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LIGHT: It is invisible form of energy which creates sensation of vision, when the reflected
light falls on it.
In dark room we cannot see any object, but when bulb is switched on, everything in the
room becomes visible. Thus for the vision the presence of light is essential.
Sources of light: The substance which gives the light is said to be source of light.
Natural source of light: Source of light which forms naturally is known as natural source of
light. Sun is the primary source of light for mankind.
Artificial source of light: Manmade source of light is called Artificial source of light:
Ex:- Lighted bulb, a fluorescent tube, a lighted candle ,a kerosene oil lamp etc. are other
sources of light.

Speed of light: Light travels at very fast speed i.e., 3 × 108 m/s. It means the speed of light is
3000,00,000 m/s or 3,00,000 km/s.
Luminous bodies:-The bodies which give out light energy by themselves are called luminous
bodies. Ex :- The sun, the stars, glow worm etc.
Non-luminous bodies: The bodies which do not give light energy by themselves, but reflect
the light energy falling on them are called non-luminous bodies. Ex:-moon, wood,
Terms related to light:
I) Optical medium: Any material (or) non-material through which light energy passes wholly
(or) partially is called optical medium. Ex:- vacuum, air, water, glass etc.
II) Homogeneous medium: An optical medium which has a uniform composition throughout
is called homogeneous medium Ex:- vacuum ,diamond, distilled water, pure alcohol etc.
III) Heterogeneous medium: - An optical medium, which has different composition at
different points is called heterogeneous medium. Ex: - Air, muddy water, fog, mist etc.
IV) Transparent medium:- A medium which allows most of the light energy to pass through
it is called transparent medium. Ex:- vacuum ,glass, clear air, alcohol, benzene etc.
V) Translucent medium:- A medium which partially allows the light energy to pass through
it is called translucent medium. Ex:- oiled paper, tissue paper ,ground glass, butter paper

VI) Opaque bodies:- The bodies which do not allow the light energy to pass through them are
called opaque bodies. Ex:-Bricks, wood, metals etc.
VII) Point source of light :-A source of light which is of the size of pinhead is called point
source of light. Ex:- The pinhole act as a point source of light.
VIII) Extended source of light :- Any source of light which is bigger than point source of
light is called extended source of light. Ex:- Bulb, Tube light, burning candle etc.
IX) Ray of light :- The path along which light energy travels in a given direction is called ray
of light .

X) Beam of light:- A collection of number of rays of light is called beam of light.

i) Parallel beam:- When the rays of light travels parallel to each other, then the collection of
such rays is called parallel beam.

ii) Divergent beam:- When the rays of light originating from a point ,travel in various
directions, then the collection of such rays is called divergent beam.
Ex:- The rays coming out from a bulb or a burning candle or a car headlight constitute a
divergent beam.

Note:- A point source produces a divergent beam of light.

iii) Convergent beam: - When the rays of light coming from different directions, meet at a
point then the collection of such rays is called convergent beam.

Ex:- If a parallel beam is made to pass through a convex lens, then it meets at a point. This
kind of collection of rays is called convergent beam of light.
Rectilinear propagation of light: Light travels in a straight line as long as it is travelling in
the same medium.

Reflection of light: The return of light into the same medium after striking a surface is called
reflection. (Or)
The bouncing back of light in to the same medium on striking the surface of any object.
Reflection of light is the process enables us to see different objects around us.
There are two types of reflection:
1. Regular reflection or Specular Reflection

2. Irregular reflection or Diffuse Reflection

Regular Reflection: Irregular reflection:

When the reflection takes place on highly When the reflection takes place rough
well polished smooth surface is called surface is called irregular reflection.
regular reflection.
The parallel rays falling on it, the reflected The parallel rays falling on it, the reflected
rays are also parallel to with each other, rays are reflected in different direction.
the reflected light goes in one particular
This enables us to see the clear image of This enables us to see different objects
the objects around us. It cannot form any image

Terms related to reflection of light:

i) Incident ray: The light ray which comes from the source or object
ii) Point of incidence: At which point the incident ray strikes at the interface of the medium
iii) Normal: The perpendicular line drawn from the point of incidence
iv) Reflected ray: The bouncing back of light ray from the point of incidence.
v) Angle of incidence: The angle between normal to the incidence ray
vi) Angle of reflection: The angle between normal to the reflected ray
vii) Glancing angle of incidence: The angle between interface of the medium to the incidence
viii) Glancing angle of reflection: The angle between interface of the medium to the
reflected ray
ix) Angle of deviation: The angle between original path of the incident ray to reflected ray
Laws of Reflection: The reflection at a surface obeys the following two laws, which are
called the laws of reflection.
1. The angle of incidence ‘i’ is equal to the angle of reflection r (∠ i=∠ r )
2. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incidence, lie on the same
plane of reflection.

Note: When a ray incident normally on the interface of the medium, it reflect back along the
same path (∠ i=∠ r =00 ¿
When the light rays are incident on the object, the reflected or refracted rays are actually
converging at that point or appears diverge from that point is called image.
Images are two types:
1. Real image
2. Virtual image

When the light rays are incident on the When the light rays are incident on the
object, the reflected or refracted rays are object, the reflected or refracted rays are
actually converging at that point is called appearing to diverge from that point is
real image. called virtual image.
Real images are inverted Virtual images are erect
It can be obtained on a screen It cannot be obtained on a screen
The images formed on a cinema screen, The images are formed by the concave lens,
concave mirror, convex lens are the convex mirror, plane mirror are the
examples of real image. examples of virtual image.

Mirrors: A smooth, highly polished reflecting surface is called a mirror. One surface of the
mirror is made opaque by silvering followed by a thin coat of red lead oxide paint.
There are two types of mirrors.
i) Plane mirror
ii) Spherical mirrors
a) Concave mirror
b) Convex mirror
Plane mirror: A highly polished plane surface is called a plane mirror.

Characteristics of Images formed by Plane Mirror:

1. The image of real object is always virtual. Such image cannot be taken on a screen.

2. The image formed in a plane mirror is always erect.

3. The size of the image in a plane mirror is always the same as the size of the object.

4. The image formed in a plane mirror is as far behind the mirror, as the object is in front of the

5. The image formed in a plane mirror is laterally inverted i.e. the left side of the objects

becomes the right side of the image and vice-versa.

Lateral Inversion:
When an object is placed in front of a plane mirror, then the right side of object appears to
become the left side of image; and the left side of object appears to become the right side of
image. This phenomenon is called lateral inversion. The phenomenon of lateral inversion is
due to the reflection of light.

1. Multiple Images: The number of images (N) formed by two mirrors, when they are
inclined at an angle θ. Is determined by the following formula

If N is even number N= −1
If N is odd number N=
0 360
Example: θ=30 N=
0 =12, N=12-1=11
0 360
θ=40 N= 0
= 9 , N=9
2. In order to see full image of a person, the minimum size of the mirror should be
one half the person's height.

Spherical Mirrors:
A spherical mirror is that mirror whose reflecting surface is the part of a hollow sphere of
transparent glass.
Depending upon the nature of the reflecting surface of the mirror, spherical mirrors are of two
types. i) Concave mirror
ii) Convex mirror
Concave Mirror: A spherical mirror whose inner hollow surface is the reflecting surface is
called a concave mirror. (or bent-in surface).
Convex Mirror: A spherical mirror whose outer surface is the reflecting surface is called a
convex mirror. (or bulging –out surface).

Terms Related To Spherical Mirrors
(i) Aperture: The aperture of a spherical mirror is the diameter of the reflecting surface of the

(ii) Pole (P): The centre of reflecting surface of a spherical mirror.

(iii) Centre of Curvature(C): The geometric centre of hollow sphere of glass of which the

spherical mirror is a part. It is represented by letter ‘C’.

(iv) Radius of Curvature(R): The radius of the hollow sphere of glass of which the spherical

is a part.
(v) Principal axis: The straight line which is passing through the centre of curvature C and

pole P of the spherical mirror, produced on both sides.

(vi) Principal Focus of a Spherical Mirror:

Concave mirror: When the parallel beams of light ray incident on the concave mirror,
the reflected rays are actually converging at that point is called principal focus of the concave
 It has a real focus.
 The focus of a concave mirror is in front of the mirror.
 Since a concave mirror converges a parallel beams of light rays, it is also called
converging mirror.

Convex mirror: When the parallel beam of light ray incident on the concave mirror,
the reflected rays are appear to diverge from that point is called principal focus of the convex
 It has a virtual focus.
 The focus of a convex mirror is situated behind the mirror.
 Since a convex mirror diverges a parallel beams of light rays, it is also called diverging

Focal Length: The focal length of a spherical mirror is the distance between its pole and
principal focus. It is denoted by the letter ‘f’.
Relation between Radius of curvature and focal length of a spherical mirror
The focal length of a spherical mirror is equal to half of its radius of curvature.
( f = 2 ) or R = 2f .

Terms symbols
Object distance u
Image distance v
Height of the object h0
Height of the image hi
Magnification factor hi
m =h

1 1 1
Mirror formula or Gaussian formula = +
f v u
height of the image i h
Magnification factor for spherical mirrors m= height of the object = h = u

Rules For Obtaining Images Formed By Spherical Mirrors:
The intersections of at least two reflected rays give the position of image of the point object.
Any two of the following rays can be considered for locating the image.
1. A ray of light which is parallel to the principal axis, after reflection, it will pass through
the principal focus in case of a concave mirror or appear to diverge from the principal
focus in case of a convex mirror.

2. A ray of light is passing through the principal focus of a concave mirror or a ray which is
directed towards the principal focus of a convex mirror, after reflection, will emerge
parallel to the principal axis.

3. A ray of light is passing through the centre of curvature of a concave mirror or directed in
the direction of the centre of curvature of a convex mirror, after reflection, is reflected back
along the same path.

4. A ray of light incident obliquely to the principal axis, towards a point P (pole of the
mirror), on the concave mirror or a convex mirror, is reflected with same oblique angle.

Formation of Different Types of Images by a Concave Mirror
The type of image formed by a concave mirror depends on the position of object in front of
the mirror. There are six positions of the object:
Case–1: Object is at infinity
When an object is placed at infinity of a concave mirror, the image formed is

(i) between the focus and centre of curvature

(ii) real and inverted, and

much smaller than the object (or highly diminished)

Case–2: Object is beyond the centre of curvature(C)
When an object is placed beyond the centre of curvature of a concave mirror, the image
formed is

(i) between the focus and centre of curvature

(ii) real and inverted, and

(iii) smaller than the object (or diminished)

Case–3: Object is at the centre of curvature(C)

When an object is placed at the centre of curvature of a concave mirror, the image formed is

(i) at the centre of curvature

(ii) real and inverted, and

(iii) same size as the object

Case–4: Object is in between focus(F) and centre of curvature(C)

When an object is placed between the focus(F) and centre of curvature(C) of a concave mirror,
the image formed is

(i) beyond the centre of curvature

(ii) real and inverted, and

(iii) larger than the object (or magnified)

Case–5: Object is at the focus(F)

When an object is placed at the focus of a concave mirror, the image formed is

(i) at infinity

(ii) real and inverted, and

(iii) highly magnified (or highly enlarged)

Case–6: Object is in between P and F

When an object is placed between the pole(P) and focus(F) of a concave mirror, the image
formed is

(i) behind the mirror

(ii) virtual and erect and

(iii) larger than the object (or magnified)

Uses of concave mirrors:

1. Concave mirrors are commonly used in torches, search-lights and vehicles headlights to get

powerful parallel beams of light.

2. Concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors to see a larger image of the face.

3. The dentists use concave mirrors to see large images of the teeth of patients.

4. Concave mirrors are used as doctor’s head mirrors to focus light coming from a lamp on to

the body parts of a patient to be examined by the doctor.

5. Concave dishes are used in TV dish antennas to receive TV signals from the distant

communications satellite.
6. Large concave mirrors are used to concentrate sunlight to produce heat in solar furnaces.

Formation of different types of images by a convex mirror

The type of image formed by a convex mirror depends on the position of object in front of the
mirror. There are six positions of the object:
Case–1: Object is at infinity

When an object is placed at infinity of a convex mirror, the image formed is
(i) behind the mirror at focus

(ii) virtual and erect, and

(iii) much smaller than the object (or highly diminished)

Case–2: Object is placed between P and infinity

When an object is placed between pole and infinity in front of a convex mirror, the image
formed is
(i) between the pole and focus

(ii) virtual and erect, and

(iii) smaller than the object (or diminished)

Uses of convex mirrors:

Convex mirrors are commonly used as rear-view (wing) mirrors in vehicles. These mirrors are
fitted on the sides of the vehicle, enabling the driver to see traffic behind him/her to facilitate
safe driving. Convex mirrors are preferred because they always give an erect, though
diminished, image. Also, they have a wider field of view as they are curved outwards. Thus,
convex mirrors enable the driver to view much larger area than would be possible with a
plane mirror.
Sign Convention for Spherical Mirrors:
The following sign convention is used for measuring various distances in the ray diagrams of
spherical mirrors:
 Reference point is the pole(P)
 Reference axis is the Principal axis (XY)
 Reference direction is the incident ray direction.
1. Distances measured in the direction of the incident ray are positive and opposite to that of

the incident rays are negative.

2. Vertical distances measured above the principal axis are positive and below the principal

axis are negative.

Terms concave mirror convex mirror

R -ve +ve
f -ve +ve
u -ve -ve
-ve (real)
v +ve (virtual)
+ve (virtual)
h0 +ve +ve
-ve (real)
hi +ve (virtual)
+ve (virtual)

Note: 1. Magnification (m) is – ve for real image and + ve for virtual image whatever
may be the spherical mirror.
2. For the concave mirror sign conventions are – ve when the image formed by it is real.
(except h0 and virtual image distance, virtual image height are +ve)
3. For the convex mirror sign conventions are + ve ,(except object distance is -ve).
Points to be remembered:
 The height of the object is taken to be positive as the object is usually placed above the

principal axis.
 The height of the image should be taken as positive for virtual images. However, it is to be

taken as negative for real images.

 When the image is real, it is inverted so h2 is negative which results ‘m’ is –ve. A negative

sign in the value of the magnification indicates that the image is real.
 When the image is virtual, it is erect so h2 is positive which results ‘m’ is +ve. A positive

sign in the value of the magnification indicates that the image is virtual.


1. Focal length of a convex mirror is 50 cm. What is its radius of curvature?

2. Radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 25 cm. What is its focal length?

3. A concave mirror produces 10 cm long image of an object of height of 2cm. What is the

magnification produced?
4. An object 4 cm in size is placed at a distance of 25 cm from a concave mirror of focal

length 15 cm. Find the position, nature and height of the image.
5. A converging mirror forms a real image of height 4 cm, of an object of height 1cm placed

20cm away from the mirror. Calculate the image distance. What is the focal length of the
6. An arrow 2.5 cm high is placed at a distance of 25 cm from a diverging mirror of focal

length 20cm. Find the nature, position and size of the image formed.
7. The image formed by a convex mirror of focal length 20cm is a quarter of the object. What

is the distance of the object from the mirror?

8. An object 2cm high is placed at a distance of 16cm from a concave mirror, which produces

3cm high inverted image. What is the focal length of the mirror? Also, find the position of
the image.
9. An erect image 3 times the size of the object is obtained with a concave mirror of radius of

curvature 36cm. What is the position of the object?

10. An object is placed in front of a concave mirror of focal length 20cm. The image formed is

3 times the size of the object. Calculate two possible distances of the object from the mirror.
11. A concave mirror produces a real image 10mm tall, of an object 2.5mm tall placed at 5cm

from the mirror. Calculate focal length of the mirror and the position of the image.
12. An object is placed at a large distance in front of a convex mirror of radius of curvature

40cm. How far is the image behind the mirror?

13. An object is placed 15cm from a convex mirror of radius of curvature

90 cm. Calculate position of the image and its magnification.

14. When an object is placed at a distance of 60cm from a convex mirror, the magnification

produced is 1/2. Where should the object be place to get a magnification of 1/3?
15. An object is placed 18cm front of a mirror. If the image is formed at 4cm to the right of the

mirror. Calculate its focal length. Is the mirror convex or concave? What is the nature of the
image? What is the radius of curvature of the mirror?
16. A convex mirror used for rear view on an automobile has a radius of curvature of 3m. If a

bus is located at 5m from this mirror, find the position, nature and magnification of the
17. An converging mirror of focal length 20cm forms an image which is two times the size of

the object. Calculate two possible distances of the object from the mirror.
18. The linear magnification of a convex mirror of focal length 15cm is 1/3. What is the

distance of the object from the focus of the mirror?

19. Find the focal length of a concave mirror that produces four times larger real image of an

object held at 5cm from the mirror.

20. An object is held at 30cm in front of a convex mirror of focal length 15cm. At what
distance from the convex mirror should a plane mirror be held so that images in the two images
coincide with each other?


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