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(minimum 8 steps/sentences)

Search the engine for

1. A plan for conserving an endangered species(any endangered species). Read and

summarize at least 6 steps.

2. Search Google for a plan to conserve your chosen endangered species. Summarize
at least three steps

3. Add all steps together, explain each, then upload it to Turn it In here.

9 Steps to save Bees:

● Learn about Bees

○ Read Articals
○ Teach others about Bees
● Visit National Parks or Wildlife Refuge
○ Go to a park and volunteer
○ Help the Park and learn about Bees
● Be more Wildlife friendly
○ Reduce the amount of water you use
○ Avoid littering
● Buy plants
○ Consider buying potted plants to attract more bees
● Refrain from using pesticides
○ Pesticides kill bees and other insects
○ Pesticides are harmful to your gardens ecosystem
● Buy recyclable products
○ Recyclable products reduce waste
○ Being sustainable means less things being taken away from animals
● Leaving wildlife alone
○ Harrassing wildlife can lead to death in the species
○ Bees are very fragile and susceptible to harm
● Don’t suppord logging and deforestation
○ Deforestation takes away from wildlife space, including bees’
○ Logging means less space for animals to live and killing them

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