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Append [See regulations 2! (|)} PRACTICAL TRAINING CONTRACT FORM FOR PHARMACISTS SECTION | ‘This form hasbeen issued‘) 0 Kumar Mv (Name of student pharmacist) Late: sates son of aught of 9" Teng at At nagar Clony Cnondin who ts prodcedevidense before me that he’she is entitled to receive the Practical Training as set out in the Education Regulations under section 10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. ‘Due: fio} Sees Mien aaa ee nae ‘$0: SECTION Agarsh 1 aecept (Name of the Student Pharmacist) of— (Name of the Apprentice Master) (Name of the Insticution) (Hospital or Pharmacy) as my Apprentice Master forthe above training and agree to obey and respect him /her during the entire period of my taining. ¢Studemt Pharmacist) : ek aay aa (Name of the Apprentice Master) (Name of the student pharmacist) ‘uaince and I agree to give him /her training facilities in my organization so that during his her taining he /she may acquire: |. Working knowledge of keeping of records required by the various Acts affecting the profession of pharmacy; and 2. Practical experience in (a) the manipulation of pharmaceutical apparatus in common use: to) he reauing, translation ane eopying Or presenpuions incuding te checking OF OSes; (c) the dispensing of prescriptions illustrating the commoner methods of administering medicaments; and (a) the storage of drugs and medicinal preparations {ao as hs Regt Pass stl bmi her une bree” ia a Sate istiuton) ane ‘certify that Yogendlas Kumar Muchns __(Name of student pharmacists) hhas undergone _,$ 7 _hours trining spread over _3 months in aceordapce with the details ‘enumerated in SECTION Ii ce Head of the Organisation ar ReaEAEEca Division) a ONY | cestify that 6 i ‘has (Name of student pharmacists) completed in all respect his practical training under regulation 20 of the Education Regulations framed under section10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948.He had his practical training in an Institution approved the Pharmacy Council of India, Date: (Head of the f Institution) $.D.D, COLLEGE OF PHARMA\ ‘Adatsh Nagar, Shukul Bazar, Amethi DIPLOMA U/S 12, NT PENDS UTR "3... 1° STORES? ceed rd DP Enos srs 22225 a iestnc yop galctey”rcesnerde Fete aplane gwen Parnc tutte Smatacotr corms eringhadon5 102002 resets tanson Sante Sr Ina wa edad 202 223 race scoknin chaooycore() The poviue pow ake dangate) 2022 sonia Lxsrow Un alec {eso ano 202.29 cnmmi enon es ntosgha ha Cunel nm aponsed ener 0 20 9nd

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