3 AC TEST correction (1)

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3 ac test correction


Exercise 1: True or False. Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

1. The author says to find half an hour each day to write. True
2. The text says that a good story starts with the main character being happy. True
3. The author advises not to tell the reader the message of the story directly. True
4. The text says it is important to describe what the characters look like. False
5. The author suggests using simple words and sentences when writing. True

Exercise 2: Instructions: Answer the following questions.

6. How much time does the author suggest you find each day to write?

The author suggests finding half an hour each day to write.

7. What does the author say is the starting point of a good story?

The author says that the starting point of a good story is the plot, which often begins with the
main character being happy before something goes wrong.

8. How should the theme or message of the story be presented to the reader?

The theme or message of the story should be presented indirectly, allowing the reader to figure it
out on their own.

9. What should you ask yourself about the characters before you start writing?

You should ask yourself questions about who the characters are, what motivates them, why they
are doing what they do, and ensure they are not perfect but human with flaws.

10. What advice does the author give about writing style?

The author advises using simple words and sentences, considering the audience, keeping them
interested, and writing in a natural style.


Exercise 1: Zero Conditionals Instructions: Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. If you heat water, it ……………………

o a) boils
2. Plants ………………… if they don't get enough sunlight.
o a) die
3. If you mix red and blue, you ……………… purple.
o a) get
4. If people eat too much, they ……………… weight.
o a) gain
5. If you touch a flame, it ………………….. you.
o a) burns

Exercise 2: First Conditionals Instructions: Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. If it rains tomorrow, we ………………… at home.

o b) will stay
2. She ………………… happy if she passes the exam.
o b) will be
3. If they ………………. late, they will miss the bus.
o a) are
4. We …………………. you if you need any help.
o b) will help
5. If I ………………… enough money, I will buy a new bike.
o a) have

Exercise 3: Second Conditionals Instructions: Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. If I ………………… a million dollars, I would travel the world.

o b) had
2. She would buy a new car if she …………………. more money.
o b) had
3. If they ………………….. in the city, they would go to that new restaurant.
o b) lived
4. If we …………………… more time, we would visit more places.
o b) had
5. He would be happier if he …………………. a different job.
o b) had

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