Rajan Auditing

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Ww. he purpose of preparing ait working pers (othe work shouldbedoncesiy (oicerasine heathen ofthe report {O)tote wil fr fare aut abot 8 and sae rer erat fc ee Be ET? (1 ate, 1957 (0) 33, 1959 (9.1 ite 1956 (13M, 1957 ‘When id the new Company At come into Fores? (Apel 11957 (Ape 1 1950 seri 1, 1986 (uy 1, 1957 129, rer enter area ido = fe er ir (@ steer (tae ate (ose aig (era ate The best technique for auditing na wel (a) Phosicalealetation jst check om, a ‘piper 130, sree ahem aaa a feo erdary > ap aftere mee si (0) se sey. eh (om a frat wrtase ry “4 flexible planned checking process is This definition CoyKohie’s (OW.W. ig hey 1. karo anton era fic — faa ary ed audit programa ‘0FRrthur W. Helmes's (None ofthese Fea sate at () Detaled AAA of tie above @Weten (©)Cteir 132, stereo on dat (3) at ot (0) ea rok ont (a) seu at} The drawback of audit program {b) Lackotindepetdent decision (ONotreveing efces BS obtreabove Unit siaheon ort ait Pree SRE wana ROARS Sider ate er Sere Fret oer ae ao Te Tee CER RAEI (site fect © sacri nea the stops ken oi aie ato mae concen ‘pester pin. (OAwsitPoncnes Av Prosees {@)Ansi esis (avd Ree ate 9 Eat gp an aura fees ae 1 (eres ah wert (omer ae evel ast ore t) Tent checking met: (Gbesael checking toons anes {by checking of ec item {checking fsanpleasaonfions {@) Nine ofthese. Se eee (where fat Wat eet ate (ora ae eT A (srt dame ‘Auli in Depthimens- “ itpDetaed examination ofall ansations {ey lavesigaton fal ansatons sctnudi objet and (@) ses afr ey A ea (b) Fae 28 at oneaer 3h care (seta 3 yea wi aiea am @ 3 24) The main ava suc echnig 4a Satna (©) Eliminate the need for julgmenta (© Defines the values oftoleabie eros Aloft them ous afar var aerate (2) festa ae og ata: emg (©) Frat arene (0 sien, weet ei ah agen (0) arte HR ate aa Routine checking discovers erga errors and ordinary fauds (b) Planned fauds cs (©) Casting, sub-asting and ear) ewan @) None ofthe above ‘ seers (0) aes ota (0 seat x ate Vouehing is: (@) Examination of Assets (b) Nerfication of Asses Lo) xamination of vies (O)None ofthese t lymeasure risk (b) af eee (FAA ater sim (OM) | 38 (Aeon Naacher which denotes writen eidenc i origina i i feta ct (oy calatra aches {)Masing Voucher (a) oh. ie : afc ar fe at ee, hha =m Senet ree eters ares ha a tei (@ fern ger (o ten ‘While soucing th oti the ant peyment by checking the (a) Sales book (opMiut book erg hers ITO @ wot ee feat (Chockad omn As wast Payment for wages shoud be vouched ith he lp of (Unit ork statement oF Wage sheets (©) Minute book {a Bank pas book ho. wa yam aftrcta wef... (a) 348 oR a (b) SaaS a Ome an eer (a) Baar Purchases book records ta} Credit purchases ony {b) Gash purchases ony (6) Bath ash an rei purchases (6 Purchase ear ra) (0) oa Fa (a) 2a feats a8) payment of payable bil the nator should ee each bill and the stipulated date of (o) Balance sheet. _LayBitls Payable Register. at eae 8 fa a= ser) (a) aaa cee 31 Paiva (2) afi Fr (6) 350 us er Prat (0) arate 71 (an Ome To verity means to ascertain whether the are in conform OFM aM a 8 See Orhan (0) Voviher ere seer rw eTRetual fis () Infirmation nae ed at: 12. emer wet ater ef ate Wommy setae ara renter a ie rae {© Castpieor mat rie whichis ne Linco les aq Oetaerem 16. fet af cer sich ah (6) ame ra fer (omit st frientier ane oa (0) Sea-8 ee at sore fee ‘The verifying auditor shall lis (o) Bharat 3 ae a are flr ant (ueintrmaton equines (ays 0 Leder esont Before the suit of new Tnstation nal statement fun a sepe cca (© cash Sateen (®) Nate ofthe tstton sie (Inge Ta, (©) Methods of Acooming aes 13. ARI wt safe ae) AAYAll of the above (a) rr arn wet si ata 17, etcharo ardore a ate — (0) Sofa & satis wre 7 ate (a) fafa (b) hfe (0) ih Ses aera we qenien aA ata ao OFA aa) oe eat be aoe Se ari (© Veta (@) Examination of journal and ledger fe) Been) Ko) Mobs of these (©) Examination of vouchers related to asets 18. siaheorariorn ert t OF (om (0 atone ORR ag, eh of the feng arin) a ©) Soe ones cin connie OFPrlninay Esy Noe, Brett 2 antirnamty es oom a ria a 4“ 4s vier (OM) | 3 (refer w ard tr ae (2851 eed @lunbe eae aS os ee ee ae atte era fair areata tt ss (Aa HE TET yee 4 ata. ata at (mem Hitec) 46, erro ar ara HEA st ay a 0) ere (ota ies, RE OF market pice yg tsi. are HTT ook Moe gern rea ORME E car (©) Machine © Goodwin searer ret Gers () Non ofthese omar ne sea ea wee afer ar oe oy AtMarket Price Ps 4eeV Xt Cost Prive @ vem erase Th WUD, <6 ony vane {@) None of es Ose erat wr ve aA 2, etn et ee oem waft eae OST Ty lighest In Price First Out Method ofV (o area Ooreuty -2rhen the price material incrasing ch of the following is atiiial Asset ca, CMB oF marl co eee Orme peters (@) Coal Mies are e © ae (b) are aeafira a 53, Pare ner fen starr ene i Ini Oma ay ote OE Me anes Gy aan Value Method of Valuation is concerned with (6 HEUTE TH (ay a. aes brie (b) Fixed Assets {Ghassan an Autitor snot Valuer ‘ae (None ofthese. Pei, () De Pala pees os eons Cee Oxerecit € re da wot rere uta xe . (b) aie wah aie 4 ee . fone me aRTAT eT an Ras geet sk eat at ere TA aT Pega ORE R AE on See, (@) The eralusor fais eaten wo hts AP 04 wate 0 SE ee ao (a erm ere An ter Pe yn he Boks cane PRR ER dentin ven: o s Joseph Lancaster {b) Bathiboy oem eae ae ane! WR AIT. Seckvahedae ER SHE 55, mars wea E— (a) At Cost Price (6) U Market Price Las sien (OM hovers kee [oF Cos Price or Market Value which y {Gov 's valued al Cos He (oy 36 era a 3 (Tee HT ae eh srw) OORT _ oR (e) Fre (Cash (Bilt LoTR. Batiboy's 57 aro @) sie a ae The best mode of payments 45 | sein gtd (wen tte? ____—__} rere cips 6) Ch pment (6) Frm oan temas there ena ere ft Sa a ea eT 3 a at ror ant ora 1" ae PTT (ere (atest (asm meron (gyda teh) a “The form that prove the corrcines ofthe entries made in Inks accountngare called ahencators” This definition (a) ossph Lancaster ()D Paul's (a) None ofthese () 809 arene Qatune tanita am-| (©) The soe oF oud is Dishes nie te backbone of ait (Al ofthe above 58, aired dena (0) ees eas 8 (oy ma 3 age ba a (9 wale ner wy cena ae (0 3066 =) From teaming and landing : a (a) The busines ogaization sus tos ofimerest (b)Thereis a shorag of working capital inthe us (©) The ndasiy ofembezctemeninteses among the employes AeTAi otheatove 98. spare wate mr ae (OPA RE) sara 45 Cheque (4) None ofthese fe wm wen ag Certifies shouldbe related to (6) From ast year {0} From te curren year (oyem he audit period Preteen a whan wat ert? (FH, tease tap (9 Sat, mm ipa aE @ safe amin, Which ofthe flowing statements sue’? (@) Audits the backbone of ei fiation Ay Certiication the Backbone ofa (6) Accounting isthe backbone of etifeaton (6) None ofthe above 62, efector Par tafe @yreah as (a Owe iA wate Certiication of iil entries should be done {From profit and oss account {byftom theleuee (6) From the register ofroperties (4)Allorthe above 63. Ta af, hate ah Bale She feat ha1 -an—-0) (b) wh at om ate (9 arent atin A wake & (aria tae Assis a capital los if = {ap tis debited inthe capital account (6) The amount ofloss is more _enlop tes clted toed assets (8) None ofthe above an) é teat ed cert ot rae fo bed oes ATT 1 ees en eT roe eke ET ET tose The pure ert (ikloeges hesconnts eng outed (S)Komteot alee and ns | pine catecines andaathentiity of he m ary sins clio stove reer er ex moe ae es A rar mr ee hf TE cyanicome aah (ye mai (© 3 omar ORR a thn hat opt heroine beh anes CORA t's 66, urore ar myer seve t— (0) 8 nen i ro (oy owe wea oe 27 9 Be a (0 det em afirgn ot (ose m1 The main objective of erie (a) Tocri the suomi of he scouns (0 Krowedze of account ofteansctons related to busines (Autoricng scouts Fal oft abe 67, Arras ate ee waTorT Pa erate am (0) aR A rate (oar (od) ra aid et Both omic iaspecon and certification are LerCmplementcachotier (6) Opposite to each other (Synonym (@)None of these (1 R Batibors (#) None these a = RB, oe a ere fe umm (b Fore we (6 Porn ree (mmm a0) sees rer eins ipah bok (a) Purchase honk (6) Sales return book seers dea — (of @oat 1) eten © Indiaive (Na da gre te wre a dar aa (Restor a (ete ona (aia There should be an account of he gods returned bythe bayer (a) In heals return bon {by Instock account {oy oh the scons (® None these fenifarn #8 wa cette res aT (9) eatin et eae at aha ec () afte, eine we wa aera af er (@ afefras a agar (o ew safer ae a0) Which ofthe followings not the purpose of vriiation ofasets? oo. WRAaReM a) a (a) Tocheckosmership nd tile {by Tstvesigate related to acqusito, lien and charge fer To comply with the As (a) Todos awd and iereutrites, renin 8 fre ves eee areca et? (eas Oars (o Bates (TE se 72 ar) 7 280 (OM) | 51 requir ysis erNeabgg) 7, rarer eet fh wrt al a so | sata ita (oe Which te tlie oes ortelent ashi’ 2 as ae (Real ots ‘ %) o4 @s ae 73, eee ae ar OE TA TET Generally, properties are divided into how many paris? (oy tian a ee mea 2 5 co) wire Patient A 4 six ee seh Sele ger eerb— the sta pest eal es oyeme tim a (yaa (eprom net ofopproption (fos he ee to eats OrRaMEg aA) soraheain ote Reid vaees ulate (6) From he eters om he bank {oFom panndinacine (Em Rabin (© Byrepuaion (none oe a Pa eh (0) pee pee Fed era (oy see wh we (ager acton € ( ay wea EAT ac (a ef ze a seo debenresis: YVerification of obligations means (9) Current eset (b) Perishable property [ejAll baste were woiate (misbleyeah SayReil pop (b) They are shown in the balance sheet at theit true value 79, site cine fair ewafiers tet t (0)They ae completely acmited oe iyenemiers Hallotmesnwe (oot e gia (otra ae 0) 75, Preteire 3 2 fare meh Hye Prof fran war def sidhggy Average protic method f related to aerera coral auntie farrente oxcicrenges — ()Fonseckvaiaion throm eaaain of giv Sees ee ada eae (alin fais") Natta mone (9) ora tae et ert aa sor ea Ts eT (gO RT eaten ae Bae era Power 7 ee oy er yaa deem © (0) Sgn atte snort aa oh wa. (QSAR See! i (3. ore eda =) (@) a6 a at auditor is not an appraiser.” Whose statement is this Inwbih ofthe folowing eases, the House has ruled that heaull fey Taph Lancaster (OD Pa’, (1.8 oFBaliboy (6) Spicer and Peeler should work with fall care and honesty in relation to verifi 81, le, Hor cara tah ‘otherwise he will be held guilty of negl (#) London Oil Storage Company vs, Sear Hassler & Compa eae , (b) Government vs. G M.Oka (a) ered raf fee, (0) 3TH a (0) terre fr (rae ah a) npanies vs. PM. Hepde (0) The Registrar of AayAll ofthe above. ous tinder whieh Seeti rior has een discussed — 2 a ios go, werden fee ihe aT aorta ae (6) sievattat ae Bs whom the special audit of a company is. get dong (a) Directors ofthe Company (Shareholders 7 jonof Company's Act the remunerag ong depen Goverment so, re see ae area chr oe 6) 140 ous (0) 146 Under hie section ofthe act the aduit ofa o oT (b) 140 (OMS (o) 16, me sibs raf ofa 2 erer& aran @ be (140 ue (a) 146 Under nhc section of the act the branch auditor is apo ae (by 140 dots (@ 146 32. mrt ears t— oT, (Hara carer (0 5 ofa) M. 31, (a) Crininal Liabilities (6 Other Liabilities, aed nen ee a en ef (o) See oer a (ose ate Not to detect errors and fraud je Civil Li (b) 98 af bilities (ote Lis FB aH HE TE sera at (oer ee ee (© 4 Oa oe Not to give correct informatio Balance sheet is— (yCRil Liabilities ae ne (0) Criminal Libis sigan rrummel acre arf (@) Se cts (6) ero fen (© sea Distruction of vouchers by auditor ie (@) Givi Liailies (Criminal Liabitites (0 Other Liabilities. “rr agra are uf fon (@ arte (0) tert ar (© safe To present doubifal report knowingly is— Criminal Liabilities (6) Civil Liabilities (© Other Liabilities Ferrets & otc rear tat 6 (aire (6) sree (9 arr siden # ofa ah we) AY Ciit ibis (©) Crimina Lisbitiis Tiabilities for neslgenee o> SEE ONR) | 65 ar) © (0 the shareholders regarding ab) ar() =r) ee of CED L -aep aon B— = san {) Unlimited (art ome sae ia ee 2 ee oe en SF foie 8 Tr Ll cavsie Ost abl iietoan a art * On (thor (ormaat at oar AerEiective Auditing of ts negligence is Sole rading (Gsinion Go) None of tes sa ea he ( sirert aie . (ture (yaa ae Audi of Partnership firm — dette (6) Manor (oma (@ None ofthese pear af ot HF (aera (o) seat re (oad rere (raat Fis autor appointed by— eh Boats (b) By shareholders (0) By the Cental Goverament_(d) None of these. 2, me situa Fates att t— (0 siemtca ga (0) Sarai smo e oe Oma wee ramet of ompay adios mae— (6) By the Operators — steer ov 67 ey By the Cental Gove SEAT OMN) 16 Fn of tee rar 8 Fret Te ec eet) et feito t= ayia ch section ofthe at of ofthe ietoancs isdone he special ait of company (2380) mene Beis) (3) Noe ft see rd urea re Ske (o) Praha seri ate at ea (oy Pec pe nce tare seen fren ec (aye areas ane (a) area ne Before commencing the audit work, a company auditor shoul : (a) Examine the Appointment ¥ rere {b) Sty te Nate of th Isiton (@) Examine the Story Resor {@) Sty te Previous Yeu’ Report {oy oft abve 45, Preferftan 8 & ematt a ards fart ane (o) are en Fe «oy sate (0) weer (a) FH BE A TAT (a) ‘Wich of the followings called the carter ofthe ompay— “fay Slemoratum of Association {b) Atle of Association {© Prospectus (a) None of hse see eta ern i ater fer Fre gt rere (a) ART (0) ta HK (ow we (orate aro) (or alteration in Memorandum of Associaton whose approval is necessary— Court {6) State Govt (6) Central Govt (@) None of these wo ate gd OF = stern (ov 2 Sere 5 tae © Groner ee se op Mi boa (CF A213 We yetecion Sep Sedo it fo er oft, 2013 ars wean b Jee ten (9 age em Fe Smet 0) a a fs Gnu Dost (OTT ia = ee pect i Sc. 52 f Companies Act 23st wt ‘ pears (ose Lia Tee of Share a Premios se treme: rghit Shere at Da : OB Gtsscoi ster avis re is the Substitute of fable F ib capacitor, 2013 a arr 53 eae (ay Memorain of Association rile of Association (9) oft sr wee Fr, (o Post (e) sc race Fe Minute Boo i @ (eo) ata often we Pte 7-0) See. 53 of Companies Act, 2013 is associated with— go, ard ire, 2013 a Tet S rea (@) Ise of hats at vale (sear fs (0) soft {by Tsiue of Shares at Discount (oxtra ‘sry (6) ase of Shares at Premium, See Saf Companies Act 2013 associated with — 34. ech afer, 2013 aor co ean t— (0) Memorandum of Associaton ach et Batic of Assit eee (o Press pees as sh pert DPT 2: & ‘Sec. 66 of Companies Act, 2013 is associated wi @rkanin (©) seat Aa Reduction in Share Capital. Caeser (0) fire arty (b) Reserve Capital Sextnn 2 of Companies Ac, 2013 i associates wth (©) Store Cette, (©) Menorandan of Assciaton ss, ert fata, 2013 arr séweafaa (Arie of san Pe areal ieee ath a0) oa ec Soma ka mis permecieee SL. art affran, 2013-39 Sec, 56 of Companies Act, 2013 i a0 oe ; OLS TT 59 eatery {eV Shae Certificate a () fre ae {) Reserve Capital {© Redoction in Star Capi (OR afi aie E ies Ae ose tconnes Si br erase of SU a ar 85 ea t— are 2038 TOS Sr eer st FT gaa er ox Seton a isocand (payee et x ee aren, 20138 44 mea asa aT iy aeasie ater ogtten sen) See Hof Companies Act, 2013 fs Associated with — arto Sar o Debentre (se of ows Shares (Pact fees oof Capital <9 wef fetta, 2013 eer 88 wear narrators) Bonkers aed rm (Ome wei See of Complies Act, 2013 i associated with— _LoyAinate Book (b) Profit Peto corporation (©)Peiinary Expenses 0, act ature, 2013 a er 68 arate (@)ariad fr ere (0 5H one sinfrat aie} tree, (ORE a ef om) - compares At 2013 org or eee: Shes et fC Pst cereinea sociated witht ay at ant #82 (OM) | 71 013 is associated wit Gee. 68 of Companies Act a (@) Minute Book fur Pover to purchase its evn Sscstes (6) Profit Price o Inorpormn gp eae of em fh @2 3 os s ed Inpublic companies atleast what shou ie pa reelons shouldbe the minimom number @2 lors 4 ws @. ‘eon ae sem 4 ws a Jn private companies at least what should be th tn private companies ould be the minimum oy 3 4 @s 63, waver eizrera nt Feit & fe Pg ea erat @2 3 o4 ws ar—(0 For what period a Managing Director can be appointed — (o)2 3 oa (ays 64, Proofer fare area tia mech ator fe ae ” (@) 79.227 2) (0) 9702273) (©) a 22 REA oT) Under-which section company ausltor tobe given Audit report— ay Section 27 (2) (b) Section 227 (3) (©) Section 227 (€) None of these 65, Freafeferat fane mer afar after at erent fore get (a) 5101227 2) (b) ¥0 228 (© 71229 mG! FW) sta (OM) | 73 Tider galexpenses incurred in etablshing hina ced (osetin27 2) aysteion 27 (2), oterenecnpendiue (ycnaganaamate! (0 Secon 2 rg at ee TOW ey sad eren expenditure (6) Deere atl genta oven hn Y Aachen ort tte ea ee fg 029 (yamz @ serra oni a (0) firm ers 8 fo! Ota ay PE gdadee GRA a0) (rasan terete Set yg [ata epee tne tn a i239 Sct. )Fomincone beta Joye eal gains Pee (Nae of es Petra calslictunainier wig ca on. refer aac et Frat re (a) None of these. one eve jp Tom me or ee tn oat OPA om | @ RETRO e ora re et Ininbich report have Qualifications — OF yaad wit series (cen ee conten Geen (© Ba (@Nons oF tise (see 8a ae =r-0) 65. Bese ora wet An expenditoe seven expenditure bene: (ay aa eee ©) aah eae (2) Tl is related to the profit of tho current period oat PAAR — agg] OTe anaunissnall (6) tis deducted itor the gross selling prise (@) None ofthe above The Correct words Signities That — fefutbemaical accuracy (b) Thooretcal accuracy (Bath (8) None ofthese 75. ee we tere we a — 69, em PY ra a baa (a) aa Rit (OTe eRe are aa Bat (0) Refi mt Het (oy =i Sirs et (9 Fe Brea ener een A Heat (0) sre area (sie 3 8 teh Fr) (0 04 waia alae eb) A receipt isa revenue receipt because : oa (a) The amount is smal! {b tis received nthe financial year 46) related to he operation of businss (€) None ofthe above: Alsi capital ls because (a) arises di cident rexsons (O)Mistecnedin the nancial accounting year (©limeans apa yithdaya es Aéptisreated opermanen > i proper 74 Map tram a Sze Fare em en eh eee (a) FATE Hr Bet Ae fy . 0) Sar Ss ae ae aies A a aK a aT ©) arte sero) STR (omeag wats 8 aera (6) mati fara 2a ae—H (G) sad 4 a att ae Sia) (oD a sas fs Sri HH 7 Frm 2 vert - () pre = (snr arenes) SRG TIT a ay ering whose benefits are avant entire spent on averting wh Meare availa y! sail man) AeDoiro es502 expend faRevenseespeniare (Capital expendi (0) Deferred capital expending gu, csi are a Te oh HR 8 EB? ose ae ox et) aI) The werd didend has originated 0m the word ota) agg? : ae (0 Grek ‘oUt (Persian. Ce (o afea in y seers (9 satan (ree erin aR Thedhidend whichis declare in the mile ofthe years ange (Find ven (b Dividend son ddend wr Proposed dividend 16 forma fort aye eae car cafe feet iby Artes araeant (0 wera i Mom sow ae Jetta dsb prot, care should be taken (Accom principles (10% (@Is%, ieee (OM) 175, isthe m: unt that ean be St pat can be transferred tothe reserve her making provision for depreciation 2 om p06 oom (o1s% jo. AAR Ror Bae era spre af Paar cet? ott (tien (oat (@ Hea er R=) ‘Whict of the fllowing can never pay dividends? fay €aptl (0) Capital gains {Income benefit (@) Accumulated pros, gx. eater 2a rare Prensa sh are 7B we ene a fener Te Bt TT BY @ommat osm How much punishment cam the rat Omani a-@ ty officer face i the di dend is paid within the prescribed period? {@) Up tos months (0) Up yea 40 UP 103 years (6) None of tes. 82, oIrvtigt & area df fare anferant oer oer feat ara aafieg? (a) afer (by (b) afer (a) (©) Ti (C) (qd) Fra a ate set aT (b) ‘Which table shouldbe fllomed regarding dividends ? (o)Table'B (iy Table“a (Tables (@ None of hese 53, matte feat 8 re eer ea (@) sre or (bra ori (9 sais or ORR ar) Profits obtained from busines activities are called {orisome benesit (b) Capital gains (o)merim profit (@)None ofthese 84, tt ire a He Fanaa ATR (aera sigh Fate (o) eri face (9 thir tet aA ote aH ar) ( 3efe (a) 790) atin (OM) [77 sana tne Eom ania are ihe aboNe erent ans Osan fee 4 fr Okara feet wo ie viable to third parties: im cas in (onde spall. Sah’ and (ome pfs a nc baa et eins Fe Fry aor TO em Me eT ° te ore! Fore Wi oft of one presi sof sare wd aye Gira on eden fshres m6 0) __ {ore stent Bratt alzaition I og FH rate ea ar oT — dette stv Sane rien eet gs, rat a rane enviar FACT ae wa ae eas Ie eve eH (oranda teninaten (0) fone TERRE? sc arent afenrt & reer et 8 ori sen oR s oe # in er eT e osqer eee wed anitrt heck eter salary payment What diribtlon of diendsby hiding abies cay Sls (0) Disrtuing dividends ram assets ities called {eo Salas Dr via end om the cpt 1 aly payment (o Dining dividend under he ates of ass book bear the i a) authorized its neesary 10 paid during ofce nous swt in the salary book rare ofthe responsible oT {Gy None ofthe abo aa ra wel ft (New tts 7, mie ore We at ae ear feat ae . ee ere Tee oT FFU pe (0) 12 fer : ce eT STE TO STE (0) 24 sire shal oases ae (yee FEO Interests igen onthe unpa c faire fo ae a. PTT eeepc een “the real profitofa business 88 en ar gra (@) 24 percen. ss wound up.” This statement is @ ita {@) Spicer and Pesket Sera _fovRe Yes. Williams's UnitlV Orie, (oe oa Sem = ertitaeee ee je Seto om “i : usin the rate ofS... anno be determined uni he (oy Lanester’s (G) Letcher Monto. (Audit of Publi Undertakings o ina aa ad) medi Pema didnt: : Sine i Toren na erm a (0) reat oo) meV made fom capita ee pte oS se at s mNOTa publi sect : Sauce 80" % ae pate He er ynerliesre ste DERE jonal SECUTTY posi al Underakines rn ertokings oon © S ae sr unerakin Ai ep ns {ponent conri 37 ore eek i. ie (© bate Fre ssl Us Mejractural Fac sn y Us the greatest autonomy, Epona thes, 1078 ae oa ua hs sl anderstines Lee le (oat a WO cw aGAach 19 A ¢&AG Act 197 the ene fhe Comptaerant Aor 6 Fr (Gybeparment (nus coperation ovooveaet spay {None aie abe anette sate Ta BEE se 3 pare wears oH EA fe aay a one <— Tox r (Seven ae prec aera Se ara Ss Fa om fe PET AST TIT rete rome Frat Ses (a) fate te 78 (ore 20 aed a 3 aes Foto ay Woy PS (ay ev fe st) FT) ofa ank is generally condue ed through (oaks aod & i fea Ae a WWheneihe loving tre about stator corporations? (whi “stir coronas pubic prsestha ame inte (Balance sheet uit (ros elase ty asp ct ofthe paranent os Popes a wwe Fra nr (@) Statutory corporations are subject othe same accounting and anda xa aral & proceduesas ze uplcale to government departments, ne check Pinta ree entries esc me Beant att ap art ¢ Pred aaa BAT Tait mg quit : ve oA ee a aT EL eS i ARMs ath 2 (25 37 {o) Cost audit (ayn iby te goerament isnot less that ene fost ac eet (2) 49 percent BPO parca es bra (0 25paen pe eating asin sei 8 rams abe es eet o the soe fen “(Performance ing Foe, ete etme iia Ap no of 1, afer oa one ome mir pit Faget {o)Goneament jes mera aut includes. (ape cntred (oer scouting stem (oiAseipeteton srMolteaiove 12 maida. (0) rae (0) 4 ae (p00 (0) wie) Cos ait condoced onder the direction of. loThe etal government (@)Tiesttegoerament (©The Bop (6 The maeneat 1 aren atéer ar eH shea (0) 89 ear fe ve at (0) 59 Fie, (0) ta Fein (0 2 wt) omenge (at wh s oto VE 20 200 Perform, My Dem Bt ce fnanclal stntemesn Nero yo ent soa ait performed 098 Votan, Homey (0 At Frere, (©) Sharshoders (@Stattory boas, an at HT HEH rn ATT a be orators at ar rH) #1 sta aa a) 1s. 16. v7. “ain object of Cost Audit ie Ax petcmining otal cost teem (OM) | 81 Mpchcking of accuracy of eal cst and per unit cox of reduction (beeing tend price (HAllofihe ave STE RATT RE enn ER aH (0) Herr at wh wats 50 ew ie (o) es Pred eo 0 Bal cc (6) RRC 0 fe aie fr fe ae ae (© ei wh ales rato Ft 8 mF 2 ea =A (b) Cost Aut report ito Be Furnished nn (@) Within 90 day of the endothe rlevan ge ©) Within 180 days the end ofthe relenan nancial yer (6) Within 30 days ofthe date on which he relevant reoeds a made, (Ata company aft ig ean ora re ae are aera ae afr sat ote Pr @ 0 wa st 21 days belie the dat of annual general mestng of the (tay (© %0 or (25h rb) Tax aut is compulsory in ease of person in carrying on business whose gros tuenover exceeds, (@) 260 Lakts 4670 Crore (THO Lakhs (Crowe AR nn SA aT rE a4an (AaB (osac @4a0 ar) “Tan uit compulsory under section Gas aot AB @ Hac (asap. ares iar Fre fv, fear arert— (orem a vai wa (FRAT TTT aso waa@me © i pater t Te tr har Bm ay ae sa caine se a iG 2007 i dg Bs poeta 2 aac fot? ayant PT 18 (oy ed or, 156 ommor (a) sth Fa OLE a9 (0 ergo mich ofthe lling Act ial account of nsarane ompanies are prepared? {sree cnpanies A. 1938 {bj Companics Ast, 1956 fora) 2 (0) (@ None ote abe 2. an a er area a =P HAT. (2% 0) 28 fom on ae Minimum percentage ofprovsin fora Insurance company eas (25% “afore ob org ao eat rag | a t @pe 071935 O99 (1965 Oe aero wea Fy ee em {Coat ai i lp fran atti {epee eminton 2) Cont sat sey Con cont (OAlsbove ca Ba ear (oqo (by Fs cr (eri ate Cost Aus comps (a) Retail business (oy Sanfsctixng (Min (6) None ofthese cern ran te a and eT (o Feaniee Wate Ei The cost suitor shal submit his report {a) Sharcholders (by Central Goverment (6) Boaed of Directo {q) None ofthe above cate fi Fe erg reat Cost ait is beneficial for— (a) Business natn (0) Labourers {yA of the above xr ray whi a ee (6) Goverment (by arm teal Seen (9 art Qualiteat (3H a ion ofost auditors is— ae (wioe. 21, orem ear wa pe (0) 1913 1989 Charter stout {oy Cost and Wars Acsount ( Comece Grate (b) 1935 {qyatotibeabove (1965 matt Oe eer 8 oF Osa OTE ator append (amin aa eer ol Goverment Eien) and (0 2005 se er erro et Ta on Bere are SE OTTEA E fy pacer (oe Fs oxen a Main objet of Cnt Ait b— Diane dy alot fj a 4) Decmining cost (© Doeminng eter pice (Allfte ave venom een Fe ea at (os tt wa #90 fei ve (os Pe af ee 180 Fl ve (olsen 30 Ro se Fr a Fé ee (oad scatter mre aer 3 are 821 fn oes ay) ca 2. aT) Cost Audit report is be furnished — (4) Within 90 deys ofthe end ofthe relevant year .Lb)Within 180 days ofthe end ofthe relevant financial year (c) Within 30 days ofthat on which the relevant records are m. (0) At feast 21 days bofore the date to annual = ee general meeting ofthe JT am aie ara wan 444 aac i ey ar-(0) 13. atta (OMR) | 85 it is compulsory under section— Gus al pulsory fi Has (ott ap (itac Mad Sn ra ta (oy TE (aes sere fo) a re seer Management audi is »— (ay New Concept {b) Traditional concept {© Medival Period Concept {@) None of the above drs efter er we wae lv a 7 (a) (b) arte (©) AR (@) sa a at ‘Where management audit i frst used 2 (@) fapan () loa ‘voter eran whem ah tea (a) med warrate (0) 3 era (0 9 Fetes ean OBRY Qualification of Management Auaitor fe— (a) Chartered Account () Commer Gradute {No Preseribed Quaicaton (@) MBA. ‘yee ratte rate («) Hae aa Se ae TE TE (var tae at aft as er (owail . Objective of Management audit is (ay Nabe magento ecent (eating sates of management operation cf above (si HA EH (a) FA (b) (oy America (4) Nove of these. r=) es et CONTE = Ot steer sit aa whch ofthe lowing is examin, Under maa Work of ot au ovo faa as Fg 4 ecu Orme rns, cost audit i (4) Voluntary “DorConpulsory (o Sauer (a) None of these ere ft 3 rt are we ah — () 8 wee a0) (o feawen rie ast ots Cont autor farnish his report to— {a) Strcholders oy Cera Government (6) Bourd of Directors (@) Any of ove. jr sear wef rt at ot &— (a) Sarre en wees (by sro dea were (9 orm dea wie (eta a wa) Management audit is get done by— (2) Statutory audioe (©) Government auditor (6) Cost autor iron oF these, 150 Or ate sing is) fonof Com aie. related withcont ee 0023 Tain ree ron 10 Se tess eer att patent © Clanagement Audit is— fa} Compulsory AY Vola mt Src (oa cen ster ea Chaakid (ode tee (on ra en What is extemal for mesg (a) Socal Aust TAC ae (opts Aust {yAanagement Aut. yar eran ete 8 yeatae Farr ore h— (oareaa (b) farsa ert fo vata ard she fet (@ Beate sie tacat In management awit, vation Being de of the— {@) Cost aceounis {(b) Financial accounts AG Managerial funetions and policies (4) Assets and iit 1) shar FT) 9s | stra giant este) opens fe ea feet ec? coor ce at tro (oer stem otter Ce ee catedcompany acter? ‘) Whi the Ftlowin Meine ber epltion (Note oft a eden aparece? ae Se Oe A tthe ithe tog ee Tne (os company? a 3 2 sai Oe Matern throuz Wich the cam AMS ae shares and debentures cee ss, Se rth Fe ae 8 P= eaten ieee ert ilo cnn (0) 20% 3 Brae @ rae a apy cone” eee. sues hrson discount ot more th ee i ns ee ata teuoa 3 feta aE a oe (6) Can be at 20% (d) None of these. Pr = 46, sien seas art fer a ae Fare ar a @@ Oh oem eee a ante oe om as : eee niet ote alone (ote (insniingelf profane loses s ete ft ee gan fo (b) In writing off capita losses teas SF fers arr ar ear TeEM Uy? Gaaiune dias om oa ifoneet tea os Om Ce 47, ke aan & are ata 8 Fre aT TAB? BMT Fection docs the woitor hive to heepia din thee @ aot ae ee ee by a public company and its subsidiary private ; pa? (b) ark ne a (a) FHS sya) Seta) Bay 293- (0) 204 Whien rales apply fn he abrence of eacacir's aril slags Oe association 2 yp shee pe CATE = iat (OMR) | 91 F ari sarge See eT expenses which areincurrdat the ime of establishment ofthe ray wesablshmentexpens yt expendiae eect ks er company ay engl etal exposes (@) Audit expenses mai cys a set afahiag, 1986 a ore 13 wate nest ai Oberg Ne a) ee ata & b sae a eA aa ATTA CT ek bee ee ts n ray (6 ten (fre gee! =o) st Section 13 of the Companies Ac, 156 related to ‘oma (SE 2H) Rl fation conelorylans (Fm ection Aording o wich ett 16 1€ posible f0 ay Interest from Qa (0 Front ine pompechs | teanite mute look ee (b Seton 20504) savet fete, 1956 3 ara ss ara seni et (0) sre ae as (oe sme Secon 4 fle Coupaayhtt insect eae (7-0 {@)Comnellor'suesanleplatone Coutors are in hey laws {b) Amico oF seitin or tssmences (h Ssomences oy Deseition eee bey Sentences (a) 7 sentences. ‘frets #2 a an atch eres et BT? es, oie a ate re ea fear e— cos ener cea sam (sg aire FA aie gee out Raa Me aah wert tah toa ahem CTH In conection with the porchase of shares, the shareholders ae f(g) sie ash shen ten ae (yee (ore iter ) eA. 5 facars tT Ss cata Who among the fellovng cannot be the auditor of a company? Aes rics we (9) amalgamated oeaization Oa aap ors or (b) any officer or employee ofthe company Se pean aera ay amt eater ae tenn att {© Asuretyofmaethan 1,00 against the company ass Os {aya of heabov. (e288 oun 30) pe os ao 8 tar ay sino ate fanderiing commision on sue of as JE TEEN (0) 6% (ora aE 4 es 7s (anim te Orem aw) 57, mea ri eave a Re, A eA oe ring tesa he company the aur shold (exer ora (by fa are (©) rp ee (seem om aR) See otis (0) Nature ofbainess . ioe ee sil ofthe above = ed we pester Sakae eh TS fer Fe ine Company Act the brane ars wal an et Fran te PT Fare 7 o» saa coma se rR) a senate caer on He a tahoe ener she PATHE Fs ‘fer Rear a #7 sew onan wr ere osteed a) How mind or an appmimen of new aor? ; [ay dass (o) 7 des a60| (621 days (a) 28 days.ao. sa tae a Pr aot @eAcaer ne (6) ees ree (o sate a ‘Special autor is appointed: faByteCencal Government —() by the board of directors (e) By the shareholders (By the Company Secretary. 65, 2s arent anes strat arch frat ere ce aisha at ar at? a 1 (eri sera st) (ty 10 (30. ar) atiharo(OMR) | 93 a hare aor york for mor than © er ran apia 2 on 6 cet hs ah ttre (oe en ger, Set ar Fine Hie (0) more Ne A wean een rT wT ETE (ore Sea ge ta her acini {haan eh ofenant snot {Rat ore bso ado gral mets {Reha tanh cat toks : {ayAll of theabove sei tf etn ora t— RET ee wet ees (oem sigma omer si an mea ti ar) (isancnponedtoa peng nn maretzcomeaan: (@)lsthemanaeog dese ofthat company ‘oy asharclierot tat crpany (@) That companys etn of 1,000 9. wa thar aie ove we we Te? @ wate ater (by fet A ac we ee 78 ok fran wR a, (©) re ae a a es Come it wi Tov tng does the first aitor hold his post 2 (a) Fo ape afone year (() Foran pred ne autor appointed oyTiltbeenfe ist ennual general me (4) None ofthe ahve rw) aM—(0) Se een 0 ert eT, ce mH TE TA, 1955 aM) aor wbih ins said that “The aor ot ay «et ramie he correetaess of IME Potion earCandn a8 Get Ay arntage Brewer Ki (oye Kingston Coven Mills Co {ay Goverment vs S.N- Das Gopta 1935. gn fh kane ee FT TTT Ft eT (overt dt dares er poe st ov weet to eater sere oat vd ort (ey state anaes ree re (o work eee Rw OE ae EL areal ‘vacancy caused bythe resignation ofan audifor ean be filled ony Bak Case, 1895 rmpany Limited Case, 1896 by (a) The board ofuirestrs of the company (8) Can be filed ony by the Central Government yan be illed only bythe general meting ofshareolders (4).Can bo fled only bythe managing diesior of te company 72, wes eet ant kar cadena Frater? (0) we fe (6 aber free (armen ea sebaeet main (d) dE AA AE HI sA—(0) ‘Who determines the duties ofthe auditor ofa partnership firm ? (0) Partnership Act (b partnership deed loareementbtveenparer and auditor (@) None ofthe atone 73, ughaaga dat H auflas erat & atsharon tq Pram fina ot are sidqail aati (0) see ef that we 226 Haar (bt rey fre, 1049 3 af sem P. teat (OMR) | ) (sein ia te <0 The autor appointed fr ait of annual aes panks must have: {pp Qiliteations mentioned in Seton: (0) Qualifeation menioned in Banki (© Qualification presribed by theR (None ofthe above fae eeaoit ae ache ret ora F? (@ fen sean (by tera foe we ormaa oxegemh a In which fnttations it neces to conduct G@) in banking institution (0) In gas and elestriciy ernpany of helndian Company Ac gulation Ad, 1949 © Insailvays ay ofthe above eee sicher (ates sida (©) sera sites t (0 antien wera sitar & () Frofa akg Cooperative Audit (@) Financia audi its (by Administrative audit is fo} ESonomicand administrative aut is (The outcome is ait =r(0) 2. Rear aftharen Prog Fara on wera t— ( fora A (0) ES were a (6) Ree Ce Orit ita aw Co-operative auditor ean be appointed (@) To the deparmeatal employee (b) To the Chartered Accountant (© Toanon-goernmentagency {aay ofthese en at a eee ope eB fear ar a? @) 1956 (0) 1960 (0) 1988 ) 1989 ra) In which yarwas if insurance nationalized? 2) 1986 (©) 1960, (os (2) 1969, re rt OTe ea appa Section 4A sine Tp Reta business 79, foe rt TT (yr ac seer (meets foul ami ion af profits and bene st (0) Driving goods vehices| si (6) For all ofthe above eyCril ons | SOC ee (oer wi a fete TT parietal & should be kept Which of the felon accounts of the eerily cD (ay Examining cost clemes (Fron (6) om te meter bok fr elects any? from est pe ui mh meer ese oe meter ental ety consumption eer i sicheren erat 0, fear ra ee TO (oy fav saat at a (oy ated a we IEE TP (ites ec fn eer TTA @rinat For certification of expen Jooks afte (a) Examination ofrental contract (b) Salary forms and wage forms of employees (6) Cerificate of Departmental Inspesto for Ente 447A ofthe above. am—(a mind while auditing the siture ofthe cinema company, the auditor neat Tas ss, pt at one moor eer arent ATE (ey Fea wl feet 1 (6) firs fen ome 7 (9 we PegTe a sa (b) Fee aT ar (0) sides (OmR) | 97 Auditor does not observe for certification of income of cinema (a) Counerotsoftickets {oy ertainment ax {© advance booking system (@) Income rom advertisements on eron ‘wera & stchagr bg akhares at aver ad ree er afi (0) arate freon amet a ere (RN Fre a ate wi ta a oben 8 (meme AT) or ai ofthe lh auditor sould tart his ork fom {b) By examining the les and ojos a tele Apr tiom cash ook @ Fram al ofthe above ‘ue aT & otha bier are (@) FTE a aie (b) ae a sta are (9 arora aaah Teal ahontl bested: ()Ausit oftrst decd (b) Physical verification oFases (© Centfeatin ofinsonc and expendi {BAN ofthe above ae ana ar stam eat me pn? (0) 1984-85 (6) 1985-86 (©) 192-92 @ 19258. When did tax aut startin India? (@) 1984s AF 1985.96 (0) 199292 (192.93, uate ett art aiden arn Fremrs aefcam aA fr Ter ater fre aT? @s 10 oi @1s. =r-(b) Inder which ston ofthe Banking Regulation Act accounts of nationalized banks ate audited? se or for Oe ofeegot (OME) 1%. idence the avaicor wil VE (unconditional opiaion {Gy wil not Bie an opinion. ate a : sbsence of audit € er ore ie io ape Oran Jo epposite pinio8 es : Po. raat, 95681 TO % Aarne io) Newey {W) None o tse. eo aeens® Sea qe fr ort re ef 3 (uo Report) Order 3 ee 2% te et (rom amis 1975 (2% a (6) From January 1, 195 Gun (oo org co Frm ly 1975 (Fret oe SO ibe eae reuied © niu Mamrerteae epee eee eT ee ime into effect (oases en ae (10% et 0 ies sid ert rc sans Aaa beget cer radar cert A evapo ivomrensty? tat oer pane (Fhe (oa 9 ore aaee ae ge aT BD Rocce (Three. (a batt sites at ee Hh Cees ae Rete Sek, A A Anauditor gives clean report when pone ee ay The accounts ate rope maintained g i {b) Employes are honest (6 sie fd (afm RE! A) orpeeetiepccs have not commited any mistake intentionally) The report which the auditor gives when he is satisfied fx ealled = {@) The employess have sent correc information othe auditor, J_@yCTean epert (b)limited report 89, sicher fave feta Ht af Froté Se? (© Partial report (Final report (a) Sign Prorat 1 ie we Te vie fd ramen tae (bah se we a recs rT BA ome (0 WEE corse (6) are: en Ge 7 eA (9 site e (weet sere ab) (ose m4 -zae—qj_ Thelimited reports signed by = Under ha circumstances does the auditor give a qualified repore(@) Manacer's (Onno filly llowing the aecounting principles pyChartered Account (@) meas ofinadequate provision of depreciation on fixed asses, J (@)Awditor’s (6) Not maintaining necessary accounting books @ Company Seow E Loy of te above etree a rece weer trae fete 3 90, sfaaror nen a area feharas Sr Oe (6) far eed OM et Re) (@omerarsem a6 eer () sisters wa na Bey & wat 2 @ Feo wh ar) of oe regarding profit and loss account and poy ftor should mention oly ition 100 | Ht In is report sprees in fey avdior ives ceria ( Nerites (al ofthe above Sime ns, eared rr chen ERT Tt Go Seaee Bae ata a nt (o staat we 8 (@ ae Fond aed we Ifthe auditor bas any doubt during the audit work, he (@) Inf the decors (Asks the seretary (6) Rllsthe shareholders 97. earn fit Bread se feria Pret em stcharas— (fre Reo a ae wrt (yan an a et (9) 31 ders were Bt ate ae (@) Sete wit of ota ae widen FES er EL ah eater ene @acbneianal (Chess the fia azounis (QBuaniecole schl doniens eens te above mst epee 98, sidaqor aca Ue aitharas 9 Zen fas was TTA Hz 100% a) dione ae orev fear ar ich eer mre — (a) Pate srateriean xa wt Bem eae e (b) wae srafctean wea & fem are sre Tae (9 Waa fo wala Hs ao Hofer eee. Oarie Haat mi ar While conducting audit, an goodwill account and it had not been written offi To the auditor profesi (0) May advise fo write off goodwill he last ten yew (Cs (e) Would suggest tha goodwill be writen off within 5 yeas iifor noticed that € 100% was in th aidhaqet (OMR) | 101 ‘exert pressure fo write of {B)-NGne ofthe above sere sich fret ero ogu Pfs et er at seo Go seer TH () sibee ifre (0) set fees Oe uae Bt eT TOT a, aT ‘When an auditor certifies and gives certificate of ayAvdit certificate Mo) Ave warrant feaultrepor (Allott above ath fect & area ofecr 8, Pee a (o) feae-feram wh te wer os (aoe ah oh ta ert (¢) 53 Fe wera a ihe area & (6) se w= he eshte rege Tf Aut report means report in which an sudor {(@Checkethe accom (b) Check the final accounts (@)Fsamines other tached dbeunents bay vetigates alte above and sibs report 1 aches wale eke aa ear (a) Ben F ahead} neat att (b) Borers A aH wt (whats alae frat (@) are ahaa wa A et aT Ey An auditor gives a qualified report wh {@) The emploesofte og nization have mde amistke (b) The operators have ated arbitrarily (6) The employees have not committed any fraud oR) ar(a), {ayAchovats ar notmantaned propery = aidieror (OMR) | 103 i section 237 the company fis os oo pee 4 {> (dy None rs 4403, stderr face et eee lo7, orga eet stra erat —_ (owe (offre ) FORT | reports be Paine (O Neue bce py. ns a ee far (urer 30 aera) Pret {b) Specific weet te (owe Qa ae Re) aya ofthe above Inspector (under section 238) ean he appointed (0 investigate the sc, emia sh ere char fae We B— ‘Works of the company or © (ova UayPersn ‘Ont basis of see, pps of at eport are (Union toythree {©} Company (0) Fur (Fie Nowe ofthese 10s, sree aft er bo, Prat Pacha stva tg fanart a fea ater ar a kid () fret fo) ers (6) sitar A Ses (a) 90481 Detailed examination ofinancial accounts fora speci a0) eH ate ae iv called: (Audit Research reports: (o) Brie lb Deis Beal () Accounting (Certiieation (eat an {None ofthe above, at : EC SO aan at args re, et Part (gy sen Fa ae er shen (oy ea tT rm cr a heh marta ior (09 a re a fo he (oy ttren ‘ Om gama tt foeaor ee fr et HE)