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CAMBRIDGE nlestcre baie Question: whats 6 family? tot wees ie Eee tegs Poetoge pon: paren, Faas ayn ely Tepe evden op eent oer (Regen nin ating Yet tbe rreneaueton. Sayer ® ‘etn tg Pn Seon A @ ty auesion ator vig tings? Merion eine ond ey Mera gro Ro a Sesion | Stara ending tegy ove od See Seer une ees. Whats o friend? © thy dues Newton taeda) ey are cpr iy ne | Se Alri Seca ener sateen ont urtetad aerator" [tepiopttones fedonntomnna tends — en hone pot om et, |boehe tp esas Chg oe rican ew eg et te rer Sp: tt don't ae te Soralatporny ae ‘Sronane neyo conocer roe, ee Ta a es ® ig Question: How con we help? Sonics? Ssae ie Siaerees[eeeenen emo! [ees ae, [ee Serrinronces [Spm Eiopomm an mens | Reeiaa ea” co = RetgtecyUedng [ER Taio gore —— KeyWords 6: ty. ghey i, beck, | Preven imp: haw, has Quentin oe ees) big Question: vty do we need plons en enimats? Menten Ace ries ——”/ eyed ee oppo ‘cone Pacing ee | tnisemc-ag, [teres ¥ite | Pemncon | How ean ter | Bug Vopr eoeget eee ee eee! Seen, = sis* [ie Geet [tetera | SAAR Rimeteenet cocase | ageinartort or. tyve.peh, | sant seon ey Gmcoue gran | arwlacior | aa ear ect Seategy Vict ng Fey ects kite, ecoe wet snd, | tomebaney ome ° i” @ tig question: nats maginton? Nonen Amato Cur Mors pang pantbuan | Peet ge wet ne Aleman WareorsSottg | Leonto tein nap Schtreoramentaunaers | Stage Neortione | kamen an rene nt eed pane @ tig question: vny do we need cots? enter tong ey ern gotten ano | ve Progen: ata Neg Guingond res Pater or sene ore | Preven ecg tay eS Feginghvne ions Ey a erg os ese Rvs on he Fry ict resent erate Dogg Settee |g romemman, | ears a What is a family? o about fries BJ the ground rules for oracy. bout you and your fomiy. o @ presentation on your family. BEEN your new neéghbor your home beather mother {7) Ee watch the video. Circle the correct word. 2 Who has a big family? Alico Nicki © Whohos small fomily? Alice Nicki 2) (Is Watch again. Complete the graphic ‘organizer in the Activity Book. sister ‘grandfather ‘grandmother feet to Reading Strategy: Predicting from Pictures Pictures help you predict what o text is about, Look and mark y” the correct predictions, © D) This book is about o boy and his homster. O This book is about eating carrots. b CJ This book is about life in the Grandma says . ‘© Arethese her cousins? Yes, they are. No, they aren't: wc mill rc a E tely BO 00k Werk / tho coreet answer: Aunt Emmo says eves Dostory. ® ester 4d Timmy's cousin says . D cookies, D abath. @ Uncle Bob has an idea! He draws ... on Timmy's hand. Ly OD Timmys fomily D onimats f That night, Timmy... € Cente ieee 2 eh s D sleeps well and is hoppy. Yes, they are. (-) No. they aren't. (3) Retell the story with a portner. Use the pictures from Activity 2. (kon Draw your family. Form groups. Take tums osking ond answering questions. Isthis your father? Yes, itis. ae Roe ea QD took. How many people are there in each family? QD Ow tisten and number the pictures Pa Cee Paneer tis een make a photo album. ‘Ask your parents to help you print the photos, G2 Bring the photos te school ‘Ask your teacher to help you fold a sheet of o> dos Listen. Write Terri, Dora, or Brad under each picture. poper to make an olbumn. eating pizza going to the movies playing games Glue the photos in the album. ‘Write coptions under the photos: This is my mom. Present your photo album to your group. Ground as or Satiagin ee (Xp 1 fom gus. Discs tbe rey Tne! geson tes a fai 2 Remeron he gun, 5 Capt Cec Your Ort EDD bese et eee Teasers tahoe eco Before Your Mission (1) Arve Listen, took, and repeat. Give a home tour and introduce your neighbor, Where does your Fomily spend, the most time ot home? Why? In the Kitchen, We eat there. We talk there. oO (©) Inpairs, role-play meeting your new neighbor. Give your new neighbor ‘0 tour of your house. During Your Mission (6) 1n groups. role-play introducing your neighbor to your family. CSS Hello! Come in! Iwont you to meet my fomily Mom? Dad? We're in the kitchen. Thisiis ... , our mew neighbor. Nice to meet you Nice to meet you, too. Where’s Grandpa? In the living room. © Draw one activity you can do with yournelghbor Vo ialorn eins What is school like? about places and people at school. o to take turns in group discussions. oO questions for o new student recycling bins for poper. new student to school. What can Srv t-0i) rat ira ered Sern mtg So schoot teacher classroom uniform desk dlossmate ‘Watch the video. Which school is Mark v. (CJ Jone's school. () Sahits school lar to yours? ‘Watch again. Complete the graphic organizer in the Activity Book. Tl a) . Some words can give you clues about the meaning of a new word, QD read. cirete the words that help you understand dull. My pencils ore dull. ! need o pencil sharpener. {im ly. 'm ready for school acta ra ~ Ea I 2 cen b (el, | ‘Tat is met That is my desk my pencils need pencil sharpener QD Merk. the correct picture. - ia I QD) read. circle the words thot can help you understand oprons. Tart class, we use oprons to protect our clothes. ae amma: a “ 93) setts serene frm the text on page. Ciclethe words that help you understand Those are our coats. We hang them on that rack: Rack means ... pe 33) eee eS ‘Those are my classmates, And ‘hat is my teacher, Ms Jones Those are our coats. We hhang them on that rack, This isthe HUSIESSH, is favorite place! These are the ‘musical instruments we play. Fa This the SESSA, Here are all our art = supplies, like crayons, Look! This fs the BA. We play colored pencils, and basketball here, Ms. Siver is paper. Look at our our P€ teacher, drawings! Sead Circle Yes or No. © Ellys favorite place at schools the music room. Yes. No bb The computers are only for gomes Yes No ¢ The tablets are in the computer lab. Yes No ‘This i the BOE The children play video games in the gym. Yes No {b. we pay math ant Yes No vocabulary games on the computers. © ourteacher. wevntch since ios, We have 2 Ms Tones b the nurse lots of fun! These are tablets, we use Ms. Wilson i escheat orice Se 3 Ms, Wilson is © the school principal. ae Read the sentences from the text on pages 31-32. Cirle the words that help you understand drawings and smacks. © Thisis the art room. Here are al our ort supplies. like crayons. colored pencils, ond popet. Look ot our drawings! Thots the cofeterio, We have snacks and drinks there 7s, wilson isthe schoo! HE. ‘This is her office. Sie gives us ‘medicine and lolipopst That's the RIERA. We have heathy snacks and drinks there. tne need Crees IL X,) Grammar: Demonstrative Pronouns: this, that, these, those > This is a desk. These are tablets. > That is the auditorium. Those are uniforms. BD Ae senor number. Ten, stan ogsin, point and repack, (9B took ot activ complete te sentenee wth This Tat, hee, of Thoss or sovble b ——> -—— om aman is 0 computer. ore pencils. C}® compete the sentences with This, That, These, or Those. Then, number ‘the pictures. os is my uniform, 2— ore computers. 33 ‘ore lollipops. 4—> is my classroom, @ Ais» tisten to the poem and fellow. Mr. Mill's Mustache Mr. Mill works at the gym, He always drinks his milk. How are you, Mr. Mill? “Tm fine,” he says and grins. Mr, Mil, what is that? Tes a big milk mustache! (2 Mee Listen and repeat the words with the short jsound. @O® kead and match. 1 This kid has six figs. ° ° © oO QO Ae stn ond coy the sentences © choose a sentence from Activity 3. Act tout for your classmates to guess 2 Drink your milk. 3 That's a big wig! Tenia memunnnn Scene! Questions stort with a capital letter and end with o que: Who is this? Is this your mom? Scene 2 What's your Cant hove Underline the questions. Circle the capital letters and the fovorite tune cook ‘question marks in the questions. Complete the questions with capita eters and question marks, QO ox Ae woreh the video ond circle. Match the questions with the answers. 4 Scene |: Are the children taking turns? Yes No 1 Cho is this) @ His name is Vince. tb Saned:deette dilaeonateotura? Yes No sDirGeeeO) & epee € Which scenes eosier to understand? Scene | Scene 2 SPlewaidionei sei Heleetven yeaa 5. 4 ©® wiite questions to ask the new Let’s Practice Oracy!<[Z73. 4, 5 a Use the elues. @ What /is//name at school. Fotm pairs. Play the Oracy Time! game, Remember to take turns, Your partner puts classroom object in 0 bag. ‘Ask questions to guess the object. When you guess correctly. toke the object. b Where /are /from The student with the most objects wins! ere Fare / fro Crees ¢ How old ore 1 Iplayedthe game. Yes /No 2 Tteok turns. Yes / No Ceres aoe aa GO Oe CaM Listen, ook, and repent == wnting trery BD ciassity te words. ee QD ciete the conect answer, In math / writing class. we play number games. b In reading / writing closs, the teacher reads stories. ¢ Inmath / writing Pa J) (B11 Watch ogain. Complete the graphic ‘organizer in the Activity Book. C) pope = —- Ey ial oC — ae i Lifeli inva Pond “ee The title and subtitles can help you figure out what the text is about. ©] vndertine the ttle in red and the subtitles in blue. This is « BRA pond has fresh water Many onimals and plants live here. Plants Look! There are flowers in the pond! They ore WaTSRNES They are white. Animals in the Forest Large Animats In the forest, there are large animals like bears and deer. ‘SmallAnimals There are small animats.You can find rabbits or squirrels. Birds Many birds live in the forest, like eagles or blue jays. There ore plants all ‘around the pond. Look at this plant. cattoil fis long, and ie looks like the tail of a cat! Q® mark the best prediction about the text in Activity | It's about onimals in the forest. C) Itscbout bids round theword.C) \ re) (3) Read the title and the subtitles on pages 53-54, Mark /’ the best prediction about the text. 1's about people ina pond. C) It’s about plants and animals in a pond. () 4 ns Life in a Pond correct? Circle. Yes No 2 Plonts 3 Animals Ooo: Look! There are two fifi in the pond. 7 “They are called Kol. Kol are from apon, Thad orB orongs and whic. There is o fii on the rock. ‘And took, these are baby frogs! They are called fae. Caer Sea a BR Se GIO wees your pretctonin activity 08 page 2 Seals eee 2) Read and circle Yes or No. Bisa ee ese fs pnd Lan @ There ore flowers ina pond. Yes Ne rere ore o lot of (AGGIES! b Some insects live in @ pond. Yes No ‘ited abspeliajepce ¢ Todpoles are boby dragonflies, Yes No i are fish This is © water stride: I hos very long legs. oo inne te walks on the water! (©) head and mateh Subtitle Summary 1 ThePond 0 There are insects, There are fish. b A pond has fresh water © There is gross. There ore ‘woter lilies ond cattails Listen and repeat. Circle the words tail and helicopter in the text. Label the pictures. Prenton cant at Wee BD Look atthe picture of the garden. Complete the sentences with There is or There are. an earthworm, grass. flowers, ___ ents. plants. ___ a buttertiy, abee near the flowers, eoneoance Ce Work in pairs. Drow a pond in your notebook, Describe your pond to your partner This is © pond. There are butterflies. ‘Remember to {toke turns when working in pais. e (€9O Oe tisten to the chant. circle the words with the short o sound. Three Happy Frogs Bob, the frog, is sitting on a rack Bob and Don are sitting on a rock. He's waiting for his friend Ross They're waiting for ther friend Ross. He hears @ noise, “Is that you, Ross?” They hear a noise, ‘Ts that you, Ross?” “Nol Ie’ your friend Don!” “Yes! I’s your friend Ross!” Now the three happy frogs ‘ee sitting on a rock! ‘ee sitting on a rock! ‘ee sitting on a rock! @ Ars Listen again. Say the words with the short sound. se Listen and number. 1 The pot is hot. 2 The sock is on the clock. 3 My doll is on the floor. @ Ase tisten again andl say the sentences. The socks on the clock A When we listen to others, it's good to show that we are paying attention. CQDoe worch the vdeo and rete Pen We use commas between words ina list. Inthe pond there are dragonflies, masquitees, and frog (CD read ond circle the commes. ‘There are insects like butterflies, ladybugs, and ant: the forest, (2) Read and add commas. ‘There are yellow orange and purple flowers in our backyard! a Who listens to Emma? Liam — Jack Do you think Emma is happy with Li Yes No © What does Jack say to show he is listening? Isee. Wow! Let's Practice Oracy!(IQ76. 7, 8 (© complete the text and odd commas, Use the words in the box. flowers dragonilies trees bees fi; Do the Oracy Time! task, ee from nature. Dand ; There are plants like gross) Form pairs. Take turns describing your drawing. ‘my backyard. ‘ond. Cems) 1Ilistened, Yes/No 2 Isoid “Ise” to my partner. Yes/No There iso dragonfly. love my backyar (Cy ry What other living things are there ina garden? eee eee Aodicee dite toll (0 1 « cea Listen, took, and repect 229 i108 puppet happy dirty clean sod. @ Read. Then, took at the diagram. Jack and the Beanstalk wood Mother is angry c throws the beans out G2 ‘Complete the sentences with words from Activity |. Then, number the pictures. cist eppeed” Cores why hopend Jack and his mother are poor, Jack sells their cow and gets some beans, the window. A big beanstalk grows. ‘Cause Mother throws the beans out the 1 Dan is a carpenter. Look at the 2 His shop is not dirty. It is very Dan uses! a» 3 Danis never sad. He is always Effect A big beanstalk = om = 4 Heismokinge (CQO fead. Motch the cause with the effect. Jack climbs the beanstalk. He sees.a castle. castle: The goose lays golden eggs. The git eggs Jack takes the goose and escapes. 1 The A giant and a goose live in the nt is rich because of the golden giant gets angry, 1 The goose loys ‘golden eggs. Effect (@ The giant gets angry. 2 Jack tokes the ‘goose. 2, The giont is ich Oe In groups. look around the raom. Find something clean, something dirty, and something made of wood, I can see something clean. Is it the board? No, it isn't Is it the desk? Yes, its. ca Ge Weert @E® took or tne pictues on poges 62-65. whet do you think the story is about? ° ©. Collodi’s fairy tale adapted by Joep van der W This is Geppetto. He's o carpenter. He mokes BURRS from BGG, Where are the legs? (Oh! There they are! They/re under the table! Geppetto puts the puppet next to his favorite books. rs f You're almost ready, Pinocchio. Your head ison the table! Pinocchio! "You can move ‘and talk nov! Pinocchio, your lathes re ES oto school, This is fun. Pinccchio. Hu ts etter than Don’t be tate! ‘That's not tne, Pinocchit Your nose grows when you lie ‘Why does Pinocchio lie to Geppetto? Please get better, Father! Pleaser Pinocchio is a, It's bad t fe, Pinocchiot By | ts thestory reat EEN | or make-believe? How do you know? 4 Pinocchio! You're not 4@ puppet anymore! ‘ou're areal boy! Father The shelf fling! : 5 Le Pinocchio is @ real boy now. Pinocchio ‘and Geppetto are very hoppy! Suddenly. stor lights up the room. Pinacchio is different now! = © ORAL Lend Where is Pinocchio? He's next to the books. Where is the head? It's on the shelf. Where are the legs? They're uncer the table, Where are the books? They're in the bag, CBD Ase. complete the questions with is or are. Listen and circle the o Where the puppet? © Where the schoolbag? om wh 8) ef b Where the books? d Where the clothes? — s ft = @ Foi poits. took ot the objects from Pinocchio. Ask and onswer. © The puppet can move ond tok Geppetto the compenter, makes CO Pinocchio lies to Geppetto. olpunpet: ° ° ° © The books fall on Geppetto. G Pinocchio goes to ploy. 3 O Geppetto sends Pinocchio Pinocchio is @ real boy! & | to school rinocchio's nose grows J (3) Form groups. Use the sentences in Activity 2 to retell the story. roe At the end of the story. Finocchio i FOERTEIE ea ere tran Rac esa or Student B guesses where itis, Mees! ‘A: Where is the pencil? B: It's under the desk. A: Yes! I) BD took circ the heothy plant 7 Howcan A ine show Settee eae acy the parts of a poster to show the parts aflower? Cena Qo Qo . - @D As»: tisten ond mark /. Whois talking? be an ° ‘@ teacher ‘@ gardener ‘a father: 4 Form groups. Draw and color on a piece of construction paper: Con orange flowerpot, a brown square (For the soil), aagreen stem. two green leaves, five red petels, yellow circle (forthe center of the flower. (QD Os»: Listen ogein. Mork / what each plant needs =| ee of the flower. Glue them onto o white sheet of construction paper to make a flower. Draw roots on the soil with white chalk Label the parts of the flower: roots, stem, leaf. petols. Present your flower to the class i © fern oS Listening to Others (I) (ee au 4 1 Form groups. Disussthe Oracy What plonts do we eat? | Wa Time! question We eat lettuce. 2. Remember to listen. 3 Complete Check Your Oracy! in ‘ ‘the Activity Book on page S7. sunlight shade a lotof water alittle water at =} By Thee are te pore of the flower, This isaleof. oir Te acer (GO number the pictures. Making Ground Rules for Working in Groups Toking Turns Listening te Others fo © & GH [o coppletree orange tree lemontree tomatoes lettuce potatoes. cucumbers rr ap ae (C2 Motch the expressions withthe sills, o. 7) Fo e cv rose tulip sunflower Listening to Others Form groups. Discuss what you want in your garden. Mark v/. < Look ot this. 1 | This 0 lowe. Toking Turns Moke sure everybody has a turn to talk Draw a mop of the garden on a sheet of paper. Showr your garden map to the rest ofthe class. {wont an apple ‘roe in the garden, 1 Tfollowed our ground rules. 1 You are gaing todesign « school garden. 2 Itook tums. b Look at the map on page 71. What is a friend? oO ‘about what a friend is and who ore friends. CO BREEBD how to give your opinion. ‘bout friends. a ‘@ presentation on how to mal CED oploy dote. Deer] think ere friends? GS children eae) fun? Cee) (Be Woteh the video. Mark / the correct answers NS Who can be your friend? 4 your bretherorsister (a TV character () yourneighbor friends? F (D Be Watch again. Complete the graphic ‘organizer in the Activity Book. eed LA A Unie ey ~~~ = similarities f _—~ = citferences Finding similarities and differences helps i you understand o text better. ae Friends! Friends! Friends! My name is Silvia. This is Madison. She's my best fied. Having geod friends at school is very important, Madison and | do lots of things together. ‘We draw pictures, We read stories. We play during FREESE. We also BhaRG our cookies during lunchtime ‘We help each other in the classroom. Sometimes lend Madison my colored pencils CBD reod the texts. Then, circle Yes oF No. Jacks sbsyears old, He likes school He has two friends at school. He plays soccer with his friends. He rides eball with his fiends, rows pictures. bil Jack and Jim ore both seven years old, Yes No They both have two friends at school. Yes No They both play soccer with their friends Yes No They both draw pictures. Yes No Ny icin astndtn te Units Sune dena a Sue is ix yoars old. After school, she Tom is seven years old. Afterschool, goes to the park. She plays on the hhe goes to the park. He plays on the slides andl reas stories, slides andl rides his bike Q @ Friends! Friends! Friends! Match the columns. 1 Silvia ond Madison gare neighbors. 2 Fred and Mike b are brother and sister, They are friends, too. 3 Patsy and James ¢ are best friends at school. (© reas the text again. Mork the toble vor X. Daren 9) ‘ Im Patsy, and this is my brother, James. I'm seven, i j and James is twelve. James plays with me. Silvia and Madison | Fredand Mike | Patsy and James He doesn’t visi his friends after school. We ride our 7 7 , read stories bikes to many places. Sometimes we go to the park. sen ‘At home, he helps me with my homework. We are i go to the park brother and sister, and we are best friends, too. q vidle bikes T ploy during recess Hil I'm Fred. Mike ic my best (@) Work with a partner. Which pairs have two similarities in common? friend. Mike and | don’t go ue to the same school. We are We play together after school. We go to the BRE and play on the SWifigs and the BlRB. We ride our bikes, too. Sometimes other kids come and play with us! (GW oeeac aaa \ Maenere ts Cracianseind OEIIZ @ Mer tisten and sing. Sree ee I don’t ricle my bike to school. He doesn't visit his friends. We » nee soe A ell 7 degusrcacsettl ¢ | aone ee once inal Sel Sa) me mee rote find OD cic neconecr word Every Sunday, we go to the park. © My brother and I play boseboll. My brother can't make / catch the ball! b We run races. Mom always says, “Tie / Find your shoelace a Goldilocks and ¢ We eot lunch. Then, we find / pick up the trash - coe the Three Bears (© read and complete with words fram the box. 4 Papa Bear, Mama Characters: Bear, and Baby id” ae Bek le Bear alee Goldilocks, a little Jordan and her family are ot the beach. They have lot of fun! girl, gets into their 1 ae —— house. The bears 2 They shells. come back home. 3 They their names in the son Goldilocks runs the trosh ond keep the beach leon, away. 7 What is your favor (2) eros Ase ©A Box Full of Toys! by George Baez Narrator: Charlie and Patty are at their ‘grandpa’ house. They see a box in the living room, Charlie: What isi? Patty: Wow! It} « box fill of Dad: they ore your grandparents’ old toys. Patty: Con we play with d Grandma: Sure! a Cast of Characters Narrator — stands to the side of the stage when he or she isn't speaking Charlie — six-year-old boy Patty — four-year-old ait, Chatie’s si Dad — Charlie and Paty dad Grandpa Harris Grandma Harris ae a Srandpa looks through # pulls out Grandma's yo-yo. Patty: What is it, Grandpa? Grandpa: It Grandma's old yo-yo. Patty: How docs it work? Grandma: Let me show you. You Bi the string to your . you roll the yo-yo up and down! Sar Patty: Wow! This is amazing! Let me try! ‘Are old-foshioned toys fun? Grandma: Sure! 107 A A Box Full of Toys! Charlie: What’ this, G dpa? Grandpa: Oh, this is a small rubber ball, of course. These are metal Jacks. Jacks is my favorite game. You bounce the bail in the air and GU ail the jacks you can. Then, you EGG the ball again. Charlie: Let’ play jacks someday, Grandpa! Narrator: Charlie: What’ this, Grandpa? charlie Hi a crumpled piece of paper. Grandpa: Ie on old paper hat. Lets make ‘ovo has, one for you and one for m ‘Charlie: But Grandpa, | can’ GRE paper hats! Grandpa: | can help you. Hold on! “Let me show you my favorite toy. Narrator: Grandpa gets his tab Grandpa: Look, Charlie. | fi, “how to make a paper hat!" Then, [click on this link, Here’ a video. It shows you how to make it ‘Charlie: Wow! Your favorite toy és great, Grandpa! Tknow how to use it! Think ink @ / ee eee eee eae a Wha yu think he See plag with mng ot re your crumpled! pce of pop ony toys 109 Explore the Text Gn ead OG= a Hits Grendno's yoyo. Paty heise. (7™ (QO Ao tisten ond write ¢ (Chartie) or F (Potty) (GD wire soys what? match, wy Co Go back to the story on pages 106-09. Label the characters. 1 “It's box full of toys! @ Grandpa — 2 “ 2 2 “They are your grandparents’ old toys.” b Chorlie 5 “Yeu pickup al the jacks Then, youcateh he ball” Dad DO complete the sentences. whose toys are they? 4 “con't moke paper hat 4 Grandma I's _toy shopping ¢ Theyare___ alts. 5 “You roll the yo-yo up and down!” © Patty . vhiey ore soycie. dits___ toy tiger. (GE number the pictures, Retell the story with a partner, © Form pairs. Look ond onswer. Whose toys are they! Vicky Mark Helen v x x Cea eae eres Ce Pattern See eee) o GD) Look and mark... What is it? Itsamuseum.(] It'sa theme park. () Op Orem Listen and circle the name of the park. Nan Cure Tn) Funland Fun World Dd es Choose o character from your favorite story. Draw the character with colored pencils on a piece of posterboard. Paste the character on a wooden stick miniature cars. aes train games mini-golf @) Imagine you are at Fun World. What is your favorite attraction? Number ‘the attractions in order (I-4) starting with your favorite. gomes() rides) mini-golf() miniature cars) @ character feom my favorite book. He is @ boy with red hoir. Asking Questions to Undedtend Better OP 1 Form groups. Discuss the Oracy Time! question. 2. Remember to osk questions to. understond better. 3 Complete Cheek Your Oraacy! in meet om Cen What do you tke doing for fun? Tike playing gomes. [twists Worry, Hei | Look back through the unit. See 9 ——s 5 é Perec a Before Your Mission (1) Msw Listen, point, and repeat. toy train building blocks ‘action figure (2) Look and mark”. Which toy would you like to buy? JS) isn Listen ond cirl. Which toy do the children want to buy? 5 > jigsaw puzzle toy train What toys in the stuffed animal dolthouse pictures do you have? building blocks action figure Thave building blocks. During Your Mission Arse tisten again and match. How much are the toys? $29 $35 $34 $25 SIs Co yiratenelertay eeymer er @ Key Language Con Thelp you? Yes. Do you have ...? Here you go. How much is it? / How much ore they? It's (15) dollars. / They are (20) dollars. Tiltake it. /TU take them, Anything else? No, thank you. y™ How can we help? Q how to help. OBEREREE ino dicusion cout chores Q a chore chort. © BETTIE ideas to help your family members. Do you do ia ome ‘ = 7 : nin 4 i {e Watch the video. Circle the activities you can do to help. activities? make the bed water the plants ride your bike setthe table sweep the floor (2) Ce Watch again. Complete the graphic organizer in the Activity Book. diets x er Se Helping(Our, easy fe “Community 1©9D read and match eg RI . . HHL Fm Pete 'm in fst grade. [am clas) we have a profec to HIB the community. A community is a group of people living in the same place, We are all part of a community. At home, we all help with the chores. My mom sweeps the floor. My dad washes the dishes. | make my bed. Main Idea Our teacher has a list of places Famity chores to help. Every month we ERODE Key Details , a diferent place. 1 Dod ‘a sweeps the floor, Sometimes we go to Green 2 Mom b_moke my bed. Ca Valley Retirement Home. 31 ¢_washes the dishes. Old people ive there. ‘We play games, read. (G® reas. write the key details. % stories, oF chat with the residents, We walk with them in the gardens, too. There are many things your grandparents end you can do together. You can read stories, ploy . games. listen to music. and even cook! Main Idea: Activities to do with your grandparents. You can Other times, we 4 AIBAUUp the park, We collect trash 3) Look at the pictures on pages 114-20. What do you think the text is about? crea seme hae 9 Cirele Yes or Wo. Pete's class hos 6 list of places to help, Yes No. ‘The children choose three places to help at the same time, Yes No The children help the community and nature. Yes No ‘We also help nature. For example, ‘we make feeders to help the birds. ‘We put seeds and dried fruit in the (2) Match the places to the key details. bird feeders, We take the feeders retirement home bring food and toys j ham and hang them from Sk wll branches or windows. The bids Las pe ueectle cnimot shelter chat with the r ‘come and eat from the feeders. lents - play with the cats read stories collect trash oe 3) Listen and repeat, Number the pictures to match the ST meaning of list and chat. ‘Our teacher has a list of places to help. We chat with the residents. or Today we are at the animal shelter. ‘We always BA food and tous for the cats and dogs. We take the small dogs for a walk and play he with the cats. Do you have a pet? ‘You can BABE an enimal from the shelter! What else can you do to help nature? Remember to ‘sk questions ‘when you don’t understand, Crees (eeu ees ‘The bird feeder hos seeds. Ttdoesn't have leaves. S ith hoverhos ~ | The kids have a project every month. They don't have projects every week, 3D Ace tisten ond cice wha he people have. Mr. Allen Mrs. Claricand Mrs. Reed Mrs. Smith, 2692 tablet / photo album books / tablet photo album / tablet (2) im pairs, say what the peaple have. © Mpoies, soy whot the children howe or don't have, Use words from the box. bottles cons clothes doll teddy bear car ‘The boy hos some bottles, He doesn’t have o teddy bear. rime to Tait Patties ngs your shoo, Ia pars yw you hve ri oa and oe Taree pa Poy (D Qe Listen to the chant and follow. We're Donating Today These are the things: We're donating today. Toys, cans, blankets, and brushes. Everything is in these brown boxes. We'll visit a lot of places. We'te so happy to go! We'll bring pictures to school, For you, and you, and you! QO Ae» sen and repeat the words ending nso es Aer Listen and number the pictures. Then, check your answers with portner. cy Skill: Participating in a Discussion When we porticipate in a discussion, we listen corefully ond respond. (CQDoe Ave woteh the video and ciree Yes or Wo. 1 Liam uses Let's to make suggestions. Yes No 2- Jack participates in a discussion. Yes No 5 Kate alwys agrees with Liam, Yes No (DPD Ge Aew waren goin. circle the phrases you heor. Let's Practice Oracy!(Z710, Il, I2 Discuss the Oracy Time! topic. ideas @ racy Time! Meu fendis sk at New. Dts) ys to help him or her Agree or disagree with your clossmates, Creo 1 participated in o diseus Yes No 2 Ilistened carefully. Yes/No 3 Togreed or disagreed. Pen Anoun iso person. an animal, a place. or a thing, The boy cleans up the pork We make feeclers to help the birds. (thing) (enimaty (© wneertine the nouns. use afferent cotors ~~ sanimat A = thing Grandma is in the backyard. ‘She loves birds. ‘She likes to put seeds in the bird feeder. (B® vse the words to complete the text. “ot grondma countryside tablet This is Bob. He is helping his (person) use the Internet. Grondma has 0 new thing). Grondmo lives in the (Place, She needs to buy food ontine for her (onimal). (B) Look at the picture of the girl. Write a sentence that includes @ person, o place, and a thing. a Y PCa been) eee Aodicee dite toll 0 Os CoM Lister, ok, ond repect (liken Form groups. Play Charades. Choose o word from Activity | ‘and mime it. Your group members try to guess the word. Reading Strategy: Understanding Sequence Sequence is the order in which events happen in a story. Read, look, and circle: Kittg, Come Down! @ Are the pictures in A kiteen is up in the tree, Ie can't get down! ‘the correct sequence? Look! Here are the firefighters. They reset Yes No the kitten. The kitten is safe now. aE (GVO witho partner, number the pictures in Activity |. Retell the story. (QE reoa. number te pictures in the correct sequence ‘The Naughty Wind ‘Mrs, Clark washes the clothes. Then, she hangs them to dry, She goes back inside the house. A very strong wind comes. I blows, and blows,and blows The clothes are now on the ground They are dirty again. Poot Mrs. Clark. 1¢ needs to wash the clothes again! (9D took orn pitres on pages 2-31 Wht doyou tink the storys bout? oO ip ters. Beet! o A Messy Disruption By Bodhi Anasha Tom and Rick are brothers. They always clean their room and pick up ‘The boys try to catch Git their toys together. they can’t “Done!” says Rick Ginger jumps onto 0 flowerpot He Mii up the plants. Both boys are happy wh: their room is neat and Ei. He jumps onto the table He BBRRGIKE the dishes. “The boys chose Ginger, but he FHS] sana. ler the sofa. Finally, Ginger hides u ‘Suddenly, a cat comes in through the » window Iejumps onto the bed and plays with the blankets “Oh, no, its Ginger! Ginger is <0 very HGHGEG cat, And ou room is so messy now!” Ginger is Ms.Todd’s cat. Mrs.Todd is their next-door neighbor. ys the catin Tom ‘and Rick's house? 128 He breaks « lamp in the living room. the cat runt 9 coround the house? Mrs. Todd arrives and walks into the living room, “Here, kity, kitty!" Ginger comes out from under the sofa cand jumps into Mrs, Todd’ arms, yer is such « good kitty,” Mrs. Todd says. Then, she looks around the house. “Wow! You boys are messy! Clean up before {your mom comes home!” Here’ a ball!” says Tom to Rick. “Hey, Ginger! Do you want a ball?” asks Rick, The cat stays put. “Hey, Ginger! Do you want cheese?” es ay asks Rick The cat stays put. ac) ce ’ oa “What: can we do?” asks Tom “Lets Bll Mrs. Todd!” says Cini ‘Why does Mrs. Tadd soy the boys are messy? Is she right? Can Mrs, Todd help Tom and Ri 130 131 = © OD ciee vs oro. (Gr eee ‘9 Tom and Rick are cousins Yes No What do Tom and Riek have? They have toys. > Their room is always tidy. Yes No What soot Mrs. Todd have? She hos aca. © Ginger is a very naughty cot Yes No 4d Tom and Rick call their parents. Yes No (CO Dow tisten, complete the questions ond answers. Circe the correct words. ‘© Mrs, Todd helps the children clean the house. Yes No oe ° x °e (©D wuroer he picuresin he crrect sequence, am. > een 2 Whot Rose 2 She ‘@ broom to sweep / wash the floor, b Whot Tom 2 He hose to water / sweep the plants. © Whot_ Roy ?-« He ___arag to wash / dust the table. (2) Work in pairs. Think of things you have in your classroom that you can recycle. ( Choose and circle three objects for each * “a Ocmmmnsemamapeen er cree tea Time to Tait @ teacher Time to Tau eaeerctiiotiors Metunvalionel Goacien chen! eseecants Listen and mark J. ‘Where is the family? How con we show ways ‘tohelp ‘at home? We a chart with the days of the week at the top. a ae five chores you can do in the left- hand column. For example, make your bed, clean up your bedroom, pick up your toys, and so on. every doy. Write o your chart to class after o week your chart to the class. I plk up my toys every day. set the table on Tuesday ‘ond Thursdoy = = Participating in @ Discussion (Zp Form groups. Discuss the ‘Oracy Time! topic. (ea Remember to listen carefully lon @ picnic lunch. and respond. We can take ‘Agree or disagree with your sandwiches. cossmotes" ideas. ‘Complete Check Your Oracyt in = = ‘the Activity Book on poge I”, (33) Peace) |.) What oracy skill are they practicing? Number the pictures. 1 Giving Opinions 2 Asking Questions to 3 Participating ina Understand Better Discussion : bs feed the pets do the gardening fold the laundry a <—- mt Form groups. Remember your rules for working in groups, Discuss ways you can help a family , read and match. 1 Idon't understand. © Tagree. Let's do it! 2 Let's clean up the pork. __b ‘Tdisogree. I think it's funt 3 Ithink reading is boring. __¢ Can you repeat that? uevs do the orden ‘ You are going to think of Lise activities to help a family member, / 1 I porticipated in o discussion, b Choose ideas on page 187 or think of other ideas with 3 agreed or disagreed. Have a group member tell the class what activities you are going to do. Pemenemoed 2 listened to everybody. your group. \ 4 Losked questions te understand better. Why do we need plants and animals? a ‘about plants and animals. r ‘to project your voice. description CO EERE where produce comes from, 5 ot a market. ees intr! oy Miners @ @» Watch the video. Mark the products that come from animals, cheese [eggs [) basket [) jam [) meat © Watch again. Complete the graphic AB page 122 organizer in the Activity Book. Ge (nie ( Yn Sec acdc en aust (QD which photo motches the caption? Marke /. Cows give us milk, €9® match the coptions with the pictures. 1 Cowshavehoms. 2 baby cow is called a cal. Cirele the answer. Goats are farm Chickens are ‘animals. They are bieds. They live small and have on farms. They horns. A mother eat grass, bugs. ‘A coption iso sentence under 0 picture. Captions help us understand Reading Strategy: Using Captions the picture ond the text 3 Cows eat grass. 3) Read. What extra information do you learn from the captions? ¥ pt + Bats are small They sleep + inthe day and wake up at right. Bats tive in the desert, in the ISHS and in the city. Bats sleep in EWE, trees, cand in old buildings. Bats are mammals. They have fur Baby bats drink, milk from their mother, Bats can fi They are the only mammals that can fly! Bats can’t $88 colors very well)so they use their ears. They listen to the echoes to help them fly Bots eat fruit flower nectar. and insects. They eat a lot of insects. A single bat can eat 1,200 ‘mosquitoes in one hour! Gecalse frutjond seeds : sais ‘wo on three kids Chickens (oy chictan con oy Bats ear irsec that aby goatee or the same time. 9g. 265 eggs per year! ‘are bad for crops ar called kids. e993 per us gardens. In this way, bats: «@ Goats hove bobies. ©. Chickens lay many eggs. hep people. The nome of baby goats > Chickens eat grass, D) Look at the pictures and the captions on pages la What do you think the texts about? 2. Rais Why do people need bats? iN hw A Ai, ey 4 (CO citcte the correct animots. 4 1 They can fly bots reindeer Reindoor " = They push the snow with theirntlers. bats reindeer Relvacenars buy diva Ge Rirey cod ne They sleep upside down bats reindeer > places. They love the snow! sf They help contol insects bots reindeer vay Reindeer have big antlers. They use their They bate null Nec thes bets reindeer OY oles to i Ue ser ied oe (© ® Look ond read. undertine the correct coption for each picture, Reindeer eat plants and grass. Their favorite food is green leaves, Wild reindeer in North Reindeer have hard hooves to walk onthe America are called caribou. snow and on the ice. They also have thick fur. This helps them to stay warm. Bats eat flower nectar. Reindeer ploy in the snow. Bots eat lot af insects. Reindeer pull steighs. Reindeer help people. They are very strong, and they can pill sleighs. They con run very fast, 00, They con run 80 km per hour, That is as fast-as a car! Circle wake up and crops in the text. Then, read and number the pictures. wake up at 6:30 every morning, Look at those crops! Are they grapes or tomatoes? Reindeer are very social creatures, They eat, travel, and fis in groups. listen carefully and to respond when What other animals help people pull heavy things? Cane eee Bats con fly. Bats can’t see colors very wel BD Ave Listen ond number the animate in order. + ho Be eagle chipmunk (GD Av» Listen again, write about what the animals con and can't do. hop fly climb run '@ Hares con Hares con't b Chipmunks con «Chipmunks con't : © Eagles can Eagles con't (3) With a partner, talk about the animals. re —~* ‘Chipmunks can climb, CT ‘Talk to your partner about things you can and con't do, Tecan draw pictures. Tcan't ride a bike. a = © 6 Ae» tiseen tow, ond match © ‘The king likes:to sing. Frank wears pink shoes. Jack has a new triek. y @D cite the finol consonants in each word clock rock = sing) swing) pink ~— drink @ Cow usten and repest the words in Activity 2. (GE Dew cook ot the pictures. Listen and circle the words with the same long / black a swing / brick 3 J strong © pairs, say the tongue twisters. Who con soy them faster? Frank has a pink skunk. ‘The king likes to sing on the swing.

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