Assignment English

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សារលវិទ្្ាល័យ ន័រតុន ជាតិ សាសនា ព្រះម្ហារ្សព្ត

ផ្នែរ វវជ្ជបណ្ឌិត
ព្រុម្ MMD1
1. Taing Huyky 7. Ly Kimhour

2. Chhay krobrosithy 8. Phang Rithea

3. Por Chanry 9. Chhun Lyhun

4. Heab Menghorng 10. Sorphoirn Sameydy

5. Kuy Kakada 11. Thach Phong

6. Kimseang Kimchhay 12. Run Vichet


I. Vocabulary
II. Grammar
1. Unit 1: Present Simple & Present Continuous…………………………………………………………….24
2. Unit 2: Preposition of Place and Movement…………………………………………………………...….27
3. Unit 3: Past Simple & Past Continuous…………………………………………………………………...31
4. Unit 4: Giving Instruction………………………………………………………………………...……….38
5. Unit 5: Making comparison……………………………………………………………………………… 41
6. Unit 6: Question Form…………………………………………………………………………………….46
7. Unit 7: Will/Won’t………………………………………………………………………………………...51
8. Unit 8: Should and Should Not……………………………………………………………………………53
9. Unit 9: Zero and First Conditional…………………………………………………………………….......55
10. Unit 10: Expressing Possibility (May/might/Could)………………………………………………….......58
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of

1 Asthma Noun
allergic origin.
an infectious disease of the tropics transmitted by
2 Dengue Fever Noun mosquitoes an characterized by rash and aching head ជំងឺគ្រុនឈាម
and joints
infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle
3 Tuberculosis Noun
bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions
Elevated body temperature often associated with illness
4 Fever Noun
or infection
A sudden expulsion of air from the lungs, typically due to
5 Cough Noun
irritation or infection in the respiratory tract
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

An unpleasant sensation or discomfort often caused by

6 Pain Noun
injury or illness
A pain or discomfort in the head, often caused by tension,
7 Headache Noun
sinus issues, or migraines
An abnormal immune response to a substance, resulting
8 Allergy Noun
in symptoms such as sneezing, itching, or swelling
A change in skin texture or color, often accompanied by
9 Rash Noun
itching, redness, or bumps
a prolonged state of deep unconsciousness, caused
10 Coma Noun
especially by severe injury or illness
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

(Human immune deficiency virus) infectious disease

11 HIV Noun
caused by blood, body fluid or sexual most common.
12 Insomnia Noun Sleep disorder ការបរងមិនលក្់
a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster
13 Chicken pox Noun
virus (VZV)
a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how
14 Diabetes Noun
your body turns food into energy.
15 Mumps Noun a contagious disease caused by a virus គ្សែឡទន
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

Either of a pair of small organs in the body that remove

16 Kidneys Noun
waste matter from the blood and produce urine.
a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused
17 Blister Noun usually by continuous rubbing, especially on your foot, or ពងឡេក្
by burning
A large organ in the body that clean the blood and
18 Liver Noun
produce bile
the smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes
19 Cell Noun
up all living organisms and the tissues of the body
occurs when the heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well
20 Heart failure Noun
as it should
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

microscopic living organisms that have only one cell. Most

21 Bacteria Noun bacteria aren't harmful, but certain types can make you បាក្់បតរី
A mass of diseased cells that might become a lump or
22 Tumor Noun
cause illness
23 Stomachache Noun A pain in a person’s stomach ឈឺគ្ក្ពេះ
24 Backache Noun A pain in your back ឈឺសនង
A group of long, thin fibre (= structure like threads) that
carry information or instructions between the brain and
25 Nerve Noun
others part of the body
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation

26 Vein Noun system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen- សរសសឡវ៉ែន
depleted blood towards the heart
the act of administering a liquid, especially a drug, into a
27 Injection Noun person's body using a ការចាក្់ថ្នំ
needle (usually a hypodermic needle) and a syringe
a feeling of constant exhaustion, burnout or lack of
28 Fatigue Noun
a condition that develops when your blood produces a
29 Anemia Noun
lower-than-normal amount of healthy red blood cells
the exam of a single cell type, as often found in fluid
30 Cytology Noun
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

31 Infant Noun baby ទារក្

32 abscess Noun a pocket of pus េូស​ឬ​​ដំបៅ
33 Dermatitis Noun an inflammation of the skin រលាក្ឡសែក្
34 Arthritis Noun the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints រលាក្សោល ក្់
35 Bradycardia Noun Slow heart beat បេេះដូងបលាតយឺត
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

36 Rhinitis Noun means inflammation of nasal mucous membranes រលាក្គ្ចមេះ

37 Cervicalgia Noun Pain in neck ឈឺក្
A substance that kills bacteria or stops them from growing
38 Antibacterial Noun
and causing disease.
39 Hemorrhage Noun is the bursting forth of blood from vessels ហូរឈាម
40 Myography verb to suture a muscle wound បដរស្វច់ដំ
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

installing medications into the depth of specifically

41 Intramuscular Noun
selected muscles
The yellowish liquid waste that is released from the body
42 Urine Noun
when you urinate
43 Antemortem Noun Before death មនស្វលេ់
having or involving a sensation of spinning around and
44 Dizzy Noun
losing one’s balance
referral to the voice box is a part of respiratory system
45 Larynx Noun
locate in the neck region
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

46 Laryngitis Noun is inflammation of larynx រលាក្េំពង់់សបមលង

An illness in which the stomach walls become swollen
47 Gastritis Noun
and painful
Serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and
48 Typhoid Noun ulceration, caused by salmonella Tryphosa ingested with គ្រុនប េះបវៀន
food or water.
Pain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal
49 Hemorrhoid Noun
Infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the
50 Meningitis Noun
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

An acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by

51 Measles Noun distinct red sports followed by rash, occurs primarily in ជំងឺក្ញ្ច្រិល
children .
An infective disease caused by sporozoan parasites that
52 Malaria Noun are transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles ជំងឺគ្រុនចាញ់
mosquito , marked by paroxysms of chills and fever.
Inflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus,
53 Encephalitis Noun symptoms include headache and neck pain and ជំងឺរលាក្សួរ
drowsiness and nausea and fever
Yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by
an accumulation of bile pigment(bilirubin) in the blood;
54 Jaundice Noun
can be a symptom of gallstones or liver infection or
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

Pain, scratchiness, or irritation in the throat, often

55 Sore throat Noun
associated with a viral or bacterial infection
A discoloration of the skin caused by bleeding under the
56 Bruise Noun
skin due to injury or trauma
A sensation of discomfort or unease in the stomach, often
57 Nausea Noun
preceding vomiting
ចបអអ រ
58 Hematuria Noun Blood in your urine ឈាមទឹក្បោម

High blood pressure is when the pressure in your blood

59 Hypertension Noun
vessels is too high(140/90mmHg or higher)
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

60 Bronchiolitis Noun Is an infection of the respiratory tract រលាក្ទងសួត

exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological
61 Addicted Adjective
need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity
The organ in the lower body of women or female mammal where
62 Uterus Noun
offspring are conceived and in which they gestate birth
The part of the intestine that runs between the stomach and
63 Small intestine Noun
large intestine
ប េះបវៀនតូច
64 Colitis Noun Inflammation of the lining of the colon
ប េះបវៀនធំ
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

65 Pancreatic cancer Noun A type of cancer that form in the tissue of the pancreas មហារីក្លំឡពង
Inflammation of the urinary bladder, it is often caused by infection
66 Cystitis Noun
and is usually accompanied by frequent painful urination.
the most common type of dementia. It is a progressive disease
Alzheimer’s beginning with mild memory loss and possibly leading to loss of
the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to the
An open sore on an external or internal surface of the body,
68 Ulcers Noun caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to ដំបៅ

69 Nasal congestion Noun Occurs when the tissues lining it become swollen តឹងគ្ចមេះ
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

70 Varicella Noun It is caused by varicella-zoster virus េតស្វាយ

A disease caused by infection with the yellow fever virus,
71 Yellow fever Noun
which is carried by mosquitos
Is the final portion of the large intestine, situated just
72 Rectum Noun
above the anal canal
Is an inflammatory condition of the lungs characterized by
73 Pneumonia Noun
infection and inflammation in the air sac
Is a inflammatory condition of the liver, which can be
74 Hepatitis Noun caused by virus, medications, toxins or autoimmune ជមងឺរលាក្ប្លើម
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

Refers to an enlargement of the liver beyond it’s normal

75 Hepatomegaly Noun
Is a small pear-sharped organ located beneath the liver in
76 Gall bladder Noun
the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, which store bite
A blood protein produced in response to and
77 Antibody Noun
counteracting a specific antigen
a medical doctor who studies and treats diseases and
78 Cardiologist Noun
conditions of the cardiovascular system

a scientific and technical worker who assists scientists in

79 Lab technician Noun
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

a person, typically a woman, who is trained to assist

80 Midwife Noun
women in childbirth
81 Surgeon Noun a medical specialist who practices surgery គ្រូបពទយវេះកាត់
a passageway (as in a hotel or office building) into
82 Corridor Noun
which compartments or rooms open
A building or a room in a hospital, etc. where dead
83 Mortuary Noun bodies are kept before they are sent to be buried or ក្ឡនលងដាក្់សព
burned, sometimes so that they can be examined.

84 Renal Noun Relating to the kidneys ទាក្់ទងតគ្មងបោម

N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

Something shown or examined as an example; a

85 Specimen Noun
typical example:
One of the parts or large rooms into which a
86 Ward Noun
hospital is divided usually with beds for patients
87 Nervous system Noun The organized network of nerve tissue in the body គ្េពនធ័គ្េស្វទ
88 Sample Noun a sample or samples of (something) for analysis សំណាក្
89 Life-threatening Noun potentially fatal រំរាមរំឡហងអាយជ៊ីវិត
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

A small space with walls or contains around it, that is

90 Cubicle Noun separate from the rest of a room where you can be ក្ឡនលងរក្ោការសម្ងត់
private when taking clothes off, etc.
Something that is very important and must be dealt
91 Priority Noun
with before other things
92 Intake Noun An act of taking in something បគ្េើគ្បាស់
93 Occupation Noun A person’s job មសរេរ
94 Fatal Adjective causing death េណាៅលបអាយស្វលេ់
N Vocabulary Function English Khmer

Basic medical treatment that is given to someone as soon

96 First aid Noun as possible after they have been hurt in an accident or សបញ្ចអគេះេឋម
suddenly become ill

97 Limb Noun An arm or leg of a person or animal សដ​បជើង

98 Nurse Noun A person who cares for the sick or infirm រិលានេដាាយិកា
99 Puncture Noun a small hole made by a sharp object ចបោល េះ
100 Immobilize Noun Not moving or not able to move មិនអាចបធាើចលោ
Unit 1
Present Simple
❖We use the present simple to talk about routines, duties, and things that happen all the time.


Positive: S + Verb1 + object

Negative: S + don’t / doesn’t + verb1 + object

Question: Do / Does + S + verb1 + object?

Ex: Do they run fast? Ex: You run fast.

Ex: Does she run fast? Ex: You hit me.

Ex: She doesn’t run fast. Ex: She doesn’t run fast.
Present Continuous
❖We use the present continuous to talk about things we are doing at the moment, or things that are happening now.


Positive: S + am/is/are + Verb1 + ing + obj

Negative: S + am/is/are + not + verb1 +ing +obj

Question: Am/Is/Are + S + Verb1 +ing + object?

Ex: We are playing chess.

Ex: You are not playing football.

Ex: Is he playing guitar?

Unit 2
❖- Simple prepositions (one-word):
in, on, at, under, over, above, below, between, among, to, from, into, out of, onto, off, through, across,
❖- Compound prepositions (two-word):
in front of, behind, next to, in back of, in the middle of, towards, away from, out of, up to, down from
❖- Prepositional phrases (group of words):
on top of, at the end of, by means of, by way of, in spite of
❖- Idiomatic expressions: in time, on time, at the time, from time to time, in charge of, in favor of, in
regard to, in terms of, look up to, look down on, look forward to, look back on
❖Prepositions of Place:
- Indicate location, position, or spatial relationships
- "In the room", "on the table", "at the park", "under the bed", "over the bridge"
- Show containment, surface, specific point, underneath, above
❖Prepositions of Movement:
- Indicate direction, path, or trajectory of motion
- "To the store", "from the house", "into the car", "out of the building", "onto the wall"
- Show destination, origin, entering, exiting, moving onto a surface
❖Preposition of Place:

- The book is on the shelf.

- The cat is sitting under the table.

- The painting is hanging above the fireplace.

- The toys are scattered among the children.

❖Preposition of Movement:

- She walked to the park.

- The bird flew out of the nest.

- The ball rolled across the field.

- The train chugs along the tracks.

Unit 3
Past Simple
❖we use past simple to talk about things which happened in the past.


Positive: S + V2 + obj.

Negative: S + did + not + V1 + obj.

Question: Did + S +V1 +?

Ex: She worked yesterday.

Ex: she didn’t work yesterday.
Ex: Did she work yesterday?
Spelling rules
Regular & Irregular
Time Expression
➢last week
➢in+ month/season/year.
Past Continuous
❖we use the past continuous to talk about an action that was happening in the background when another event happened.


Positive: s +was/were + V(ing) + obj.

Negative: S + was/were + not + V(ing) + obj.

Question: Was/were + S + V(ing) + obj +?

Ex: she was cooking all morning.

Ex: she wasn’t sleeping when he came home.

Ex: was she sleeping when he came home?

Past simple & Past continuous
❖We use past simple to talk about completed actions in the past and Past continuous to talk about an action that was in progress in the

Ex: I did my homework. (completed action)

I was doing my homework. (action was in progress)

❖When we use these two tenses together, it show us that the past simple action happened in the middle of the past continuous action,
while it was in progress.

Ex: they were drinking coffee when I arrived.

+note we often use:

- While, meanwhile to introduce past continuous

- When, then to introduce past simple

Unit 4
❖ There are several ways of telling someone what to do.
The imperative is the most direct type of command

Check the patient’s temperature.
Do not/Don’t move him.
=Do + not(Don’t) + infinitive
❖ We can use the imperative form make sure to emphasize the importance of an instruction.

-Make sure you dispose of gloves safety.

-Make sure the dosage doesn’t exceed 200ml.

Asking for instructions

We can use the present simple. Have to, shall, and should to ask for instructions.

How do I set the charge on the defibrillator?

Where exactly do I have to apply the pads?

Shall I tie the bandage tightly?

Should I remove the burnt clothing?

=(question word + )do/shall/should + I + infinitive

Unit 5
Comparative Adjective
Adjective Type Example
❖ One syllable ending in “-e” we add “-r” safe safer
❖ One syllable + er Mild Milder
❖ Two syllable word preceded by consonant ending in y
Easy Easier
❖ , We change “-y” to “-ier”
❖ Two or more syllable + more painful More painful
❖ irregular Good Better
bad worse
We use comparative adjectives to make a comparison between two things or situation.

The pain is milder now.
Treatment today are more effective
❖ When we compare two things or situations directly, we use the comparative
• The fracture is more serious than we had hoped.
- The opposite of more is less.
Example: The treatment was less successful than we had hopes.
- To make a comparison stronger, we use much before the comparative.
I’m feeling much better today.
My leg is much less painful that it was yesterday.
Superlative Adjective

Adjective Type Example Superlative Adjective

❖ The + one syllable + est small The smallest
❖ The + one syllable ending “-e” + st safe The safest
❖ The + two syllable ending in “-y” change “-iest” easy The easiest
❖ The + most + two or more syllable beautiful The most beautiful
Good The best
❖ The + irregular
Bad The worst
❖ we use superlative adjectives to make a comparison between more than two things.

. This is the safest treatment available.
. He had the most serious type of fracture.
❖ - The opposite of the most is the least.
Example: This drug has the least severe side effects.
❖ - We can use more less and most + noun to talk about relative amounts.
Example: More women choose to give birth by caesarean section nowadays. (more = a higher number than before)
You will feel less pain if you use gas and air. (less = a reduced amount)
Most people aren’t very good at dealing with pain. (most = the majority)
Unit 6
Present Simple
❖The present simple is used to express om action that happens again an again or a present habit, a habit,
which is always true, which stays for a long time

Form: Do/Does + S + V1+ obj ?

Example: - Do you have a car ?

-Does she play football ?

Present Continuous
❖The Present continues is used to express on activity happening row or at the time of speaking, a planned
future arrangement, an activity happening around now, but Perhaps not at the moment of speaking.

Form: Am/Is/Are + S + V + ing +obj ?

Example: - Is David building his own house

- Is your English getting better?

Present Perfect
❖The Present Perfect is used to express on activity which began in the past and continues to the Present, Past
action that has a present result experience trat happened at some time in one's life.

Form: Have/Has + S + V₃ + Obj?

Example: -Have they returned your money yet?

-Has she passed her driven test yet?

Past Simple
❖The Past simple is used to express a finished action in the past, which follow each other in a story, a past
state or habit.

Form: Did + S + V + obj ?

Example: - Did you spend your time doing useful things ?

- Did you have any good dreams last night ?

Unit 7
❖ We use will to express beliefs about the present or future.
To talk about what people want to do or willing to do.

Form: Subject + will/ won’t + obj

➢I will go to school tomorrow.

➢I will buy you a cake on your birthday next week.

➢I won’t go to gym today.

➢She won’t quit her job.

➢Will you pass exam?

➢Will you go to the cinema?

Unit 8
❖ We use should and should not (shouldn’t) to give advice, to say what would be correct and to offer an opinion.

Positive: Subject + should + infinitive +…
Negative: Subject + should + not (shouldn’t)+ infinitive + ....
Question: Should + subject + infinitive +…?
Example: I should do homework tonight.
Example: You shouldn't spend so much money.
Example: Should I go to shopping? (Yes, you should or No, you shouldn’t)
➢Question word + should + subject+ infinitive +……?
➢Example: what should I answer to the teacher?
Unit 9
Zero Conditional

❖We use the zero Conditional to talk about facts that are generally true, especially in a scientific context.


If + Present Simple ( if clause ),+ Present Simple (Main clause)

Example: If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.

First Conditional

❖We use the first Conditional to talk about possible future situations.


If + Present Simple ( if clause) + will(‘ll) (main clause)+ infinitive

Example: if you don’t eat less, You’ll get fat.

Unit 10
❖ We use may, might and could when we are not certain about
future situations, such as plans and schedules.

Positive: Subject + may/might + infinitive

Negative: Subject + may/might + not + infinitive

Question: (Question word) + might /may + subject + Infinitive?

Example: She may/might want to read that book.

She might/may not go to the movies tomorrow.

What symptoms might/may he have?

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