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Vita Post


Vita Post
Story and Layout Map Design

Fabrice Siaux Dungeon Map Doodler

Editing Plates and Artwork

Amy Siaux Encyclopédie de Diderot

Handywarke of Surgeri

Codex Wallerstein

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and

Stockholm Kartell.

3 Siaux
Vita Post Mortem is an independent production by Fabrice
and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm
Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
So you died, big deal. What’s that?
You’re not ready to go? It’s only a flesh
wound? Fine then, I’ll have someone
collect your body and deliver it to…

The Royal Medical Institute

Scroungers find the characters and sell their bodies for silver to the Royal
Medical Institute for research. Through medicine, science and luck,
characters are brought back to life (mostly) by the Royal Head Surgeon
who wants nothing more than to accomplish his life’s work.

Located in the center of town, the Royal Medical Institute serves as the
king’s beacon to science in the field of medicine. Volunteers are always
welcome to test out the latest technology and advancements to better
help mankind. Compensation will be provided to those who apply

The King`s Academy of Arms

Instead of dying happily, characters are knocked unconscious, found by
slavers and then sold to the Academy of Arms to serve as sparring
partners for the elite. Like gladiatorial fights, characters must prove their
worth and are released upon a passing grade.

Wanted: Sparring partners. Pay: 10sp per lesson

The Chamoisseur Tannery

Willing to do anything for a silver piece, Chamoisseur tanners scour the
countryside looking for anything that can be harvested into fine leather.
Characters are found and carried to the tannery, unknowing to the
tanner that they still draw breath.

Our premium quality leather is locally sourced from organic hides. We

use only the finest materials and dyes to give you that special feeling of
being in someone else’s skin.

The Royal Medical Institute
What 1 Two bronze pipes protrude from
my back, allowing fresh air
intake into my lungs
2 Whole sections of my skin have
to me?!
been replaced with copper sheets
(-d2 dmg)

d6 3 My limbs have
been swapped

4 There is a metal hand

crank on my chest to keep
my heart pumping

5 Polished quartz spheres

fill my orbital cavities
(Permanent night vision)

6 An iron drill is
grafted to my
skull, to
constantly let out
the bad memories

“A cold shiver crawls up your spine as
you wake up on an examination
table in the middle of a silent

A. Auditorium

• Large observation room reeking of

ammonia and blood.
• Two observation tables. The other
has a perfect cadaver lying on it.
• Viewing stands with several
mummified corpses propped up as
if watching.
• South: Open door.

B. Main Corridor

• Long dark hallway. Sound of

• All the doors are boarded up.
• South: Locked heavy wooden door.
• West: Open door, light streaming
out into the corridor.

C. Head Office

• A dimly lit room containing

various medical tools and
• Open chests contain PC
• Long desk with toppling medical
books and sketches. The Head Surgeon sits
at the desk giggling to
himself. He is giddy
with joy to see his
creations alive and
walking around. He will
happily hand over
anything they ask for.
The Head Surgeon will
stalk and observe his
experiments in the
shadows once they
leave his care.

Head Surgeon

HP 4 Morale 12

• Rusty
Forceps d4

The King’s Academy of Arms

Fig. A Cell

Fig. B Armory
Fig. C Training Atrium
“You regain consciousness to find
yourself in a prison cell surrounded by
the drudges of society. From a broken
pipe in the ceiling, you hear the clangs
of steel on steel followed by the
gushing sound of meat hitting stone.”

A. Cell

• A stone-walled cell. Several other

peasants stand around waiting
for their turn at glory and reward.
• An armed guard eventually calls
forward the PC’s and escorts
them up to the arena.

B. Armory

• Finely decorated room with

tapestries on the walls portraying
various sword stances.
• Sword stands displaying weapons
of different makes and styles. Fencing Mask
• Wardrobes containing ornate
fencing clothing. DR +1 on Strength tests
• Guard orders the PC’s to get when using one
dressed and grab a wooden handed edged weapon
sword off a rack. in combat.

Any player attempting to grab a real

sword is met with a club to the head
and brought back downstairs.
Le Sieur de Jarnac C. Training Atrium
HP 8 Morale / …………………………… …………………… …………………… ……

• A large open courtyard with pillars

Claymore supporting arched classrooms to
the sides.
1 Gladius d8 • Stone atrium in the center stained
2 Messer d10 with blood.
3 Estoc d6 • Battle dressed students sit on
benches ready to practice.
4 Flachion d8
• Le Sieur de Jarnac awaits in the
atrium for his turn to practice
against the PC’s.

Fight for your life!

…………………………… …………………… …………………… ……

• The sword fight is played in rounds.

Each PC has 3 HP and takes turns
attempting to strike Jarnac. PC’s
take turns rolling d4 against Jarnac
and comparing results on the
following page. A lose results in -1
• If players win, Jarnac awards their
freedom along with a d4 weapon
and 10s as compensation.
• If entire party loses, they get
wrapped up and sold to The
Chamoisseur Tannery.

1 Parry 2 Riposte

Parry > Riposte Riposte > Lunge

3 Lunge 4 Grapple

Lunge > Grapple Grapple > Parry

The Chamoisseur Tannery
“The stench of lime and fermenting
dog feces snaps you awake as you
find yourself hanging by your feet in
a small storage room occupied by
other cadavers.”

A. Rack Room

• Carcasses of various animals and

humans hang on hooks along the
• Loosely fixed to the walls are
hooks caked in years of gore.
• Unbearable odor.
• East: wooden door. Gore Hook d2
Causes 1 HP dmg each
turn after initial strike due
B. Tanning Floor to years of rust and

• Dehairing pool filled with lime
and ice-cold water (d6 damage).
• Hide softening pool filled with
Curved Skinning Blade d6
dog feces and boiling water (d10
• Various skinning tools along the
• North: room packed with casks of
leather dye.
• South: Sunlight.

C. Show Room

• Wooden tables and crates

contain finished rolls of
different colored and sized
• Display cases exhibit several
tomes of intricately bound
leather books. Some contain
clean scrolls.
• A grotesquely figured man
dripping in lard sits
Tanner of Flesh
compulsively plucking off
HP 10 Morale /
scraps of his own skin.
Oblivious to his
Pounding Mallet
Halts any escape

We all
blow it!


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