Multiple Choice 3 (Standard Level) : Name: Class: Total: /50

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Name: Class: Total: /50

Multiple Choice 3 (standard level)

1.There……….no rain here since last month.
A is B has been C was
2. You had better ……………harder.
A work B to work C worked
3. Let him …………. it himself.
A do B to do C doess
4. He was too foolish……………your words.
A understand B to understand C understood
5. I……………to London several times.
A go B have been C have gone
6. I had my sister…………….my hair this morning.
A do B to do C done
7. Your father usually has lunch at home, ……………….he?
A hasn’t B does C doesn’t
8. They moved to Thornburg………………May 17.
A on B at C in.
9. The train will arrive …………Paris.............. 8.30 p.m.
A on …at B at…at C in….at
10. I was tired…………watching the children playing.
A with B of C to
11. The pond near your house is full ……………white water lilies.
A with B of C to
12. I will get off…………the next bus-stop.
A on B at C in
13.He is going to……….. back for some minutes as he is tired now.
A lie B laid C lay
14. The murderer was…………yesterday.
A hanging B hung C hanged
15. The picture was………in the museum.
A hung B hang C hanged
16. Jane is the …………of the two sisters.
A elder B eldest C oldest
17. Michael is the……….member of the team.
A younger B more C youngest
18. Did you ………….your pocketbook?
A lose B loosen C loose
19. Is there any interesting…………… the paper?
A new B news C pieces of news
20. Is Kent…………… away from London than the English Channel?
A further B father C farther
21.The nations of the world desire ……………..
A peace B a peace C piece
22. Tim is …………..I am.
A so old as B as old as C older as
23. This is the second time that you have been here, ……………………?
A isn’t it B haven't you C don’t you
24. If you could take a trip to the moon, ………………..?
A what will you do B what would you do C what are you doing?
25. This is the best play ……………I have ever seen.
A where B what C that
26. The assembly hall is almost full. There are ……………..seats left
A only a little B only few C only a few
27. When he got home, he……………the radio.
A turned on B was turning on C had turned on
28. Her hands were so cold ………………. she could not type.
A for B that C as
29. This box is ………………. than that one.
A more heavy B the more heavier C heavier
30. Please lock the door when you……………….
A will have left B will leave C leave
31. I am not ready, ……………
A and she isn’t too B and neither is she C and so is she
32. A friend of ………….came to tea yesterday.
A her Janet B Janet C Janet’s D Janets'
33. When the two women met, they stopped and kissed …………….
A each another B each other C the other each D each one
34.I felt like kicking …………. when l made that mistake.
A my own B mine C myself D me
35. Jane makes all ………….dresses.
A hers B herself C herself’s D her own
36. She is very good ……………..making them too.
A at B for C in D to
37. “Take care”, the note said”. You are ……………….danger. Do as you are told’.
A on B with C at D in
38. David is short. He’s not ……………….to be a policeman.
A so tall B tall enough C quite tall D tall that
39. Mary said that she was……………. able to wash the plates herself.
A too B plenty C quite D so much
40. If he’s eaten all that food, he’s eaten………………
A too much B too many C quite much D quite many
41. She was standing by an electric heater, and her nightdress………… fire.
A caught B set C took D became
42.”Here’s the money l promised,” he said.” l always ………….my promises.
A agree B follow C make D keep
43. Students should answer seven of the……………..ten questions.
A below B following C under D added
44. There are more…………… Bristol than in any other city I know.
A football B footballs team C footballs teams D football teams
45. He owes you a lot of money, ………..?
A isn’t it B doesn’t he C hasn’t he D has he
46. Of course, she would come to the meeting if you……………..her.
A asked B have asked C will ask D had been
47. I………….in the café having a drink when the police arrived.
A sat B was sat C was sitting D have sat
48. He………………. the tickets, but he had no time to call at the cinema.
A would have booked B might book C could book D was booking
49. They’ll certainly come……………them.
A when calling B you’re calling C if you call D do you call
50. When he failed……………us, we left without him.
A to meet B not to meet C to be met D not to be met

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