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Time : 1 Hour
Maximum Marks :30

{Question 1 to 3 carries 1 Mark)
J. lf two posiuvo integers p and q can be expressed ss p = fllr and q = a:1b;a, b being prime numbers,
rhen LCM(p, q) Ls
(l}ab (2} a21i'
(3) aat,2 (4) a.31:1'

2. 't'hc LCM of smallest 2-digit number and smalles! composue number i:;
(1) 12 (2) 4
oow M"o
s. The stun of exponents of prime factors in the prtrnc-Iactortsauonof IOG LI(
(1)3 (2) 4
(3)5 (4)2

{Question 4 to 8 carries 2 Mark)

-1- Explaln why 2 x 3 x 5 t 5 and 5 x 7 x LI -t 7 x 5 arc composite numbers,

5. gx:prcss 429 ax ,1 product of its prune f.u:lor~

G. Ftnd Ute HCF and LC~1 of 26. 65 and 1.17, using prune f.-u:torisaLion.

7. 'l'bc Hc·p of 1;\\10 numbers a and b is 5 and their LCJi.•1 is 200 . f'Jnd the product ab.

S. Using prime Iactortsauou, find EICI•' aud LCM of !16 and 120.

{Question 9 to 11 carries 3 Mark)

9. Chock whether 611 can end wnh tho digi1, O tor any natural number n.

LO. There is a circular path around a sports field. Sonia. takes 18 ruunncs co drive ouo round of tho
ticld. while Ravi t.ak<:s 12 minutes for rho same. Suppose 1.hcy both stan at tho same poinr and
at Lhc same umc, and go in the same dlrcction. A Iter how many nunutcs will lhcy meet again at
the siarung point'!

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