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Character Sketch of Frog

The frog has been portrayed as arrogant, haughty, opportunist and boastful. He is used to his position as
the only singer of the Bingle Bog. It irritates all the animals of the forest by croaking in the night. It never
listens to the requests of the animals. The entry of the melodious nightingale is an eye opener. Being
practical and worldly wise, he uses his position to influence her. Feeling insecure, he plays a trick with the
nightingale and makes it believe that it is the master of singing. He manipulates the situation to his
advantage, starts making profit by charging admission fees to the nightingale’s concert. Ultimately, it
succeeds in regaining its lost position when the nightingale dies. As he was a smooth talker, he brushes
away the blame of nightingale’s death by philosophising it that “your song must be your own”, indicating
that the innocent bird was victimised by the clever frog.

Character Sketch of Nightingale

She is portrayed as the innocent, naïve, gullible, polite, unsure, timid, shy and nervous type. The taste of
appreciation enhances her self-esteem making her gullible. With its extraordinary skills, it wins the hearts
of the animals of the forest including the frog. However, the lack of confidence makes it a prey of the
frog’s trick. Her originality and piousness get shadowed by the greed for status and commercial success.
Trapped in the cruel circle of success, she pushes herself to a point of exhaustion. She gets addicted to
her status and is unable to get out of the clutches of the frog. She tries to match the misguided criticism
of the frog which results in her death.

Character sketch of Mrs. Packletide

Mrs. Packletide, as portrayed in the story, is a jealous woman. She is competitive, envious,
materialistic and vain. When Loona Bimberton tells her about her recent travel for eleven miles in an
aeroplane she immediately decides to outdo her and present her with a tiger-claw brooch from a
tiger shot by herself. This incident points towards her competitive and jealous nature. In order to
hunt the tiger by all means, she goes to the extent of offering one thousand rupees to the villagers
for shooting a tiger without any risk or exertion. In the end when she killed the goat instead of the
tiger, the paid companion, Louisa Mebbin blackmailed her by asking for a cottage which she does buy
so that no one comes to know the truth. So, she is a worldly lady who cares more for her reputation
than her money.

Character sketch of Ali

He is an old man who is a retired postman and lives in a small village. He is a devoted father and
a faithful friend. He is also a patient and persistent person, as he waits for a letter from his
daughter for five long years. Ali is depicted as a loving father who deeply cares for his daughter,
Miriam. He is heartbroken when she gets married and moves away, and he eagerly awaits any
news from her. This love for his daughter is the driving force behind his daily visits to the post
office, despite the ridicule and indifference he faces from the staff and other villagers. As a friend,
Ali is loyal and compassionate. He is particularly close to Lakshmi Das, a clerk at the post office,
who understands Ali's pain and supports him in his quest to receive a letter from his daughter.
Ali's friendship with Lakshmi Das is a testament to his ability to form deep connections with
others, even in the face of adversity.

Character sketch of boys

The two gentlemen referred to in the story are Nicola and Jacopo, the story
revolves around them. Nicola, aged 13, is the elder brother of Jacopo aged
12. At first, those two boys seemed to be very childish and lost but they
both were those exceptional kids who were very well-behaved and
determined to do what they do. They don’t want people to sympathize with
them, instead they work hard to make a living respectfully. Both are so
selfless that they never spent any money they earned by themselves, kids
of that age have so many things they love but they sacrificed it all just to be
able to pay for their sister’s medical treatment. Nicola and Jacopo had
such unreal dedication that they even sacrificed their sleep to earn more.
Both had such amazing qualities that are harder to find even in full-grown
adults, they were just kids but still, they took care of all expenses of their
sister. After reading the story we also understand that both boys had so
much courage in their hearts that they were part of the resistance group
during the war era for their country’s freedom. The title of the story
completely justifies their character “The Two Gentlemen Of Verona”.

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