For the display, set the indicator 'Without cell merging during sorts'.
e) Save the layout with the description 'Object, Cost Element, Reference Document'. The name of the
layout should be 1SAP. This is then always used if there are no customer-defined layouts as a default
setting. However, 1SAP can only be set as the name if the user has the expert parameter GCF. If you do
not want this, you can give the layout a customer-defined name, but you should set the default
indicator in this case.

|Manual Post-Implement. |
|Software Component SAP_FIN |
| Release 617 SAPK-61701INSAPFIN - SAPK-61713INSAPFIN |
| Release 618 Until SAPK-61806INSAPFIN |
| Release 700 Until SAPK-70010INSAPFIN |
| Release 720 Until SAPK-72006INSAPFIN |
| Release 730 SAPK-73003INSAPFIN - SAPK-73007INSAPFIN |
1. Execute the program Z2414350_100 again as an update run.
2. Use transaction GS11 to create a variable for set and value entry with the name 'Object Number' that
references the table field CCSS-OBJNR.
3. Create a new library:
a) Create this with transaction GR21 and the template '1VK'.
b) In the header, set the component ID 'OBJ'.
c) Enter 'All Objects' as the description.
d) Add the characteristics 'OBJNR', 'PERIO', and 'GRTYP'.
e) Add the basic key figures 'ESMAI' and 'ESMEI'.
f) Save the library.
4. Create a commitment report in the new library:
a) Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create
a report.
b) As the name of the report, choose 'Objects: Commitment', for example.
c) Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 6-KOKRS, fiscal year with
the variable 6-GJAHR, period variable 6-PERBV for 'From' and variable 6-PERBB for 'To', object with set
indicator and the variables from point 2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
d) The row contains only the cost element with the set indicator and variable 6-KSTAR, and the column
'Expand' is set to 'Expand'.
e) The first column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 21, version 000, and valuation
0, description PReq.
f) The second column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value type 22, version 000, and valuation
0, description Purchase Order.
g) The third column uses the basic key figure SWKG with the value types 24, 2A, and 2B, version 000,
and valuation 0, description Reserved.
h) The fourth column is a formula column, defined as the sum of the first three columns, description
i) The key column has the description Cost Elements.
j) Save the report.
5. Create a line item report for statistical key figures:
a) Call transaction GRR2, place the cursor on the new library, and use the right mouse button to create
a report.
b) For the name of the report, you can choose 'Stat. KF.: LI', for example.
c) Define the general selections with the controlling area with the variable 1KOKRE, fiscal year with
the variable 1GJAHR, value type 04, version 000, object with set indicator and the variables from point
2. For 'Object', you must set the 'Expand' column to 'Expand'.
d) The row contains the key figure category 2 as the first characteristic and then the statistical key
figure with the set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for
'From' and variable 1PERIB for 'To'. The last characteristic is the document number with *. The three
last characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in the last column.
You can generate the correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
e) This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual
f) The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Total Values'.
g) You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row 'Color
for emphasis'.
h) The section can be given the description 'Objects: Total Values'.
i) In the report layout, please set the width of the key column to 36.
j) For this section, generate a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the
rows/summation interval, change the 'To' level to 2.
k) Choose Formatting -> Column from the menu and set the 'Print unit' indicator.
l) Define a second section with the description 'Objects: Fixed Values'.
m) The row contains the document number with * as the first characteristic and then the statistical key
figure with the set indicator and variable 1STAGR, then the period (LI) with the variable 1PERIV for
'From' and 1PERIB for 'To'. The last characteristic is the key figure category 0 to 1. All four
characteristics must be set to 'Only single values' in the last column.
You can generate the correct sequence of the row characteristics using the 'Expand' icon (Shift+F9).
n) This column uses the basic key figure ESMEI (Statistical actual qty -> LIs), description Actual
o) The key column has the description 'Stat. Key Figures: Fixed Values'.
p) You can use the row format function (Formatting -> Row) from the menu to color the rows differently.
Recommendation: First row: 'No colors used'; second row: 'Color for inserted rows'; third row: 'No
colors used'; fourth row: 'Color for emphasis'.
q) For this section, create a section layout that differs as follows from the report layout: For the
rows/summation interval, change the 'From' level to 1 and the 'To' level to 2. Deactivate the 'Mark
totals' indicator.
r) Save the report.
6. Use transaction GR51 to create a report group for the new commitment report. In the header, assign
transaction KOB2 in the report-report interface.
7. Create a report group for the new line item report for statistical key figures with transaction GR51. In
the header, assign transaction KB33N in the report-report interface.
8. Execute the new transaction KPRC_COMM. For the report group here, enter the new group for the commitment
report. Enter further dates for which commitment data exists. During execution, this report group is updated
to the table T811FLAGS and the next time KPRC_COMM is executed, the report group does not need to be entered
9. In the executed report, double-click a value to navigate to the line items.
10. Create a layout in the line item report:
a) As columns, choose: Object type OBART, object OBJID, cost element SAKTO, value/report currency
WRGBTR with summation, total quantity MEGBTR with summation, quantity unit MEINH, supplier/vendor
LIFNR, reference document number REFBN, reference item RFPOS, charge date BUDAT.
b) Confirm this by choosing the green checkmark.
c) Go back to the sorting in the layout maintenance. Add the object and cost element with subtotals in
each case.
d) For the display, set the indicator 'Without cell merging during sorts'.
e) Save the layout with the description 'Object, Cost Element, Reference Document'. The name of the
layout should be 1SAP. This is then always used if there are no customer-defined layouts as a default
setting. However, 1SAP can only be set as the name if the user has the expert parameter GCF. If you do
not want this, you can give the layout a customer-defined name, but you should set the default
indicator in this case.

Key Value

Other Components Controlling > Overhead Cost Controlling > Information System, iViews (CO-OM-IS)

Other Components Enterprise Controlling > Profit Center Accounting > Actual Data (EC-PCA-ACT)

Improvement Note Yes

Software Components
Software Component From To And subsequent

SAP_APPL 600 600

SAP_APPL 602 602

SAP_APPL 603 603

SAP_APPL 604 604

SAP_APPL 605 605

SAP_APPL 606 606

SAP_APPL 616 616

SAP_FIN 617 617

SAP_FIN 618 618

SAP_FIN 700 700

SAP_FIN 720 720

SAP_FIN 730 730

SAPSCORE 109 109

S4CORE 100 100

S4CORE 101 101

SAP_BASIS 700 702

SAP_BASIS 710 711

SAP_BASIS 730 730

SAP_BASIS 731 731

SAP_BASIS 740 740

SAP_BASIS 750 751

Correction Instructions
Software Component Number of Correction Instructions




Software From To SAP Note/ Title Component
Component KBA

S4CORE 100 100 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

S4CORE 101 101 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_APPL 600 600 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_APPL 602 602 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_APPL 603 603 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_APPL 604 604 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_APPL 605 605 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_APPL 606 606 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_APPL 616 616 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_FIN 617 617 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_FIN 618 618 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_FIN 700 700 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_FIN 720 720 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G

SAP_FIN 730 730 2414350 Customer Connect CO: Commitment report for profit center/line CO-OM-CCA-
item report for statistical key figures G
Support Package
Software Component Version Support Package




























This document is referenced by

SAP Note/KBA Component Title

2565641 Line item report for statistical key figures in plan

2500837 CO-OM-IS KPRC_COMM: Cost element is missing from selection screen

File Name File Size Mime Type

Z2414350_100.txt 612 text/plain

Z2414350_603.txt 612 text/plain

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