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Inglés I c.


Clase 9. I ♥ cooking
Like, love, hate + ing
"Love" se utiliza para indicar que algo nos encanta.

We love cooking. (Nos encanta cocinar.)

I love reading. (Me encanta leer)

She loves drawing. (Le encanta dibujar)


"Like" se utiliza para indicar que algo nos gusta.

She likes swimming. (Le gusta nadar.)

We like eating chocolate. (Nos gusta comer chocolate)

You like playing football. (Te gusta jugar al fútbol)

"Hate" se utiliza para señalar que algo nos desagrada.

I hate washing dishes. (Odio lavar los platos.)

He hates doing homework. (Odia hacer la tarea.)

She hates playing videogames. (Odia jugar videojuegos.)

Verb + verb in ing form

The verbs that express things we love, like or hate are followed by
a verb in -ing form. This happens when we talk about an action
that we like or dislike.


She likes dancing.

We prefer walking that climbing.

Verb + to infinitive
Verbs like "like", "love", "dislike", "hate" or "prefer" are followed by
a verb in to infinitive when we talk about actions we like or dislike
in that particular moment.


I would like to dance.

I hate to tell you that you are wrong.

How to say dates
How to say the date
When we say dates in English we use ordinal numbers. So for 1
January, we don’t say the cardinal number ‘one’ but we say ‘first’.
And we say ‘the’ before the number followed by ‘of’. For example,

It’s the first of January.

It’s also possible to invert the month and day. For example,

It’s January first.

In this case you don’t need to say ‘the’ and ‘of’.

From 13 to 19 we continue to add -th to create the ordinal
numbers (thirteenth, fourteenth, etc.)

While from 21 to 31 the ordinal numbers end according to the

ending of the second number. For example,

● 21 – twenty-first
● 22 – twenty-second
● 23 – twenty-third
● 24 – twenty-fourth
How to write the date
When we write a date we don’t need to add ‘the’ and ‘of’ as we do when
we speak. For example:

● It’s the first of January – speaking

● It’s 1st January – writing

As you can see, you don’t need to write the number but we usually add the
last two letters of the ordinal number. For example:

● First – 1st
● Second – 2nd
● Third – 3rd
● Fourth – 4th
What is the difference between holiday,
festival and vacation?
The words holiday or vacation have related meanings in different
English-speaking countries and continents, but will usually refer to one of
the following activities or events:

● A general leave of absence from a regular occupation for rest or

● A specific trip or journey for the purposes of recreation / tourism
● Official or unofficial observances of religious/national/cultural/other
significance, often accompanied by celebrations or festivities
(public/religious holiday)
Holiday is a contraction of holy and day, holidays originally
represented special religious days. This word has evolved in
general usage to mean any extra special day of rest (as opposed to
regular days of rest such as the weekend).
A festival is an event, usually staged by a local community, which
centers on some unique aspect of that community. There are
numerous types of festivals in the world. Though many have
religious origins, others involve seasonal change or have some
cultural significance.
In the United Kingdom the word "vacation" referred specifically to
the long summer break. The term derives from the fact that, in the
past, upper-class families would literally move to a summer home
for part of the year, leaving their usual family home vacant for
countrywide holidays.
Types of holiday
Most holidays are linked to faiths and religious. They are religious

Secular or non religious holidays can be national (Independence

Day) or international (Mother Day)
April Fools’ Day
April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, although not a holiday, is a day
celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the
commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying
sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and
neighbors, or sending them on a fool's errand, the aim of which is
to embarrass the gullible.
Christmas , also referred to as Christmas Day, is an annual holiday
celebrated on December 25 that commemorates the birth of Jesus
of Nazareth.

Modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, Church

celebrations, and the display of various decorations—including the
Christmas tree, lights, mistletoe, nativity scenes, and holly. Santa
Claus (also referred to as Father Christmas, although the two
figures have different origins) is a popular mythological figure often
associated with bringing gifts at Christmas for children.
New Years
New Year's Day is the first day of the new year. It is celebrated on
January 1, often celebrated with fireworks at the stroke of midnight
as the new year starts.

January 1 marks the end of a period of remembrance of a

particular passing year, especially on radio, television, and in
newspapers, which usually starts right after Christmas Day.
Thanks for
Gracias por mirar!

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